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Amber rolled her eyes at the angered swordsman as the spark of drama from getting wings was smothered by frustration.

"Sorry," she repeated flatly as he turned away in a huff. How would he know if cutting his wings off wouldn't kill him? Amber thought hotly. He's never had wings before...I was just trying to protect him, anyways...Her thoughts trailed off. Admittedly, she'd be pretty upset, too, if somepony launched one of her prized possessions into the ceiling. This new magic was really something. She decided to turn her attention to mastering her new body.

Amber gave another few experimental flaps with her wings, hovering wobbily in the air for a few moments before falling back on her hooves. She gazed around to see if anypony else was doin the same.

The other ponies were, in fact, taking their new abilities rather poorly. Chrysteel was in emotional shock, and Caliber was trying to off his wings at any cost. Amber thought for a moment.

"This can't be real," she whispered to herself.

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Chrysteel is still in her fetal position. She is muttering the same thing over and over. Her worst fears finally a reality, or she thinks. She continues with this despite what was going on around her. "Not normal. Can't sense it. Can't feel it. Not true self. Wish to be true self."

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Starchase woke up violently as he bumped his horn into the wall and tumbled down tangled in his sheets. It usually took a world war or a dog.


"Am I dreaming?!" He shouted from under the sheets. Spreading his wings, they hit the metal frame of the bunk leading to much groaning.


"Can we get breakfast?" He faintly muffled.

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Chrysteel says, "Something made with love and care please."


She looks like I finally be starting to calm down. She says, "hmmm...Going to try something. Y'all might want to get back."


Her horn flares brightly. She is encased in a pink fire, covering her from head to hoof. When the flames die down she looks like an alicorn Version of her Amore Apple form.


She looks herself over and says, "What the buck?! This form was never an Alicorn. Something isn't right here. My transformation magic has never had this kind of blunder."


As she says this she also starts swaying. "Whoa...why is the room spinning?"


(guess what finally hit her. the ambient love consumption. However too much love consumed. Alicorn strength spells draw it allot faster.)

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I tumbled out of a bed. A bed? Had I passed out? Last thing I knew I was dueling with Caliber. We had just locked swords together and sparks flew around us. I was laying on my right side on an unfamiliar part of my body. It hurt. What the buck? A wing? A real wing? Not Sparky's Magitek wing? I got up and looked on the left side. Another wing.


"What. The. Buck?!" I yelled loudly as I realized I wasn't the only one confused by this sudden occurrence. My magic sparked out of control as I struggled with what had happened and lost control of it. "I can't control it!" I floated up in a yellow magic sphere as the boosted magic power I wasn't used to swirled out of control.


I then released a shockwave, literally. A continuous electric pulse exploded through everything and everypony in the bedroom, violently shocking whatever it came into contact with. "No, stop. Please stop!" It kept going. I was worried what I was doing to the others, but I had my eyes closed and had no idea. "I must stop this....Relax....Breathe." I finally calmed down as I did some breathing exercises and the wave stopped. I landed on the floor and looked around. I had control of my magic for the moment.


"Is....everyone alright?" I opened one eye and surveyed the room. Sparky wasn't there. I was missing his senses......

Edited by bronislav84

by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive. My links in one place: https://lektragaming.carrd.co

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Chrysteel suddenly raises a blue/silver shield when Lektra's magic goes out of control. The lightning bouncing off of it at an alarming rate. Chrysteel is surprised by how much power she has. She feels she has enough love in her to feed 20 hives. She also looks drunk off her flank.

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caliber turned to see the shockwave coming towards him. "well...crap." he said, as he was shocked to the core. he gritted his teeth, glaring at lektra. he was counting on the alicorn-immortality to let him survive, which he did. when it finally stopped, he laid there on the floor, catching his breath. "lektra...you...are going down..."

Edited by PeytonJay


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Arcing Storm

Storm sighed in relief when Chrysteel slowly calmed down, and backed off when she told them to. The pink fire made him squint his eyes due to its brightness before it died down, leaving Chrysteel as another pony. It would be strange for anypony else seeing her changing her appearance but that wasn't the case for Storm as he had seen it for quite a few times.

And then Lektra woke up and started panicking as well. What the hay is going on today? They were fine yesterday... He thought to himself before setting up a barrier to shield himself from Lektra's shockwave, letting it absorbs all of the voltage instead of him. Storm knew he could stand it but he wasn't going to take chances. "I'm alright." He spoke up once the shockwave had disapppeared, starting to walk over to Lektra. "Anything wrong?"

Signature Banner made by @A Jewel of Rarity
OCs: Arcing Storm Thunder Tinker

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Chrysteel reverts to her previous form and walks over to Lektra. "Lektra are you ok? It seams you had a power surge of some kind just now."


Chrysteel still looks upset about her change of form but she is over the initial love high she suffered when her love consumption ability finally kicked in.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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I was breathing heavily just struggling to keep calm to keep this extra magic power in check and turned to Caliber. "You....really think I did that on purpose?" My horn sparked up again as I got a bit angry. Oh no. Must keep calm. I breathed and relaxed again. I moved away into a corner.


