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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

private The Last September

Scare Effect

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Rave did not look so surprised. "Of course it is fake. I would not expect a non Equestrian to have it. I would kill the one if it was a non Equestrian because they have no right to take something that belongs rightfully to my family. However, I do know that this is useful and has indeed holds immense amount of magic power. Good job, with your immense disrespect you have earned your hostilities with me you worthless gnat. You know nothing of the real world out there" "Because it is in fact I who tell you everything, right my little minion" the dark voice in Rave's head said. 

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Dax watched the interplay between the two powerful magic ponies.  He had no magic; he had no idea what to do.


"Okay... uh..." he stammered, trying to find the words to smooth over what was obviously becoming a very rocky road.


He felt helpless... still, he knew he had to see this thing out.


"Look, can we... let's just go, alright?  This place we're headed to - it's nearby, right?  Howzabout we all get where we're headed, do what has to be done, and THEN you two can figure out what's what.  Until then, we..."


Dax sighed.


"If the world gets blown up, we won't have ANYTHING to talk about later.  Let's get this thing done."


Hoping they might listen, he started heading in the direction he was being pulled in.  He had no magic... but maybe determination would be his own personal spell.

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"sorry i didn't mean to insult you and i definitely didn't want to make you angry so lets just drop this whole thing and focus on getting those blueprints," Chaotic then looked at Dax,"don't worry we will be there in 3 minutes." Chaotic said and then went up to a near by cloud and sat on it looking down at the two ponies

Edited by Scare Effect


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"this things magic is used up" Banner said with the forge in hand "well maybe it could make a dagger but I don't care" she placed it in her bag "alright we got everything we could get, everypony take some of these" she said showing many small weapons and the magic chains she had made with the forge "the chains can be very helpful especially against magical beings" she said mostly to dramatic    

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Rave calmed down severely. He put his hoof to his chest and then let out a deep breath. He had completely calmed himself down after getting a bit tense and angry. "Can't wait to get started. Perhaps I will stop by those little peeps and leave them a little parting gift, but only if we have time". 

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"okay but we better get moving Scare is already heading towards the base lets go." Dramatic told Banner running in place.


"sorry but we won't have time we have to be in and out before the base explodes," Chaotic Said,"maybe when we see them again in exactly one year."


(Chaotic is not completely in her right mind just a fair warning)


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"got it, lets do this" she said almost dragging Dramatic and Fracture along to the base "if you see a weapons room or something make a decision to ether loot it or destroy it quickly, either way it will give us some kind of advantage in battle" she says to them as they run  

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Fracture stands atop Everest, slowly spinning while whispering the directional letters so to correctly orient himself to not make a mistake. After enough of this, he yells down to Scare, "What should we expect to be inside, and what is the path that we will be taking?"

I wrote this thing.

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Dax followed along quietly.  He had tried to make peace, and it had sort of worked... but he couldn't help but feel like the magic-users were engaged in an ego-play between each other.


And Dax felt as if he had nothing to offer.  


The magics he had seen & heard about were miles above his head.  They clashed like mighty champions; he seemed to simply squeak between the two.  They appeared to have phenomenal cosmic power; he was just an itty-bitty little gnat, buzzing between giants.  


He felt useless.


Still, if was going to get the mist of this dream out of his mind, he would have to see this through to the end - which, he figured, was all he could truly do.


Staring at the ground, he continued to walk along, wondering if he would end up being any help at all...

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"we're making our own path Fracture," Scare laughed, "straight through the mountain until we reach the center then while Everest and me keep the goons busy you and the others will be looking for the device."


Chaotic looked at Dax seeing he was feeling down she flew next to him "why you feeling down?" Chaotic asked looking at him with a smile.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Buzz had been flying in the cloud layer near the top of the mountain for a few minutes, looking for a way into the base that would give him a better chance of finding the device. He figured if he went in from the top and the others went in from the base they would take half the time to find the device  than they would if they all went in together. He then noticed a cave near the summit that he could use. "Bingo." Buzz flew to the cave, trying to stay in the cloud layer for as long as possible to avoid detection from anypony who was on the outside of the mountain.  When he reached the cave he noticed it was pitch black. "You'd think an evil villain would have better lighting in her base." After realising nopony was around to hear his joke, Buzz put one of his front hoofs on the caves wall and followed it. He did so for a minute till he saw a well lit area. He then reached a large rock and hid behind it. When he peeked over he saw the worst possible sight he could have at that moment in time. In front of him were at least 60 pegasi preparing to perform an aerial attack. The had traditional weapons like knifes, axes and bombs, but they also had things he had never seen before. "I hope the others are ready, cause this isn't going to be as easy as we thought." Buzz then sat behind the rock and waited for the others to perform their 'distraction.'


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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Looking up, Dax gave a shrug.  "Eh, lost in my thoughts, I guess.  It's not a big deal - besides, I'm just wondering about this 'Fear' individual you mentioned... lemme guess: another unicorn?"  He gave a resigned sigh.  "If that's the case, I hope you or Rave... or BOTH of you... have a plan?  I mean as far as magic goes, you ponies would have a better idea of what we're up against here."


And you'd have the only chance of stopping it, he thought, not like I'd have a horseshoe's chance in a volcano...


"Besides, from what I've heard this 'doomsday' device has to be put out to pasture... and this 'other group' doesn't seem to have much of a vote of confidence from Rave."  Dax glanced over at Rave, nodding.  "I mean, if you two can make it there and work together, I figure you'll have it covered... I just wanna make sure I get to the bottom of these dreams."


He looked past Chaotic & pointed.  "Is that it?he queried.  "If so, then we'd best hoof it; the sooner we get this done, the sooner we can rest easy."


