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private Too Old To Be A Blank Flank


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It had been a long while since Stormy Clouds had stopped into town and her supplies were getting low she could tell because her side packs were getting far to light. She knew she was close to Horseshoe Bay having been through this area once before which would mean she was close to Baltimare but that was still another day and a half travel away even by flight which her wings were needing a rest. Stormy landed sighing as she started to walk,"I guess I'll stay at the Inn...things should be quiet at this time of night." It was late but Horseshoe Bay did have a nice small fishermen town attached to it which would me should could pick up some of the supplies she needed but she's save her bits for when she got to Baltimare since she'd probably be able to find some form of temp work there to be able to afford the things she needed.


As Stromy got into town she could still see that there were still some late night workers since fishing boats never really stopped working and used her wings to hid her for lack of better words 'Blank flanks'. As she made her way into the Inn she got having a room to sleep in for the night tucked away before she went to go sit in over to the dining area taking a seat as she tried to decide what she wished to eat for her late night supper.


(OOC Link: http://mlpforums.com/topic/119267-to-old-to-be-a-blank-flank-ooc-open-for-peeps-to-join/#entry3421488 )

Edited by LoCrois
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"I know were it came from and I know that this is my shipment!" Chain yelled as he talked to a pony how was in charge of shiping "well we wont be able to give you anything till next morning sir" the stalion said calmly "alright fine spending another day here cant hurt right? do you know any where I could go to sleep?" "well my wife works nights at The Inn in town you can go there" "alright whats the name?" "The Inn" "thats a joke right?" "no it's not a joke" "goodbey sir" Chain trots to The Inn leaving behind the dark dock with his shipment of metals, Chain walks in to The Inn seeing the dining room then gets a room for himself then thought I got 50 bits left I can get something to eat while I am here Chain heads back to the dining room which looks like a family diner with the leather chairs huging the wall and the wooden chairs with pads that make you feel like you were siting on hard fluff as well as the lights all being on the celling hanging like lanterns he then sits down at a leather seat because he liked them much better and saw that he was sitting with a pony "oh sorry I didn't know you were sitting here sould I leave?" Chain asked the pony

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Stormy was a bit surprised to have someone joined her so suddenly like that and looked around for a moment. The Dining area was pretty empty aside from a few stay ponies spread out around and the way she was sitting she kind of was in a darker corner of the table. As she looking back to the new unfamiliar face she simply nodded as she cleared her throat,"Yes..of course you may if you so wish I'm simply waiting to make my order and there is more than enough room here for the both of us.." she said quietly and calmly with a small smile it wasn't often she had some company with dinner so she didn’t mind the short time she’d have with her dining companion if he chose to stay and if not then she'd just leave it at that, but did she hope to have maybe something interesting happen since the last few days had been so quiet and she had nothing new to add to her Travel log since she had seemed to have gotten lost and ended back up down this way again she knew she would have to consult a map sooner or later so make up for the mistake.

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a bit out into the wilderness lied a ball of electricity which floated there for a few moments until it combusted and released Snowflake. Snowflake who was lying on the ground quickly tries to get on his hooves before anyone finds him suspicious... Snowflake's vision is blurred and he is dazed like you wouldn't believe it once he comes to his senses he pulls out his pocket watch, then puts it back in the pocket of his cloak he adjusts his hood and face wrap and begins to walk"everything seemed to work just fine I'm exactly where I predicted to be I just hope I'm not too late" Snowflake continues to walk forward giving the impression he was an assassin to the citizens of Horseshoe bay Snowflake watched everyone but couldn't find who he was looking for he then says to himself "come on I know your around here somewhere" Snowflake sees a couple of fishermen eyeballing him he then says to himself "a simple mission... need to focus..."Snowflake then decides to enter the Inn and walks into the dining room he stairs at two ponies having a conversation Snowflake pulls out a picture "its a match" he says to himself Snowflake walks up to Stormy "excuse me madam" as Snowflake approaches he shows his picture of Stormy to her and Chain "I have been looking for you"

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame
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Before Stormy's conversation with the new Pony at her table could even start another stranger walked up to them and a rather curious one at that as she looked him over especially since no one was ever looking for her let alone someone having a picture of her since the only people that were that close to her were her family back in Clouds Dale,"Sorry good sir but you but have the wrong person....photo or no." she said not wanting to be rude but she had been taking very good care not to stay in any place to long or to get to close to anyone for that matter.

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"oh" Snowflake said rather embarrassed "a thousand apologizes madam you look similar to her... anyways I'm not here to do anything..... bad I promise, I was hired to find this mare.... its a long story and its classified only to this mare... so if you find her please inform me" Snowflake takes a few steps away and thinks to myself "ugh how could I be so foolish to walk up to some random mare and accuse her of being Stormy...."

