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private [closed] Adventures of the Equestrian Seas


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"Sure!" Wilhelm went up to the coffeemaker and poured Rave a cup, and brought it over. He leaned in conspiratorially. "So, what do you think ofour new crewmates? The big ones, and especially the purple one, are kind of...." He did the universal sign for crazy next to his ear. "Who are you, anyway? You know, if I'm allowed to know...." His eyes twinkled with a sort of mirth.

"I think they can prove to be useful, if it comes to fighting, however, the purple one might start fights, that we don't really need. As for who I am, I am Rave.... Darkmane. You might have heard about my family, the Darkmanes, nothing good though, probably heard about all the 'evil' we have committed" he sighed. 

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Returning to the conversation Caramel spoke: "Alright then that it settled: Rave will be the navigator/chartbuck, Violet will be up the crows nest and sails, Windhelm will be master of guns and a bit repairing,  We also got enough fighters, that's for sure! And of ye don't wanna fight that's okay. The only ponies we need now are some more sailors and a cook to prepare us meals." Caramel looked proud around the table. This is going to be her new crew, it's going to be chaos but a hell of a time.


"I meself am the captain of this ship of course. I'll be leading you to treasure and legends, Joy and Adventure!" yelled Caramel as she climbed up the middle of the table. She raised her drink and said: "All aboard say AYE!"

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violet slammed her cup on the table, stood on her hind legs on her chair, took a deeeeeeeep breath, and bellowed: "AAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" then she got back onto her seat, and continued to eat like nothing happened. "so," she said, "whos gonna be...hic...our cook? we gotta have a cook." she chewed on her fish bone.


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Tyra stomped a hoof on the table and raised her mug, sending drops of rum splashing here and there.


"AYE!!" She yelled, downing the rest of her drink and slamming the mug back down with gusto before chewing every scrap of meat off the remaining fish skeleton as she could reach.


If Caramel was worried about getting on the vertically-challenged viking's good side, she needn't worry anymore; with the promise of good food, drink, fighting and good company, the young warrior was set for this voyage.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Rave managed to save his cup of coffee from spilling by levitating it with his magic, when the table was shaken. He took a sip and then spoke. "Aye" he said rather calmly as he took another sip and levitated a cookie towards his mouth. He started thinking about all the places they would see, all the areas they would explore. 

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"Uh... Aye!" agreed Spellbind, slamming her drink on the table before clutching her hoof which had been hurt as a result. "I could be the cook," she offered. "There's one of the few things I'm good at. I find it pretty enjoyable, too," she went on, though it wasn't helping her self-esteem much.

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Wilhelm did nothing but raise a single eyebrow at Rave's confession. The Darkmanes weren't horrible people to a large extent; however, they did...dabble in certain areas. He made a silent note to find out more about Rave. When the Ayes were yelled, he rolled his eyes up to the heavens and said, with a faint whiff of sarcasm, "Aye. I'll enjoy getting murdered on a deserted island thousands of mines away from Equestria." The last was delivered with a joking tone, however, he looked completely serious. As always. (Well, when he wasn't drunk.)

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Caramel stepped of the table back in her seat with a big smile. Even thou Wilhelm did not responded like she would have hoped, she was quite happy with the ones who did. Guess he just needs some more convincing.


"Alright this calls for more celebrating but lets talk some more business first.Yes Spellblind ye'll make a perfect cook. If all goes well we should be leaving tomorrow. This way ye got time to say goodbye to yer family and friends and also got time to grab all yer stuff that ye need." She looked around the table again at the joyful faces. She took the last sip of rum, so she could move on to the cider. "Aye then, lets celebrate!"

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"Aye!" Tyra repeated, grabbing a fresh mug of rum and downing at least half the mug before slamming it back down, sending splashes around the table.


Since she already had everything she took from home on her, and she travelled alone up until the tavern, she had no need to leave the ship for anything. So she was more than content to stay around and guzzle as much rum as she could. Granted the stuff wasn't nearly as strong as her favourite Trotstheim mead, but it was plenty tasty all the same.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Lordy sneaked into port. A ship! Probably a merchant one by the looks of it. The crew seemed busy messing around, nobody guarding the trapdoor to the ships hull. The gold he might find there would feed him for weeks. He sneaked on board and hid behind a mast. When he was sure nobody was watching, he went underneath the deck to see what goods he could 'borrow'


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Rave was not in the mood for celebrating. He left the table and started wandering around the ship. He saw a shadow move somewhere. "What was that" he muttered silently to himself. He went to inspect what it was until he came across a pony. "What are you doing here?" he asked rather coldly, his horn starting to glow dark.

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Caramel also heard something and went after Rave. She heard hoof steps coming from the main hall. She stood up from her chair and walked towards the sound.

She saw a shadow moving around the hall, interested she walked after the mysterious pony.


"I hope the rest of the crew isn't confused that me and Rave just left all of the sudden, I also hope they don't come after me, since they're all very loud." Rave shouted something. "Too late, now everyone will come looking around the corner" she thought to herself

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Spellbind poured herself another glass of cider and drank some of it. She then licked off her new foam-stache.


