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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

private The Last September

Scare Effect

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Buzz started switching between Scare and Rave's new apperances."What the buck just happened!" He yelled, not caring who responded! "Can sompony please explain how...no, why you have and him changed your entire appearence into somthing from my nightmares?!"


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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Fracture does not react when he is pushed aside, as usual, and stands without doing anything as Rave begins to fight, knowing that he would be of no help. "He is serously corrupted." He says, inaudible over the loud sounds created my magic. When Rave is finally unconsious, he walks up slowly, and mumbles, "I would love to pull his intestines out of his body and tie them in a knot."

I wrote this thing.

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Banner got up in pain but pushed throw it and tied up Rave with the chains "mother F%#&ing unicorns!" she shouts "they use there magic for everything and give them self an unfair advantage, to bad they cant take a punch, and good thing he wasn't focused" she was done tying him up "how bad does it look cause it feels like crap" she says looking at the others then hears what Fracture said "that's dark and I don't know how I feel about that"

Edited by Yoshikupo
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Rave's body suddenly and unnaturally rose up, floating a bit, glaring at Fracture. "How about I split your skull and eat you?" he said in an unnatural voice. He looked over to Scare. "You managed to knock my pupil unconscious for a little while, big deal. But you will all die, you hear me? You are a worthless little pony who pretends to understand dark magic. I have dealt with the likes of you before, a 1000 years ago, I had a lot of fun. Too bad Rave is not a cannibal like me, I would gorge upon my slain enemies" he cackled. "I just need to access Rave's mind fully and then I will be in full control. Expect to be destroyed. I will do what Rave couldn't bring himself to do" the body fell back down. 

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Fracture looks at Banner and says, "He probably deserves it, and I can do worse than that." Watching Rave's body stand up, he calmly replies, "I would prefer for you not to split my skull, and you should also know that my skin will probably taste like petroleum... Also, I would have been fine with dying about a day ago, but now, I have this cool invention that I would not like to go to waste, and I need to be alive for that to happen."

I wrote this thing.

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"alright we're leaving now."Scare said to the group,then pointed to Rave."leave him here, he will only slow us down and i personally don't want that thing in him to try and kill us while we try to stop Fear. and to answer your question Buzz, my transformation occurs when i am very angry or protecting those i care about, any way we only have 24 hours until Fear can use that machine." Scare picked up her bags and began to head toward the base, Dramatic followed happily.


Broken Heart looked all around the base looking for her sister but couldn't find Dramatic any where.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"Oh... okay... I'll get my... well, nothing." Fracture says in response to being told that it is time to leave. He begins walking, looks down at his hoof decice, and says quietly, "That looks so cool; it makes me look a bit like a very energy-efficient cyborg. All that it needs now are better parts and a bit of fine tuning and lubrication, all of which I can fulfill when-- IF I get home."

I wrote this thing.

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"ok lets go now, I know Rave isn't the problem now so that's good but we should leave now" she said getting anything she thought they would need to bust in and destroy anything in Fears base "I cant wait to ride on Everest and kill Fear for the lives he's taken" she said with a menacing smile heading in the direction they had been traveling

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As the group trekked off into the distance, Rave lie there unconscious.  A shadow crept over him, and a voice spoke into the wind, apparently to itself.


"So... a party divided is a group conquered. *sigh* Well, can't just leave a pony alone... just not fitting, after all."


The newcomer began busying themselves by re-creating a fire & doing what they could by crafting a makeshift campsite.  Not touching the sleeping pony, the visitor settled in & waited.  


"... hope it was worth it.  But at least you're not buzzard food.  Besides, those who dabble in magic of your caliber are rare enough; no need to lessen that number."


Time passed.  The pony waited.



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Rave woke up, he had a headache. He shot up. "I am going to kill that worthless little gnat who thinks she is soooo special. WHERE IS SHE. I AM GOING TO RIP HER TO SHREDS. She will wish she had never crossed hoofs with me. I will destroy EVERYTHING she holds dear". Rave was furious as he had just been left there, instead of being killed. 

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As he continues walking, Fracture quietly says for the whole group to hear, "I hope that you all realize that Rave will probably be trying to kill us now... and, Scare, he seems to be especially angry at you. I can't make sense of it, because I was much more unkind than you were."

I wrote this thing.

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"Well that is a question with a simple answer. he simply hates me, why no clue anyway we're almost there." Scare said to Fracture as she walked, turning to Banner, "Do you have the device still right?"

"Wait what device?" Dramatic asked out of curiosity looking at Banner.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"this device! its both the thing that has blown up the machine thing that attacked us in appaloosa, and the thing that knocked out the hench ponies you attacked us with. by the way are these actual ponies or ones made with magic or something? I would feel less guilt killing magic then flesh not going to show remorse just because of that thought" Banner said to Dramatic pulling out the device as well  

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"Gone.  They went off to... well, to do what heroes tend to do.  You, on the other hand, had yourself a fine nap.  Feel refreshed?"


A black pony with green streaks was seated roughly ten feet away from the unicorn.  The cutie mark, a lump of grey rock with what appeared to be a gemstone sticking out of it, clearly visible on his flank almost seemed to glimmer a bit; perhaps a trick of the light.


"I thought you might have an appetite; care for an apple or two?"


He motioned to a small sack, green apples visible through the top of it.


