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What do you do when you're stressed and depressed?


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I've been suffering with depression for near 30 years, and have just been having emotional meltdowns just about every day, in the past 2 weeks, due to stress from certain people. Just in the past 2 days, I broke down in a religious meeting, and just spent about 40 minutes- with short intervals in between- crying and just feeling absolutely miserable; and another emotional breakdown this morning. I have no friends, am socially awkward around people offline, have contempt and trust issues toward everyone, and just can't help seeing the world for how absolutely Sh****y it really is, and how it's only getting worse every day right before my eyes. So maybe I can get some tips on how to handle all this stress and depression I've been lugging around for all my bloody life? I've recently gotten back into religion and the person I'm studying with and have hesitantly come to trust, just keeps telling me to pray and have hope in promises made by God that he'll make things better, but it's just so hard when it feels like I'm constantly in quicksand and the stress and depression keeps kicking me around on a daily basis, year in and year out.


I'm trying to have faith, but what to do for the "in the here and now" cases? (also, how to kick the habit of emotional eating?)

  • Brohoof 3
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In recent days I as well have been trying to seek out ways of distracting myself away from depressive thoughts. I have picked up a new hobby I thought I never would enjoy and it has become a wonderful way for me to ease my stress/anxiety. When you feel really lonely and those moments when you have no one to talk with those times are really rough as well... I try to do meditation during those times and let me be honest with you, meditation really helps out a lot as well. Music is another thing that always picks me back up when I need it.


I would recommend trying to find new things to harness your skills just something to get your mind away from those thoughts. When your depressed however trying to motivate  yourself to do anything is a real challenge. I hope you can start to feeling better soon.

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Truthfully, I just listen to music. It's the only way to properly cope anymore for me. I'm stressed pretty often so music does help. As for depression... well... I guess sleeping to music helps, or just plain sleeping. When I get in my depressive states, I really just feel like doing nothing but sleeping.

  • Brohoof 2
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In recent days I as well have been trying to seek out ways of distracting myself away from depressive thoughts. I have picked up a new hobby I thought I never would enjoy and it has become a wonderful way for me to ease my stress/anxiety. When you feel really lonely and those moments when you have no one to talk with those times are really rough as well... I try to do meditation during those times and let me be honest with you, meditation really helps out a lot as well. Music is another thing that always picks me back up when I need it.


I would recommend trying to find new things to harness your skills just something to get your mind away from those thoughts. When your depressed however trying to motivate  yourself to do anything is a real challenge. I hope you can start to feeling better soon.

I've been trying to distract myself every day for ages. Online is an escape for me, because so long as I avoid actively engaging in conversation with people, and being reminded of hos sh***y the world is, I feel like I'm good. I got into anime- and much later, ponies for escapism from all the depressing crap. I'm constantly drawing ponies, and creating OC's and such to try and prevent myself from dwelling on the depressing reality of things. I'm always listening to music to try and distract me, also.

I don't think I can do meditation. I feel like I'll only start meditating on how bad things are, and be brought down again, rather than having peace of mind or whatever. It just feels like no matter how hard I try to escape it and distract myself from it, it's still hanging over me.

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I've been trying to distract myself every day for ages. Online is an escape for me, because so long as I avoid actively engaging in conversation with people, and being reminded of hos sh***y the world is, I feel like I'm good. I got into anime- and much later, ponies for escapism from all the depressing crap. I'm constantly drawing ponies, and creating OC's and such to try and prevent myself from dwelling on the depressing reality of things. I'm always listening to music to try and distract me, also.

I don't think I can do meditation. I feel like I'll only start meditating on how bad things are, and be brought down again, rather than having peace of mind or whatever. It just feels like no matter how hard I try to escape it and distract myself from it, it's still hanging over me.


It's hard to grit and bare it when you know the world for what it is. That is why I do sometime smile at the thought of the world burning. I'd damn near laugh if everypony I hated died on the same day. Sadly fate has much more cruel ideas. The reality is, we cannot escape the world, but we can forget it exists for a time.

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I've been trying to distract myself every day for ages. Online is an escape for me, because so long as I avoid actively engaging in conversation with people, and being reminded of hos sh***y the world is, I feel like I'm good. I got into anime- and much later, ponies for escapism from all the depressing crap. I'm constantly drawing ponies, and creating OC's and such to try and prevent myself from dwelling on the depressing reality of things. I'm always listening to music to try and distract me, also.

