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ooc Darkness over Equestria (OOC) (DISCONTINUED)

Little Red

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post-33595-0-39046600-1432874646_thumb.pngAugust 28, 2015

Hi everybody.


Reaver and I have decided to discontinue this roleplay. We have way more work this school year than we anticipated. Summer homework was insane, and it's only the first week of school and we're already drowning. Not to mention the abundance of retarded high school social issues.


We simply won't have time to run a roleplay. I was in around seven roleplays and I am leaving all except two. Reaver, all except one.


We're starting  scholarship program that includes a requirement of ten hours of volunteer community service a month, we will be doing three school plays this year and will be getting more involved in our youth county orchestra, not to mention the stress of keeping up grades and maintaining healthy friendships at school.


Anyway... thank you all. I enjoyed this so much. It was so fun roleplaying with you all and getting this amazing experience.


Chip and Com T may be starting a reboot and be much more responsible than I (maybe not Reaver-- she actually is responsible), so if you'd like, stay tuned for that!  :)


Darkness Over Equestria

Roleplay page: https://mlpforums.com/topic/129878-darkness-over-equestria-rp/?p=3804648


Over a century ago, Lord Tirek of the centaurs defeated the princesses with the help of Discord, the master of chaos. He trapped all four in Tartarus, sucking in all the alicorn magic in Equestria and all other pony magic. Now, with helpless magic-less ponies, monsters run loose in Equestria, the ancient and violent race of centaurs has returned under Tirek’s rule, and Changelings roam freely about, sucking in the little amount of love left in Equestria. Discord rules the sky in havoc, as the sun and stars move brightly about while the moon tends to do little jigs with a tutu. Tirek rules over the land and seas, creating disaster as he sees fit, but mostly leaves his broken subjects to rue over their misfortune.
You were born into this world of violence and despair. While your past and future are up to you, you know one thing. You do not intend to die in this broken world.

SUMMARY: Tirek never betrayed Discord, and they beat the Mane 6. Equestria is now under the rule of these two tyrants. Monsters roam free, and you will fight them. A lot. Dark/Survival/Adventure

Part 1: Ponies meet and band together.
Part 2: The company is heading deeper into the Badlands to try and find the rumored bandit base and destroy the bandits.

Rules of RP (read!)

DMs- Reaver, Little Red

Sub-DMs- Chip Circuit
1. No godmodding, unless you are inactive, in which case Reaver and I will godmod you to your dramatic and tragic death and replace you. Also, please do not roleplay enemies unless you have requested to do so on the OOC page first and we have confirmed it. By villains, we mean bandits as well. In fights against, say, a bunch of bandits, you can “godmod” the bandits. But don’t start a fight out of the blue.
2. Reaver and I have the ability to kick you out if you are excessively rude or inactive. We will give you warnings at five days of inactivity and will kick you at seven, and we will kick you if you have been very rude more than once. Note: you get two warnings. On your second warning after another set of five days of inactivity, you will be kicked unless you have been excused. If you have a good reason, we will excuse you from the RP for several days! (i.e. going on vacation, etc.) But note if you are on an excused absence, we don't expect to see you on the forums at all.
3. There are five slots open; we want things to be as diverse as possible, so we prefer three more male characters and two more females. They can be pony or non-pony, it makes no difference. If you wish to roleplay as an OC outside of this six-pony group, such as a villain or reoccurring ally, speak to us, and we’ll consider it. Reaver and I will choose from applicants very carefully, so don’t be offended if you are rejected.
4. No alicorns/ridiculously op characters, unless you have a very good reason. Try and keep your oc fairly average for now; Red and I want to see story-like development in characters. If you have an OC that’s super powerful pre-RP, please set it up so they are somehow maybe a teensy bit less powerful. However, feel free to have a tragic past. Those are fun. Also, no Mary-Sues under any circumstance. We will notify you if we consider your character to be too perfect.
5. Reaver and I do have a story planned out. Roll with it; we’re going to try and steer the roleplay along in a particular direction. If you find you have problems with this after you start roleplaying, talk to us, and you may control your character to a dramatic and tragic death, which will give great development for other characters. We will then proceed to replace you.
6. Change your oc’s background to suit the RP as needed. If the oc doesn’t fit, use a different one or change him/her.
7. Only one oc allowed per person, to make sure we maximize the amount of people in the roleplay. If you have another OC that’s absolutely REQUIRED for your OC for character purposes, we will consider it.
8. Reaver and I are DM/GM/OP, and are both in charge. If you have any questions, contact either of us.

Suggested Submission Form:

Character name:
Species (i.e. Unicorn, Griffin):
Equipment (weapons are a good idea):

(Provide an OC page link if possible!)


Player List

1. Little Red – Little Red (https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/little-red-doe-r8339)
2. Reaver – Strider (https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/victory-strider-r8307)
3. PeytonJay- Caliber (https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/caliber-r7887)
4. Unicorncob- Tyra (https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tyra-shatterhoof-r7858)
5. Alex VanGamer- Alex Van Gamer (https://mlpforums.com/page/eqw-characters/_/approved/alex-van-gamer-r308)
6. Chip Circuit- Radiant Sentinel (https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/radiant-sentinel-doe-r8329)
7. Commander Tangent- Lunar Lance (https://mlpforums.com/topic/129620-darkness-over-equestria-title-pending/page-5)

8. Midnight_Aurora- Chrysteel Amore Chrysalis (https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/chrysteel-amor%C3%A8-chrysalis-r8177)


Kicked Players:

1. HigurSan- Ironeye Sungazer (https://mlpforums.com/topic/129620-darkness-over-equestria-title-pending/page-5#entry3801925)


Elements won't be revealed until later in the roleplay. Reaver and I will try our best to fit each OC with the element that best suits them! :)
Act as the element you feel best suits your OC, or that you want for your OC for now.


