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open It's a Nice Day in Invermare(Casual SoL/Romance)


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It's a bright, cheerful Summer day in the town of Invermare, and the nearby Fairmount Hot Springs.
Ponies are trotting about, smiling and waving at anypony they pass. Flowers are blooming in gardens. Pegasi happily make their way through the sky, clearing any clouds that shouldn't be there. Just about everyone is content.

Sweet Sunrise groggily looked out her hotel window. She had arrived in Invermare quite late into the night, but it was hard-wired into her system to wake up at 7 in the morning. She rubbed her eyes and smiled. She couldn't see far out the window, but she could tell it was a nice summer day. 
She ran a comb through her hair, brushed her teeth, and after about ten minutes of scrambling for her glasses, left her room. 

Edited by Mint Drop
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Icy Wind woke up and looked at the time. "Only seven? I'm going back to bed..." She said to herself, closing her eyes. After several minutes of rolling around trying to fall back asleep, she realized it was hopeless and got up. "Well fine then, I thought I could get some decent sleep but apparently the world says no." She said, slightly annoyed.


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Muata, cloak donned, silently rummaged through the alley.


No food right now, I guess. She thought. She breathed an exhausted sigh. She didn't even know what town she was in, she'd been wandering so much for these last three years. If she looked at a map, she couldn't even tell anypony where the Changeling Hive was located. She laid down, but she didn't dare shut her eyes. She never slept in a populated area, she learned that one the hard way. Not all ponies even hated changelings, but it's not hard, especially in bigger cities, like Manehattan, to find the ones who will attack or even attempt to kill a changeling. Others run away. Some are annoyingly fascinated, but she figured that was always better than being hurt. She couldn't hide the thought from herself anymore, though- suicide was on the mind. Three years she has spent running, hiding, no home, no friends, losing hope. She only held on to maybe. That word meant a lot to her. It's the possibility that something can go a whole multitude of ways, and yet, it was only letters. It felt like all she had, though.

Edited by Becker (Fender)
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Lorem woke from his bed and rose rather ceremoniously. He stretched his legs and cracked his spine; the bed in his hotel room was not the most comfortable. In a daze, he staggered to the bathroom and ran the sink. He splashed some water on his face and after wiping some drips from his eyes, found himself far more co-ordinated.


He brushed his teeth and combed down some wild frizzes of hair for before inspecting himself in the mirror. When he felt presentable, he left the bathroom and exited his room. After locking up, he went downstairs to get breakfast.

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Mezra was zooming down the road in a cart. She was standing on top of it like she was riding a large skate bored. She used her magic to make the wheels spin so she wouldn't need anyone to pull her, it also it a little easier to steer. This wasn't her normal way of getting around. Usually she would just walk because she didn't have enough bits to pay for a train ticket. But today she felt like trying something new.


So she thought she would take a trip, which she decided to do right at midnight. So she's been riding her high speed cart for about a few hours. And her closest stop is a place called Invermare. But Mezra didn't know this, she just saw the town and decided to make it her first stop.  And for the first townsfolk just waking up the first thing they might see is a short mare in a cloak, riding on a cart at full speed with a crazy giddy smile on her face.

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After deciding she wasn't going to get back to sleep anytime soon, she decided she'd just get ready for the day. She transformed into her pony form, ate some food even though it did nothing for a changeling, and walked outside. After a short walk through town, she came across a strange cloaked pony. Is she homeless? She wondered. "Um, excuse me." She said, not sure what else to say to the pony.

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Draped in a blanket and laying upon Ahaban's back Imaia slept as the long trek continued and with a sigh of relief Ahaban looked toward Invermare.

Imaia snored soundly with her head resting upon her brothers neck as she continued to slumber.

"We'll get a nice room.soon." He says to himself as he continued onward to the town.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"Um, excuse me."


