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planning Practice RPing the mane cast!


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Hello everypony.


For a while now, I've wanted to RP one of the mane six ponies, but I've never really had the guts a chance to. I'm sure I'm not the only one, so, here we are!




The idea of this thread is that we RPers could work together and decide on a few situations that we could RP as the mane six, for the sake of practice. Once the first RP is over (or once RPers get bored and leave,) somepony else can take their character and get some practice! Or I might even run multiple RPs simultaneously, if it gets popular.

Basically, we can rotate playing different characters from the mane six.

Getting practice is an especially good idea if you ever want to play a cast character in EQE. ;) That's what I'm hoping, at least.


Ideas for situations to RP are needed! Post them here! ...Just keep in mind DA RULES.


First RP scenario thread: http://mlpforums.com/topic/122346-everfree-adventure-search-for-the-void-stone/



Long ago, when Discord was still at the peak of his chaotic reign, before the Royal Sister's intervention, an extremely powerful unicorn resided in the land of Equestria. His name was Zealos, and he held the title of the Archmage. Being well-informed about the unicorn’s unmatched powers, Discord sought to use him in the creation of a very important item. Against his will, Zealos began working on a project known as the Void Stone: an artifact capable of nullifying every single known spell in the universe – even the Elements of Harmony. With this stone in his possession, Discord planned on becoming invincible, and his evil empire would be sure to last forever.


However, Zealos did not plan on assisting the wicked king. Although he did complete the Void Stone, the Archmage presented Discord with a mere copy; a fake one. Believing he held the spell shield needed to confront Celestia and Luna, Discord was ultimately defeated by the Elements of Harmony and peace returned to Equestria.


As the tale goes, Zealos hid the real Void Stone somewhere deep inside the Everfree Forest, in a place nopony would ever be able to find. It’s rumoured that whoever manages to find this artifact will be provided with 6 wishes, each one representing the 6 different elements of harmony...But who knows? The endless possibilities promised by these wishes have sent many brave adventures after the Void Stone, with no success until now.




Rules are as follows:

1. No doubles. We can't have two Raritys or two Pinkie Pies unless we specifically go to the mirror pool.

2. Avoid run-on sentences, poor spelling and grammar, or lack/misuse of punctuation. Yes, your posts need to be legible. This is VERY important to me. I don't demand perfection, but as close to perfection as you can get. :please: Nothing breaks the suspension of disbelief like poor grammar.

3. Beginner RPers are welcome. :)

4. No powergaming or Godmodding

5. Only one canon character each. (Please don't try to RP more characters than you can handle. Maximum is two characters, and still, one should be more in the background.)

6. No NSFW, AUs, gore, etc. We're trying to stick as close to canon as possible.

7. If you have any questions or concerns, post them here.

8. Don't post in the RP threads until you've been approved by me.



First, choose your character. Even if the character is already taken, you can line up to play her next.

Second, write out and post a little paragraph of you RPing said character. I prefer if it's equal parts dialogue to description. About 400 characters should be good? I dunno. If you can't come up with context to put it in, I'll come up with a prompt for you. ;)

Third, wait for me to approve/disapprove your character. Depending on when you apply, you might have to wait awhile before you can RP. Ideally, I'd set up multiple RP threads so everypony gets a turn. :adorkable: Ideally.

If you aren't accepted, it's for one of the following reasons:

  • Improper spelling/grammar.
  • Example passage is too short.
  • Not a good enough grasp of your character.
Remember, you can apply for multiple cast characters, but you can only play one per RP!


Approved Characters/RPers:

Characters still available: Spike, Zecora... Anyone who's had significant speaking roles, you can apply for! Edited by AmberDust
  • Brohoof 2

Need help with your OC? I'd love to assist you! Just visit my help thread. It's always open, so don't be shy!

♦ My main OC  Vector Commissions ♦

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Ah screw it, I need to practice as AJ!


It looked to be the start of another fine day as Celestia's sun peeked up from the horizon, its first rays bathing the orchard in their golden light. It was looking to be another day of some apple picking, and that suited her just fine.


