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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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Vera lay motionless in her hospital bed. She began to heal, but was still very tired from the fight, and needed to rest. With all these patients today, one thing was for sure. Nurse Redheart was raking in bits.


Electron was flying lazily, and backwards. He was celebrating his so-called, "victory" over Ice, having finally proved to the world he was better, "All I do is win win no matta what~! I got winnin' on my mind and I can't get enough~! I step up in the buildin, and everypony's hooves go up......AND THEY STAY DOWN DAMMIT BECAUSE I WIN! HAHAHAHHA!" He seemed to be shouting loud enough for half the city to hear him as he passed by the hospital, "Awwww yay-yeah! Mission Accomplished."


Axton was walking along the streets of Bangcolt, looking for something to do when he sat down on a bench, "Hm. What to do from here? Maybe some P.I. work."


He was on the lookout for evil souls.


Ice was still sitting in his box when he noticed a picture of Rarity on a poster, on the alley wall, advertising her fashion work. He walked up to the picture, and took it down, looking at it, "It seems as though she was the only thing that made it worth getting up each morning. But I won't be able to see her until this stupid newspaper thing blows over......."


He sniffed, dropping a tear onto the poster, and did the unthinkable, he ripped it into several tiny pieces, and hid under the box again, "Even if it's just a poster...I can't stand her looking at me like this....."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Fractured, on 04 Sept 2015 - 02:15 AM, said:

Celestia gave a tight hug to the foals wrapped around her, always pleased to meet new ponies. When she finished wrapping her hooves around them, she spoke to Ice Blizzard first.


"It's alright, Ice Blizzard; the pony who did this was none other than myself. It seems the magical fallout from one the sun orbs struck me in battle, leaving me here. But, i'm alright now. As for the pony whom I challenged, please don't worry about him. He meant no ill will." She chuckled lightly to herself. "He's actually quite the gentleman."


She looked up, and it was then that she noticed Sunset Shimmer, standing off to the side, eyes shining with relief. She promptly levitated the two foals around her to the floor, then accepted Sunset Shimmer's immediate charging hug without complaint.


"I knew you'd be alright," she whispered softly. Still, she was content to bury herself around Celestia's mid-section for an extra moment longer than necessary, before slowly releasing. That left Celestia free to step off the bed onto the floor. She looked no different than before she had stepped into the hospital. The daughter of the sun had returned.

Fractured, on 04 Sept 2015 - 1:34 PM, said:

Sunset Shimmer stopped and pause entirely, the weirdest expression slotted perfectly on her face as Ice Blizzard's procession came and went. Then, she shook her head, and rolled her eyes, grinning amusedly to herself as she did so. It would be fun times here, if this day was anything to go by. Honestly, sometimes she didn't know why she left in the first place.


"You just don't get this back in Canterlot High. Not at all." She then picked up the rude comment that came from the bed ridden ponies mouth, and she whipped her head in his direction, ready to berate him once again for his terrible behavior. But, she never got there; her head stopped partway on its turn, and was now focused curiously on Celestia. She was staring out of the open window in front of her with a look of concern, apprehension... and fear.


"Celestia...what's wrong?" She trotted up to her teacher softly until she was right next to her, and proceeded to look out the window as well. But, try as she might, she couldn't find anything that would account for her teacher's reaction. Unfortunately, she didn't have to, because Celestia provided the answer for her, a simple question that nonetheless raised an immediate red flag with her, purely because Celestia was asking it


"Sunset Shimmer...what time is it?"


Fractured, on 05 Sept 2015 - 01:34 AM, said:

@J.R., , @The Down Trotten

"Well, that's easy. it's..." Sunset Shimmer's sure smile faltered slightly when she realized she didn't actually now. It should've been pretty late by now, according to her pretty accurate sense of time. But, that was impossible, because it still looked midday from what little she could see out the window. Which meant either her sense of timing had been thrown off by her trip through the portal, which was highly unlikely, or...


Her heart grew cold, and she looked up at Celestia with grim realization.


"Celestia, you don't mean-"


"I don't know," Celestia interrupted. Her voice was short and terse, which scared Sunset Shimmer even more, but she re-gained her relaxed tone relatively quickly. Now was not the time for anger...or panic.


"I don't know," she repeated. "...I need to go check on something. Make sure to wait for me, i'll be back shortly."




"Sunset Shimmer. Everything's fine." She interrupted Sunset Shimmer again, but this time she started with a soft voice and finished with a peaceful smile that temporarily set Sunset Shimmer's heart at ease, despite her feelings. There were many.


Sunset Shimmer wanted to object, but she didn't; she simply stepped back, giving Celestia a wide berth for what she was about to do. Celestia nodded simply in return, before firing up her horn. Golden energy crackled out of its tip, before it suddenly shifted. Without hesitation or warning, and a groan of what sounded like pain coming from Celestia, the magic started to seemingly corrupt itself, and become an ugly, evil black mass from bottom to top as it swirled about her form. Small spikes grew out of it, and it seemed to actively devour the light around it, as if it was alive. And evil. And waiting.


After about a minute of Celestia's intense concentration, the darkness seemed to resonate with something in the air, and inky blackness began to spill out of the floor as well, seemingly from no source at all. It coalesced, until it formed a pool just big enough for a pony of Celestia's size to step through, then it simply stopped growing, and sat there. Waiting.


Sunset Shimmer stood by, watching the scene in an almost abject horror. As it finished, she looked up quickly and pointedly at Celestia; there were tears in her eyes as they practically begged her to re-consider.


"...I'll be back." Celestia smiled once again, but she couldn't keep her gaze straight with Sunset Shimmer. So, she decided to focus through the task at hand. She slowly stepped into the portal, and almost immediately, her body started sinking. It was only the calm expression on her face that kept Sunset Shimmer from jumping in and going with her. As it was, she still waited patiently, until the last visible part of Celestia. her golden crown, vanished into the inky ether. Then, the portal itself vanished, leaving Sunset Shimmer alone. Panicked, nervous, but worst of all... alone.

The children enjoyed the warm hug with the princess, but headed off once things got serious. They would go back to spectating fights.


On the other hoof I was just watching the exchange in concern, right up until Celestia disappeared through a dark magic portal. Why didn't I jump through it after her? Maybe because her student was hesitant as well, and she assured us everything was fine while saying she would be back. But WAS everything fine? That looked really serious. I was pretty dumbfounded with it all, but figured I'd talk to Sunset.


"Um, are you ok? We haven't really been formally introduced. Hello. I'm Lektra Bolt of Bolt Solutions, and this is Sparky." I motioned to the little robot. "I'm sorry, are you THE Sunset Shimmer? I've read about you on a tour of Twilight's castle before I came to Bangcolt." I hope she knew I meant the bad as well as the good. She was good now. "Do you think the Princess will be back as promised, or does she expect somepony to find a way to follow her? I just feel useless is all."

by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive. My links in one place: https://lektragaming.carrd.co

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Tyra's eyes opened, her vision blurry and her ears ringing. She could feel that she was laying on her side. She sat herself upright and shook the cobwebs from her head, but her vision stayed unchanged. Though it was not as blurry as it was...foggy.


