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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

private The Last September

Scare Effect

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Buzz had taken a hallway off the stairs and was now on the floor where the armoury was. He had encountered a few guards on his way and had quickly 'disposed' of them, only a red mark on his right cheek from where one guard managed to land a hoof on him as a consequence. He saw several earth pony guards leaving a room, carrying daggers and throwing knifes. Another group left the room opposite that holding swords and axes. The floor had at least 7 different rooms, each holding a different type of weapon: heavy, light, throw-able, etc. Buzz looked in each of these rooms looking for something he could use. "Jackpot" Buzz said as he walked into a room filled with bombs and other throw-able items. He grabbed as many traditional bombs as he could, and also grabbed 2 smoke bombs and an incendiary bomb. "Well..." came a voice from the doorway. Buzz froze and slowly reached for a knife on the side next to the bombs. "... did you run out of bombs already?" Buzz turned around to see an earth pony guard smirking. "Yea, those slippery ponies kept dodging them." "Ok then, ill leave yo..." "Wait" Buzz yelped as the guard started to walk out the room. "Do you know where Fear is? I'm meant to give a progress report." "Yea, she's in the throne room." "Where is that? I'm sorry, i took a hit to the head earlier so my brain isn't functioning properly." "Oh, if that's the case I'll show you. Follow me." A smirk came on Buzz's face as he walked out the door. "Gladly."


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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Dax glanced around the laboratory, taking in the sights to see.  All over the place were contraptions & experiments, waiting to be used by hooves that would never use them.  He let his eyes play over everything available, trying to find anything that might be of use, though he had no idea what was what.


You don't even know where you're going.  You have no clue what you might be able to do, do you?  All this stuff, and it won't make a lick of difference what you try - there's no reason or rhyme to all this.  Maybe, just maybe, you'd be able to handle yourself in a fight... but this?  This is WAY beyond schoolyard scraps, isn't it?  Maybe it's the biggest schoolyard scrap of all time... and you came unarmed; for shame.


Dax studiously ignored his thoughts.  He had to keep his confidence up if he wanted ANY chance to make a difference.  He set his jaw firmly & narrowed his eyes.  


"Alright, Chaotic - if we're here for a reason, then let's get to it.  Lead the way."

=====  ( 0=====


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Rave was already gathering some materials while he was waiting for the two. "Take the red potion on the left shelf there. Good, this might help us in the future" the dark voice said. Rave found a door. "Is this where we go through?" he started to activate his dark magic, becoming deformed again, teeth becoming sharp, mane going completely dark, eyes leaking with purple smoke. He was going to be ready this time, completely ready and he was going to rip anything that caught him off-guard to shreds. 

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Dax watched Rave's transformation.  He didn't shy away, he didn't run, he didn't even pale; he simply nodded, acknowledging that Rave was ready for anything.


"Let ME get that door - just be ready for whatever is on the other side of it."


He looked to Rave & Chaotic, and gave a grim smile.


"Time to pony up."


He opened the door swiftly, moving to the side to allow the magical ponies a clear shot.

=====  ( 0=====


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Scare approached what appeared to be a hallway that leads underground. Looking at Everest, "alright buddy you stay up here and keep these ponies occupied," Scare said Turning to Dramatic, "Dramatic go tell Banner and Fracture we are going underground."

"Okay sis." Dramatic said turning walking in the direction she last saw Banner.


Broken Heart struggled with the chains only to realize they get tighter the more she struggles, once she stopped struggling and stared at Banner contemplating what Banner just said about her younger sister joining them, and supposedly her dead older sister was here too, "What do you know about my sisters? and why would Dramatic join you? and why do you claim my sister who has been dead for ten years is here and not just alive but is helping you?" Broken Heart asked her capture.


Looking at the door that Dax was about to open, giving a chuckle at what Dax said, Chaotic stare at what appeared to be an empty hall. "okay this is where things get fun, don't trust the appearance of this place Fear is very good at illusion magic. So watch your step and do watch out for traps." Chaotic said to her companions giving a laugh.


Fear watched everything unfold from her throne room,  So you found the entrance to my Throne room come so i will finally get the revenge i wanted for all these years.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Rave walked through the doorway and used his magic to scan the area. His navigation magic helped him immensely here, he was able to walk past a lot of traps, however, he was starting to get a bit nervous, like he always did when entering a temple or a ruin filled with traps. 

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"dramatic joined us when she thought that what ever side Scare is on is the side she wants to be on, how I know about all this is that Scare told me herself" Banner said stabbing a pony that was behind her "hey look here comes Dramatic" she picked up the tied up broken heart and pointed her to Dramatic "now I think you should make a choice soon before Fear kills everypony with that horrible device"

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"Banner you caught Heart," Dramatic said as she ran toward the two. Broken Heart looked up and saw Dramatic approaching her and Banner.

