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open Canterlot High


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Spellbind went on over to the sandpit and looked at the princess toy Fire was holding up. "Um, I'd like to be the knight," she said, grabbing a knight toy. She wanted to be the person that went in and saved the day, not the one who waited to be rescued. That wouldnt be good for her self-esteem.

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Fire Dancer giggles and places the princess toy in the carriage, "Alright guard, i am ready for you to take me on this wonderful journey that you promised me before" she giggles and waits for Spellbind to respond. She smiles up at her, happy to have a new friend.

"Every new day, is worse, than the night before was.


I will always remember,



what this requiem stands for"






Orden Ogan - "Requiem"


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Ashery had been late for school on the first day of school due to trouble with the guards... Which he made sure would be kept quiet about. When he arrived at the school he walked into the building finding his homeroom shortly after then going in seeing everyone already sitting down in their chairs listening on introductions of the pony who was standing up at that moment. He shrugged as he found an empty seat to sit in near the back. After that he just put his hoof on his face near his horn tilting his head slightly to the right thinking how boring the day will be for now before yawning while looking out the window didnt matter if it was some places away from him, was still better than looking at the boring bookworms and social need bees.

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Diamondheart was looking through paperwork, and was reviewing quickly over the copies of sheets she made for ponies to sign if they're interested in sports, activties, and different clubs. She was feeling nervous as usual, and felt intimidated seeing a lot of ponies, fancy alike, coming in and out of her office to ask her questions. Even several times when trying to go home, she always ran into news reporters talking about the school and how successful it was slowly becoming-- only making her more nervous and flustered.


To keep her mind off of that, she turns on the mic and tells everypony new announcements, saying in a confident and clearest voice she can: "Good evening, everypony! Uh, well, seeing as many of you are doing great recently, it's been giving me more of an opportunity to find more clubs, activties, and sports for everypony to play! If you're interested in suggesting a club and/or activity, feel free to come down by the office and chat with me to see if we can arrange something. Thank you, everypony-- and have a wonderful day! Ooh-- I almost forgot! Flame Heart, may you please come down to the office yourself? I need assistance. Hehe u-um, thank you everypony, once again, and have a great week!"


She then soon turned off the mic, sighing and wiping her forehead with her hoof. "Ugh, I hope nopony does something I wouldn't wanna do.. This school is doing well so far and it's too much work trying to make sure everypony's doing good." Her face dropped upon her work desk, groaning loudly and making weird noises while accidentally drifting off to sleep.

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Rune stopped at the door. he looked down at his piece of paper, levitating in front of him. he had decided to wear a jacket to conceal his tattoo's on his arm, they didnt need to know about that. canterlot high...yup, this is it. he took a deep breath, and pushed open the doors to the school.


he was late, of course.


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Lightning was getting bored sitting here and watching all the rich posh ponies stand up.

"They have no idea what it's like to not sleep in a bed. To not have food for days at a time, to not have a family. The spoilt brats deserved none of it in the way they talked.

He took his earphones out, his teacher still hadn't made it to class, so he grabbed his board and bag and jogged out the door. He slipped on his board and sped down the halls towards the Principal's Office. Students yelled at him, "Watch out! Slow Down! Show Off!"

He couldn't care less.

He arrived at what he thought was the office, and flipped his deck up.

Even he knew common courtesy..

He knocked on the door and waited patiently.


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Jazz was done. She hadn't expected the day to drag on as slowly and painfully as it should. She had spent the entire time looking for a way to escape, and, when a stallion left, she took the chance and slung her guitar over her shoulder, sprinting out the door. There were still many ponies milling about, and, instinctively, she felt the urge to shrink into a corner and hide. Alone, she would've never made a way out of the crowd of ponies, but skater-stallion (as she had now nicknamed him) carved a perfect path through all of them.She noted that a couple almost got mowed down, but, if she was honest with herself, she couldn't care less. resigning herself to following him out of necessity, she dashed down the hallways after him, coming to a stop just around the bend. By then, most of the ponies had dispersed, and the hallways were empty. "Sweet. Time to hunt down the music rooms..."

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Lee was walking around the campus, making sure everything was in order when the principal's initial welcoming message went over the loud speakers. He stopped to listen to it and smiled. Hopefully this would be a good year. As he heard her say ouch at the very end he frowned a bit. 'I hope she's alright...' he decided he might as well go check up on her, as well as see if she needed anything done. He entered the building and was about to enter the principals office when a thought struck him. He went in to the restroom and looked in the mirror. Staring back at him was a normal pony sized tan coated blond maned unicorn. Perfect. He turned around and headed out.



Lee just made it in to the principal's office just as the second announcement ended. He was about to knock on her door when he saw that a student was standing by the door way waiting. He reached out with his mind to get a feel for both the student and the principal. The student's emotions were down played like he was bored, or just didn't care about much...hmm. The principal's were muted almost. Maybe she was asleep? Lee walked up to Lightning. "Hi there. I think the principal is preoccupied at the moment. Is there something I can do to help you?"  