"Where am I...?" She asked herself, looking around and seeing nothing but thick soupy mist, "Is this...the afterlife...?"


She blinked, and glanced around some more. "The Hero's Realm is not what I expected it to be...though, nopony truly knows what it looks like."


She looked upward, seeing more mist.

"That was truly the battle of my life," she mused, grinning to herself, "For it to be my last...I am actually quite proud. I hope that my ancestors are pleased."




@ @@Fractured


Strix turned around and spotted...a pony. He couldn't tell for sure who or what kind it was, all clad in cloaks, but it was indeed a pony.

That was not what interested him, though; that went to the strange orbs of light circling this pony. What in the hell could that be?


He stuck around and watched, both out of curiosity, and a hint of concern for Fluttershy.




Cloudkicker hopped off the train, taking in a deep breath of determination. She smirked, ready for a fresh start.

Back home in Cloudsdale, she was never a big deal. The spotlight was always grabbed by more 'popular' pegasi, like Rainbow Dash at the Young Flyer's Competition, or Lightning Dust at the Wonderbolt Academy.


But she was determined. She was ready. This was her chance to make a name for herself.


Bangcolt, the city where legends were made, and the arena was the place to do it.


"Alright Kicker, you can do this," She muttered to herself, walking from the station and into the city proper, "Just find the arena, win some fights, signs some autographs and establish a fanclub."


She glanced up at the evening sky, clenching a hoof. "No Rainbow Dash or Lightning Dust are gonna cut down Cloudkicker's ladder this time!"



As she lay asleep, much of the staff had become lax in their observations of Lorec and Tyra, seeing as how they were both charted to make a full recovery quite soon. However, unbeknownst to the staff, a supernatural event only heard of in legends began to occur.


Sifana, seemingly waking from her deep slumber, exited her father's bed side as she regained consciousness. Her movements were slow, sluggish. Almost unnatural and unnerving. And where her eyes were usually bright, cheerful, and jubilant, they were icy, cold, and.... Seemed excited.


Walking around to Tyra's bed as the warrior laid unconscious, Sifana, without garnering the attention of the medical staff, pushed Tyra's bed closer to Lorec's, able to do so as the beds were indeed on wheels. After doing so and leaving enough space so she could stand between them, Sifana would enter said space between the two warriors.


It was then that she grabbed Lorec's hand, and Tyra's hoof. It was then, that this became a metaphysical phenomenon that transcended the understanding of many within this world. Looking blankly, Sifana's head would drop, and seemingly stare at the ground....



( In the threshold of dreams...)




Seemingly waking up, Lorec found himself in a semi-dark area, with a heavy fog obscuring his vision. Immediately, he reached for his backside.



No sword.


Was this it then? Had he actually died after the battle? Was it that he had pressed to hard during the contention with Tyra, and had passed on, leaving his daughter to the wolves in the living world? Or.... Was this simply a dream? Of course, he could not see or feel Viruden near his soul...


So that must mean....


" hello?"


He called out, in a thunderous voice that demanded to be heard.


" is there anyone there at all?"






The strange pony only walked slower and closer towards fluttershy. Noticing that she had fallen comatose, it was unknown what his intention was.


Noticing strix as he trotted, the strange one ceased his forward movement, and simply stared at the griffon. The orbs stopped with him, floating sullenly in the air as a feel of melancholy and loss was evident.


His gaze was one that was most... Disturbing. His eyes, they seemed.... Almost dead, and yet, full of life at the same time. They were a very light silver, similar almost to a dead fish. And they were as piercing as a hawk's. was this a living being... Or a walking corpse?


Suddenly, the pony spoke.


" Do you hear them, griffon..... They are weeping.... Tell me. Were you the one who extinguished them by enkindling this flame?"


close enough for strix to tell he was a unicorn, the stranger's eyes only became more disturbing with the flame's reflection dancing within them.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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As she lay asleep, much of the staff had become lax in their observations of Lorec and Tyra, seeing as how they were both charted to make a full recovery quite soon. However, unbeknownst to the staff, a supernatural event only heard of in legends began to occur.


Sifana, seemingly waking from her deep slumber, exited her father's bed side as she regained consciousness. Her movements were slow, sluggish. Almost unnatural and unnerving. And where her eyes were usually bright, cheerful, and jubilant, they were icy, cold, and.... Seemed excited.


Walking around to Tyra's bed as the warrior laid unconscious, Sifana, without garnering the attention of the medical staff, pushed Tyra's bed closer to Lorec's, able to do so as the beds were indeed on wheels. After doing so and leaving enough space so she could stand between them, Sifana would enter said space between the two warriors.


It was then that she grabbed Lorec's hand, and Tyra's hoof. It was then, that this became a metaphysical phenomenon that transcended the understanding of many within this world. Looking blankly, Sifana's head would drop, and seemingly stare at the ground....



( In the threshold of dreams...)




Seemingly waking up, Lorec found himself in a semi-dark area, with a heavy fog obscuring his vision. Immediately, he reached for his backside.



No sword.


Was this it then? Had he actually died after the battle? Was it that he had pressed to hard during the contention with Tyra, and had passed on, leaving his daughter to the wolves in the living world? Or.... Was this simply a dream? Of course, he could not see or feel Viruden near his soul...


So that must mean....


" hello?"


He called out, in a thunderous voice that demanded to be heard.


" is there anyone there at all?"


Tyra's ears flicked at the sound of a familiar voice. A deep bellowing that demanded an answer, one that she was happy to give.

"Hello?" She called out, looking around herself, then deciding to dare a guess as to who was calling, "Lorec, is that you?!"


She started walking toward the direction she assumed the voice came from.





The strange pony only walked slower and closer towards fluttershy. Noticing that she had fallen comatose, it was unknown what his intention was.


Noticing strix as he trotted, the strange one ceased his forward movement, and simply stared at the griffon. The orbs stopped with him, floating sullenly in the air as a feel of melancholy and loss was evident.


His gaze was one that was most... Disturbing. His eyes, they seemed.... Almost dead, and yet, full of life at the same time. They were a very light silver, similar almost to a dead fish. And they were as piercing as a hawk's. was this a living being... Or a walking corpse?


Suddenly, the pony spoke.


" Do you hear them, griffon..... They are weeping.... Tell me. Were you the one who extinguished them by enkindling this flame?"


close enough for strix to tell he was a unicorn, the stranger's eyes only became more disturbing with the flame's reflection dancing within them.


Strix stared down the strange pony as they approached, and he began walking toward them. Their eyes seemed...almost lifeless, like he was blind, but he felt no sign of death hovering over them.


He heard the pony speak, in a deep male voice to confirm he was a stallion, and a unicorn at that.