As always, she rose before sunrise, ready to watch the sun rise and get started on harvesting Equestria's best apples before meeting her friends down at Twilight's new castle. Something about court duties? She'll find out more when she gets down there!


...Hope that was good!

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Ah screw it, I need to practice as AJ!


It looked to be the start of another fine day as Celestia's sun peeked up from the horizon, its first rays bathing the orchard in their golden light. It was looking to be another day of some apple picking, and that suited her just fine.


As always, she rose before sunrise, ready to watch the sun rise and get started on harvesting Equestria's best apples before meeting her friends down at Twilight's new castle. Something about court duties? She'll find out more when she gets down there!


...Hope that was good!

That was very good! Although I was hoping for some Dialogue. 9u9 If you don't mind.

Need help with your OC? I'd love to assist you! Just visit my help thread. It's always open, so don't be shy!

♦ My main OC  Vector Commissions ♦

Ask me anything!


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Oh, whoops! Here goes:


But still, Applejack was a little more than curious as to Twilight meant. 'Court duties? Sounds all fancy! Rarity's probably just rarin' ta go, Ah bet!


Applejack reared on her front legs and bucked at the tree trunk, sending all of the apples cascading down to the baskets she had set out beforehand. "Me? A court mare?? Ah just can't see it."


AJ had played the part of fancy socialite several times since fillyhood, but now that she was the definitive Key of Honesty in the court of The Princess of Friendship, did that mean she had to act all fancy as a part of her newfound duties?? She sure hoped not!


Applejack moved on to the next tree, reared up on her front legs again, and sent another precise buck into the trunk. "Ah'm a might nervous," she said aloud, "what could this meeting be about?"




Hope internal dialogue like thought counts, as I rely on other RPers when it comes to speaking, as my character's responses are contingent on what the other says... that, and it helps extend my posts!

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I'll try my chance at Twilight.


Twilight checked over the spell again and again trying to calculate if it would go wrong or not. She checked the spells perimeter for the 100th time and just decided to cast it and see what would happen.


My second entry


Twilight calculated how much of each chemical this potion would need and after getting all the materials she needed took it over to her work station and started putting in the materials which kindof hurt herself a bit because she had to pluck some of her feathers.


"Its finally done" she said taking the bottle out from its stand.

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These segments contain a lot of run-on sentences. Also, I'd prefer you included more dialogue in your example piece. :)


For this application, I'll have to decline, but you can post another, if you think you can do better. :)

Need help with your OC? I'd love to assist you! Just visit my help thread. It's always open, so don't be shy!

♦ My main OC  Vector Commissions ♦

Ask me anything!


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I'd like a crack at Rainbow Dash. I have an advantage because I kind of act like her in Real life anyway XD


Rainbow Dash was snoring in bed. It was early in the morning. She thought she had set her alarm clock to wake her up early this morning so she could get to work with the other pegasi, but she accidentally set the clock to 6:00 pm instead of 6:00 am. She awoke at 7:31 am and drowsily looked at her clock while yawning. It took a few seconds for everything to click in her head, then her eyes shot wide open. "Oh gosh oh gosh I'm late! By Celestia!" She berated herself as she quickly got up out of bed.


Like her namesake, she dashed through her house, quickly brushing her teeth and eating a few carrots for breakfast. She checked the time, 7:33 am. "Now time to make it... in under ten seconds flat!" She said to herself as she stepped out the front door, braced herself and took off like a speeding bullet.


She arrived at the scheduled location where the pegasi were supposed to meet that day. Nopony was there though, or so she thought. Not a cloud was in the sky. "What the?!? I thought we had an early morning scheduled shower!" Rainbow Dash said to herself. Rainbow Dash's sudden outburst seemed to wake a nearby pony who had been sleeping under the shade of a tree. It was one of her co-workers who had also thought they had work today. She got up and shook her head. "Who, what?" She said, then looked up and saw Rainbow Dash. "Oh hey Dash." She said as she flew up.