"After all... you might need to regain your strength after the hullabaloo earlier.  Help yourself; I brought enough for two."


He turned his head to the dusk sky, gazing at the stars wistfully.

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Rave noticed the stranger, but acted calm. He approached him and levitated two apples to himself. He took a bite. "So what are you doing in the middle of nowhere and what do you know of the group I am..... pursuing?" he asked, with a slight tone of curiousness. Perhaps this pony might prove useful to him. 

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Dramatic looked at the device and laughed, "Heart torn the base apart looking for that weapon and to figure out you had it all along. any way as for your question no they are in fact real ponies. but don't worry i will be distracting them, also you might not want to fire that at anypony it is a magic nulifier."


sitting on a lovely little cloud watching Rave and her assistant Dax was Chaotic Flier with a smile she reclined on the cloud and materialized some popcorn to eat.

Edited by Scare Effect


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"Know?  I don't actually KNOW them, really... but I do know I was sent this way for a reason.  Well, I'm fairly CERTAIN it was for a reason."


The pony looked Rave over apprasingly; not a hint of malice or disgust on his face - just contemplation.  After a moment, the pony nodded slightly to himself.


"I'm Dax.  I'm... well, I'm headed this way because I'm in search of...  I'm looking for... it's..."


Sighing, Dax started again.


"I was looking for you, I suppose.  I had a dream with you in it, and it told me where you were... and where you should be."  Dax held up a hoof.  "Now, it's not my place to tell you where you gotta go... but, if you're as curious as I am to see where this rollercoaster of a dream is leading us both, maybe you'd be interested in going with me?"


Dax stood up & shook the dust from his hooves.  He took one more apple from the bag, then slung it over his shoulder, fastening it in place.


"I kinda saw some of what happened earlier... but, it's not really my place to ask about business that isn't mine.  But, if you're ready, we can make clops toward the direction I'm feeling... that is, if you feel inclined to come along?"


Dax looked at Rave, eyebrow raised.

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"Just tell me where you are heading and I might be interested. I know the lands" he showed his flank that was a map cutie mark. "I hope it leads in their direction. I feel like biting someone" Rave felt an urge of cannibalism as the dark voice was slowly taking over his mind. 

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Dax looked at Rave for a moment, then shrugged with a half-grin.


"Hunh... yeah, I've felt like taking a nip or two off folks before.  But, all said & done, can't have that; it's like them saying 'bite me' & me obliging."


He let out a weak chuckle, then saw the somber look on Rave's face.  With a shrug, he turned and began to walk.


"If I knew right where I was going, I'd tell you... but this is one of those 'feel the right way' things... but, since you're smart with a map, maybe you can tell me what's IN this direction?  With a cutie mark like yours, I'll bet you never get lost, huh?"  A small smile played across his face.  "Well... directionally speaking, anyways.  After all, there's a LOT of ways to be 'lost', and not all of 'em are solved with a map, y'know?"


Dax motioned out in the direction he was heading.  "My best guess is this way.  What's out there, anyway?"

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Rave did not look amused. He looked in the direction, a grin spread up his face. He saw a mountain in the distance. "Yes, let us head over in that direction. You keep on walking, I will follow". "We will taste pony flesh" the dark voice in his head said. Rave only grinned. 

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Dax walked along, not seeming to have any issue with Rave being behind him & out of his view.


"I... don't normally talk to many ponies.  Sorry if I'm a bit rusty on my politeness."  More like many ponies don't talk to me, he thought.  "You do seem pretty... um, what's the word... verbose?  Good with words?  I'm... um, I'm kinda glad I DID run across you - for a bit there, I thought I was off my applecore, following a dream all the way out here to find a pony I don't even know... or worse yet, to go to a PLACE I don't know."


He glanced back over his flank at Rave.  "I'm not... used... to talking to anypony.  I kinda... well, I kinda don't get much of a chance to, y'know.  I'm not exactly 'well-liked' where I'm from... at least, my family...His words petered out, and he seemed to contemplate his next words a bit.


"So, would it be too much for me to ask why all that light show went on earlier?  I mean, bad enough I've been hallucinating weird-lookin' flying machines, but I don't think I was seeing things when I saw those energy blasts from your direction..."  Dax watched Rave's face carefully, trying to make certain he wasn't offending the unicorn.

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"The 'light show' was me protecting myself from other ponies attacking me. I tried to defend myself, but they were all against me. Now, I understand your pain of carrying a family name. I myself am a Darkmane, the most feared within the Crystal Empire and also known across Equestria for our ancient brutalities. I have been painted and because of I have been labeled as a monster, I shall be a monster to them. They will get what they want". 

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Chaotic looked down and saw Rave and Dax talking she sat there and watched them walk and talk, walk and talk, Chaotic started to get bored so she left her cloud and approached the two, "hey there you two what are you up two?" Chaotic asked even though she knows exactly what they were doing.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Rave looked at Chaotic. He went immediately into battle stance. "You! I have seen you talking with Scare before. You one of her freaky overpowered friends?". If this one wanted to battle, Rave was all up for it, he would not back down from a fight now. Not after being humiliated. 

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"i am not here to fight i just wanted to offer you a job nothing more." Chaotic said calmly,"And I see you met Dax the pony I sent to help you." she looked at Rave in his silly battle stance, "if you know i am overpower why even put up with threatening me, also please don't let the actions of my friend influence your opinion of me."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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