He was unflinching, and continued to stare down this newcomer. "If you're asking if it was me who started the fire, no, I was just around when it happened."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Tyra's ears flicked at the sound of a familiar voice. A deep bellowing that demanded an answer, one that she was happy to give.

"Hello?" She called out, looking around herself, then deciding to dare a guess as to who was calling, "Lorec, is that you?!"


She started walking toward the direction she assumed the voice came from.




Strix stared down the strange pony as they approached, and he began walking toward them. Their eyes seemed...almost lifeless, like he was blind, but he felt no sign of death hovering over them.


He heard the pony speak, in a deep male voice to confirm he was a stallion, and a unicorn at that.

He was unflinching, and continued to stare down this newcomer. "If you're asking if it was me who started the fire, no, I was just around when it happened."



Recognizing the voice that answered his demand, Lorec's eyes widened and his nostrils flared up at the realization of who it was. Tyra was here with him.


Searching his way through the fog and eventually pinpointing her outline against vision-obscuring mist, Lorec ran to her, excited, and yet... Afraid. If they were where he thought they were.... Then that had meant that both had passed away.


" Tyra! I... This place... Are you merely a figment of my imagination, or are you... Really you? Because if we are both truly here, then that must mean..."


He hung his head down in shame, his ears lowering as well.


" that I've killed us both..."





The unicorn showed no emotion to Strix's answer, continuing to stare into his gait with his cold, unnerving gaze. The orbs continued to dance in midair around the stranger.


" And you did nothing to stop it?"

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Recognizing the voice that answered his demand, Lorec's eyes widened and his nostrils flared up at the realization of who it was. Tyra was here with him.


Searching his way through the fog and eventually pinpointing her outline against vision-obscuring mist, Lorec ran to her, excited, and yet... Afraid. If they were where he thought they were.... Then that had meant that both had passed away.


" Tyra! I... This place... Are you merely a figment of my imagination, or are you... Really you? Because if we are both truly here, then that must mean..."


He hung his head down in shame, his ears lowering as well.


" that I've killed us both..."


Tyra eventually noticed a large silhouette thundering toward her from the fog, but of course, she was not one to run away. Just as well, since that silhouette turned out to be Lorec.


She listened to his comment, and glanced downward, her own ears drooping down.

"Aye, it would seem we have both perished," she agreed, but then managed to look up at him with a grin, "Though, at least it was through a battle we can both be proud of, yes?"





The unicorn showed no emotion to Strix's answer, continuing to stare into his gait with his cold, unnerving gaze. The orbs continued to dance in midair around the stranger.


" And you did nothing to stop it?"


Strix broke his stare with the stranger to watch these light orbs dance around him. He began to feel a little threatened, now that he was surrounded.

"Like what, use my water spell? Oh wait, I can't use magic," He snarked, returning his glare to the newcomer, "Besides, someone already called the fire department, and I confronted the psycho bitch who did it anyway."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Dr. Whooves stood with his mouth loosely agape; He couldn't believe it, then again, it was like Ditzy Doo to miss subtle hints. Perhaps being up front and straight with her was the best way to go, maybe the only way. He made sure to remember that.

After a few moments of silence he cleared his throat but even after so, all that came out was mush, "Iwduhunn," He ceased talking before he looked very uncomposed, instead, he embraced her and nuzzled her, "I'm sorry for behaving so poorly, I just, don't want anything happening to us, more importantly, to you." 



Amethyst Star moped out of her house. It had been a elongdated looking for work. She had been unemployed since Twilight moved to Ponyville, so, roughly 8 years. She was on and off with part time work but with recent tax increases and deductions to finances in local business, the part-time and youth work were generally the first to go. 

She ambled along the streetcorner. Her Mane was a bit messy and teeth unbrushed. She was making it but just barely, staying at friends house and having Sweet Apple Acres ration food to her was no way to live. Who would of thought her life could go so far down hill, so fast? She certainly didn't.

She sighed. "Today's not my day, just like every other day." Her eyes had a strange glint in them, it wasn't sadness or pity; more so, lack thereof. She was tired, physically and mentally. Exasperation wasn't doing her any favors. She was so allof that she knocked into a blue pony, "Ow," She said. She gazed up to the mare she ran into, "I-I-'m sorry--" She trailed off. She tried to pick herself up but couldn't necessarily do it. She was too frail to lift herself. All the malnutrition made it hard for her to operate, as she was deprived of her necessities. 

(It's a hard knock life) 


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Dr. Whooves stood with his mouth loosely agape; He couldn't believe it, then again, it was like Ditzy Doo to miss subtle hints. Perhaps being up front and straight with her was the best way to go, maybe the only way. He made sure to remember that.

After a few moments of silence he cleared his throat but even after so, all that came out was mush, "Iwduhunn," He ceased talking before he looked very uncomposed, instead, he embraced her and nuzzled her, "I'm sorry for behaving so poorly, I just, don't want anything happening to us, more importantly, to you." 


Ditzy giggled at the gibberish the Doctor came out with, always finding his musings, well, amusing. She cooed happily from the embrace and returned the favour, nuzzle and all.

"Don't worry Doc," She assured him, "Nothing's gonna come between us, I promise."



Amethyst Star moped out of her house. It had been a elongdated looking for work. She had been unemployed since Twilight moved to Ponyville, so, roughly 8 years. She was on and off with part time work but with recent tax increases and deductions to finances in local business, the part-time and youth work were generally the first to go. 

She ambled along the streetcorner. Her Mane was a bit messy and teeth unbrushed. She was making it but just barely, staying at friends house and having Sweet Apple Acres ration food to her was no way to live. Who would of thought her life could go so far down hill, so fast? She certainly didn't.

She sighed. "Today's not my day, just like every other day." Her eyes had a strange glint in them, it wasn't sadness or pity; more so, lack thereof. She was tired, physically and mentally. Exasperation wasn't doing her any favors. She was so allof that she knocked into a blue pony, "Ow," She said. She gazed up to the mare she ran into, "I-I-'m sorry--" She trailed off. She tried to pick herself up but couldn't necessarily do it. She was too frail to lift herself. All the malnutrition made it hard for her to operate, as she was deprived of her necessities. 

(It's a hard knock life) 


Cloudkicker grinned as she walked around the city, taking in the sights and the colourful array of citizens. Ponies, griffons and all other sorts took up the streets. This was starting to look like her kind of town!


She let out a small yelp as a purple unicorn bumped into her.

"Oh, sorry! Totally my bad!" She cried, offering a nervous grin before getting a look at how...dishevelled this stranger looked. Her mane was a mess, and she looked like she hadn't had a decent night's sleep in weeks!

"Hey, are you okay?" She asked, offering a helping hoof, "You don't look so good."