I don't think I can do meditation. I feel like I'll only start meditating on how bad things are, and be brought down again, rather than having peace of mind or whatever. It just feels like no matter how hard I try to escape it and distract myself from it, it's still hanging over me.


Online is an escape momentarily but the feelings of loneliness will come back from time to time. Especially if you go a long time with having no one to talk to, spend time with and the like. I know this from experience so anytime I can actually talk with someone online, skype or anything I love it. Myself I don't have many people that I talk to anymore and I know going a while without any time with others will drain you emotionally. The world does have its ups and downs yes but I always try to tell myself to try and set small goals to achieve to try and build myself back up.


Sometimes I have to take time away from being online to refocus myself and try to pick myself back up. Certain things along the way have helped: meditation, skateboarding(new hobby), and music. Try to find new things to keep you busy thats the best thing I can say honestly. Depression & loneliness do go hand in hand and have a bad tendency of following. I guess one thing that is hard to accept is learning to be happy on your own in solitude but it's something I am trying just to accept myself in the long run.

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Well, being a car guy, when I'm feeling down or angry or just in the mood for it, I drive. And when I say drive, I mean doughnuts in the parking lot.


My advice, pick a hobby you love that will get your mind off what's going on, and go do it.

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I'm only stressed about school work and I tend to charge into that problem head on.... if I'm stressed for other reasons I just game or take a shower....



as for being depressed.... I'm almost always depressed.... I take my depression and turn it into creativity so that all may feel my sorrow

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Online is an escape momentarily but the feelings of loneliness will come back from time to time. Especially if you go a long time with having no one to talk to, spend time with and the like. I know this from experience so anytime I can actually talk with someone online, skype or anything I love it. Myself I don't have many people that I talk to anymore and I know going a while without any time with others will drain you emotionally. The world does have its ups and downs yes but I always try to tell myself to try and set small goals to achieve to try and build myself back up.


Sometimes I have to take time away from being online to refocus myself and try to pick myself back up. Certain things along the way have helped: meditation, skateboarding(new hobby), and music. Try to find new things to keep you busy thats the best thing I can say honestly. Depression & loneliness do go hand in hand and have a bad tendency of following. I guess one thing that is hard to accept is learning to be happy on your own in solitude but it's something I am trying just to accept myself in the long run.

it's not that I'm lonely. I'm fine without people, because people stress me the frik out. Doing things, or saying things to get on my nerve. And I have a short fuse. I don't like being around people, physically. So I'm not lonely. I'm stressed. I'm actually living with someone, due to financial situations, who is the primary cause of the emotional breakdowns I've been having. I probably could take some more time to go on walks, try to enjoy nature, ect, but I haven't been, because there's just so much crap going on in the world, that I haven't been feeling safe even going out and doing that. So for the most part, it's staying indoors with the person causing my stress,rather than going out and being amongst more people who stress me out and irritate me, and where I might be in the wrong place at the wrong time and something might happen. Lose lose situation here.

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Well, being a car guy, when I'm feeling down or angry or just in the mood for it, I drive. And when I say drive, I mean doughnuts in the parking lot.


My advice, pick a hobby you love that will get your mind off what's going on, and go do it.

Ah yes... Taking a drive out at night always helps me out.




  • Brohoof 3
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it's not that I'm lonely. I'm fine without people, because people stress me the frik out. Doing things, or saying things to get on my nerve. And I have a short fuse. I don't like being around people, physically. So I'm not lonely. I'm stressed. I'm actually living with someone, due to financial situations, who is the primary cause of the emotional breakdowns I've been having. I probably could take some more time to go on walks, try to enjoy nature, ect, but I haven't been, because there's just so much crap going on in the world, that I haven't been feeling safe even going out and doing that. So for the most part, it's staying indoors with the person causing my stress,rather than going out and being amongst more people who stress me out and irritate me, and where I might be in the wrong place at the wrong time and something might happen. Lose lose situation here.


So it would seem the root cause of your stress and depression stem from your relationship? I'd say if you have a day to yourself think about what would be best for you or perhaps talking with your significant other? Seems as if to me you are missing out on things you enjoy or just do not have time for yourself correct?

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Ah yes... Taking a drive out at night always helps me out.




Nice choice in tunes, I hadn't ever heard that one before. This is my nighttime driving staple:



BTW, forgot to mention in my earlier post, it helps if you get out of the house and into another setting. Studies show that when you location changes, your emotions tend to change.

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Well, being a car guy, when I'm feeling down or angry or just in the mood for it, I drive. And when I say drive, I mean doughnuts in the parking lot.


