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Does anyone else just love humanity?


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Humanity is far from perfect, but misanthropy and holding other species in a higher moral regard is just plain ludicrous. We are the most accomplished species on this planet, without a doubt and though we have uncountable flaws, i'm willing to look at the good and a way to correct these flaws, rather than berate and hate myself simply because i'm human. 

(this coming from a vegetarian, the ones who happen to be more misanthropic in ratio to omnivores)

  • Brohoof 2

Who you jiving with that cosmik debris? 

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Humanity is what pushed us into evolution. We cared enough to take care of each other, backstab each other, apologize and forgive each other. Humanity explains why we as a species do what we do, believe what we do with such complexity.


We made mistakes of course. Humanity explains our strengths and weaknesses. Humanity is a vast universe that have unlimited possibilities. An animal's fate, for instance, is almost definitely fixed.


A human's fate can be shaped and formed in any way possible, and our humanity; an unstoppable force.


And it has lead us to our position that we stand in today.

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It's a bit of a love-hate relationship. I love all that we've accomplished as a species and there are some amazingly brilliant people out there that I would love to meet and shake hands with. The hate part of the relationship comes from the less pleasant side of humanity, but I suppose you can't really have the good without the bad.

^This 100%.


I've discovered that I also have a "Love-hate" relationship with Humanity.


While I do have compassion for my fellow man, and I do realize that there are some really awesome and good people out there, they are, unfortunately, outnumbered greatly by the more unlikable side of humanity (Basically all the idiots in the world :D ) who's voices are just a little too loud....

Humans, in my eyes, have only come so far in terms of technology. Everything else?  Well.....


We could use some work. :/

This is a signature,


and that was a post...

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I was worried this was going to be a sarcastic question when I saw the title! Happy that it isn't!


Bu yes, human beings are far and away my favorite kind of animal. We are so much more complex and interesting than any other species, IMO. Each and everyone of us is unique, with deep emotions, psychological needs, personal histories, etc...Yet, there are also universal qualities in everybody such as a need to be respected and belong. Its so cool to me, for example, that different societies/cultures had similar creation myths, archetypes and values despite never interacting (for instance, flood stories and dragons appearing all over the world!) That's to say nothing about archetypes that appear in dreams! 


I am going into teaching English and Film Studies and I don't think I would be able to do this if I wasn't interested in people.

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I think it's good to focus on the positive. Imagine what we can become. But we also need to make sure we've learned sufficiently from our past. Knowing what we don't want is important, too. We have great power over our world. With great power comes the ability for serious mistakes. We need to be careful. But you're right. Imagine what amazing things we could one day do.

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@@Carolina, it actually didn't occur to me that it could easily sound sarcastic until now, haha... Oops.

But yeah, while my opinions have certainly changed from what they were in the past, nowadays I just love humanity overall. :)


And all of that really does sound interesting. :catface:  The level of depth behind a single person, or even a handful of people is massively impressive. Just taking a passive summation of all their experiences will yield so much. But yes, you're certainly right that even if we are very different, there are some uniting drives and values that crop in interesting ways (across many different cultures too, as you said)!


And that's really awesome to hear!  :lol: I have a brother that's planning on being either an English or Literature teacher, and I have to say, from what I understand about it you have to be interested in both people and their devices of understanding and expression. How are you planning on using your Film Studies degree?  :) Pardon the curiosity, haha.



@@Aidan OGain, yeah, I think you're right there. :) Potential is something we have a ton of, and that means we should be all the more careful. However, we can already do some amazing things! I'm currently working through some work in physics, and it's just impressive how precise and inventive people have been in harnessing normally-hard-to-detect energies and geometry/etc to serve our needs. Like, using natural magnets and conductors to transform kinetic energy into electrical current, which is then used for many other things. It's just impressive what we've figured out already.

Edited by SFyr
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Posted 5 minutes ago

@Carolina, it actually didn't occur to me that it could easily sound sarcastic until now, haha... Oops.

But yeah, while my opinions have certainly changed from what they were in the past, nowadays I just love humanity overall.  :)


And all of that really does sound interesting.  :catface:  The level of depth behind a single person, or even a handful of people is massively impressive. Just taking a passive summation of all their experiences will yield so much. But yes, you're certainly right that even if we are very different, there are some uniting drives and values that crop in interesting ways (across many different cultures too, as you said)!