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Stormy had to take a moment to collect her thoughts she wasn't sure why someone was looking for her it just seemed plain odd and off but she was just glad her wings gave her good cover over all and would just have to look into the matter more later,"All kinds of excitement tonight.." she mumbled to herself as she turned her attention back to Chain smiling for a moment as she waved down the waitress,"Order what you like just by looking at you I can see you've had a rough night." she said wanting to be nice as the waitress came over,"What can I get for everypony?" she asked curiously. Stormy spoke up,"I'll Have your special Seaweed salad and Buckwheat Roll....and melon juice...Also something sweet for the hard Traveled Fellow he looks like he's gone a long way to come here and could use a pick me up." she said showing she had been here before as she glanced over to Snowflake.

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"Can that something sweet be the fudge covered cookies and cream bowl, oh and I will have some swedish tofu balls with a glass of Colt-a-Cola" Chain said to the waitress then she left "So how are you anyway?" Chain asked Stormy "My name is Chain Brace, I own a forge in ponyville and if your wondering why I look this way is that I waited all day for a delivery that got here so late in the night that I could not pick it up anymore so I have to wait here untill day to even sgin for the delivery, standing in one place all day smelling weird things I hated every moment of it"

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Stormy smiled and tired not to laugh,"Well yes that doesn't sound very nice...but I do like the salt in the air I think the fresh sea air in the morning is the best here." she said smiling showing she had been through this area before,"Oh and I'm sorry how rude of me nice to meet you Chain my names Stormy Clouds you can just call me Stormy if you like...oh and you're from Ponyville I hear it's a nice place you must enjoy your work there." she said trying to think about the last rout she took would have lead her there if she hadn't gone through Everfree Forest and lost half her left ear. The Waitress smiled was she went over to Snowflake,"Such a nice girl she offered to get you both something like that after just meeting you so what would you like?" she asked him curiously.

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Walking along the road Shadow Beam was in progress of his trip to meet with his family once again. Even with his mind and energy improved during night, he knew he had to stop and have a break, since this adventure promised to be quite exhausting.

He finally spotted a village. Since he didn't traveled a lot before, he had to check the map. He was in Horseshoe Bay. "I've heard about this place, maybe I can buy some suplies and have a bite somewhere" he tought.

After making a deal for supplies he found an inn, ironically called 'The Inn'. "Mph... Clever" he muttered while holding a light smirk. He got inside and quickly got a seat on a table for one. He raised his sight and found a little group of ponies who didn't seem to know each other, one of them: a pale blue unicorn stallion with a long white mane and tail, acting quite suspicious. He felt a little uneasy with them, but he decided to let it slip, hoping that the waitress don't take too long to make his order.

Edited by ShadowBeam
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"So Stormy what do you do, I mean are you a weather pony or do sothing with clouds?" Chain asked because he knew that a ponys name pretty much tells others what there talent is but stormy isn't clear "I mean you don't have to answer that if you don't want to I just wanted to know"

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Stormy looked confused for a moment,"Oh it's the name is't it, no I don't my names that way cause ponies in my family as named by the kind of wheater there is going on and on the day I was born storm clouds were rolling in so Stormy Clouds." she said smiling and gave a happy sighed when the waitress brought them thier order rather quickly,"And no I don't mind but I don't really do much just travle and do odd jobs to pay my way as I travel." she said thinking as she started to eat she had done a lot of different things as she travled but never really stuck with one thing she just seemed to be ok at a lot of different things but nothing ever really struck a cord with her.

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The waitress finally came over Shadow's table. "What are you going to eat?" she said with a friendly smile on ver face.


Shadow varely noticed her, since the ponies on the other table started talking about themselves, and as a curious colt, he carefuoly listened to them.


"Anything that can keep my energy up for the rest of the night" he said, quickly dismissing her to be able to hear the rest of their conversation.


Still, that strange stallion lingered in his mind. "I hope he doesn't cause any trouble" he said under his breath.

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"So you just explore around? do you even have your own home to go to?" Chain asked sounding very conserned of what Stormy had just said "Almost like everypony in Equestria I feel very conserned for others, and I just realized I might be jumping to the moon with this conclusion now that I heard it out loud"

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Snowflake kindly says to the waitress "no thank you I'm fine" he then stood there and watched as more ponies joined in on them he zoned out for a second until he heard one of them say Stormy, which caught his attention he then stairs at them one last time before leaving the Inn to find his sister


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Ember begins to wonder around and finally sees her brother and asks in an emotionless voice that makes her seem like a mere ghost "Did you find anything new?" Tilting her head slightly, the dark night and rain making her almost seem completely invisible. She looked at her brother with a serious look, unlike her normally playful expression.