Paladin walked slowly through the school grounds. All looked normal. 'Maybe I should go meet the staff. I am new...' With this thought in mind, Paladin made his way towards the nurses office. 'Ill start with the nurse, her office is closer then any of the others.'



Paladin went to the nurses office and knocked on the door. "Hello? Miss, uh, Chrysteel was it? I'm the new head of security, and I'm trying to go around and meet all the staff." 

Edited by Fictional_Author7

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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rune was walking down the hallway, when some pony waltzed by him on a skateboard. he mentally complimented him on his skill, and continued to walk down the hallway.


he saw a mare with a guitar strapped to her back, and decided to ask her for directions. he tapped her lightly on the shoulder. "uh...excuse me, im Rune." he started, "amd I have no idea where to go."


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Paladin walked slowly through the school grounds. All looked normal. 'Maybe I should go meet the staff. I am new...' With this thought in mind, Paladin made his way towards the nurses office. 'Ill start with the nurse, her office is closer then any of the others.'



Paladin went to the nurses office and knocked on the door. "Hello? Miss, uh, Chrysteel was it? I'm the new head of security, and I'm trying to go around and meet all the staff."

Chrysteel had just finished setting up when she heard the new head security at her door. "Just one moment. I will be right there."

She says in a cheerful voice.


When Chrysteel opens her door, the security pony sees an earth pony with an orange coat and a rose pink mane and tail. She says, "Yes, may I help you?"

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Now that the fun little session in the playground had ended, Spellbind was now walking through the corridors, like every pony else, she was looking for the place she was meant to be. As she walked through with her deformed horn, she looked sorry for herself.

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Paladin smiles at the young earth pony. "Hi, I'm the new head of security. I just thought I'd go around and meet all of the staff here." The bat-pony raises one armored hoof in a friendly gesture "The name's Paladin. I'm part of the Royal Lunar Guard. Nice to meet ya."

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Chrysteel shakes his hoof in a return of his gusture. "Chrysteel the school nurse. pleasure to make your acquaintance. If you ever have any injuries that need tending please come and see me At your earliest posible convenience."


Chrysteel looks to be a but nervous. Probably because it is her fist day here.

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Paladin smiles "I'll be sure to do that. Thank you very much." Noticing her nervous expression, he inquires "Is this your first day here as well? I just received my orders a few days ago to come here, so I'm fairly new here myself." He tried to put on a reassuring smile, but it probably just came off as awkward. Being raised in a cave away from day ponies, he wasn't always very smooth with social etiquette.  

Edited by Fictional_Author7

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Paladin smiles "I'll be sure to do that. Thank you very much." Noticing her nervous expression, he inquires "Is this your first day here as well? I just received my orders a few days ago to come here, so I'm fairly new here myself." He tried to put on a reassuring smile, but it probably just came off as awkward. Being raised in a cave away from day ponies, he wasn't always very smooth with social etiquette.

Chrysteel says, "It actually my first job in Equestria. I have been a wanderer for a good long time before this. I am just getting use to things."


She noticed his awkward smile and returns a genuine looking one herself. She thinks, 'I am glad that the hive taught me how to mask emotions well.' She.looks to calm down but also looks like she is trying to teach him something. If he gets what she is showing him, he can tell her smile is somewhat forced but genuine none the less. If he can't, then it looks like a true genuine smile.

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Paladin listened with interest. "A wanderer huh? That sounds like fun. Were you ever up near the Crystal Mountains?" Noticing her smile, Paladin relaxes a little bit until he see's something in her that looks a little...forced. He wouldn't have noticed it if he hadn't been one of the top of his class at the Royal Academy where he trained and studied to become a member of Luna's personal Lunar Guard. Memory of his training kicks in and he finds the awkwardness is very easily washed away by training. He keeps an interested smile on his face, but this time it's not interest in her being a wanderer, but an interest in how she caries herself. Something about this mare felt...off...

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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She smile becomes truely genuine as his changes. She says, "You seem to have sharp wits about you. You must really care for your princess. Care to come in? We can talk a bit more and tell our stories."


She steps back into her office and sits behind her desk.

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Paladin smiles genuinely at the complement, but a small shadow of doubt about her lingers. Upon her invitation, he shrugs. "Sure. I don't see why not." He steps inside and looks around for a place to sit, after a moment, he decides to stay standing. "Anyways, as I was saying, I'm actually from the Crystal Mountains. Most of you day walk-er...um, excuse me. Sorry. Most normal ponies don't know this, but the Crystal Mountains are actually a home to a good amount of the Night Fly-er...um, the Bat pony population." He glances at the nurse to gauge her reaction while masking his face to seem disinterested. Because he'd been trained to be a royal guard, making public appearances with the Princes of the Night, and be her representative, he had been trained to suppress his emotions and act cold. Today though, he let his guard down. How much trouble could a school nurse of a private school be? 