Edited by Unicorncob


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@The Down Trotten

Trixie folded her ears down and kept them firmly to the ground. Not to be rude in any capacity, but simply to keep as little contact between her face and the sun as possible. Speaking of which,  the sun was currently burning on her back, and action which brought her a mixture of curiosity and concern. Shouldn't it have been falling by now? Did this have something to do with Celestia being in the hospital?


She pushed those thoughts aside for now, though, mixing them in with her still apparent faith in Celestia, for now, she eyed Rhetoric Rash over the hot pavement while trying to keep to a steady pace.


"I guess it's good to meet you too. And..." She looked down at the ground. Should she tell him? She should tell him.


"It's Beatrix. Beatrix Lulamoon. Although, I haven't gone by that name in years, so I can guess you can just call me Trixie. It fits better." Or, she thought it did. They were halfway to her shop right now, and for once, Trixie hadn't gotten lost on her way. Maybe this day was finally looking up.





Lyra walked up to Minuette along with Bon-Bon, although since she was late on the hug, she was content to just stand slightly off to the side, bearing a slightly reluctant smile. Because, she didn't want her friends to see her like this. And, perhaps they hadn't heard yet, but it would only be a matter of time before they realized she was a failure. Musically, she would never make it to the same ranks as somepony like Octavia, and thus she was out here, holing up with Rarity of all ponies while she somehow found her bearings and scrounged up enough money to get back into the swing of things. Currently... she wasn't doing well.


She sub-conciosuly shifted her twin lyres, Iah and Atum, onto her back.


"Hey, Minuette. Just taking a short vacation. Thought i'd expand my interests. You know." She shrugged. Hopefully, that would be enough to satisfy her friends, and they would blame her slightly ragged look on the blazing sun that was above them. Funny... she was sure it should have been night by now...




Nightingale had finally manage to cut through the window, albeit with a little more noise than she would have liked. She removed the panel, placing it outside, slipped silently into the house through the hole with barely a squeeze on her part, and she was in. As soon as she dropped onto the bare wooden floor, however, she heard voices. She walked casually off to the side, taking refuge in the back rooms darkest corner, and stood by, waiting...




Rarity had been up all day, working on her latest designs. And, true to her word, she had been coming up with absolutely incredible designs based off of the place that Ice Blizzard had brought her to. Beautiful and bright, there was a virtual sea of pleasant and soothing colors on the rack in front of her, enough to not only please the eye, but make ponies weep with their beauty. Or, so she hoped.


Suddenly, she fixed her ears, as they caught the faint sound of...cutting? She got up to go to the back, wondering exactly why that would be the case, but she was distracted by a louder, more tangible sound: knocking. Heavy knocking. She re-directed herself to the door instead now, this obviously being the more important of the two noises, and opened it. She looked at Rainbow Dash, at first with slight irritation.


"Rainbow... darling... this is a door, not a whack-a-dragon carnival game. Please be more gentle with it next time."


She changed attitudes as her eyes caught Twilight; she gave bright smile. In truth, she was happy to see her friends, even if their culture at times was... a bit lacking.


"I assume that we're all ready to go?" she beamed, trusting that Twilight was here for their meeting. The first time they'd all be together since they got here. But where was Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Applejack?




Sunset Shimmer turned away sadly from the scene. She took a long, deep breath, and exhaled slowly, calming herself. Celestia would be fine, and she was sure she would be. Celestia had never let her down before. She just had to have faith in her teacher.


She turned her attentions towards Lektra, and immediately, a strange curiosity filled her. A tour, for her? For what? She hadn't actually done anything important, to her at least, and all of the important stuff had been covered by the princess herself. She guessed ponies just wanted something to stare at every now and again, just like people did.


"Yeah, i'm Sunset Shimmer. THE Sunset Shimmer." she sighed inwardly, hoping the issue with turning into a demon hadn't made it back over here. "And, she didn't ask for help, she just asked me to wait for her. So, I guess that's what i'm doing." She shrugged, re-affirming herself; the princess could handle this.


"And, in any case, this necklace she gave me calls out to her. She'll be able to find me even if she does need help. So, you know what... i'm not worried." She smiled at Lektra, wishing all the while she was fully confident about that.




Moondancer looked outside the front door of the princesses building, before hurrying back inside, divinely worried. As she moved through the rooms with the ease of somewhere who had been there for a month(she had), Philomena flew in from Celestia's room, landing softly on her left shoulder, while Talon, Luna's pet wyvern, dropped in from his position on the ceiling where he had been laying, landing almost as softly on her right shoulder and trying hard not to scratch her with his sharp claws.


She moved to the back room, her room, one decorated with an entire nights worth of stars from top to bottom, and sat down. The pets re-positioned themselves on her shoulder as she proceeded to pull out the amulet that had been given to her by Luna and Celestia on the day she had become Canterlot's top leading astrologer. She looked at it softly.


"Luna...where are you...?"




"Not a problem," Applejack re-iterated. It wasn't actually a problem to her. Not only did it mean she could work less(not that she minded, or wanted to shove her work off on others.), it also meant she had an extra pair of eyes to keep watch on Berry Punch, who, as she emerged from the back room, seemed to be wasted again. Applejack sighed; she was incredible at this job, which was why she hired her, but she swore that mare drunk more than all of the customers combined sometimes. She shifted her thoughts back to Night Tracer.


"Gimme a second..." she walked off into the back room, to emerge less than a minute later with a mop and dust pan balanced on her back and a broom swept up in her tail. She tossed the broom to Night Tracer with a simple flick, rolled the dust pan down her back, and then flicked that at him too, all the while keeping the mop to herself.


"You sweep, i'll finish. And don't worry, I got dishes to wash while you're working, so don't think i'm slacking off. I'll be up front when you're done." She then proceeded to do exactly that, putting the dishes away at a rate that was almost frightening.





Silver Spoon was outside, walking tiredly about the hot streets of Bangcolt. Her camera was slung around her neck, but she hadn't used it since she'd left the building of the Chatty Cathy, which was hours ago. There was seemingly nothing to report; it was simply too hot outside for much activity, and most of the sane ponies were inside, waiting out the weather. And yet, here she was...


She stopped, suddenly, as she walked by a dim shadow alley nestled between two buildings. There was a figure in there, sitting under a box far too small for him, and despite the darkness he looked familiar. Against her better judgement, Silver Spoon, moved forward... and then stared. Hard.


"Wow. What happened to you?" she mouthed openly, staring at the pony that she had met just two days prior. But now, there was hardly any similarities between the two. He looked...broken.

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"That's a wonderful name. I know that's a cliche thing to say. But I honestly love that name, it suits you very well if I may say so, granted I still don't really know you... so  I'm going to call you Beatrix until you prove me wrong. Perhaps its time Beatrix was made know to a pony or two?" he wasn't trying to be rude although he would admit it was a bit rash, but hey it was his name.