And the sooner I can stop being in anypony's way, he thought miserably to himself.


"Rave, Chaotic - time for you two to do what you do best: make the magics."  

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"Fear is an earth pony like you," Chaotic told Dax, "what kind of magics you have in mind friend teleportation, blow something up, freeze time?"


Everest made contact with the hallow mountain opening into a large cavern.


Broken Heart was inspecting the pegasi units when she heard a big crash from the base of the mountain, "Go now! they are in the base we must buy Fear time to power up the device." Heart commanded as she ran down the stairs.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Buzz had heard the new voice command the unit to move. He saw a few of the pegasi go through the cave he had entered in as he hugged the rock he was hiding behind like it was his special somepony in an attempt to not be seen by the dozen armed troops galloping past him. "Nice work guys" Buzz said to himself. As he peeked over the rock he now only saw 3 threats: 2 by some boxes where the pegasi were stood and another on a catwalk above. He took out two of the small knives banner had given him. He threw one at the pony on the catwalk, hitting it on the back. As that pony fell on its face, Buzz threw the second at the closest of the two guards, hitting them in the leg. He then rushed over to him, took the knife out his leg and used it to stab the other guard several times and then do a 180 and put it through the temple of the others head. He then noticed the pony on the catwalk was still alive so threw the knife through the gaps in the mesh like catwalk into the guards skull. He then just stood there. "A month out of service and you still got it" Buzz said to himself aloud, a small grin on his face. He noticed a spare chest plate and sword on the boxes by the two dead guards. He put the chest plate on and picked up the sword. After spinning it around in his hoof for a few seconds, he put the handle in his mouth and started to gallop down the stairs where the new voice had gone in an attempt to find the device, and Fear herself. 


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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"T-t-teleportation?  You mean, like instantly there?  Can you DO that?"  Dax stared open-mouthed at Chaotic.  "Maybe you & Rave should do that - get there quickly, so that you can take care of the problem?  That'd probably be the best idea, wouldn't it?"


He pointed at the mountain.  "If there's where you're headed, then don't waste time with trotting - you two should get there with a quickness!  If this is as bad as it sounds, maybe the faster way is the better way, right?"  


Dax looked back & forth between the two ponies.  The look of urgency was plain on his features.


"Well?  The two of you aren't helpless like me - YOU HAVE MAGIC!  You've GOT to do this - all of Equestria's at stake, for whinnying out loud!  If anypony's gonna be able to save the world, it's YOU TWO!"

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the group was about 25% into the mountain when she saw something terrifying, pegasi with bombs and other weapons "there using a death from above strategy!" she shouted at everypony while readying her knifes to throw "I need magical help to make them stop flying" she said hinting at Dramatic    

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As the large group of pegasi nears them, Fracture spins around to look in all directions while yelling, "High and middle at A, B, H, Many of them; individuals middle at E, F, and high at D, E, and low at G..." He continues to alert the group, his voice going from monotone to pitched and a smile momentarilty appearing on his face.

I wrote this thing.

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"alright stand back everypony,"Dramatic said as she began to focus her eyes becoming red as a red aura enveloped the pegasi causing them to scream as they plummeted into the unforgiving ground below as their wings suddenly snapped shut.


"Calm down Dax you are important too, I wouldn't have brought you here if you were helpless," Chaotic said to Dax,"Now for teleportation you two just need to get close and i can teleport us to the base."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Rave snorted a bit, but he got close to Dax. He was not one to be near ponies unless he wanted to physically hurt them himself..... or when he was rescuing foals and fillies, like back at the town where his adventure had started, where the dragon had attacked the village. 

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Important, Dax thought, I'll bet...


What he said was, "Okay, close together..."  Dax sidled up next to Rave, giving him somewhere between a nervous and a reassuring glance.


"Right.  Good.  Magic away."


Not knowing what was coming next, he squeezed his emerald green eyes shut, bracing himself.

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Chaotic chuckled to herself as she flew over to them put a hoof on both of them the gems around her neck glowed and the three of them disappeared and then reappeared inside a small laboratory. "okay we're here." Chaotic said to her two companions .


Everest kept going not caring if he stepped on one of the pegasi.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Rave looked around himself, inspecting the laboratory. "You know, that three legged pony would probably try to kill me (and fail) if I wrecked this place" he chuckled. "Alright, let's keep on going and go get what we came for. Let us do our job and be done with it"

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Dax cracked an eye open, then looked around with a bit of awe as he realized they were already there.


"Right... okay.  So, now we... we do what?"  He felt a bit lost, but he had an idea that things would become obvious as they moved along.  He trailed along behind Rave.


"Is this... are we in Fear's base?  Should we wreck this stuff?"  Dax looked to Rave & Chaotic for answers.

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Scare ran ahead Everest looking for signs of Buzz, traps, and ground troops. Where is the ground troops? Scare thought to herself.


Broken Heart made her way to the bottom floor, and came out of a door close to where Banner was, Broken Heart pulled out a knife threw it at Banner.


"No point in wrecking it if it's gonna go up in flames any way." Chaotic said to Dax, following him.


Fear could hear the noises of the mountain being torn through she just smiled and leaned back in her throne, behind her stood the machine it's timer at 45 min. soon i will have what you stole from me.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"oh hell no" she said crouching as the knife was nearing her "you again huh, well lets see if this triggers something in yah" she says them throws a chain around Broken heart "I don't know if your her but...cant hurt to try, do you know that we have Scare and Dramatic on are side? you know Scare the one how has two younger sisters which are Dramatic and Broken heart?" Banner waited for a response "if you aren't how I think you are" she held a knife to her "I think you know what will happen"

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