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private Fallout Equestria: Restoration of Harmony (RP)


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Broken barely controls his snort of amusement and turns it into a short, quiet exhalation. Military indoctrination for space faring ponies was quite clear in how time travel worked. Paradoxes were simply not something he personally needed to worry about- from his perspective in the timeline, everything would continue as normal. He wasn't from this timeline so he had no stake in keeping it on the path the half-breeds claimed to have originated. Even if they returned, their home timeline would be safe.



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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Ebony looks at the amulet carefully, "How do you know that it's not a very accurate copy? I still don't believe in that Elements of Harmony myth, when I see recorded evidence of it being used, then I'll consider believing in that folklore rubbish. Also I'm pretty sure I hit my head when I got thrown into that apple stall" She shoot the ghoul a quick glare. "And this is all in my head because of a mild concussion." She thought about the situation for a moment, then concluded to herself that it was simply ridiculous. Then she decided to just play along, "Well, what are we waiting around in the open for? Lets get going to... Wherever we're meant to be." She said waiting for a response from anyone.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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"I agree. If time is of the essence, then we should go. I see no point in waiting around." Elegron said as he sorted through his inventory. His security stable barding had taken minimal damage from the fight, and he had hardly used the pistol. The rifle however, was a bit worn. He decided that later he might take the scope off and put it on his pistol if the rifle got much worse without a repair.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dyna limped around, although feeling a bit better now that her hoof had been wrapped with bandage. "Any of you got any spare healing potions or what?". She looked at the other half-breeds. She was not comfortable with them being around. Not that she was scared of them, but that it just seemed rather odd that they would appear out of nowhere for nothing out of the sudden. She was not understanding the time thing and decided not to bother. 

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"Damn half-ling keeping secrets from us," I grumbled. "We keep these ponies safe and you...whatever...," I nodded respectfully towards the new arrivals but said nothing. I just came back and listened to whoever had to say what. "Wait, Darkeye wants who dead? Why should I care again?" I asked annoyed from this redundant goose chase. (You really used the name of my dead husband....why?) I sighed, "If they are in danger, I should make sure at least that they are safe, I could care less if they drink their lives' away. Where are we going half-ling?" I stood ready to move, my leg was still somewhat injured, but it didn't stop me defending myself or some mare's life.   

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Dashia says, "our destination is bellow the library in Ponyville. Also if we do come across myself of this time there is a few things you should know. One, her dragon's blood has yet to be awakened. Two, She still thinks like an enclave born Pegasus. And three, She possesses a regeneration similar to that of a ghoul's. Anypony know what 'touched by the taint' means?"


Dash hooves to everyone a unique med kit/repair kit. "This has two functions and limited uses before they are empty. One, these are med kits. And two, They will repair all your weapons the 50% status of ware." She hooves to those without armor one of the leather armors after removing the ensugnias. She then hooves a rifle to two who need long ranged weapons. She hooves her Recharger Rifle to the space pony. "It is 100 years more advanced then it looks."


She then dishes out ammo and caps. All the while, (perception 4 or more to notice), She has on her hoof a pipbuck. It looks almost identical to Elegron's pipbuck. The Element is arround her neck and glowing faintly.

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[Perception 9] Dyna notices Dashia's PipBuck. "Hey that kinda looks like his". She points at Elegron's PipBuck. She was starting to think. "Oh, by the way. I never caught your name, what is it?" she blinked a few times as she asked Elegron. "I have told you mine, I would like to know everypony's name. Or at least everypony I'm traveling with". 

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"I'm Elegron. Sorry for not introducing myself earlier." Elegron was looking at dash's pipbuck. There were a few small differences, but mostly they were the same "so you grew up in a stable? Hey, if we exchange pipbuck tags, then we can find each other if we get lost!" He holds out his hoof so she can copy down the number.

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dashia steps away and looks to the two. They nod Neos saying, "We don't think a possible glimps into the future would do any harm."


Dashia nods and says, "Sense you all already know we are from the future, I guess a proper introduction is in order. My full name is Cloudia Dashia Sparkle, Element of Loyalty and wife to the Element of Magic."


She then holds up her pipbuck and says, "This pipbuck once belonged to my mate."

