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Has a "friend" betrayed you?


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  • 4 weeks later...

Dunno if I've already posted on this thread or not, but of course.

I have this one online friends that NEVER fulfills his promises, and never acts like a true friend.

Make plans to meet up on a game at 8pm? Comes online at midnight saying "OOPS, WENT TO WALMART / NAPPED", showing he doesn't care about anyone's time other then his own

Bring up a more serious topic such as schooling / jobs and/or parents? He always sides with whatever the problem is and acts as if you're being stupid / way younger then you really are

Go into creative mode on a Minecraft Realms server that YOU paid for, after promising you would do 100% vanilla survival with him, even if its around 10k blocks away? Gets super pissed and yells at you, leaves the server, comes back, and silently TNTs / dumps lava on everything you made.

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Oh yes. Several times both individual and as groups.

I remember when I was still only a child, an older friend took me to a park located in a place that I was unfamiliar with. He then told me to stay there while he went away and promised he'd be right back. He never returned. Luckily I wised up and found my way back, despite being scared and lost. Turned out he did it deliberately. Why I now relate strongly with a certain Steven Universe character thanks to that memory.

Other times were through secondary school. There used to be a group of friends I spent time with. Suddenly one day, they started gossiping and turned malicious towards me. They're nothing to me now.

  • Brohoof 2
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Indeed, I guess if you can call it a betrayal, since they clearly weren't my friends to begin with.

Basically I was in this group of like 4 people (me included), at some point I started feeling like I was being ignored and neglected, like I was kinda just 'there' and not actually being included in the conversations and such (and yes I tried joining in and making my presence known), so I tried to talk about it with them, and they all acted like nothing was wrong. One even tried to argue that "it's just how they are", that they "weren't the type to go out of their way to invite people" or some crap, meanwhile they had absolutely no trouble doing it amongst themselves, it was always just me being left out.

Might seem a bit mild but I took it very harshly, and I still haven't gotten over it to this day. All I wanted was to make friends and feel like I was a part of something, and I genuinely thought I'd found that with them...

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I have, but I was the one burning bridges with them in the first place. Plus at the time, they were in a personal situation that made their life like hell. We were only 15 at the time, so neither of us knew better. 

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Yes. I had known her for 10 years. We were best friends.

But, it took me that long to realize that she was emotionally abusing me. 

She would guilt trip me, blame everything on me, force me to do things I didn't want to do. She lied all the time, and never told me half of the stuff going on in her life. I loved her like a sister, but being abused like that... I am so sad that it took me so long to realize it.


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