And that's really awesome to hear!   :lol: I have a brother that's planning on being either an English or Literature teacher, and I have to say, from what I understand about it you have to be interested in both people and their devices of understanding and expression. How are you planning on using your Film Studies degree?   :) Pardon the curiosity, haha.



Thanks for the comments! Nice to hear from a fellow people fan! :) I kind of worry about some of my fellow teaching students who don't really like people. How are their students supposed to react to THAT? I guess one can be a decent teacher without liking people (especially kids), but with all the interaction, it really helps!


I would really like to teach Film Studies at the college level, but if not, I'd definitely like to use film/television along with regular literature in high school English. Buuuuuut, I'm also working on a screenplay for a TV series and am hoping it goes...er...somewhere.

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  • 7 years later...

I sure do! We've made many, MANY mistakes, and make no mistake a lot of us can be real meanies, jerks or dunderheads, but I've met so many great people, who care about each other and the world at large. Every human is unique and even if humanity isn't perfect, I like to think that humans learn something every day. I'm happy to be one! :wub:

It takes all sorts to make a world
Short and tall sorts, large and small sorts
To fill this pretty planet with love and laughter
To make it great to live in tomorrow and the day after!

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  • 2 years later...

I have never loved humanity. People do too many bad things. There are good people and I'm glad about it. I like good people, but they are few. Most people are indifferent or angry, many are stupid. If I had a choice to be born human or not, I wouldn't be born. I would rather have been born a different kind of animal than to be human.

I also hate that people think they are gods and kings of nature. They haven't even learned how to live peacefully yet and do they consider themselves reasonable? I think it's stupid. People believe that they are the only intelligent beings. I look at how people live and it seems to me that some part does not have a mind. I don't understand why people think that other animals are not intelligent.

Edited by ComanderZhabikKlavik
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It’s complicated. For as advanced as we are there’s a lot of problems we just shouldn’t have. A lot of which are distinct choices. Take the endangerment of animal species, for example. Some are endangered as a side effect of industrialization. But some are actively being hunted and poached, like rhinos and elephants. And to an extent orangutans as well since we are purposely destroying their environments for an insignificant ingredient (palm oil) we could very easily live without. This shouldn’t be happening. We know better. There’s examples of that happening with other animals of course but that’s what first jumps to mind for me.

We also have the ability to help and heal animals that would otherwise die or go extinct as well. Like with pandas. And with so many other wild animals that sanctuaries take care of when they’re injured or sick. Without humans those sick or injured animals are dead.

I hold hope that we’ll eventually work past our issues. The fact we survived the Cold War and haven’t nuked ourselves is enough for me to have hope. I feel we’ll deal with climate change eventually as well, at the last minute, most likely. Because that’s what’s most profitable.

  • Brohoof 1


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I want to, but that's becoming increasingly difficult as time goes on. Humans have created so much. Technology, economy, culture, diversity. Yet this species continues to use those things to harm each other. We have an economic system that we made up, it is all fake, and we can change the rules at any point, but we still allow this fake system to cause suffering when that suffering could be solved at any point. I learned quickly that it is not an incapability that stops us, it is a refusal to do. Humanity has groomed itself to hate each other, to use each other for one's own benefit, to the point where it almost feels like there are more than one human species. Those at the top, and the rest of us. 

This of course isn't even considering that we've created weapons that can destroy the entire planet, and that we actively are destroying the planet anyways, because we are that bored I guess. We should be able to help each other at any point, but it is a system that we created, and somehow rigged it against ourselves. That's only getting worse from where I stand. My faith in humanity has become a lost cause at this point. There are individuals that I cherish, of course, but we're talking about humans as a whole.

Edited by Kyoshi Frost Wolf
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23 hours ago, Kyoshi Frost Wolf said:

I want to, but that's becoming increasingly difficult as time goes on. Humans have created so much. Technology, economy, culture, diversity. Yet this species continues to use those things to harm each other. We have an economic system that we made up, it is all fake, and we can change the rules at any point, but we still allow this fake system to cause suffering when that suffering could be solved at any point. I learned quickly that it is not an incapability that stops us, it is a refusal to do. Humanity has groomed itself to hate each other, to use each other for one's own benefit, to the point where it almost feels like there are more than one human species. Those at the top, and the rest of us. 