Muata was so caught up in her own thoughts she hadn't noticed that a pony crept up right behind her in the alley. She immediately hid her face from view, and was really quite glad her hooves were buried under her. "I'm sorry, if this is owned space, I can be going." She said, hurriedly, as she stood.

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"Owned space? Well I don't know anything about that, I actually just moved here not that long ago." Wind said. "I'm not used to seeing somepony outside all alone though, I just thought I should ask if you're okay." She explained. She didn't know what it was, but something seemed rather strange about this pony.

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"Owned space? Well I don't know anything about that, I actually just moved here not that long ago." Wind said. "I'm not used to seeing somepony outside all alone though, I just thought I should ask if you're okay." She explained. She didn't know what it was, but something seemed rather strange about this pony.


Despite her need to survive, she was feeling particularly unlucky these last few days, and even though it wasn't in her nature to lie, she would have to pick one lie or another. It felt that way anyway. "I'm not a pony." She practically breathed the words, as she now faced the other pony. "And...I'm okay." She braced for any attempt at attack, ready to run in a split second. Though, there was something odd about this pony. There was a particular glimmer behind her eyes that Muata almost recognized. Almost. It refused to come to mind.

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"You're not a pony?" Wind asked. She looked around to make sure nopony was nearby and said, "well to be honest neither am I, but I don't know if we should go into too much detail about that." She wasn't sure why she was being so honest, it was in her nature to lie about who she was but something about this time was different.

Edited by Twi the Totodile
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@@Twi The Totodile,


 The glimmer finally registered. "O-o-o-ohhhh-hhh my." She breathed, "You're from the hive." She stepped back, almost afraid for her life. She hadn't known if the hive had other plans for her when she was cast out, and she didn't want to find out, but she was almost frozen in fear. "Please don't hurt me..." She sat, and the cloak slid from her head.. She didn't have much confidence in her ability to fight, much less, to run anymore. All she could think now was that the queen might be tracking down old subjects.

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"I was from the hive." Wind corrected her. "I have no idea what happened, but around the time of the Canterlot attack they just kind of abandoned me. I have no idea what happened or why they wanted to get rid of me but it happened." She explained. "But we should probably stop talking about this in public."

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@@Twi The Totodile,


"You were sent away, too?" She whispered, also startled by the other changeling's lack of surprise. She impulsively jumped up and hugged the disguised drone. She had never hugged anypony, or any other changeling before, it wasn't a custom in the hive, but she had observed ponies taking part in doing it, and had been curious. This time, though, it wasn't merely something she wished to do from time to time. It came, and it came naturally. It felt good, and she really hoped it wouldn't get her in trouble. They were not exactly well hidden in the alley, and in the morning, there wasn't much street traffic anyway. The thing was, though, that they still weren't safe if they were caught. "Can...can I come with you?" She ended the hug, and fixed her cloak back onto her head.

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"Sure, safety in numbers right?" Wind asked. In all honesty she wasn't very concerned about safety, she was more happy to have a new friend. It was also nice finding a changeling that was just like her. At least I'm not the only one who was abandoned by the hive... She thought.

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Dogboots dragged his wagon into his usual spot. The wagon was filled with fresh fruits and vegetables that the earth pony had grown himself and needless to say he was quite proud of his work. He set up the sign "Fresh Quality, Low Price sign on his wagon as he displayed his product. 

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Ahaban smiled as the hotel came into view. He whispered to his sleeping sister who shifted on his back.

"Wuanhali, shiutna hafuninaka." He says to her as he enters into the lobby, the attendant looking at him unamused.


"I would like a room." He says,

"And?" The attendant asks,

"What do you mean?" Ahaban asks,

"What kind of room? Normal, Suites? Special appliances?" The attendant names some examples.

"Normal, I suppose." Ahaban says.


The attendant slides over an applicants form and Ahaban fills upon his info and with it a deposit of bits from his coin purse.


"Room 34 sir." The attendant says,


"Shakira." Ahaban waves and takes his room key heading to 34.

