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Ice flinched as the metallic creature spouted flames from its mouth. He had to back away and think of another tactic. However, when he saw the green smoke, he knew that going in close was a bad idea. So instead he decided to back away even further, and attack from a longer distance with an ice blast towards the creature.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Radiant jumped out of his dome shield as he saw the green smog beginning to envelope the area. He assumed it was what was in Canterlot previously and he still had no idea what it did, whether it was fatal or not.


He walked back along with Ice keeping his swords drawn and levitating around him.

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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Ticktock saw the green gas begin to decend onto the area and used a spell that created wind, blowing the gass higher into the air, giving agents a little more time to get away. He then joined Radient and drew his sword as well. "Ok then Radiant, what's the plan of attack because we need to keep this thing destracted while Tybalt gets the cannons ready."

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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Ice looked up at the monstronsity and looked back at Radiant for a plan of some kind, "Uh...yeah. Any plan is a good plan at this point, dude. We won't last long against this thing if we just rush in against it, I know that much at least." In all truth, he was slightly worried about this thing.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Tyra snarled as the green mist emerged from the machine, and she fidgeted on her hooves with frustration. She hopped in place as Blizzard leapt to her side. The only thing stopping her from charging in was remembering what it was.


"How do we combat this mist?" She asked anypony who would listen, "We cannot get near it without breathing it in!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Radiant's eyes dart from side to side as to analyze the situation. His horn begun to glow and golden magical energy begun to arc over his body as if electricity was jumping along a conductive surface. "I'll go in first, I will disperse the gas even more and stubble the creature then I will withdraw. Tyra you're in next, hit its weak point as hard as you can, you'll only have time for two or three swings and make sure to hold your breath." He ordered glancing to Ice and Tick Tock. "Tick Tock be ready with another wind spell if the gas closes in on tyra or any other pony, Ice be ready with some long range abilities when it regains its footing. Aim for the weak area, the harder the hit the better." 


The captain then charged forward as the magical energy continued getting more violent. As Radiant was in range of the creature the magical energy jumped from his body causing a large shockwave of magic to radiate from him and collide with the creature as well as dispersing the gas more so.

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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Ice heeded all of Radiant's orders carefully and thoroughly. After Radiant was finished speaking his orders, Ice responded with a nod, "Yes sir, Raid sir." He made sure to prepare himself for when he would be needed for the strategic plan Radiant so cleverly concocted.

Edited by J.R.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Radiant magic wave pushed poison cloud all around, gas lost on its power, at this point it was almost useless, but it covered much more ground then before. This gas made an green mist couple of milimetars above the earth.

Radian magic wave also hit metalic pony, thet was pushed in it tracks back. Thing did not done annything to caunteratack this "magic wave" atack, it just stod in midle of open plane like noting has happened.

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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Once Radiant jumped back, Tyra took a deep breath and galloped in. Her cheeks puffed out and she kept her breath held as she climbed and jumped up the machine.


She perched up near the weakspot and began slamming the axe blades into it, trying to weaken it even more.


You will not win!


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Ice stood back several feet in accordance with the plan Radiant had proposed. When it was his turn, he would strike back with long range attacks, but not a moment before.


"Come on....let's get this on... " He repeated to himself as he got in a good position for his attack.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Tyra swinger her axe with great speed and might at 'week spot' of the metalic beast. Her swings did not done great dameg, but they did done inaf of dameg to destroy the beast, but it was inaf to make hole from before little biger. And at this point Tyra could see litle of the insaid of this beast. It was full of shiny metal, and black wairs. And at moment as beast moved thos wairs glowed green for a moment.

Beast moved couple of steps forwered and relised an electic aura around it metalic 'skin'. <- this was probably some kaid of defanse mechanisam.


At this point an canon ball striked ground, around 30 metars from our heroes. This was probably sign thet Tybalt reached canons. But at this point they did not see were beast is, so he probably needed some kaid of sign were to shoot this big balls of death.




(At this point you can chose to finish beast by your self (and not give Tybalt sign were to shoot) or give sign to Tybalt were to shoot and let the beast get destroyed thet way.)

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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Radiant hear a loud bang and as he turned to look at it he only saw a large cloud of dust where the sound came from. It took him a second to realize it was Tybalt taking a shot at the creature.