"No I don't think I'm okay. Not yet anyway. Just....keep away from me for a bit guys. I'm unstable right now and just struggling to keep the new power in check." I sat down in a corner of the trashed room and rolled into a ball, wishing Sparky was here. It was taking all my concentration just to keep from going out of control again.


This has to be some kind of bad dream....

Edited by bronislav84
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by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive. My links in one place: https://lektragaming.carrd.co

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caliber was still. moving meant pain. static sparked around him. "i know you didnt do it on purpose..." he said, still lying on the floor. "but it still hurt..." he slowly got back up, and picked up his sword, which gave him a nasty shock. he growled, and sheathed it. "you should've tried harder to keep it in check." he snarled, before leaving for breakfast.


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Chrysteel looks to Lektra. "Try that control technique the instructor taught us yesterday. Why did I just say that?"


Chrysteel now looks more confused. First her true self has changed and now this. She heads out for breakfast before she has another panic attack.

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Instructor? What was she talking about? I learned the breathing technique from my parents. None of this made any sense at all.


I slowly followed the others to breakfast at a safe distance, my horn sparking and swirling with electricity while I struggled with all my will to not have that exploding electric shockwave happen again. "I'm sorry you guys. I'll get it under control, but I had no idea this would happen so I couldn't really do anything about it the first time."


The wings on my sides just felt uncomfortable and unnatural, and my horn felt heavier even as I struggled with the magic that was trying to go out of control again.

Edited by bronislav84

by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive. My links in one place: https://lektragaming.carrd.co

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Starchase was probably the only one that was really happy about their current predicament. He was proud of his new wings. Being stuck under a sheet giggling like a schoolfilly, he was rather caught off guard by the commotion.


"Now that that's over, I'm famished!" He smiled as he slipped his scarf around him.


They stepped out the room to a guarded compound, barb wires and fences, the works. The pegasi who saw them immediately bowed in their presence.

Edited by Swinton
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Arcing Storm
@@Swinton, @@Midnight_Aurora, @@bronislav84, @, @@LyraBae

Storm lead the way through the camp's yard to their kitchen. Although they are commanding, Storm still liked to cook them meals and not someone else to make him. "Alright. What do all of you want today?" He asked Starchase, Midnight, Lektra, Caliber And Chrysteel while he grabbed some ingrediaemts to cook. He was known to be the cook of the group.

Signature Banner made by @A Jewel of Rarity
OCs: Arcing Storm Thunder Tinker

Check out my TF2 Anarchy RP!

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caliber looked over the choices, and replied, "everything. twice." he then took out his sword, and started to polish it. "i could help cook, if ya want me to." caliber offered. "i eat quite a lot. so it would only be fair if i helped." caliber grinned. he had cooled down somewhat.


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"As long as it's made with T.L.C. I would eat anything."


Chrysteel has a pink orb about the size of a softball. It slowly grows in size. When it resches double its starting size it splits. It does this process till there are 16 softball size orbs near her. She then begins to make shapes out of them, Increasing and decreasing the number as needed for the shapes. She looks to be practicing magic control.

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"I'll settle with a fresh fruit smoothie and some simple pastries." Food sounded good. He felt absolutely starved, when was his last meal?


Wait, who is this cooking stallion? He'd never seen him bef-Everything seemed wrong but he couldn't put his hoof on it. Oh well, at least there's food.


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Arcing Storm
@@Swinton, @@Midnight_Aurora, @, @@LyraBae

"If you want everything twice, you can help me cook, Caliber. But how did you even get that hungry? Did the training drained you that much?" Storm was surprised by Caliber's request, although he had accepted his offer. He used levitation spells to cook up the food for everypony, and just as they liked too. The pancakes was done quickly and the plate with them was set on the table for Midnight. The apple pies and muffins were being baked in the oven while Storm continued to cook the apple fritter and apple crisp. His multi-tasking abilities while cooking is really amazing. Meanwhile, a few fruits floated into the blender after having properly prepared, followed by the lid and the blender starting.

Signature Banner made by @A Jewel of Rarity
OCs: Arcing Storm Thunder Tinker

Check out my TF2 Anarchy RP!

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Caliber grinned. "nah, i just have a really big appetite." he said as he started making his meal. he used his sword a couple time, along with some levitation. "but the training was tiring. ill give her that" caliber remarked. "best spar i'v had in a while!" he continued making his food, a pile that was getting increasingly bigger.

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Nodding to Midnight Chrysteel says, "Sure it's a simple spell. To be honest this is actually the first time I have used anything other then changeling magic. I didn't know I could use pony magic. It's fun actually." Chrysteel looked like she was enjoying herself. She also felt more full then she had in years. The food request was for decency. She didn't wish to affend her cook. After a bit and while maintaining her spell, Chrysteel asks, the cooking pony, "How long till graduation? It feels as if we have been here for years."

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