This of course isn't even considering that we've created weapons that can destroy the entire planet, and that we actively are destroying the planet anyways, because we are that bored I guess. We should be able to help each other at any point, but it is a system that we created, and somehow rigged it against ourselves. That's only getting worse from where I stand. My faith in humanity has become a lost cause at this point. There are individuals that I cherish, of course, but we're talking about humans as a whole.

I absolutely agree, I also have no faith that humanity can become better. This is a lost cause.


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I love humanity. Man has done many great things, we've improved a lot from the state of affairs over a century ago. We have a long way to go - man will never be perfect, for as long as there are people who believe in peace, there is hope for humanity. I won't allow myself to hate humanity. I wish a lot of things were different, but at the end of the day I still love man. There is always hope. 

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MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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23 hours ago, PerlsteinProps said:

I love humanity. Man has done many great things, we've improved a lot from the state of affairs over a century ago. We have a long way to go - man will never be perfect, for as long as there are people who believe in peace, there is hope for humanity. I won't allow myself to hate humanity. I wish a lot of things were different, but at the end of the day I still love man. There is always hope. 

Indeed, we have improved the situation compared to a century ago. Man, you're the only one who gave me hope that humanity would become a better place. I don't understand how I didn't understand this before. I'm probably too dumb.

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5 minutes ago, ComanderZhabikKlavik said:

Indeed, we have improved the situation compared to a century ago. Man, you're the only one who gave me hope that humanity would become a better place. I don't understand how I didn't understand this before. I'm probably too dumb.

A lot of things are always an issue. Some things will always be an issue. But they can be better resolved so long as we have the will to confront them. Without that will to change our future - we have nothing. I am glad I can give you hope.

  • Brohoof 1



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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I love humanity on an individual scale. A person can be intelligent, introspective and capable of great depth and articulation. People are often hive-minded imbeciles who seldom take time to think independently, and opt instead to react and imitate others (usually the lowest common denominator because it’s the easiest). So, on that basis, I do and don’t love humanity, all at the same time. From another angle, all human beings are brothers and sisters, so I can dislike someone’s actions or opinions, but still love them as a fellow human and part of a larger family. 

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What's to love about all those wars, murders, crimes, and more? Humanity is very bad, we are always fighting and harming each other. There's a good side to humanity too though, and humans are imperfect beings, so I neither hate nor love humanity. It would be unfair to place the good that humanity has done in the box with bad. So instead, I view other people each individually rather than grouping them all together into one overgeneralization.

  • Brohoof 1
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*totally not up to any shenanigans* :ithastolookpretty:

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Same as EpicEnergy, for me there are humans who are good and those humans that is better is to just avoid, I prefer to not put all of them in the same box :lostit:

  • Brohoof 1

"Stand quiet like the Sky, and Move faster than Lightning"

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Absolutely adore humanity. You’re reading this? You hate humanity? Guess what. You’re a human and you probably hate humanity because you expect us to be better. 

HOW AMAZING IS THAT?? You are amazing. Shuddup! I will fite* you :pinkie:

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I somewhat don't like humanity.  Cars are wacky on the road and bring so much noise.  All of Earth is overpopulated and we have unintended consequences that exist with it.  People are stuck on their internet phones as the only source for answers.  Chaos and complaints that people deliver to take sides on anything.  America is trapped in its political environment of 2 establishments without a soul for exploration and wise spirituality.  7 months away from turning 40 and to horrors, I'm growing white hair:(  

13 hours ago, Ice Princess Silky said:

Absolutely adore humanity. You’re reading this? You hate humanity? Guess what. You’re a human and you probably hate humanity because you expect us to be better. 

HOW AMAZING IS THAT?? You are amazing. Shuddup! I will fite* you :pinkie:

Kind of bad timing to say that.  Wars are popping up in several places as we wait for the Paris Olympics.  Let's hope the Olympics can bring a smile.  

Edited by ZiggWheelsManning
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Special thanks to Emerald Heart for the banner!  


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