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Does your OC have a job?

Stone Cold Applejack

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Dark Shadow has many different jobs. It depends on what he's hired to do. Includes, but isn't limited to; Assassination, espionage, sabotage, interrogation, tracking criminals or lost persons, scouting and electrical conduction.

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My OC Flash Brush works for the Ponyville paper, she takes pictures for the Ponyville Paper Co. and puts them in the papers. It's not that hard of a job, but her boss is always pushing her around along with the other co-workers she works with.

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My OC, Rune Shade, is in charge of the single most ruthless and cruel legion of the Changeling Army (or any army, for that matter). When on the field she is known as General Plague, as she often uses biological & chemical weaponry and dark magic. She also specializes in rune carving.

Edited by British Brony
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Okay, i was trying to remember my oc's jobs and i think i have 'em:


Candy Star: Candy Shop


Star Shine: Library


Lightning Flicker: Flight School


Silver Melody: Singer at Saloon


Benevolent Heart: Not sure yet.


Rosemary: Traveling healer.

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  • 6 months later...

My OC's still in School (Not going to go into what year since we've only seen two schools so far, but if it works like it does in the us I'd be in my second year of High School (Year 11 in the UK where I am)) and his game design stuff is a light hobby for now until he gets out of college.

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Fantasy Moon is sort of like a storyteller.  She's commissioned to present stories (historical or otherwise) at various events, but most of her business is done at the history museum in Baltimare.


Stormcloud, on the other hand, almost never sticks to one place.  She makes money by taking up odd jobs wherever she ends up.  One could also ask her to venture into dangerous places and face off against threats, thanks to her combat skills.


An upcoming character of mine is part of a rich family of merchants who operate from Canterlot.  He mostly functions as a treasurer and a host in his father's place.  He also earns money being a bard.

Edited by Akari of Duskshire
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