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private Fallout Equestria: Restoration of Harmony (RP)


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Elegrons eyes immediately went to the creature "x45! How did you kill it?!" He ran up to the pony with dragon scales "I've never seen pony like you before..." He was very confused. He didn't even mention the alien pony thing because he figured he would explode from confusion.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Ebony walked over to the band of ponies standing around, "Well then... This is interesting." She eyed the space pony, intrigued, "So... Where are you from?" She stopped and looked towards the stabledweller. She smiled to him, "Leaving that safe lil' vault you crawled out of was possibly the worst mistake you've ever made. When I left my vault it was horrible. I wasn't slightly prepared, I nearly died multiple times. And there are creatures far worse than that... Thing, out here..." She stared at the ground blankly, lost in her train of thought.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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Dyna was looking around, darting between their legs as she inspected everypony. She stopped by Night Torrent and looked at the ghoul. "Hiya there, nice to meet ya. I'm Dyna Mite" she smiled excitingly. "Perhaps she's like Ditzy Doo. I hear that she is a nice ghoul". She jumps back happily to Elegron. 

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If there is anything I hate more than other ponies, it would be foals. Staring at the filly with irritation, "Scram filly, Your presence is not welcome here. Ponies eat other ponies you know. Especially other fillies. I hear they taste the best." Giving her an evil smile. He wouldn't do anything, he just wanted her away.  

Edited by Sriracha
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I tilt my head in curiosity but remain silent at Dashia's response (@Midnight_Aurora). I doubt others like me will come- my entire flight was on duty in the Lunar Prison Facility. The explosion was powerful enough to destroy an Imperfect Reflection and short circuit my emergency systems. Granted, my wings seemed to be operational without the Imperfect Reflection of Loyalty so perhaps they had been saved from death as well...? I forced myself to pay attention to the newcomers. I fold my wings against my barrel but continue vibrating my feathers to passively catch any information they can.


The new ponies are eye-wateringly colored but I manage to keep my distaste from my expression. The green pony emanates magic and my wings positively sing in his presense. In fact, his entire signature sounds like a low, polytonal hum in the back of my mind. It is comforting, almost like the Confluence in New Everfree. The black-green mare is slightly less interesting. She is a silence and the taste of ginger. The truely interesting pony is the walking corpse. We told stories of them in our academy while we were undergoing modification- ponies exposed to magic that was completely incompatible with the Imperfect Reflections and who were summarily executed for being more closely aligned to Chaos. And now, here one was; his signature feels like my hoovess are submerged in force gel. It is cool and slick and feels like it is slowly crawling into my skin. It is not unpleasant, surprisingly. ()


"I am Broken," I direct to the green pony (@Elegron), "I am a recent arrival."


"I was born in the city of Manehatten, Love District, Endoc 5," I answer the black unicorn (). I do not bother lying. None of these ponies would know where I speak of anyway.

Edited by Sekhayet



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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Dashia looks around and smiles.


She looks to Broken, "I guess grandpa's report about a spacial rip confirms his words about a hope for the wasteland of equestria."


She looks to Ebony, "You asked about why the gathering. You all have been found to hold a special trait my grandfather Spike knows of all too well."


She looks around at all and then asks, "What do you all know of the megaspell 'Elements of Harmony'? It is important that you please answer me honestly."

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"It's some relic used way back when before the megaspells hit. They supposedly saved Equestria from individuals like Discord, Tirek, Changelings. They are mostly folk stories now, usually told in the Ponyville area where the Mane Six were supposedly have said to live. Most of it is campfire stories halfling. I protect ponies, not here to tell stories to foals. What's your point?" I never cared much for the knowledge, but I have acquired it over the ages. It never was a big deal to me, why this mare cares, I have no interest unless I am being paid...I thought.

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"The elements of harmony.... Each one is different. Kindness, honesty, generosity, laughter, loyalty, and magic. There's entirely too many textbooks on them in the stable. Apparently they are really powerful when United. But the bearers are long gone now." Elegron wasn't the most studious pony in the stable, but he managed to get some reading in.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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"Mommy used to tell me happy stories about brave heroines that saved Equestria multiple times from evils by using objects called the Elements of Harmony. They were really cool and awesome. They would keep bad ponies away from taking over" Dyna sniffed a little bit as she started to think about her mother. 

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"I know that it supposedly generated an expedential amount of energy, no one has every been able to confirm what type, I did some research on it a while ago, and just concluded it was just myth. Just a bunch of colours and lights to impress people which they then misinterpreted and mixed it with folklore as if it was some sort of superpower." She stopped for a moment, "The supposed battles with the Elements of Harmony were probably just ponies mistaking it for Alicorn Magic." She looked over to Dashia, "That's all I learn about the myth of harmony." She paused and thought about something that had been bothering her, "How did you know for certain we, this band of misfits, would come together ta this specific spot, at this specific time as I had no interest with being here, I was meant to be asleep at the bar, fast asleep." She realised how pathetic she was sounded and stopes speaking and looked at the ground in embarrassment.

Edited by Sylveon the Pink


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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Laughing under my breath a little, "Yup, that was such a good time..." giving her looks out of my peripheral vision. She only blushed more afterwards, but hey, not my problem. Life was good sometimes, you had to admit. Besides, I made my share of mistakes and humorous blunders. You had to take your laughs where you got em right? I was vaguely reminded of a blushing bride that my wife had on our wedding day...then i forced that thought out of my head. She would never accept me again... I immediately refocused on the matter at hand.