Edited by Fictional_Author7

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Spellbind was walking by minding her own business, but hadn't been watching where she was going. She ended bumping right into another pony, this groundskeeper


"Oh dear... my apologies..." she said, and tried to get away before he could say anything about her horn.

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Paladin smiles genuinely at the complement, but a small shadow of doubt about her lingers. Upon her invitation, he shrugs. "Sure. I don't see why not." He steps inside and looks around for a place to sit, after a moment, he decides to stay standing. "Anyways, as I was saying, I'm actually from the Crystal Mountains. Most of you day walk-er...um, excuse me. Sorry. Most normal ponies don't know this, but the Crystal Mountains are actually a home to a good amount of the Night Walk-er...um, the Bat pony population." He glances at the nurse to gauge her reaction while masking his face to seem disinterested. Because he'd been trained to be a royal guard, making public appearances with the Princes of the Night, and be her representative, he had been trained to suppress his emotions and act cold. Today though, he let his guard down. How much trouble could a school nurse of a private school be?

Chrysteel says, "So your one of the Crystal Mountain Night Walkers or Bat ponies as you refer to yourself as. Usually called to be the personal guard to Princess Luna. Am I correct? Then I guess I should tell you where I am from. However, first the principal already knows about what i am. It's part of the job description. Love heals all kinds of wounds. Second, please don't over react be cause of one incedent caused by my old Queen. Also good hiding of your emotions. I can tell your trying.


As for my story, I come from what you know of as a changeling hive. My full name is Chrysteel Amorè Chrysalis. I was born shortly after the failed attempt on Canterlot. When i found out what Mother had done I left to make amends for the wrongs she committed. To this day I have still yet to make a full amends, but I can say that I haven't stopped trying."


As she speaks a small flicker of pink flames slowly goes over her form revealing her to be a changeling with translucent feathered wings and a heart surrounded by a chrysalis with translucent wings and a horn behind it for a cutiemark. Her carapace is black with pink marking and pink fur underneath it. She has a small tiara with 10 small heart shaped crystals in it.

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Paladin blink a moment, then smiles. His emotions all but disappear behind a wall of calculated boredom. "Honestly, I'm not to worried. The whole changeling shenanigans happened before I was officially made a royal guard, so I don't have any personal biases against your kind, in fact, I think it's really cool. I've actually never seen one of your kind before today." He seems to relax a bit, and even sits down, but is still masking his emotions. 

Edited by Fictional_Author7

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Chrysteel nods and says, "To be more honest I am a half-breed, Half-changeling / half-pony. As for what type of pony I can't really tell. Being a changeling we can mimic anypony's form and abilities. We however can't use abilities that are stronger then what we could normally use."


Chrysteel could sense the hiding of his emotions but she doesn't like to pry and allows him to do so. She never liked making those around her uncomfortable.

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Paladin smiles. "That's very very interesting! So are you a direct descendant of The Queen Chrysalis?" He laughs and  looks around before saying "You know, there was a joke going on in the barracks after that whole incident...It probably wasn't in good taste...well, it actually was in bad taste, but some of the Night Fliers were joking about how there was no ill will between the Body Changers and Night Fliers due to them attacking the wrong princess. I myself did find it unappealing to make jokes like that, but, I dunno. I guess there's something to it. Anyways..." He gets up and walks to the door. "It's been a pleasure meeting you! Not every day I get to meet some pony like yourself. Perhaps we can...see each other again some time?" 

Edited by Fictional_Author7

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Paladin smiles. "That's very very interesting! So are you a direct descendant of The Queen Chrysalis?" He laughs and looks around before saying "You know, there was a joke going on in the barracks after that whole incident...It probably wasn't in good taste...well, it actually was in bad taste, but some of the Night Fliers were joking about how there was no ill will between the Body Changers and Night Fliers due to them attacking the wrong princess. I myself did find it unappealing to make jokes like that, but, I dunno. I guess there's something to it. Anyways..." He gets up and walks to the door. "It's been a pleasure meeting you! Not every day I get to meet some pony like yourself. Perhaps we can...see each other again some time?"

Chrysteel returns to her earth pony form and says, "As for being a direct descendent of Chrysalis, I was her first princess. I was the last born of her clutch. Anytime you need medical help or just need or want someone to talk to my door is almost always open."


Chrysteel opens the door for him with her magic. "Till next time. Most here don't know I am a Changeling. So please keep it fto your self."

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Paladin nods and lets down his guard enough for a little bit of gratitude to spill out. "I'll keep that in mind. Thank you very much. Oh, and of course I'll keep it on the down low. There's plenty these ears have heard and even more that this mouth won't ever say." He winks and walks out the door. Heading down the hall, he looks over his shoulder at her and waves at her with one of his leathery bat wings. "So long. Have a good first day!" 

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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