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"yes I found our target, the  mare named Stormy Clouds, we need to be careful I got a lot of strong glances when I stood there and listened in on them" Snowflake looks back at the Inn "we must hurry back before she escapes. Act natural and don't make us look anymore suspicious then we already are" Snowflake walks back into the Inn with Ember and sees the ponies are still there "we need to move now" Snowflake says to Ember "you" Snowflake says to Stormy "you are Stormy Clouds, we need to talk with you" Snowflake says in a serious tone


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The sound of grunts and groans filled the night air as some of the earth ponies were offloading another shipment of product from the trailer. 


"I don't understand, why this is necessary. Can't they get 1st shift to do this?" One of the workers asked as he pushed box resting on a pallet.


"The trucks come here near 11pm, and we're here just to off load the product. First shift, puts it away and what did I tell you about using a pallet jack?!" Dogboots yelled at the worker. 


"Yeah, yeah I know! geez. You're not my supervisor you know?"


"You're right, but if we end up loosing our holiday pay because of your negligence, then i'll be sure to tell the guys that they have you to thank. Now quit dawdling and get to work! We have to get these done before first shift comes in!" The stallion yelled before letting out a sigh.


"It's gonna be a long night," Dogboots thought to himself looking up at the stars briefly before returning to work.


(OOC: Just posting to keep on eye on the RP and be updated whenever someone posts.)

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Stormy shook her head,"No I don't have a home of my own just places I can visit and you need not to worry about me I've been on my own a long time now so even if things get hard I can push my way threw them." she said as she looked around the room seeing one new pony join them and Snowflake leave and return with somepony just guessing he must have been meeting a friend here even if she couldn't get a good look at them she must have been more tired them she realized if her sight was starting to blur on her a bit.

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"Go home, Flash! You can't be wandering around at night, it's dangerous. You don't know anypony here, what if there is someone bad looking for us? Just go!" Lightning nudged his little brother down the street. 

"I bet Mum's waiting for you, bye Flash." He said before he turned and walked down the road. 

He was famished, he decided to head to the local inn to grab some food, and maybe stay the night.

As Lightning walked through the door, he noticed many ponies in the room, 2 sitting near the center at a table, whilst 2 other ponies were walking towards them. But then he noticed the other pony, he had a dark grey coat with a white mane. He was closely watching the ponies walking to the other ponies, Lightning then walked past those 2 ponies, but he noticed something. As he walked past them he felt a massive shiver rumble his spine. He finally walked over to an empty table, and closely watched the group.


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Ember narrows her sky blue eyes slightly, annoyed. She than mutters quietly so that nobody other than Snowflake could hear "she hasn't responded big brother, and it is getting late. I believe that it will be best if we check out a room." She than thinks to herself, "How are we going to earn her trust? We must not reveal ourselves."

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"Stormy we seem to have gotten quite the attention with those two ponys and" Chain looks around seeing atleast two other ponys that seem to be looking at them "I think that I may not get back to ponyville for a while, and if you ask me why...its just a feeling that I cant shack off" Chain says as he tryed to get closer to Stormy and speak silently so others could not hear

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Stormy shook her head,"It's not you...I'm an odd one to say the least and hold on one sec.." she said and quickly ate her salad and downed her juice like she hadn't eaten all day before she put the roll in her pack before she cleared her throat,"Sorry about that I just feel like if I didn't do that it'd go to waist and I hate to do this Chain it's been nice but I don't like other's getting close to me." she said and smiled leaving the bits on the table,"The Inn has a free room I paid for who ever wants it can have it!" she called out before running from the table and jumping out a window as she opened it. She knew this was weird even for her but this place was getting to full for her liking and the fact that someponies were eyeing her made her feel uncomfortable but it wasn't like she could go out the front with them standing there.

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"there she goes come on sister we can't let her escape" Snowflake walks over to the window and sees Stormy fly away "she seems to be heading towards the beach if we hurry we can catch up with her" as Snowflake begins to leave he notices the glances "keep calm Ember they have no idea what we are up to.... just remember what I said we are just travelers exploring Equestria. We can't let anyone know what we are... it would take too much of our time explaining"

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame


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Things really started getting wierd inside the Inn. The suspicious pale blue stallion left and then came back again with an unicorn mare with dark red coat and orange mane. Then they went straight towards the group of ponies and started interrogating a pegasi.

"What the hay is going on?!" Shadow repeated inside his head while holding a frown and a puzzled and almost upset look.

To add to the situation, another pony joined, a cyan pegasi with white and yellow mane, apparently quite confused too.

Suddenly the pegasi that was being interrogated by those two strangers shouted something and just jumped out the window... "What did just happen?" Shadow muttered.

He removed his from the new pony and locked it on the two unicorns that wanted to know something from the pegasi,they looked pretty upset, and then they asked for a room.


"I better stay alert, someone's about to kick the bucket here, I should be around if anything happens" he decided.

Edited by ShadowBeam
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