"Dramatic tell me is it really her is it really our big sister?" Broken Heart asked sounding like she was gonna cry.

"Yes she is and she hasn't changed a bit."Dramatic answered with a smile, "Now are you gonna help us stop Fear or are you gonna sit here and let Fear win?"

Broken Heart thought for a moment then answered, "you know i can't let you do something dangerous without me." when she said that Scare approached them,"well we are all together now we need to find Buzz and that device.Heart do you know where it is?" she asked.

"in the throne room with Fear." Heart answered

"okay lead the way." Dramatic said to Heart. who then lead them to the path that Scare found.


"Okay Dax you follow me and we should be fine." Chaotic said to Dax as she started to move in a very weird manner stepping on certain areas and ducking at some points as she walked passed Rave. stopping at a door, opened it and went in. "come in here it's the vault."


those traitors Broken Heart and Dramatic they will pay dearly for interfering in my plans. Fear thought to herself as she awaited the arrival of her enemy.


MACHINE 20:00, 19:59, 19:58 ...


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Rave managed to keep up with Chaotic. "I am here, I am here". He looked around himself. He inspected the vault thoroughly. "So we going to continue now? I want to be really fast here, I want us to get this done as soon as possible" Rave fed on some dark magic from the horn around his neck. 

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Seeing that Banner could manage her own enemies and that there isn't much more for him to do, Fracture has an idea that he did not plan for. He yells to Scare before she leaves, trying to be as concise as possible, "It might be good for me to go with you if there were a problem with the machine; I know mechanics."

I wrote this thing.

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Buzz had now been following the guard for about ten minutes, however the anticipation of meeting fear made it feel like and hour. They now seemed to be nearer to the battle as they could hear the bombs going off and Everest destroying the base. "I see the other guards are more conservative with their bombs than you are." the guard said, a sarcastic tone in his voice. Buzz hated that, he loved to be sarcastic but hated it when it was the other way round. "Yea, I guess so" Buzz replied, trying hard not to kill him now, but knowing that he may be his only chance to find Fear and the device. Now he just had to think of a way of signalling the rest to the devices location. At that point Buzz noticed something in the corner of his eye: a guards helmet. "Wait a second would you?" Buzz said to the guard as he walked over to the helmet. The guard stopped and waited. Buzz grabbed the helmet and put it on, thinking that if the guard thought he was one of them for wearing a chest piece, then Fear may be fooled by an entire armour set. They set off again. "How much further till we reach her?" The last word leaving Buzz's mouth with an undetectable amount of bitterness. "Not much further now, just a set of stairs and a corridor to go. Is that ok with you?" Again, the last sentence left the guard with sarcasm and a grin this time. Buzz just ignored it. "Perfect."


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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Dax looked about the enormous vault.  There were racks & shelves everywhere - but nothing on them.  It was apparent this vault had been cleaned out.


"Alright, we're in.  I certainly hope there's something to use in here..."


Dax continued to glance around, trying to find something he could possibly use... like a weapon or such.

=====  ( 0=====


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"Sure thing i think Everest can handle it here," Scare said to Fracture."and I think you can come in handy. So come on." Once Fracture was down the ran down the tunnel that ended with a giant red doors.

"this is it the entrance to the throne room." Heart said to the group.


"there sure is.this is where the blue prints are my good friend." Chaotic said with a smile as she levitated a small box toward Rave. "can you try to open this while i give Dax something to defend himself with." Chaotic disappeared for a few minutes then reappeared with what appears to be a sword, she then hands it over to Dax/


"Mistress the ponies have made it to the throne room." a guard said to Fear.

"Excellent leave me. I will deal with these ponies myself." Fear said to the guard who bowed and left.


TIME LEFT 10:00,9:59....




(OOC:in the OOC for this RP i would like to know who wants to be in the sequel to this RP, so i can tell who will make it and who won't in the fight against Fear.)


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"Sure I can". Rave used his magic to open the box. He was excited since he heard mention of blueprints. They were almost like maps, so he could understand them relatively well. He noticed Chaotic with a sword. Rave was not one to prefer melee weapons. "So what is in the box?" he looked into it. 

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Dax looked at the sword.  I'm going up against magic-users... with a POINTY STICK?  I'm doomed, he thought.


What he actually said was, "Okay.. thank you, Chaotic; I'll do my best.  Rave, do you see anything in all those boxes that might help us out?"