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Broken tilts his head and answers mechanically, "They are the reincarnated essenses of ponydom. Each represents an aspect of positive emotion and action. In their crystalline forms they purify any target in a manner consistent with their wielder's desires. In their liquid forms, they induce the urge to act in the manner of the Elements name. In their sentient forms, they raze ponykind to begin it anew. They are lost."


He shakes his head and frowns for a moment before blanking his face into his emotionless warpony mask.

Edited by Sekhayet



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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"Time and place is known only to those who have lived a long time. My grandfather spoke of the return of this spell. The bearers can be found. We just have to know where to look. For now let's head to Ponyville. There is a place beneath golden oaks library. We should start there. However be mindful of your actions. They will have an empact on things to come."


Dashia begins to head for Ponyville.

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Elegron shrugs and follows, picking up a worn dagger that somepony had dropped. It was a standard combat knife, but very well made. Still sharp after celestias knows how long. He put it in his saddlebags for later and pulled out his canteen, taking a swig of the clean water. He heard a low rumbling as the giant mutated deathclaw known as x45 started to get up. It looked at Elegron like he was a mid-morning snack. Then it's eyes went to dash, and they went wide. The beast turned and fled from the pony who had nearly killed him, lumbering away at unnatural speed.

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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I followed for the sake of following but I didn't feel like I belonged at all. Kinda like a circus freak, well when most ponies treat you like gargage, it's hard not to feel the way I felt. "This quest better be worth something. I usually don't follow in herds...," I grumbled. I saw the filly jumping for joy at this vision and i suddenly wanted to strangle her giving her a look of death. I laughed at her reaction, and continued along. I'll follow along for now, but no guarantees I'll be staying for long... I kept to myself, keeping enough distance that I didn't have to be close to another pony but I didn't get behind either. I knew I'd be expecting the same jovial expression from the town when I returned...

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Dyna jumped around Night. "This is going to be super fun ya know". She then jumped around Ebony. "You look drunk, perhaps you would want to get.... undrunk" she giggles a little bit cutely. She then jumps over to Broken. "You look like a space pony. 'Up and beyond friendfinity'" she giggled again. She was a little bit hyper. She then proceeded to jump after Dash and Elegron. 

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As the group heads towards Ponyville, a surprise attacker lunges and pulls Dashia away from the group, as a small number of other raiders come into view of the group and begin firing on the group.


Two hits graze ebony and Elegron. Three graze the mutant. And one nearly hits the filly.


(Ok first combat. 6 enemies pony type mixed race. Each using pistols of mixed types. Leather barding.)

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Elegrons first thought is "ack! Whatdoidowhatdoidowhatdoido!"

He teleports behind one of the Raiders and bucks the unicorn in the face, drew his pistol, aimed, and fired point blank at his enemies head.

Elegron dove for cover as he heard a bullet whiz by his ear.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dyna immediately went to action. She jumped about as a bullet whooshed over her head. She ran in the direction of the raiders, but then hid behind a rock. She tugged out a dynamite and lit the end. "Leth thee if yuu like thith" she said with the grenade in her mouth. She then tossed it in the direction of the raiders. "Pop goes the bandit" she sung innocently. 

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"Hah, this is what I live for!" My armor taking the most of the damage. "You think a flesh wound will really stop me? You got another thing coming!" I charged forward using my strength to crush the skull of a raider leaving his brains in a absolute mess stunning some of his comrades. they immediately focused their fire on my position forcing me to take cover, dodging fire I managed to kick one to the ground before another round hit me allowing him to recover before I could finish him off. "This should distract them enough for the others to do something...," I mused "Screw logic," I ran out again taking more hits but using my weapon to bash another raider's head in for good. Anymore and I would be somewhat injured, but there were too few for that worry to really have much premise.

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Ebony lifts two of the raiders up by their throats and begins to asphyxiate them, they drop their guns as they start suffocating. Another pony takes a shot and hits the same leg previously shot, she falls down onto the other leg in recoil, "You shot me!" She growled. She turns to the pony who shot her and launched one of the chocking ponies at him, she then takes the opportunity to take cover behind a rock. She drops the raider and rips some leather off the winded pony's armor and binds it around her leg where she was shot. "Thanks for the bandage!" She then resumes choking the pony to death. 


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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It takes time for the choked raider to fall. The mutant takes out a few of the raiders before a loud bang is heard and the mutant is hit by a rifle slug. It came from his right and was from about 200 feet away. He can tell it was a sniper round.


The dynamite finished the last of these first six off before two more rounds wiz past her head. These are also long ranged shots. The feeling that passed by Elergon's ear was a long ranged magical blast.

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I definitely taken worse hits but this one hurt more than it looks. The raiders were dead but most of us went by without much damage. I had a slight limp but it was nothing special, it would just be another hour or so, until my radiation healed me enough that I would be okay. "Damn snipers," I muttered. I took a swig of a special potion I brewed from the radiated plants and creatures in the environment (Medicine Check). It would kill most other sentient creatures but since I relied upon radiation to live, it was an antidote to most injuries and kept me from decomposing further. I had no real interest in any loot, I just returned to the group since they were still recovering from the skirmish.  

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Elegron saw everypony had ignored the sniper, and he spotted the pony with a rifle in his mouth and teleported behind him "sup bitch. You hurt my friend" BLAM! With his newly aquired scoped hunting rifle, Elegron rejoined the group. "So guys, that went well wouldn't you agree?"



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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"So you can take a punch green one. I figured you to be initially useless. I guess unicorns are not complete wimps after all...," I said in a joking tone. I returned trotting along side Elegron. "So, you seem...new. What's your story, most unicorns I have met are pansies. You surprise me."

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