Rainbow Dash was a bit startled and looked surprised as the other pegasi flew up to her. "Oh. Hi. Um, weren't we supposed to be working today on an early morning shower?" She asked. The other pegasi laughed slightly and Rainbow Dash looked a bit indignant, not liking being laughed at. "Oh sorry." The other pegasus said. "It's just I thought the exact same thing. I then checked my calendar. It's Sunday, the early morning shower isn't scheduled til Monday!" She continued laughing. Rainbow Dash facehoofed and then started laughing as well.

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I'd like a crack at Rainbow Dash. I have an advantage because I kind of act like her in Real life anyway XD


Rainbow Dash was snoring in bed. It was early in the morning. She thought she had set her alarm clock to wake her up early this morning so she could get to work with the other pegasi, but she accidentally set the clock to 6:00 pm instead of 6:00 am. She awoke at 7:31 am and drowsily looked at her clock while yawning. It took a few seconds for everything to click in her head, then her eyes shot wide open. "Oh gosh oh gosh I'm late! By Celestia!" She berated herself as she quickly got up out of bed.


Like her namesake, she dashed through her house, quickly brushing her teeth and eating a few carrots for breakfast. She checked the time, 7:33 am. "Now time to make it... in under ten seconds flat!" She said to herself as she stepped out the front door, braced herself and took off like a speeding bullet....

Looks good! You're in!

Need help with your OC? I'd love to assist you! Just visit my help thread. It's always open, so don't be shy!

♦ My main OC  Vector Commissions ♦

Ask me anything!


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I'll have a chance of doing Pinkie pie shes so similar to me


Pinkie was busy at Sugarcube corner serving ponies with a smile that's all she needed to see whenever ponies past her.


''Hey Mrs Cake!'' Pinkie exclaimed as Mrs cake entered the room looking tired ''Need any help with pumpkin cake and pound cake?" Pinkie asked with a smile on her face she knew that face anywhere and she was not going to let her have a bad day Mrs cake nods sluggishly ''yea.. I need help with taking care of them because Mr cake and I are taking a huge order to Canterlot so would you be a dear and help?'' Pinkie smiled as she imagined herself looking after the foals again for the second time ''Sure! I wouldn't mind helping you Mrs cake!'' Pinkie replied as she heard the two fillies giggle upstairs with excitement.


As the two ponies leave with their huge order Pinkie was upstairs looking after pound cake and pumpkin cake "Wheres pinkie..'' Pinkie said as she covered her eyes with her pink hooves before opening them to make them giggle ''here she is!'' The pink mare said smiling widely the little fillies giggled as pinkie uncovered her hooves to reveal herself ''Aww aren't you two adorable! I could hug you two all day but you would cry if I hug to long so...hmm'' Pinkie thought for a moment before exclaiming ''I got it! why don't we play a game!'' pinkie cried getting a teddy bear in the middle immediately the twins pounced on the bear and started tugging it to have the bear, Pinkie got worried ''okay you two..s-share..'' The mare said looking kind of scared she wasn't looking forward to this.

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I'll try Flutters, and I'll try AJ when she is open again.



It was a nice and sunny day, perfect of a picnic with the lovely animals of the forest.


"Oh I can't wait, I hope Angel likes his food" Flutershy said quietly packing different things for the picnic.


"Maybe Pinkie Pie or Rarity would like to join, oh or maybe Twilight would like to go to the picnic, or what if I just bother them by asking for them to come along" Flauttershy said getting nervouse.




I think I did a descant job.

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I'll try Flutters, and I'll try AJ when she is open again.



It was a nice and sunny day, perfect of a picnic with the lovely animals of the forest.


"Oh I can't wait, I hope Angel likes his food" Flutershy said quietly packing different things for the picnic.


"Maybe Pinkie Pie or Rarity would like to join, oh or maybe Twilight would like to go to the picnic, or what if I just bother them by asking for them to come along" Flauttershy said getting nervouse.




I think I did a descant job.


I think you need to expand on this a bit before I accept it. Also, spell/grammar check it. ;)

I'll have a chance of doing Pinkie pie shes so similar to me


Pinkie was busy at Sugarcube corner serving ponies with a smile that's all she needed to see whenever ponies past her.