My advice, pick a hobby you love that will get your mind off what's going on, and go do it.

I don't drive. I can't drive, actually. I have a short fuse and don't trust myself behind the wheel, around people, so I never bothered to learn.....

I guess I can try to find a new hobby in addition to the ones I already have

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Just seems like to me you need some time to yourself to ponder about things. Get things off your mind perhaps? Are you overwhelmed? If so that could have a big part of your depression and etc. 


I hope things will pick up for you however.

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So it would seem the root cause of your stress and depression stem from your relationship? I'd say if you have a day to yourself think about what would be best for you or perhaps talking with your significant other? Seems as if to me you are missing out on things you enjoy or just do not have time for yourself correct?

I guess you can say that (but it's also from other people) That person is FAR from my significant other. =_= More like a package bundle of diarrhea and herpes in human form, in terms of intolerable and disgusting levels. Believe me. I've tried talking with them. I've given up, because it's like talking to a brick wall, and at this point, it only serves to stress me out, so why waste my breath?

yes, that is correct.

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I completely agree with those who have said taking a drive. There's that, then playing some Minecraft. The music is very relaxing, and any video game really can get you mind into a different reality.

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I guess you can say that (but it's also from other people) That person is FAR from my significant other. =_= More like a package bundle of diarrhea and herpes in human form, in terms of intolerable and disgusting levels. Believe me. I've tried talking with them. I've given up, because it's like talking to a brick wall, and at this point, it only serves to stress me out, so why waste my breath?

yes, that is correct.

Sorry to hear that as well :(...


If you have a day to yourself, I would say gather your thoughts and plan what it is you ought to do. Because if you're not happy with the situation you are in something is bound to change at some point whether it be bad/good. But if each day is just a struggle and you are feeling worse each day then something has to change. I hope you can work whatever it is out that you have going on. But try to focus some time to yourself and ponder what is it that would perhaps make things a slight less hectic for you.

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I tend to do some pretty simplistic things but most I either eat something, watch videos, eat something while watching videos, listen to music, play a video game, or walk somewhere.


Very simple things, but the simple things can be the best things in life in situations like that. I'm often feeling anxiety or depression of some kind so I kinda do these things on a daily basis.

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One thing I do is talk it over and be honest about what's been stressing me out and making me depressed because it's better to let it out rather than keep it in. Another thing I do is listen to some music and if I already ate lunch or dinner, eat some but not too much sweet foods or other snacks I like.

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Really depends.


On the subject of stress, i'd have to say i actually perform better when i'm in stressful scenarios. Deadlines, workload, i actually find it enjoyable under normal circumstances. I like taking direct and assertive approach to deal with my problems (whenever i recognize them anyway).


As for depression, when i just feel a bit down, i usually try to take my mind off of it; i visit a friend, take a nap, read a book, whatever. If it's more serious, i try to let it all out so that it becomes old news and doesn't impair my daily routine. Sometimes you just gotta walk things off, you know?


That being said, i doubt this can work for anybody. This is just my way of dealing with things. If nothing else, you could try to find a way to vent out or turn your frustration into something productive. 

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I'm good around people as well, but I do have this love/hate relationship with being around people physically. I need my breaks from them and actually my anxiety that I get from being around people got to the point that it was hard for me to mentally leave my dorm to hang out with friends. It didn't make me depressed, but it did hurt my social life a bit. That was pretty much the time when my girlfriend mentioned going to the doctor's to talk about my stress and my anxiety. I now have a bottle of pills and being around people is easier. It isn't the best still, but the medicine in no way impedes me, it just takes the edge off of being with people. That is one avenue you can take.


As for depression, my one friend who always came off as a pretty happy guy was actually completely broken inside. One night, after he was drinking a bit and we were alone getting ready to play some games, he got serious and started asking me serious questions about things like if my parents have told me that they love me and how I viewed him as a friend and if my brother hates him. All the while tears breaking from his eyes. I told him that he should probably see a doctor or a psychiatrist to help him through his depression. The next day he arranged it all and in a few days he had visits with a psychiatrist and a bottle of anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medication. He is almost the same guy, but he looks calmer and happier. So basically the same option as listed above.