Then she heard footsteps and did wonder where they came from. Things got tense when a new pony appeared and was questioned by members of the crew.

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"You there, explain yerself trespasser!" Caramel yelled at the strange pony. "What do ye think yer doing here on my ship without me permission." Caramel became angry, she tried to calm herself down. Wouldn't want to have the same thing as yesterday happen again. "I said explain yerself stranger!"

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Tyra's ears perked up at the sudden yelling from nearby. Perhaps a fight was breaking out?

Finishing another rum, she hopped off her chair and trotted out to find what the commotion was about. 


Caramel, Rave and Spellbind had cornered a strange pony she'd never seen before. An intruder?

Narrowing her eyes, she reached back and grabbed the hilt of her axe in her teeth, clenching it with them as she joined her companions in cornering the stowaway.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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(I ant mention everyone =p)


As soon as he was spotted, Lordy turned, and grabbes his musket. He slowly moved it around pointing from pony to pony, realizing it was 4 on 1. He loaded and aimed at the pony with a glowing horn.


"Listen, i dont want trouble." He pushed a bag with his nack feet, "ill be taking this and marching off... if u dont mind."


His hoofs were shaky and the muzzel vibrated violently.


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Rave took a step closer, his horn starting to darken the room a little bit. "Or you can lower this useless metal stick down and put down the bag" he suggested coldly again. Rave was starting to think what sort of spell he should use on the stranger if he tried something. Everything he thought of, involved dark magic. 

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Wilhelm stepped up and smoothly handed the unknown pony a mug of rum. "Sure, you can have the gold. Drink up! In celebration of your victory." He gave a slight, nonthreatening smile, held up his hooves in a gesture of surrender, and stepped back behind the crowd. While there, he whispered something in Rave's ear, too low for anyone else to hear. "The rum's laced with sodium thiopental. Truth serum, in short. If he drinks that, he'll be telling us whatever we need to know down to his hometown and birth parents. And he'll be helpless as a babe while spilling everything."

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"No, no fighting and no truth sirums either wilhelm, ye seriously think he's gonna fall for that after ye just handed him a drink? "Again, I don't want anypony getting hurt on my ship unless it's necessary." Caramel said loudy.

"Put yer weapons down, you too Rave, lower yer horn. Lets just talk this situation out over a real non-poisonous drink."

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As soon as the musket had been pulled out, all of the colour had been drained from Spellbind's face, and her pupils had shrank.


What are you guys doing?! Let him have it! It's not worth our lives! she thought desperately, but dared not say anything out loud.

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OOC: EVERYONE STOP POSTING, I'M EDITING AS FAST AS I CAN (and, technically, I said it to Rave. And I meant it form bfore the muskets bit) Either we can just spare a second to get everything back in order and figure out what string of edits we need to do, or we can redact what puck said.


IC(if we don't start red acting):


Wilhelm sighed. "Listen, it was almost a good idea." Then, unexpectedly, in a blur of motion, he was behind Lordy, with a silver revolver pressed to the base of his skull. "I advise you drop the gold and let us talk this out, mm?" Wilhelm's expression seemed to be carved from stone. If nessecary, he would shoot Lordy without a second thought.

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Once the musket was in sight, Tyra tightened her grip on her axe, practically snarling at the intruder like an angry dog.


She heard Caramel's orders to lower their weapons, but she wasn't exactly a total moron; until this stranger put his weapon away, hers wasn't going anywhere. She kept hunched over, ready to pounce.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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violet had stayed at the kitchen, eating everyones food, before heading out, herself. she drank everyone's mead, too. "who the hell are yooooooou? hic." she said as she walked up to everyone. "who is this guy?" she noticed everyone ready to fight. "oh, okay! its time to fight!" she got into her drunken stance.


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OOC: It's okay if there is a bit of chaos, just don't try to post so soon after eachother, take yer time

Also I'm going to bed, don't continue too much without me. 




Everything turned into a mess, Wilhelm at the strangers head, Tyra with her axe and Rave with his dark magic. Caramel had enough!. As her mane and eyes turned blue again, she took everyone holding a weapon down to the ground in one big movement. After she calmed down she said: I told ye I didn't want any fighting." She then looked over to the stranger and help him up. "Spellblind ye're in charge for now, I think I'll go lay down for a bit, the rest of ye should calm down too and handled the situation."

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On a mountain top, Assassin was ready to leap, to practice. She tried to land on a pile of haystack. Wind was blowing hard. It would take a lot of time to just walk down. "No fear, I do this everyday..", she said. When she was about to jump, she slipped and fell. She didn't land on a pile of haystack, she was injured badly. She couldn't say a word, she just stayed there, breathing hard. 






- Timezone problems. :okiedokielokie:

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Equestria Girl Artist Infernus's adorable brother  :kindness: / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai   B)

Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit..  :blush: 


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