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Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Lorem entered the lunch room and took a look around. The room was moderately lit with candles and gas lamps that were scattered around the room and attatched to the walls. Thick oak tables were arranged in a uniform grid with three chairs to each one. It was still early in the morning so Lorem was able to walk towards the counters to get his breakfast.


As Lorem approached the counter, he began to swelter. The fires that grilled bread, mushrooms and tomatoes in the kitchen was roaring wildly and waves off heat were escaping into the room. Quickly, Lorem took some toast, butter and a glass of orange juice from the buffet and fled to the other side of the room with an awkward half trot, half walk.


After opening a window, Lorem sat at a table near the back of the hall. The cooling draft fended some of the kitchen's heat and allowed Lorem to feel more comfortable before he began to start buttering his toast. 

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Once inside the room he carefully slids off her little sister onto the bed whole curdled up nuzzling against the pillow.

Ahaban smiled happily and looked upon the window and outside to Invermare. With a finished scenery view he looked up to the clock.

"Food. Ill get you something." He whispers to his sleeping.

Departing from the room he returns down to the lobby and entering toward kitchen.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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The pony taking a seat was enough to distract him from his food. He put on a smile to welcome his new guest. "Oh, hello there," Lorem welcomed.


When the mare responded, he realised she wasn't here to socialise. The smile fell from his face into a more serious frown as he took a look at the mare in front of him. "I'm sorry if I hurt your friend," Lorem replied. "The heat from the kitchen just wasn't particularly comfortable." He took a look around the room to see if he could find the pony that he'd hurt. The room was completely devoid of other guests. It was only when a beam of light hit him in the eye that Lorem realised who this mystery companion was.


After blinking a few times to remove a floatng, coloured blob from his vision, Lorem focused on the source of the light. His lips formed an inquisitive "o" and his brow furrowed as he inspected the wheeled can that was idling nearby. "Might I ask what, or who, your companion is?" Lorem asked as he gave into his intrigue.

Edited by Filthy Cropper
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@@bronislav84@@Filthy Cropper,

The first thing Sunrise did was head down to find wherever the food was. After being directed by a rather indifferent attendant, she found herself in the lunchroom. She grabbed herself some toast and apple juice and looked around for a spot. The room was nearly empty, meaning she could sit virtually anywhere. She saw two ponies nearby and contemplated her choices. She could eat a peaceful breakfast alone, or she could try to make friends in a new place. 
It didn't take long to make a choice. 
Carefully holding her food and drink, she made her way over to the pair. She arrived at their spot just in time to hear the stallion ask about the mare's companion. Following his gaze, she saw an odd little... thing... idling nearby. It seemed to be some sort of can on wheels. She turned back to the two ponies at the table. 
"Er, good morning. I hate to interrupt, but I was wondering if I could sit with you two," she said, offering a friendly smile. "Totally fine if you'd rather I leave you alone."

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Ahaban was examining about at the selection.of food. Carefully looking over each bit as though it would be contaminated? With a small styrofoam box ready he makes a selection of breakfast and beverage.


Satisfied he.hurries about returning along to his room hoping his sister had not awoken.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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@@Twi The Totodile@,


After a dealing with a few ponies and gaining some bits. Dogboots decided to take a stroll around the town and take in the scenery. All the ponies were up and about busy with their own thing, compared to the other places the stallion has been, this place was pretty peaceful.


As the earth pony continued his walk he noticed two figures in an alley. One was just a regular pony and the other was in a cloak of some kind. Out of curiosity the stallion approached the duo in the alley.


"Everything all right here?" He asked the two.  

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@@Twi The Totodile@


The stallion eyed the pony for a moment, not feeling too keen about this. Something seemed rather off to him, but he couldn't place his hoof on it. 


"What about her?" He gestured towards the cloaked pony. The stallion felt a little bad for this one though. Dogboots grabbed an apple from one of his saddlebags and offered it to the cloaked figure.


"You hungry?" He asked holding out the fruit to her.

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