Dax tried swishing the sword around, but he handled it rather clumsily.  Blushing a bit, he stowed it away in his backpack.  He began glancing into a few crates as well, hoping to find... well, whatever it was they were searching for.  Dax figured the others would know when they found what they were after, so he mostly just looked busy.


All the while, he worried about what was to come... and how Rave would handle it.  If he can just keep his cool when we find these 'other ponies', he mused, then maybe I can find out exactly what happened before I start blaming anypony...

=====  ( 0=====


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Fracture runs off of Everest's arm to the doors, and contemplates what is to happen; "So... if my assumptions based on scattered information are correct, the machine should be inside of this room. While Buzz is removing the fundamental component of it, or if he isn't, I should be trying to disable the activating mechanism, for added safety, considering that all of Equestria is in jeopardy."

I wrote this thing.

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this was it, the final moments of there great adventure Banner thought I must protect equestria, I must protect my friends "while you deal with the machine me and everypony else will keep Fear away from you just know that we all must be fast" she said in a very determined voice "This is for everypony you have hurt..." she said under her breath

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Rave could feel the presence of the others through his magic. He could feel the forces that were at play... well, of course not him, but his 'other' him. "Things are about to go down, if you want your revenge, it will have to be swift and cruel. I will add to it's brutality".

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the double Doors swung open revealing a large room with a giant crystal with a heart in it, there standing in right next to the device stood a grey pony that looked like Scare. "Hello there." Fear said with a creepy smile on her lips her red eyes glowing fiercely.


"That box contains the blue prints Rave, and Dax that sword is enchanted so it can absorb and fire certain types of magic." Chaotic said looking through a box clearly looking for something else.


time left 8:00, 7:59...


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"The blueprints for the device that Scare helped conduct? Then let us get a move on. We want to use the confusion that is about to be created for our own benefit and snatch everything up and then leave immediately". "And of course to get my revenge if possible" Rave thought. 

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"That box contains the blue prints Rave, and Dax that sword is enchanted so it can absorb and fire certain types of magic."


Dax blinked; a sword that absorbs magic sounded completely ludicrous... but absorb AND fire magic?  He glanced at the handle & hilt, sticking out of his pack.  


"Blueprints?  For what?  That doomsday device you were talking about?  Heck, if THAT'S what we're looking for, then maybe we should just dump the boxes out - wouldn't that be quicker?"  He shoved a couple of boxes into the floor, kicking them open so their contents could be examined.  He gave a cursory look into each, then turned back toward Chaotic & Rave.


"So... plans, plans, plans..."  Dax watched Rave moving over towards the box Chaotic had indicated, and moved over to try to help.


Peering over Rave's shoulder, he spoke very quietly into his ear.  "Do you actually know what's going on here?  Or is this STILL a dream?  I mean, you ARE here, right?  Please tell me this isn't just some hallucination on my part."

=====  ( 0=====


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Rave was annoyed by Dax's sudden approach. "Please keep a distance. And I don't care if you are dreaming or not. All I care is getting the job done and maybe some bonus as well. I advice you to keep it together, at least until we are done here. Don't want anything going wrong do we now?". 

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"I, uh, well, uhm..." of course you're crowding him; that's why you don't have friends, dimwit.


Dax backed off.  He watched as the two ponies continued their search.  It was obvious they had their manure together, whereas he apparently didn't.


Go on, give them all the room they want, he thought.


Quietly, he made his way out of the vault & snuck out the laboratory door, doing his best to make certain nopony could hear him leave.


Alright then, he steeled himself, now where is the most noise coming from?


He listened, then headed in that direction, moving as silently as he could.

=====  ( 0=====


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"Oh, hi." Fracture says to Fear with exaggerated disinterest in his voice; "I'll hope that you are the real Fear, and not some nearly identical impersonator and decoy that I still have virtually no understanding of. Assuming this, I would like to let you know, before we... probably... defeat you, that I truly and sincerely hate you for the things that you have done, and that you deserve to die in the most painful way possible, preferably involving intense chemical burning and internal organ crushing. I would continue, but the others will not like it, so I won't." He then mumbles, "I've been wanting to say that for a while; yay."

I wrote this thing.

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"aww I love you too," Fear said with a laugh.

"we are not here to talk Fear prepare for battle." Scare said in an angry tone.

"now no need to rush to your own demise Scare" Fear said with a mocking smile. then she made her first move it happened so fast nopony had time to react as she grabbed and threw Fracture against the wall, tripped Banner and Broken Heart, and punched Dramatic so hard she flew into a wall.


Chaotic grabbed a piece of paper with her magical gems,"hey Rave found it now lets get Mr.Sneaky and leave." she said as she passed it to Rave.


TIME LEFT 6:30, 6:29...


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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