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Aurora says, "Ok. I will return. Also if you want me to to help I can reconfigure my wing Receptors to project a special set of beams. It should mimic the spell just as well."


Aurora gets up and comes back in. She them asks, "Can we get this started?"


Aurora sits at her chosen desk next to the sleeping Lektra.

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Sigma turned to the uneasy mare he had just met out in the hall way. "You should come inside and take a seat." he said. "As soon as a certain mare is ready, we're going to take class attendance and see if we can deduce who the teacher is."


Sigma then walked back in to the classroom and purposefully took a seat at a desk right next to the stallion who picked the lock to the door. "I don't get what his deal is." Sigma thought as he looked at him. "At first, he came off as a jerk who could care less if the world ended tomorrow, but then he professed respect to ponies he had insulted earlier, picked the lock, and even reassured me over my inability to perform magic."


Sigma tried in vain to put the pieces together in his head, unaware that he was inquisitively staring at the stallion.

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Lightning yawned, opening his eyes. He noticed the pony he was arguing with before, staring at him.

'Uhhh, can I help you there?"

He cocked an eyebrow, what was he doing? Why was he staring at him so weirdly? He looked deep in thought but it was still quite creepy..


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"Don't worry about it." Sigma said before flopping on to the back of his chair and casually changing the subject. "All this work has been done, and I haven't asked a single pony for their name yet." the white unicorn noted before questioning why he made that observation. "I'm not sure what to make of that..."

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"The name's Lightning."

He let go the awkwardness of the situation, and relaxed back onto his desk like he was before. He wasn't looking forward to after school, it was forecast to rain, even though he liked rain it was gonna be a bad night. Luckily Lightning knew a spot he could go to to get cover, so, at least he had that going for him. 

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Tranq stirred slightly when the door to the classroom opened and her eyes popped open, admitting Lightning and the arrogant white stallion who had been shouting before. Her sunglasses still covered her eyes, so it wasn't readily obvious that she was awake. They haven't even taken attendance yet? Damn, this is the longest class ever. 


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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"Well, I'm out of ideas." Sigma thought to himself. He could possibly try something involving hoofwriting, but it's very unlikely that such a thing would work since the teacher could disguise her handwriting if the tests weren't done anonymously, which would be difficult to pull off. Besides, Sigma was pretty sure it took a professional to judge such a thing.


"Are there any unicorns in the room besides myself?" he called out to the class.

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@@Little Red



Sketchy heard Skylar say that some ponies were absent, and he just about died inside, what else was there to do now. "Well, that's it! We lost, it's all over." He blurted crossing his arms with a pouty face. "At this point we need a miracle to figure this thing out..."

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Skylar was occupied making overdramatic sobbing noises. "I give up! This teacher is a CSA agent, there's just no way we can beat her! She's using us all as her--" Skylar couldn't go on because she was hiccuping. She finally continued, "her toys! Bwaaaa!" She lifted herself up again so that she could collapse on the floor again.

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@@Little Red,

Lightning sighed. 

"Calm down, she wouldn't leave us completely in the dark, right? At least somepony has to know something."

He sighed, this was such a waste of time, why had the teacher even done this? The lesson was starting to drag on for way too long, and he doubted that he would ever get to learn something here..


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Skylar perked. "You're right!" she said to Lightning. "WE MUSTN'T GIVE UP! WE MUST PERSEVERE!" She jumped on a desk. "Alright! You!" She pointed at Aurora. "You know something, yes?" She jumped down in front of her, grinning cockily. "How can I get it out of you..? We should race! If I win, you tell me what you know! Wait, but then we'd have to go outside." She was considering. They couldn't leave the classroom... what was an indoor competition..? Then it hit her in a stroke of genius. "ALRIGHT! You and me, we're having a rock-paper-scissors competition!"

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Aurora says, "No competition needed. I can reverse the receptors in my wings to create the effect of an Aura Projection spell. I can't tell you who but who said I couldn't give you a clue.


This is my final clue. One you will need a good eye to understand. But first, every pony has magic within. Mana flow is the flow of this magic. Each pony gives off an aura that matches their magic.


The clue is the teacher's assistant's Aura is Blue. The teacher's assistant was created by the teacher. So it safe to assume the teacher has the same aura as the teacher's assistant."


Aurora has finished realigning the wing receptors. She waits for them to get the clue.

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"Wait, so we'll get the aura of the assistant, but not the teacher?" Sigma asked. "All right, now we just need someone who knows magic to systematically check everypony's aura."


Sigma looked around, not sure if anyone in the room besides the pegasus was a likely contender. Wishfully, he walked over to the clue sheet from earlier, attempted the spell, but only let out a few sparks, just as foals with no grasp on magic tend to do. Sigma let out a sigh. "It's impossible." he thought to himself. Though...


"Say, does building a magical contraption require horn magic, or can the magic be found from a different source?" he asked the pegasus who was giving out clues.