"If you do mind though, I won't... Wouldn't want to offend the unicorn that's going through the trouble of helping me out" he smiled as least awkwardly as he could, Trixie greatly interested him but he didn't want to just treat her like a case study he wanted to respect her. Coughing to try to clear the air a bit he squinted looking up at the sun. He couldn't help but wonder why the sun was still up but, well the Princesses had always been on top of that, so why should they falter now?... He had to be careful, if he thought about it for too long he would want to investigate and even if there was something wrong what could he do about really?



"It's Beatrix. Beatrix Lulamoon. Although, I haven't gone by that name in years, so I can guess you can just call me Trixie. It fits better." Or, she thought it did. They were halfway to her shop right now, and for once, Trixie hadn't gotten lost on her way. Maybe this day was finally looking up.
Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Ice heard a voice outside of his box, and lifted it up. He saw the same grey filly from before. What was she doing here? How did she find him? Regardless, even though he was in a salty mood, he was kind of happy to see her, for she was the only way he could get out of this mess.


By now he had stopped crying, and looked normal, but was still broken on the inside, "I...um....oh, it's you, Silver Spoon. Well...-sigh- I'm hiding out here because of the article you and Diamond Tiara put to the public. Because of it, and the fact that I yelled at DT, I started to get chased all over town and now I'm stuck here until it dies down."


He set up an example, "See, watch what happens...." He summoned an ice clone of himself out in the open, and it was only a few moments before a few ponies spotted it, and started to chase it away from the alley, when they cornered him, he disappeared, and the mob went back to waiting outside his apartment.


"See? If that were the real me, I don't know what would happen. That and the fact that I can't run on an empty stomach is why I'm hiding. And unfortunately, the only way I can see this stopping is if she retracted the article, but I don't see that happening anytime soon because of how hard she's worked with the paper." He put his back against the wall to avoid being seen, "Now everypony wants to know the secret of my family's location, which by a blood oath I took, can't be revealed to anyone.....except for somepony I love of course, but that's another topic. The point is, I sort of jepordized my morality, but what's even worse, is that I got angry with Diamond Tiara, and now I ended our friendship."



He covered his face, "Although, sitting here now, I realize I was acting pig-headed. It was nothing to get that angry over, and another thing is this...The fact that I know she's doing all this to impress her father. I could tell from the way she talked to me the other night.  Which her heart is in the right place, but she's not doing it properly. She's working herself down to the bone trying to impress her father, not even caring about anything else. On one hoof, I admire her dedication, but on the other, I can't help but question how she does what she does. That's where I feel as though you come in Silver Spoon. Hear me out, it was hard for me to become her friend at first due to trust issues, and I see why. But you. Apparently, you're the only one she's gonna listen to at the end of the day..."


Looking back up to her, he tried to explain the problem, "You're a sweet filly, Silver Spoon. You've stood by Diamond Tiara for all this time, and tried your best to support her as her best friend, but I can't help but notice.....she's fractured. Not broken, but fractured. She's doing what she's doing in such a way that, if it keeps up, she'll eventually be broken. But you Silver Spoon. You're the glue that can fix Diamond Tiara's fractures. Ok, you're the only one who's word she'll accept. Tell her that friends are what matters most. Tell her that she needs to do her best instead of trying to impress her dad all the time, and that if her dad isn't impressed by now, then he's apparently not worth the effort. I also figured that this is a constant cycle, of DT feeling this way and her dad not being impressed. Something will have to give if you don't want your friend to lose her mind, Silver."



He looked around, and let out a deep sigh, "But anyway, as far as I'm concerned, I'm more worried about Diamond Tiara than myself. I mean, sure I'm stuck hiding in this alley until this newspaper article business blows over. And I can't even return to my apartment because that's the first place the angry mob would look for me. But I'm not really focused on myself, I want you to try and help your friend help herself. Above all else. Can you do that for me, Silver Spoon?"


With his last statement, was a half lie. In truth, he was worried about Diamond Tiara losing her mind over the work she has to do with the paper, but at the same time, Ice was also worried for himself. He was unable to step hoof out into the open without getting torn to pieces, let alone get anywhere to get something to eat. Poor dude, hasn't had anything to eat since this morning, and he wouldn't have the energy to run without something in his system, so he had no choice but to stay put for the time being.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Ash had been enjoying the silent hike up towards Canterlot; granted he’d rather be flying.


“What kind of game?” Ash asked hesitantly, crossing his arms.




“No matter what, somepony’s going to get hurt if ponies like him are allowed to keep walking the streets.” Calibur muttered under his breath in response to Anette’s comment about not wanting to see anypony hurt. He shuffled around the street and picked up his revolvers, inspecting the one that had misfired with a sigh before holstering the both of them.

Anette then asked Calibur knew where the muffin shop was which caught him a bit off guard due to the sudden tone shift. “Uh… well.”

Calibur pulled his case off his back and set it on the ground; the metal was a bit warped but otherwise fine. He shuffled through his files and folders that he would have to reorganize at some point. Eventually he pulled the map out and started to search through it. “...Well there’s a bakery to the north?”

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@The Down Trotten

"Call me Beatrix if you want to, but i'd appreciate it if you'd keep it as a nickname between us. Most ponies know me as Trixie, and I don't want to confuse them," she lied. In truth, that was a name that she had dropped quite a while ago. It was almost like a different part of her now; that shy young filly who had nonetheless been filed with excitement to go to a school that most ponies could only dream of To work under the care and guidance of a princess. But that was a long time ago.


"And don't mention the saving your life bit. I just...don't want to see you die out here. And without my help, you might very well." She had met some of the fighters that were out here, and had first-hand experience fighting them; she didn't trust Rhetoric's battle prowess for a second. She rounded the last few blocks, now only a few minutes from the shop.



@Star Saber

"North?" Anette blinked at him, and then whipped around, this time towards Heartthrob. It wasn't more than a second later, before she rotated her head in a definitively northerly direction, before she placed her eyes back on Calibur, smiling once more.


"North. Thank you!" She took a step, then backpedaled, reversing the step and looking at Calibur curiously.


"So, you're fully healed now," she noted in a serious tone. "Are you going to go out after that pony again? Right now?"





Silver Spoon sighed as Ice Blizzard spoke. This was stuff she had heard before. Heck, this was stuff she had thought before, and had recently been thinking on more and more frequently. Like every time she looked at DT these days. But there was one thing she had never done; act on it. And, she was a coward, she knew it. But, if it kept her friend by her side, which kept her happy, and... was she really that selfish? That she'd trade DT's mental security for her own comfort, and one small moment in time with her best friend? She didn't know- and that scared her.


"I'm not sure I can make that much of a difference. Or change her mind" She finally spoke up, voice soft and quiet even in the confines of the alleyway. "Di...Diamond Tiara's changed a lot since we moved here from Ponyville. She's become more distant, more obsessed with her work, a lot meaner...I'm not even sure if I can get through to her. I may end up getting fired... or worse." She didn't want to think about what worse implied, although it was already in the back of her mind. She wasn't sure if she could take that risk.