''Hey Mrs Cake!'' Pinkie exclaimed as Mrs cake entered the room looking tired ''Need any help with pumpkin cake and pound cake?" Pinkie asked with a smile on her face she knew that face anywhere and she was not going to let her have a bad day Mrs cake nods sluggishly ''yea.. I need help with taking care of them because Mr cake and I are taking a huge order to Canterlot so would you be a dear and help?'' Pinkie smiled as she imagined herself looking after the foals again for the second time ''Sure! I wouldn't mind helping you Mrs cake!'' Pinkie replied as she heard the two fillies giggle upstairs with excitement.


As the two ponies leave with their huge order Pinkie was upstairs looking after pound cake and pumpkin cake "Wheres pinkie..'' Pinkie said as she covered her eyes with her pink hooves before opening them to make them giggle ''here she is!'' The pink mare said smiling widely the little fillies giggled as pinkie uncovered her hooves to reveal herself ''Aww aren't you two adorable! I could hug you two all day but you would cry if I hug to long so...hmm'' Pinkie thought for a moment before exclaiming ''I got it! why don't we play a game!'' pinkie cried getting a teddy bear in the middle immediately the twins pounced on the bear and started tugging it to have the bear, Pinkie got worried ''okay you two..s-share..'' The mare said looking kind of scared she wasn't looking forward to this.

Unfortunately, this passage has a complete lack of punctuation, which makes it pretty hard to read. :( If you think youi can fix it, then by all means, go ahead. :)

Need help with your OC? I'd love to assist you! Just visit my help thread. It's always open, so don't be shy!

♦ My main OC  Vector Commissions ♦

Ask me anything!


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I'm going to try this as Rarity (IMO, she's a lot of fun to write about).


"Breeeeeak-faaaaaaast!" the white unicorn sang as she levitated a bowl of cat food toward Opal's way. The pampered cat took one look at the bowl of generic cat food and turned away.


"Opal, darling," Rarity said. "This is all we have left. Tomorrow is market day. I'll get your favorite then." She nudged the bowl closer using her magic. "Come on, you have to eat."


With a mighty swipe of her paw, Opal batted the bowl in thin air. Rarity had no time to use her magic as the bowl's contents spewed all over her face. The bowl itself hanged from her muzzle as she watched Opal walk out of the room.


"Okay, fine," Rarity mumbled. "You win. I'll get it today."

  • Brohoof 1

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Sorry about the grammar/spelling, I'm still trying to get a hang of that.



Fluttershy walked nervously walked into town. "Oh I hope that they will join me for the picnic" she said still walking.


"Well, I hope that Pinkie Pie accepts my invatation to the picnic" Fluttershy said knocking on the door of SugarCube Cornner.


"Hey Pinkie, it's me Fluttershy, I'm here to invite you to a nice, relaxing, picnic" Fluttershy said nervouse.

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I'm going to try this as Rarity

You're in. :) Good luck with the fancy dialogue. That's always tough.

Sorry about the grammar/spelling, I'm still trying to get a hang of that.



Fluttershy walked nervously walked into town. "Oh I hope that they will join me for the picnic" she said still walking.


"Well, I hope that Pinkie Pie accepts my invatation to the picnic" Fluttershy said knocking on the door of SugarCube Cornner.


"Hey Pinkie, it's me Fluttershy, I'm here to invite you to a nice, relaxing, picnic" Fluttershy said nervouse.

I'm sorry, I don't think I can accept you just yet. :s Maybe get a little writing practice in, first. You seem to have a good hold on the character, but your grammar isn't quite at a good enough level yet. Edited by AmberDust
  • Brohoof 1

Need help with your OC? I'd love to assist you! Just visit my help thread. It's always open, so don't be shy!

♦ My main OC  Vector Commissions ♦

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Twilight walked out of her castle planning on visiting Sugar Cube Corner to get something for Spike.


"Ahh what a lovely day" Twilight said looking up at the cloudless sky.