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Elegron looks at his horn. Surely not.... "No. That's ridiculous" he thought to himself. "So where is this library?" He asked. He couldn't stop thinking about what she said. He was after all, the only unicorn in the group. Who else could it be? He would have to talk to her about that later.

Wait... Pipbuck... Her mate... He looked at the two pipbucks. "Wait... Your saying... What? I- uh... Don't know what to think. You can't be serious."

The two were almost identical. There were a few mods on her pipbuck however "wait. There's only one way to tell." He looked at the tag on her pipbuck. It was the same. No two tags were the same. "Well um... This is awkward." He had so many questions.

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dashia laughs and says, "Time is a funny thing. That was why I had before used a masking code. So that our pipbucks didn't have the same signature. The library is located in Ponyville. Twilight Sparkle's Golden Oaks Library. Ditzy Doo should be expecting us."


Dashia begins again to head for Ponyville. Neos and Tala be come invisible again and move away from the group. Dashia looks to the space pony and says, "I know our world isn't the same as yours but trust me when I say your actions will have an effect on this world. All actions will, even mine."

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Ebony looked at the two pip-bucks with curiosity, "This is rather obscene, if this was real shouldn't there be a time flux being caused between the two of them existing in the exact some time?" She looked back and forth between them. "I guess I'll have to figure this out later, lets move on to a safer location before we're ambushed again."


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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"So did anyone else get that? I'm still confused... You know what? I'll just roll with it. That seems like a good idea. I wonder when I'll meet the dash from the present?" Elegron follows beside dash "soooo.... Was I good?" He says with a grin that dash knows all too well.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dyna picks up on Elegron's words. She starts jumping around him, singing. "Eggie loves Dashie, Eggie loves Dashie, Eggie loves Dashie". She giggles and then starts to jump around Dashia. "So, do you like him? Who do you like more, him or future him? Am I in the future? Is the wedding awesome? Is there a cake like in the stories when ponies marry each other?" she asks with a wide smile. 

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Broken snorts and can't help but comment, "Perhaps... the energy core is interesting but it would be useless at the ranges my division trained to fight in. Still, thank you. I did not like to be unarmed."


He takes the rifle in his hooves before examining it. It would not fit in the traditional underslung weapon mounts nor would it be of much use to mount them in an atmosphere, in any case. Despite his determination he could still magnetize it to the top of his wings to carry until a fight.


Broken's wings expand and pulse for a moment before the rifle clamps to the splayed feathers of his right wing. The wing twists unnaturally in its socket to fold against his side, rifleside against his barrel.


The medical kit is interesting, he could integrate those into his wings. They seemed to be compatible with his systems.


"Do you know this kit's designer? It is too much of a coincidence that it is compatible with my wings."

Edited by Sekhayet



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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Dashia says, "I designed them 50 years from now using advanced Enclave medical and repair technologies."


Dashia continues to heads towards Ponyville. "Little one that one question is not ment for young ears. However they are the same being but one is more experienced then the other. So I can't say."


She looks to Ebony and says, "Temporal flux emitter mod. It is the cloak I was talking about earlier. It masks my temporal energy signature so a paradox field doesn't form."


Dashia then looks to the space pony before returning her view ahead towards Ponyville. "I have been able to peg a target from up to 20k feet in the air. I also happen to have, what I call, a reset button. What do yall remember of the orbital system Sentenza?"

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"So what's future me like? Assuming that question doesn't brake the universe of course."

He was slightly annoyed that she didn't answer his earlier question, but she was right. Dyna mite didn't need to hear about that. Although he wondered how that even happened. After all, she seemed a little.... Formal for his tastes. "Well. These may be different time dimensions. Things will happen as they happen, no use stressing over the future now" he thought to himself.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dyna snickered. "You are right, that is for future Elegron to worry about". She then looked at Dashia. "I may be young, but that doesn't mean that I can't handle hearing stuff. I have had to live on my own for over a year on, with no one to be able to rely on. With no one to take care of me" he face puffed up. 

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Broken looks back at the rifle intently, "Really now... perhaps this is more useful a weapon than I thought... does Ponyville have a mechanical shop?"


