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gaming Hardest Zelda dungeon

Metallic Strings

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I remember getting stuck in the Ice Dungeon in A Link To The Past for the longest time, I'd usually come back to it after finishing the Misery Mire. And the Turtle Rock in Link's Awakening kept me from finishing it for the longest time


Funny, but I honestly didn't think the Water Temple was that hard, then again I never played the original N64 version of it as I heard that they fixed it's problems in Master Quest/Wii VC version/OoT3D

Edited by Megas75
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OoT's water dungeon is nothing compared to the final dungeon from Zelda 2 or Zelda 1.

Zelda 2's final dungeon was the maze to end all mazes. Zelda 1's final dungeon was a bit easier considering it's grid like layout. But still. No map. Hardest enemies. Breakable walls that show no indication of being breakable and you got yourself a genuine Indiana Jones experience where everything is trying to kill you.


Once you figure out the water temple's layout, getting lost isn't as easy. It's the hardest temple of the game, but very overrated. A true difficult dungeon is hard every single time you play it and Zelda 1 and 2's final dungeons are always tricky dicky.

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It might just be me but I absolutely hate the Shadow Temple and the Bottom of the Well in Ocarina of Time. Those are the only two dungeons (the Bottom of the Well is technically a mini-dungeon, but it still counts... I think).


Also, I hear a lot of people complaining about the Water Temple, but the Water Temple wasn't really a bother, for me at least. 

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I got stuck in the OoT water temple as a kid. I didn't really have much of a problem when I played it in OoT 3D, though. Also, I was never able to beat Gyorg as a kid. I had a friend borrow my copy of the game and beat Gyorg for me while I borrowed his copy of the game and got him all the masks he was missing.


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Hardest dungeon in Zelda games? Barring Zelda 2, where almost every dungeon (and Death Mountain) was a candidate, I personally found Level 6 in the first game as the most difficult in the first quest. Ditto with Level 6 the second quest too - pray to Celestia/Luna you have a red potion ready...wait, that will get used up because of the damned Wizzrobes (orange ones are glass cannons - they can deal two hearts damage with the blue ring, but fall to a Magic Sword strike or a bomb blast. Blue ones are awful thanks to them spamming magic in your line of sight). Sometimes, it's hard to move out of the way and you get hit by a trap or another enemy.


Even going in with the Big shield to protect against statue fireballs and magic doesn't guarantee safety, because Like Likes will eat that shield after roughly five seconds of being trapped by one. Unlike Ocarina of Time's Like Likes, the shield will have to be replaced immediately. Oh, if you die, you start over with 3 hearts...and no recovery pond is nearby. Good luck!

(coming soon)

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the Water Temple in Ocarina of Time annoyed the hell out of me there would always be something I forget to do and I would be aimlessly wandering around trying to figure out what I needed to do


and the Stone Tower Temple in Majora's Mask I hope I never have to do that temple again....


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Great Bay Temple's a weird dungeon, yeah. Not that it's terrible, I just don't like inconsistent ice-water platforming. :P

Ice Palace in A Link to the Past is probably the one I was ever stuck on the longest though... you're gonna take a lot of damage in there, can be very tough if you're not prepared for it. :wacko:


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My game crashed during snowhead temple on emulator (near the end of it too), and haven't played it since so I'm waiting for MM to come on 3DS, but by the looks of it I'm gonna say that the great bay temple looks like a pain :/

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