The rough thing about depression isn't that you are sad or that you have no one. Depression is completely that you are sad when you have no reason to be sad and that you are lonely even when surrounded by friends. In a cold way, depression is a chemical imbalance in your brain and it will not go away unless something changes. You either change your environment, your perspective, or your brain chemistry with medication. When I was in high school, I pretty much had no friends. I was socially awkward. I was believed to be that kid that would go on a shooting rampage. I wasn't depressed early on, but eventually I began to notice how easily forgotten I was and it began my decline. I tried to actually talk to people and I only came off as creepy and awkward. That's when the depression hit me the hardest. I tried to get a girl to like me and that completely fell apart and back fired. It made me feel absolutely worthless and my solution to it was to lock myself in my bathroom in the basement with the lights turned off and sit in the pure darkness and silence of that room. It helped slightly, but I grew to hate the world because of my depression. Nothing felt fair. Everything felt like it was going wrong and that people didn't just know me, but they disliked my very being. And I made that all up in my head and it tore me down.


One night, I just laid in bed staring at the ceiling in the darkness feeling absolutely empty inside when I went to the bathroom with a knife and just sat down and wondered if physical pain could stop the overwhelming sadness in my head. That was when I changed my perspective on the world. No self harm was committed that night and I actually smiled. It took some practice, but I stuck with staying social with people despite them generally thinking I'm creepy, but I stopped making it about me. I made it about them. Just asked general nonsense questions like asking about favorite music and I stopped caring about how I was coming off to people. I stopped worrying about if they hated me or not. I was not happy, but I knew other people were happy. I was depressed, but I knew other people were not as depressed or didn't show depression. I latched onto that and found my escape through the joy of other people. That was when I made it my general goal to make people smile and enjoy their happiness to fill the void of mine. I asked the girl I creeped out to prom and was denied, but I picked myself up from it and asked someone else. I realized that nothing is lasting and that if I mess up, then I mess up. Who cares?


I did what every psychiatrist would tell you not to do. I completely buried my depression and just acted like everything was fine inside my head and just talked to people. Eventually I got better at it and slowly it helped ease my depression. I later learned that at least two other people had wanted to ask me to prom because they they I was interesting and attractive. Another huge boost to my goals. I still didn't get a girlfriend, but I was okay with that and I pressed forward with being moderately jolly. I made my presence known and let out hints about my interests and people began to talk to me and ask to talk to me when switching classes. I broke the hole I was in by just looking at my life differently and buried all the hate I had for it and of the planet


So did I beat my depression? No. I only buried it behind layers of masks and emotional barriers. I led on an act to show myself that I was wrong about my views. Only in recent years have the concern of my resurfacing depression has come into question by my girlfriend, parents, and family. I would say my breakdowns are exceptionally volatile in the sense of they just happen and I just fall apart and sob, but do I feel as miserable and empty as before? Not at all. I broke the large portion of my depression by just acting like a regular person and by not caring about if people seen me in bad light. I am at the stage where I will tackle my deep seated depression once and for all and have been ready to contact a psychiatrist.


There are resources out there that can really help you cope with the depression and all it does is remove the chemical imbalance in your brain that is causing it to happen.


As for stress in generally, music is good. I actually crafted a world inside my head where all the negative thoughts were a tangible slime that was gripped to my skin and that I would enter a hot spring and watch it all float off my body. I realized these feelings were not the result of the environment, but my own brain. I figured that I would not be a slave to my mind so I fought back against it. My mind would say, "You are sad and lonely" and I would just ignore it and say. "I'm happy and moving forward in life". It helps to create a bit of an ego about yourself and to uphold all the good you are capable of doing. I ignored all the negative aspects I had about my life and tried to find a way to make them positives. I was quiet, which made me a good listener. I was brutally honest to the point of being creepy and insulting, but people trusted asking me important questions because they knew I would answer them truthfully. I didn't have a girlfriend, but I had more money for whatever I wanted. It helped me see that I was the one forming the bad thoughts. It was I who was maintaining my depression and keeping me buried in a pit of my own despair and sadness. I rationalized it and just removed it from my life (I buried it) and it helped me get my life together.


The best way to break your depression is to first believe that you are completely and perfectly fine with how you are. Your responses and social interactions may have been awkward just because you were trying too hard or overthinking the question. Just answer them truthfully and segue it if they haven't answered the question they asked. Ease yourself into everything and the moment you get uncomfortable, just disappear again until you can calm down and try again. Don't force anything in terms of conversation. Just general questions and general information about them to learn. See the same person on the bus? Ask the cliche question about the weather. It will be awkward at first, but maybe find some common ground. Find someone who likes ponies and that will drive the conversation and give you someone that you canr relate to. Everything can help mask your depression, but it will never go away unless you take measures to remove such feelings.


You'll do great. Music you love helps.

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