He follows the group from the opposite side of the time travelers. "Is this Sentenza part of a network? Does it generate this cloud cover?"



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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Dashia taps a button on her pipbuck. A beam of pure energy hits what appears to be the far northern area, the Crystal Wastes. "That is a fixed point in time. That means it had to happen and that beam is Sentenza. It is an orbital platform. No it is no longer part of a network but it was one of the reasons for the great calamity."

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Broken's eyes widen and he can't help but bitterly question the ponies around him, "You idiots make orbital weapons? To point at your own planet? What... why... not even Nightmare Cadance was that stupid..."


He re-evaluates the ponies around him, this kind of cultural idiocy places them in a different category. They are simultaneously more dangerous and less dangerous in his eyes.


"It doesn't matter that it's a fixed point... you really really should not allow this to happen..." he mutters.

Edited by Sekhayet



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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Dashia says, "night, what usually happens to a feral ghoul when hit with 1001 rads worth of radiation? What I just did was spare this area an imminate attack. The superghouls of the Crystal wastes would have attacked if I didn't do that. It is also a message that the megaspells of old still exist. Cadence never went nightmare in this universe. However all alicorns, the Elements and their bearers have vanished with only the folk tales left in their wakes. Fluttershy was the original creator of the megaspells."


Dashia passes the boarder into Ponyville. Then heads to Ditzy Doo's shop.

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"Wait.... Can my pipbuck do that?!" He looked at his in wonder, and started flipping through the pages for anything he had missed. Nothing. He figured it was from one of her mods. Taking a quick glance at the older, but still young looking half breed's flank, he stepped inside the shop.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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"Time travel, fluxes, alternate realities, alternate paths, nothing in this situation makes sense? What happened to your mate? Why the pip buck?", I asked. (Perception Check - 6)  Everyone else was in deep conversation and I merely listened. At hearing the filly's question, "I am Night, you would be hard pressed to amuse me so go bother another pony," I replied curtly. I walked away then Dashia spoke to me, "Well isn't obvious, even I can die with too much radiation. Any point past 1000 rads, and you could watch me die horribly. I still am not sure how radiation heals me, then suddenly kills me after a certain point. My dangerous life style balances my radiation ratio so I don't die, it's usually a pretty good deal," I replied back. Then I spoke generally,"So we are saving this mare before she gets assassinated, where is she? The Golden Oaks Library? I want to know what is going on now," giving her a firm look.


I followed with the group going into the town once more. A familiar-looking apple stall owner immediately began moving his shop to the other end of town. I glanced toward Ebony with a knowing smirk laughing lightly to myself. I then followed Dashia inside the shop to browse the wares. Besides I was curious who this Ditzy Doo character was.

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Dashia either didn't notice him looking or was use to it. "To answer you Night, he is fine and well. His new form currently has him quite busy. He gave it to me some time later as a present. Now that is all I can say about the future me and future yall for now. I can reveal more later."


A grey Pegasus ghoul with patchy fur and the looks of undeath about her. She has bubbles for a cutiemark. She looks older then even Dashia and those who look into her eyes can see knowledge of old times and pain in them. (PERCEPTION 4 or more to be able to see it.) Dispite both her undeath and age she looks quite young.


Ditzy Doo's says, "Welcome how....Dashia? I thought I sent you into the library."


Dashia says, "In a way you did. You sent my past self into the library. Did Darkeyes' minions go down there yet? Is Loyalty still there?"


Ditzy nods understandingly. "Yes and yes. They went down a few minutes before you got here. The element can only be rechrieved by its chosen bearer. They won't be able to get to her once she begins the trail of loyalty."


Dashia grabs some meal packs and ammo. "Grab what ammo you need, everypony. We begin your mission in 5. Also Ditzy, Night needs a supply of your special muffins. I will take a batch as well."


"Ok 2 dozen rad muffins coming right up."


Ditzy heads into the back. A few moments later and the sound of banging, She comes out with two bags of muffins.


Dashia says to Night Torrent, "Before you ask, I am touched by the taint. It gives me the same effect that you use. Both I and my past self have it."


Dashia pays 12000 caps for all the supplies the group gets. She hooves one of the bags to Night Torrent and packs away the second.

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