Radiant stepped back further from the monstrosity and looked to the team. "Everypony back away from it, Ice or Tick tock, do either of you have a spell to indicate the location of our foe. Let's make sure there is nothing too large to recover from it." He ordered.

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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Ice blinked. This was...unexpected to say the very least. Unfortunately, he had no ice attacks or abilities that would enable others to see the location of enemies. He was at a blank for a moment and gulped. It was up to Ticktock at this point now, "Sorry uh...got nothin...Ticktock?"​


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Tyra went for another swing for the exposed wires, thinking nothing of their turning green, until she heard Radiant's command to fall back. She halted her swing and hopped off the machine, grouping up with her team.


"What is this beast doing now?!" She barked, snarling as she watched it.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Ticktock thought for a second, "Well i might have something but it will depend on th perseption of the ponies working the cannons, ok so if Tyra and Radiant destract it i need ice to create some kind of conductor out of ice ontop of that thing, i will then use a spell to send a great bolt of lightning down, it should last about five seconds."

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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Ice took note of Ticktock's whole plan. It was brilliant. This is the kind of thinking the team needed in order to last the amount of time they needed. Now, ice was ready, "Ok, Ticktock! Let's go!" From there, he carried out what was instructed of him, and ran towards the monstrosity, creating an ice coating atop its head.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Metalic creature made couple of steps backs after Blizzard created some kaid ofice coath on top of its head. It eyes flashed with green color, he probably was calculating what was going on, as this was such a random move thet it was probably not planed in its defansive pathern.

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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As the ice formed ontop of the robot Ticktock took his chance to cast the spell, black clouds began to swirl over the beast and the sound of thunder echoed all over Canterlot, followed by a great pillar of purple lightning coming down and the Ice made by blizzard. Ticktock then fell to the floor looking exhausted.

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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As the purple lighting appered above beast head, it probably relaised what was going on, and it prepared to move away from thet spot but Tybalt did not give it anny time to move and just moments after lighting pillar made its way up to the sky, an cannon ball falled down from the sky with such force thet destroyed the beast in one go. As soon as the canon ball roled away from place beast was lyeing, it reviled an strange green spot on the ground, this green 'water' was driping away from now destroyed metalic creature.

If our heroes were to look at it, they would see thet this was portal to the ship above them. This was probably a trap but it was onli way for our heroes to get up to the Scarlet airship and bring battle from ground up to her.



(After all you pass true 'portal' il start final chapter.)

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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Radiant shielded the group before the impact of the cannonball which kept the high speed debris from hitting them and possibly causing injury.


As the dust cleared Radiant sighed as the beast was no longer standing, however something green seemed to be pooling on the ground near the wreckage of the body. He left his dome shield and walked up to the edge of the green pool on the ground. 


As he stood over it he saw an obstructed image of the interior of a ship, possibly of the one above their heads. So it was possible that this was a portal into the enemy ship. "There could an ambush waiting for us, but we don't have any other way onto the ship..." He said to himself before looking to the group. "If we choose to use this I will go first since I can take any initial attacks."

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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After everything was mostly said and done at the point in time it was already, Ice looked up and noticed there was a portal leading them to where they would actually need to go next. It seemed very risky, yet Ice wasn't really all that intimidated by it after all they've been through so far. He looked at Raidiant as he walked towards him, ​"Could be risky, dude. But I think we have a shot."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Tyra and Blizzard trotted over to the green pool, lowering their heads down to sniff at it curiously. They jerked their heads back up, rasping in disgust.

"This liquid smells foul!" The mare complained.


She looked with curiosity at the supposed portal, and frowned at the thought of the incoming nausea she'd receive by travelling through it. "It would seem like we have little choice. Let us take the fight to our enemies here and now!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Ticktock cracked his hoofs as he looked into the portal "Ok so we are about to enter a portal which is most likely an ambush and the odd's will be against us?" Ticktock took a few steps back before running and jumping into the portal and shouting "Come on what are you guys waiting for?!"

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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Ice sighed with relief when the portal finally opened. Now they could actually make progress, do something, and get somewhere better than what they currently are at the current time. ​"Finally! Come on, guys! Let's get the heck outta here!" ​He jumped into the portal.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Radiant tried to stop Ice before he jumped into the pool but failed to do so, it was his intention he'd go first as to take the brunt of an attack from any possible ambush. He quickly cast his armor spell and jumped into the portal after Ice so he could make sure he didn't get singled out inside the ship.

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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