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Ice shook his head. He knew that there was only one way to get through to her. And the fact that he was aware of a filly, mentally hurting herself wasn't about to happen on his watch, "You don't get it, Silver. If you do truly care about her as your best friend, you'll step up and tell her problems. And this is how I weigh the situation out..."


He decided that a visual explananation would be easier for her to understand. So he stood up, and made a life-sized ice sculpture of Diamond Tiara right next to Silver Spoon, "You have two options. Tell her what's wrong, and take that risk, or let her continue to do this over and over and over and over, getting nowhere, and emotionally break down on the inside."


Explaining this to Silver Spoon was only half of the battle, it was also hoping that she'd follow through with it, "I...I know this may be hard for you, trust me. I've been through a lot where my friends had an issue, but you know what? I told them about what their problems were, and I helped them help themselves. I know she's obsessed with her work, and I know how mean she can be. But I know, deep down, somewhere under that tiara of hers, is a little filly crying for help."


On the sculpture, Ice picked up a tiny DT off of the tiara of the life-sized one, "Her mindset of being a workaholic trying to impress her dad has drowned out the cries of help. And you know what those cries are saying?" He put the small sculpture to his ear, which quivered, "She's saying, 'I don't want to do this. I want to be free from this cycle. Silver Spoon.....help me....'"


He cleared his throat, "Or something like that," he said while placing the small DT on the bigger DT, "Don't you see, Silver Spoon? Your friend needs your help. And I know you feel like it may not work, but just know that I support you 100%." He knelt down, and put a hoof on her shoulder, "Don't worry, I'm not pressuring you to make a decision. I'm encouraging you to help your best friend. And I want you think about what'd be the best for you both in the long run, and make the choice on your own." He removed his hoof from her shoulder, stood up, and sat back down with his back on the wall, and held his knees with his forelegs, "From my experiences, true friends help and support each other. If you can do that for Diamond Tiara, then you're a top-notch friend in my book. Remember, you're not doing it for me, you're doing it for you and Diamond Tiara, and if I was your friend, this is exactly what I would do to help you, just like you should do for yours. So what do you say, Silver?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Silver Spoon sighed inwardly once again; Ice Blizzard was right. But, not all the way. Because she had been around Diamond Tiara so long, she knew her like the inside of her glasses. And maybe the little filly crying for help had been true at some point, but things had changed quite a bit within the past year, and so had Diamond. She could practically feel the outcome, hanging above her head like a black that that no amount of pegasus magic could clear away.


But, he also had another point; she couldn't keep doing this. It wasn't fair to Diamond Tiara that she kept allowing her to hurt herself just to sate her mind, and it wasn't fair to herself that she kept all of this inside and never told Diamond Tiara how she felt about this. But maybe it was finally time.


"I'll try. I'll try and talk to her. I want to help her anyway I can, so if that means helping you too, I guess i'll do my best." she fixed the glasses on her face, returning them to their proper positions, but they quickly slid down again. Because she was shaking to hard. She could see the outcome...

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Ice smiled. He was happy that she had finally decided to help her best friend out. The only thing he could do now, was wait. He noticed that her glasse weren't on straight. He knelt down to her, and straightened them for her, "Hey. I know you'll do the right thing. You're a nice girl, and you know it. Just like Diamond Tiara."


After straightening her glasses, he gave her a hug to help calm her down, "It's gonna be alright. Everything will be just fine. I know it. Now, I suggest you go get some rest. Hehe, it must be difficult wearing that camera around your neck," he said, pointing to the camera after already letting go of her from the hug. "I know this must be a lot for you to take in, so go, and rest yourself for a bit before you decide to talk to Diamond Tiara. Besides, a hard working filly like you deserves a bit of down time."


He made an ice sculpture of Silver Spoon, and put it in her hoof, "Take this. A sign of our friendship." He then sat back against the alley wall, "In the meantime, I'm gonna stay here until the mob chasing after me about the newspaper thing dies down. I just hope something gets the public to stop believing the story about that private portal so I won't have to worry about my family's secret being revealed or being chased everywhere I go. But I'll wait and worry about myself later, but for now, head on back, Silver, and go get some rest, and speak to DT when you're ready, ok?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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He laughed lightly, but was actually very touched "You know no one's ever said something like that to me. No to make mountains out of mole hill's I'm sure your just being polite and kind. But I can't tell you how good it feels for someone to say that, makes me feel like I'm not alone." he didn't know how comfortable Trixie was with others sharing the more sensitive things with her. He couldn't lie to himself, he  wanted to, just to tell some one besides himself, someone who might actually understand. It didn't seem right though, but as Rhetoric would argue right was almost always relative.


Some how however he managed to hold his tongue on these  thoughts "Thank you Beatrix, for both helping me and making me one of the few knowledgeable about your name. If I were to be so bold, and I almost always am, I'd say your taking a liking to me, pitying me, or both." this last statement was very lighthearted and he couldn't help but smile at the thought that he had made a friend. Or at least the beginnings of one 





Crash was bummed to say the least. He had thought he had made perhaps a friend when really all he did was make himself an unwanted third wheel. At least he removed himself form the situation but still they didn't say good bye to him or thank you. It hurt at least a little bit. He shook his head and tried to focus on flying, he literally couldn't afford to crash into something again, one debt was bad enough. Landing briefly he had forgotten who excatly had mail here "Alright so who in Bangcolt is getting a visit from the mailcolt today?..."

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Tyra eventually noticed a large silhouette thundering toward her from the fog, but of course, she was not one to run away. Just as well, since that silhouette turned out to be Lorec.


She listened to his comment, and glanced downward, her own ears drooping down.

"Aye, it would seem we have both perished," she agreed, but then managed to look up at him with a grin, "Though, at least it was through a battle we can both be proud of, yes?"




Strix broke his stare with the stranger to watch these light orbs dance around him. He began to feel a little threatened, now that he was surrounded.

"Like what, use my water spell? Oh wait, I can't use magic," He snarked, returning his glare to the newcomer, "Besides, someone already called the fire department, and I confronted the psycho bitch who did it anyway."

( in the threshold of dreams.)




Lorec tried to force a smile, but failed miserably in the endeavor. " while this is true.... We left behind so many. I'm sorry, Tyra. It was I who dragged us both to-"


Before Lorec could even finish that statement, a loud, earth-shattering roar could be heard, seemingly from somewhere far into the void. A very familiar roar to Lorec.


" Viruden.....?" He questioned. Looking at Tyra, and then in the general direction of the roar, which was to his right, he had no time to think about what was happening, as something else was heard. A voice, rasp, male. Full of power and pride. Minotaur perhaps? In his forties as Lorec was? It resounded even louder than the strange roar, and beckoned from the same direction.


" du agerar patetiskt. komma in i min åsikt , så jag kan se dig!"



Lorec, eyes widening, spoke under his breath. " the old language...."