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Outside the school building a strange unicorn with orange-reddish fur and brown hair walked into the halls of the giant school. He quickly found himself outside a room where people were shouting about the teacher not being there, he froze up for a second before opening the door into the room to see a bunch of ponies trying to find out who among them was the teacher. He blinked for a second before thinking 'these people are really idiotic...' after he did that he went into the room and closed the door with his magic before walking down to the back avoiding most ponies and giving the cold shoulder to the ones who tried to speak to him.


(well then... I've grown bored of waiting so ill introduce the character i originally planned to introduce much later... Oh and if you want me to change anything... Just mention me in the ooc and ill try to adjust it to what is said by that person. Oh, before i forget... err... i already did... Sorry.)

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Skylar stared at the Pegasus that had given her a hint. She threw herself to the ground once more. "I don't know how to check auras!" She wailed. She jumped to her feet as another pony entered.



"You! Can you check auras?!" She demanded, bouncing up and down. She was getting herself very worked up again. She didn't even register the unfriendliness of the pony.

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Aurora sighs, "I guess yall didn't hear me. I can project an aura field to allow all to see the auras of all in the room. Yes I gave only the assistant's aura because it's the same as the teacher's aura."


Aurora was starting to lose her patients with them. She gave them the clues and even offered to allow them aura sight, but they weren't getting it.


Aurora looks to be about to leave again. She also looks frustrated.

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Skylar turned back to her. Suddenly, something clicked.


This pony had been here. Offering to help. The entire time. And she hadn't noticed!


She stared at her for a long moment. As she had done before to several other ponies in the room, she swung a leg around Aurora's shoulders. "You need to learn to speak louder, friend!" She said sternly. "How can one stick up for oneself if their as soft-spoken and nice as you?" She frowned for a moment. Well, was it really Aurora speaking quietly? Or was it just her, Skylar, being too loud, and not listening to others? The way Lightning had insulted the snobby unicorn that didn't seem really to be as snobby as her...


Wait! No! This was no time to feel guilty! "Ah, never mind! I'll give you aggression training later!" Skylar said, jumping in front of Aurora's desk and jogging in place. "Would you pleeeeeeeeeeeeease please please cast this aura field of yours?" Right, look for blue-- no, yellow!-- no, wait, green auras! Couldn't be that hard...

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"I need to ask a few things." Sigma proclaimed to the magical pegasus. "Is it possible for a unicorn to fake the color of their aura, and if so, can this problem be circumvented with some sort of device? If the answers to both questions is yes, then seeing how you're trying to be subtle with your hints, I will not ask you to create such a device, and instead ask you if a pony with a firm grasp of mathematics and no grasp on performing magic will be capable of creating such a device before class time is over."


Sigma took a deep breath. That was a mouthful, and he hoped he didn't annoy the pegasus to the point of irreversible negativity in regard to him.

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Aurora chuckles, "I am usually quiet for a reason. Most ponies take my understanding of Advanced Arcane Scienses and Magiteck as for me being to smart for my own good."


She looks to Skyler, "I am able and set to project. The aura field. Look to the assistant at the teacher's desk. The color of the assistant's aura matches the color of the aura for the teacher. This us because the assistant was made by the teacher and possess the same aura."


"No it is impossible to Fake one's mana flow aura. It is your very life to be able to Fake it means you lead a false life and have no true value towards self."


Aurora projects the Aura Field. Lektra detects it as magical in origin but also Technical as well.

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"Hmm, if that's the case, then the solution's simple: we look for the pony with the correct color aura."


"Well, this was fairly simple, thanks to the pegasus." he thought. Sigma then proceeded to scan the room with his eyes, systematically checking the aura of everypony in the room.

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Serian sat in his chair just looking at the others ignoring anyone trying to talk. He unconciously said in a rather quiet voice ''a bunch of morons'' which could have been heard. Maybe not, who knows and who cares? Not Serian atleast. After that he rolled his eyes and looked down on the desk on an object he had with him when he walked in... It looked like a sort of bracelet or armband.

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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As Sigma was observing the rainbow of auras that the pegasus revealed, he noticed a very quiet, yet rude remark from one of the students. He turned to see a unicorn, slumped in his desk, observing some kind of bracelet.


Sigma put on a slight scowl and asked the unicorn, in an unfriendly tone, "Can I help you?"

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Skylar was up in the air, gaze flashing to each and every pony.


Then she saw her. The one with the weird green light. That matched the assistant. It was her!


No way! It wasn't any of the ponies that had been trying to find the teacher, but it was the one that had been sleeping through the commotion?!


Oh, that teacher was smart. Very smart. But thanks to Aurora, they had caught her!


"You!" She cried, pointing at the unicorn. Then she flew down, tackling the CSA teacher. "I should have known! But you couldn't have gotten away forever! JUSTICE HAS FINALLY CAUGHT YOU!" The desk the mastermind teacher was sitting at was upset as Skylar tackled the teacher to the ground. "YOUR PLOTS HAVE BEEN THWARTED!"

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@@Little Red,

 Tranq scoffed. "It took you that long?" She announced, still laying on her desk, face pointed towards the window. "I could have told you who it was the moment we got in this class. How it took you so long is completely beyond me. Now would you stop shouting? I won't ask next time."

  • Brohoof 2


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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