(I'm just going to skip forwards when she gets to sugar cube corner)


Twilight walked in and went over to the counter.


"Mrs. Cake do you have those cupcakes I ordered ready" Twilight asked.


"Yes dear but may I ask you what your doing with all these cupcakes" Mrs. Cake said replying.


"Well I have to get them for a picnic anyways Spike can you check off getting cupcakes."


"Done" Spike said "also that's the last thing on the list."

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You know what... I'm a little rusty anyway (and also desperately searching for a RP). I'll give this a shot! Let's go!~


"Spike!" She called out vaguely as she stood in the middle of the library, surrounded by the many books of her possession. "Spike?" She continued, after a few seconds without a response.


Having gone out earlier that day in order to do a few (very special) errands, Twilight Sparkle arrived back home only to find out that her dragon assistant had gone missing without a trace. Leaving him to take care of the place by himself, she would’ve expected anything– from a suddenly messy, unorganized library, to a peaceful baby dragon simply napping on top of a pillow. But Spike had never even gone past the doorstep without Twilight’s permission. Clearly, something felt odd.


The purple unicorn promptly rushed upstairs, to where she hoped she would find her missing friend – after all, it was the last possible place left to search. She reached the second floor of the library, only to find the door leading to her bedroom closed. As she slightly tilted her head in confusion, she slowed down her place and slowly and carefully approached the closed door, gently pushing it open. As soon as Twilight poked her nose inside the dark room, the lights were immediately turned on, revealing not only Spike, but also Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash. They all cheered:


“HAPPY BIRTHDAY TWILIGHT!!” As the pink earth mare popped confetti into the air and they all laughed in joy. While Twilight tried to regain her breath – needless to say, she got scared to death -, from the relief of having found Spike, as well as the warm surprise she received from her beloved friends, a single tear ran through her cheek.


“Thank you…!” She quietly replied with a bright smile decorating her feature.


Whew... That was my try at Twilight. That sure was fun.  :squee:


I hope you like it. And if the spot is already taken, I can try someone else if you want me to.



Just noticed that I kinda forgot about the dialogue part... My bad. :s

Edited by Lume WMj
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You know what... I'm a little rusty anyway (and also desperately searching for a RP). I'll give this a shot! Let's go!~



Whew... That was my try at Twilight. That sure was fun. :squee:


I hope you like it. And if the spot is already taken, I can try someone else if you want me to.



Just noticed that I kinda forgot about the dialogue part... My bad. :s

That's quite alright! You did a very good job with the exposition, so you're in. :)



Looks like we got three roles down so far! I'll try to come up with an idea or two once we get more players.


Have you decided who you're going to play yet?

Lol I feel the need to submit an application first...

I'm going to try Fluttershy. :)

  • Brohoof 1

Need help with your OC? I'd love to assist you! Just visit my help thread. It's always open, so don't be shy!

♦ My main OC  Vector Commissions ♦

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Hmm... I don't usually do canon RP's... In fact, I never really played one of the Mane 6 before (just figured I'd pick Twi since she's kinda similar to my main OC, personality-wise). But, I do have some suggestions for the story~


Perhaps we could have an adventure setting, where Celestia would request the cast to search for an artifact of some sort inside the Everfree Forest. If not, we could just do something more chill, like a Slice-of-Life, where the cast goes to some other city like Manehatten, Fillydelphia or something like that.

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Hmm... I don't usually do canon RP's... In fact, I never really played one of the Mane 6 before (just figured I'd pick Twi since she's kinda similar to my main OC, personality-wise). But, I do have some suggestions for the story~


Perhaps we could have an adventure setting, where Celestia would request the cast to search for an artifact of some sort inside the Everfree Forest. If not, we could just do something more chill, like a Slice-of-Life, where the cast goes to some other city like Manehatten, Fillydelphia or something like that.

Those sound good to me. But we still need  Pinkie Pie.

Need help with your OC? I'd love to assist you! Just visit my help thread. It's always open, so don't be shy!

♦ My main OC  Vector Commissions ♦

Ask me anything!


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