Without even Batting a look towards Tyra, he began walking through the misty haze, and towards whatever creature was beckoning them in some strange tongue.





Answering Strix in a condescending tone as if he were disappointed, and yet not surprised to hear of this failure.


" Dealt with? But I do not see a corpse... Nor do I have the murderer's soul.... So you confronted, and failed to obtain retribution? Such a shame..."


He said, giving Strix a somewhat evil eye.


" and typical of your kind, no less."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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“No…” Calibur sighed disappointed in himself, “Even if I wasn’t down two weapons and wasn’t completely exhausted. I’m not strong enough to go after him yet… I figure I’ll find somewhere to set up shop for the time I’ll be here in Bangcolt. I haven’t had a good sleep since I got here and I need a place to repair my weapons."

Edited by Star Saber
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( in the threshold of dreams.)




Lorec tried to force a smile, but failed miserably in the endeavor. " while this is true.... We left behind so many. I'm sorry, Tyra. It was I who dragged us both to-"


Before Lorec could even finish that statement, a loud, earth-shattering roar could be heard, seemingly from somewhere far into the void. A very familiar roar to Lorec.


" Viruden.....?" He questioned. Looking at Tyra, and then in the general direction of the roar, which was to his right, he had no time to think about what was happening, as something else was heard. A voice, rasp, male. Full of power and pride. Minotaur perhaps? In his forties as Lorec was? It resounded even louder than the strange roar, and beckoned from the same direction.


" du agerar patetiskt. komma in i min åsikt , så jag kan se dig!"



Lorec, eyes widening, spoke under his breath. " the old language...."


Without even Batting a look towards Tyra, he began walking through the misty haze, and towards whatever creature was beckoning them in some strange tongue.


Tyra jumped as she heard, and felt, the earthshaking roar resonating from nearby. She looked around hurriedly for the source, but could not see a thing in the dense fog.

"Where could that have come from...?" She asked her larger friend. She looked up at him at the same time he did.


Her ear flicked at the strange words hanging in the air, and looked in the direction it came from.

"Lorec?" She muttered, watching him walk into the mist, then began trotting after him, "Do not go too far without me!"





Answering Strix in a condescending tone as if he were disappointed, and yet not surprised to hear of this failure.


" Dealt with? But I do not see a corpse... Nor do I have the murderer's soul.... So you confronted, and failed to obtain retribution? Such a shame..."


He said, giving Strix a somewhat evil eye.


" and typical of your kind, no less."


Strix snarled and snapped his beak at the stranger, not appreciating his tone.

"Oh, you don't wanna go there with me," He warned, lowering his hand to his sword's hilt, "Especially if you've heard the name Strix Hellbeak before."


He lifted the sword slightly, allowing the exposed blade to flicker in the light of the fire.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Tyra jumped as she heard, and felt, the earthshaking roar resonating from nearby. She looked around hurriedly for the source, but could not see a thing in the dense fog.

"Where could that have come from...?" She asked her larger friend. She looked up at him at the same time he did.


Her ear flicked at the strange words hanging in the air, and looked in the direction it came from.

"Lorec?" She muttered, watching him walk into the mist, then began trotting after him, "Do not go too far without me!"




Strix snarled and snapped his beak at the stranger, not appreciating his tone.

"Oh, you don't wanna go there with me," He warned, lowering his hand to his sword's hilt, "Especially if you've heard the name Strix Hellbeak before."


He lifted the sword slightly, allowing the exposed blade to flicker in the light of the fire.



Seeing his blade brandished before the burning abode, The stranger only greeted him with a show of teeth in the form of an eager smile, as if he were in control of the entire situation, knowing something that Strix did not. This one was interesting. Possibly... Worth his time.


" I'm afraid that I haven't heard of you before. And that probably means that you are very mediocre in your profession. Seeing as you are rather brutish and lacking of a respectable vocabulary along with bearing armaments... Then I wish to parlay an educated guess that you must be of the mercenary trade?"


He took a step closer, his smile only widening and becoming increasingly disturbing.


" Do you wish to kill me, Strix Hellbeak? Do you wish to leave brand upon my neck with your sword? Perhaps..... savor the moment as the blood flees my body, and you find release in purging my coil of its soul?......."


The stranger lifted back the hood, revealing a mane of deathly gray. Under his eyes, wrinkles could be seen, possibly due to some sort of stress, and only added to the tired, deceased feeling coming from the pony. And to top it off, he was a very pale blue.


Again, he did not seem like one of the living, almost.


As if that were not perplexing enough, once he had drawn back the hood... He turned his head away from Strix, and towards fluttershy slightly.

However, his gaze was fixed upon Strix, and that ghastly grin was not disappearing.


And at this moment, strange would evolve to eldritch.


" Oh, how you would love to end my miserable little existence, correct?.... Perhaps, allow the temptation to overcome you just this one time? Prehaps maybe you will find release from the anger of your failure to apprehend and collect on the perpetrator's bounty? Maybe.... Baptize yourself in the flow of crimson to forget the pain of letting the one you care for suffer in anguish because you were not adequate enough to aid her?...."


It was completely obvious that this stranger was possibly even more unhinged than the one who had set the house ablaze, for he was offering his neck to Strix... And making no effort to hide or conceal a weapon. This stranger was legitimately allowing Strix to a have a swing at his jugular vein. And he did all of this with an honest smile upon his gait.





Lorec, not obeying the pleas of Tyra, would disappear into the fog, running towards the source rapidly.


As he did so, the sky seemed to brighten in the area, and was becoming a quaint conglomeration of beautiful shading. Blue, purple, violet... All in the sky, giving a dusk-like feel. And what was baffling was that there were auroras beginning to form in circular patterns in this sky, with a great star dead center overhead, crowned by this phenomena of light.


The mist was fading, and Tyra would be able to see that Lorec was running toward what seemed like a hill.....

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Seeing his blade brandished before the burning abode, The stranger only greeted him with a show of teeth in the form of an eager smile, as if he were in control of the entire situation, knowing something that Strix did not. This one was interesting. Possibly... Worth his time.


" I'm afraid that I haven't heard of you before. And that probably means that you are very mediocre in your profession. Seeing as you are rather brutish and lacking of a respectable vocabulary along with bearing armaments... Then I wish to parlay an educated guess that you must be of the mercenary trade?"


He took a step closer, his smile only widening and becoming increasingly disturbing.


" Do you wish to kill me, Strix Hellbeak? Do you wish to leave brand upon my neck with your sword? Perhaps..... savor the moment as the blood flees my body, and you find release in purging my coil of its soul?......."


The stranger lifted back the hood, revealing a mane of deathly gray. Under his eyes, wrinkles could be seen, possibly due to some sort of stress, and only added to the tired, deceased feeling coming from the pony. And to top it off, he was a very pale blue.


Again, he did not seem like one of the living, almost.


As if that were not perplexing enough, once he had drawn back the hood... He turned his head away from Strix, and towards fluttershy slightly.

However, his gaze was fixed upon Strix, and that ghastly grin was not disappearing.


And at this moment, strange would evolve to eldritch.


" Oh, how you would love to end my miserable little existence, correct?.... Perhaps, allow the temptation to overcome you just this one time? Prehaps maybe you will find release from the anger of your failure to apprehend and collect on the perpetrator's bounty? Maybe.... Baptize yourself in the flow of crimson to forget the pain of letting the one you care for suffer in anguish because you were not adequate enough to aid her?...."


It was completely obvious that this stranger was possibly even more unhinged than the one who had set the house ablaze, for he was offering his neck to Strix... And making no effort to hide or conceal a weapon. This stranger was legitimately allowing Strix to a have a swing at his jugular vein. And he did all of this with an honest smile upon his gait.


"Yeah, I'm a merc," Strix confirmed, unsheathing his sword with a slow, deep shwing and brandishing it, "And I wasn't exactly considering killing you..."


The stranger continued mocking him, revealing himself to be...old. Really old. The unicorn looked like he'd stepped out of a crypt after a century-long nap.


Nevertheless, the taunts continued, and the griffon, becoming rather irate, put the blade to the pony's neck.

"Though, you're really frigging tempting me," He snarled, eyes becoming slits as he stared down the almost dead eyes of the stranger.


He hesitated, taking in what the unicorn was saying. His expression loosened, and a smirk appeared on his chipped beak.

He was baiting him into attacking, sounding far too eager to die. Obviously this guy had a trick up his sleeve.


A hollow chuckled escaped him. "I didn't get this far by being reckless, grandpa. You unicorns and your magic, I've hunted down far too many of you not to smell a trap. Besides, I don't know who you are, so obviously you're not worth my time."


With that, he sheathed his sword, denying the unicorn of what he wanted.

"Besides, I'd feel bad if you broke your hip." He added mockingly.





Lorec, not obeying the pleas of Tyra, would disappear into the fog, running towards the source rapidly.


As he did so, the sky seemed to brighten in the area, and was becoming a quaint conglomeration of beautiful shading. Blue, purple, violet... All in the sky, giving a dusk-like feel. And what was baffling was that there were auroras beginning to form in circular patterns in this sky, with a great star dead center overhead, crowned by this phenomena of light.


The mist was fading, and Tyra would be able to see that Lorec was running toward what seemed like a hill.....


Tyra quickened her pace from a walk to a full-on gallop as she tried to keep up with Lorec. As she did, she looked around and saw the fog begin to lift, making way to a beautiful sky of blue, purple and violet hues mixing and dancing together. A star stood solo, brilliantly gleaming amongst it all.


Tyra, looking past Lorec, could see a hill, which the two were swiftly approaching.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@The Down Trotten

Trixie had just passed the last of the rounds on the decidedly empty streets. Her shop was in plain view now, a really plain and unspectacular shop tucked in between two moderately more impressive buildings: Rarity's shop, and the hospital. Looking back, she realized that she had taken the long way around; the hospital was only a few minutes away from her shop, at most. So, why had she taken the long way around? She didn't quite know.


Rhetoric Rash smiled at her, and she looked away slightly as she continued her pace. "You're welcome," she muttered, and left it at that; she wasn't quite sure how to respond to his inquiry. Or rather how to respond nicely. Maybe she did possibly like him, but quite a bit of it was also pity. Pity for a stallion that was now facing an insurmountable challenge alone. Pity for two ponies who had been given something wonderful by someone they trusted, and then left out on the curb to dry. Pity for the forgotten.


"We're here." She walked in, and it was the same as she last remembered it. The counter on her far right, behind of which sat merchandise of all kinds, from amulets to rings to gemstones. The Bathroom right above it, and, in front of her and to her left, the imbuing room, dark and foreboding as ever. What couldn't be seen, however, was what lay behind the velvet curtains that seemed to close off the wall off to her immediate right. Her room, and her performing stage, one of which had only been used once before. Possibly, never again.


"So, welcome," she shrugged. She then immediately drifted off to the far wall, where she started to rifle through the objects lined up on the walls. As she did, she casually pointed over to the chairs that lay scattered about the room.


"Feel free to sit down, if you want."




@Star Saber

Anette stared at Calibur closely once again, and frowned. She hadn't done as much as she'd thought; she had healed his physical wounds, but he was still clearly exhausted after that fight, and she didn't have a remedy for that. Outside rest obviously, and she remembered quite clearly how it had gone the last time she had brought a stranger home. She bit her lip in frustration; she still had to go apologize to Wilhelm for that. Maybe she might've been in the right, but she still couldn't blame him for being protective over her. It was actually nice, in a way. Outside Sleight Mist, she couldn't ever really have claimed that.


"If you need a place to stay, you do know that there's free rooms available to ponies who sign up to be fighters, right? Because of the money that you're making for the city, they give you free room and board. I'm actually signed up myself, .believe it or not." She grinned, rubbing the back of her head once again. She didn't fight very much, and she wouldn't. Not unless all of her dolls felt the same way she did.





Silver Spoon shook her head lightly, an action that was clear even in the darkness of the alleyway. She wasn't going to rest on this one. Not again


"No. I think i've done enough waiting. For quite a while, i've been hanging back, thinking that things were going to get better. But, honestly, i'm not sure anymore. I think they're only going to get worse now. Unless somepony says something. And... that's me. Its always been me."


She took a deep breath. These words weren't really meant to encourage the broken stallion sitting in front of her. They were meant to encourage her. Because right now, she was shaking. She felt like running away, crawling, hiding, from what she knew what might possibly happen the moment she confronted her friend. But, she knew she couldn't do that. Not anymore.


"I'm going now." She had her back turned toward Ice Blizzard, staring out into the open street. "And, i'll try to fix this, if I can." She began to walk, the pathway to the Chatty Cathy so familiar that she didn't even need to have her eyes open in order to walk the silent streets and curves of Bangcolt. Which was fine with her; her glasses were getting foggy anyway.

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“I hadn’t considered that. Although that would mean I’d have to fight; and I’d rather not if I don’t have to…” Calibur said rubbing his chin and a thought occurred, “However… Not only would it be a free place to stay. It may also give me the opportunity to hone my skills. Something I obviously need.””


“I might have to do that.” Calibur said turning his head to give a warm smile to Anette, “Thank you Miss Anette.”

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A griffon was flying over the horizon. He had flown over several miles, and needed to make a rest stop. He perched himself on a hill, just outside the city of Bangcolt, "This is it. The place where the tournament is supposed to occur...my time is now...Let's do this...."


This griffon was ready to scope out the competition. With his sword sheathed on one of his back legs, and his knives sheathed on the other, it was go time. J.T. Furyclaw has entered Bangcolt.


Ice waved as Silver Spoon left, leaving him to just sit and think about what he would do until the problem of the newspaper was fixed.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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