Revealed Villains

1. Tirek and centaurs
2. Discord
3. Changelings
4. Everfree monsters

5. Bandits (based off raiders hurhur)


Bandit Leaders

1. Thorn- https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/thorn-r8480

2. Amber Love- https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/amber-love-r8479

3. Mediant- https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mediant-r8483

4. Tsunami- https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tsunami-r8482

5. Monsieur Malum Fuhror (UnicornCob)- https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/monsieur-malum-fuhror-r8481

Minor Bandits:

Rift (Reaver)

Kakashi (Chip Circuit)

Izumo/Kotetsu (Reaver/Little Red)


World-Building Map

For those who are accepted, please look this over and make changes to your OC's backstory as needed!



  1. Ruins of Appleloosa- the former rustic town of Appleloosa, now often occupied by various bandits.
  2. Badlands- badder than ever, the lands are rumored to have a city of the cruelest, evilest no-noers around.
  3. San Palomino Desert- even more barren than in the golden age, the desert is now home to some very friendly nomads—and others not so friendly.
  4. Smokey Mountain- said to  be home to a dragon that has taken the entirety of the royal treasury and enjoys eating little ponies.
  5. Ruins of Vanhoover- former a bustling little town, now a bunch of crumbling walls. But in these ruins, a new little town is emerging.
  6. Ruins of Tall Tale- a city even more dilapidated than Vanhoover. It is completely barren of life.
  7. Galloping Gorge- the place where chimeras and cockatrices take a vacation from the Everfree when they want a change of scenery. It is said that the only entrance to the underground home of the diamond dogs is in the Gorge.
  8. Frozen North/Crystal Mountains- a wasteland of uncontrolled weather, so dangerous are the mountains that even the toughest monsters don’t live there.
  9. Neighagra Falls- this giant waterfall and the area surrounding it are now home to a hive of changelings.
  10. Fillydelphia- the town and the rolling hills surrounding it also have uncontrolled weather patterns. It tends to hail on Tuesdays.
  11. Manehatten- the biggest town in Equestria is now the darkest, gloomiest part. The streets are filled with the crushed skeletons of ponies under falling rubble as Tyrek destroyed the city.
  12. Baltimare- the town remains the most untouched part of Equestria. This was the last target of Tyrek, so most ponies managed to hide in shelters successfully. They rebuilt the town in secret and there is rumored to be a rebellion against Tyrek there. They are very hostile to foreigners.
  13. Everfree Forest- it’s a forest with a bunch of monsters.
  14. Los Pegasus Ruins- the fallen city of Pegasi crashed when Tyrek consumed the magic in it. Now earthbound ponies can visit it whenever they want.
  15. Cloudsdale Ruins- the city fell along with Los Pegasus and also destroyed the area, creating a massive crater. This is why the weather in most parts of Equestria no longer functions properly, as the weather factory has been destroyed, and there are no longer any rainbows.
  16. Ponyville- Discord’s playground.
  17. Canterlot- otherwise known as “Deathlot” or “Tyrek’s kingdom.” The place where Tyrek sits on his home of bones and laughs maniacally. 

--Crystal Empire- (Not Pictured) no pony that has travelled to the Crystal Empire has come back alive in the past few decades. It is said that an ancient spirit lives there, haunting and killing every pony that sets foot there.

--Trotsheim- (Not Pictured) a village in the Crystal Mountains to the far north. Tyra Shatterhoof came from this village. It is filled with crazy vikings like her.



My buddy louisvillepride/ found this epic swaggy song titled-- you guessed it!-- Darkness over Equestria! Booya!

Oh, if anyone else has themes, suggest em and I'll put em up here, so long as they're not... I dunno... too many cursing, I guess. The more music, the merrier! :wub:

Oh, and apparently we're all doing combat themes now. MAKE A COMBAT THEME FOR YOUR CHARACTER! 8D

Main Themes

Darkness over Equestria- Main Theme 1 (Thanks Flying Far!)


All as One- Main theme 2 (lolReaver)



Combat Themes

Music of the Spheres- The Union (from Destiny)- Main Fight theme (TY ComT :))

One Winged Angel- Final Boss Fight Theme (Thanks Midnight :wub:)


Overworld Themes

Deference for Darkness- Overworld Theme 1 (What a guy, Com T!)


Other Themes :3


All This Time (Fox Stevenson)- A Theme that Me and Peytonjay like (Credit Peyton-chan)


Temporal Tower (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon)- Random Dungeon Theme 1 (Unicorncob the genius)


Sky Tower (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon)- Random Dungeon Theme 2 (Yours Truly! *Bows*)



Character Themes

Radiant Sentinel

Badass Theme #1


Badass Theme #2


Radiant's Sad Theme


Lunar Lance

Combat Theme #1


Little Red

Combat Theme #1



Theme #1



Main/Combat Theme


Sad Theme


Rage Theme



Combat Theme #1



Other Character Themes


Theme #1




For any suggestions or edits needed, let us know, and we will edit this as needed!

Edited by Little Red
  • Brohoof 3
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Please read updated information!

EDIT: Notes about magic:

Chip Circuit pointed out that, as Tirek had stolen all the magic in Equestria, ponies were incapable of basic functions of survival. Like, pegasus flight, and such the like. He made the suggestion that the ponies to be included in the roleplay would be chosen by fate to be linked to a certain element of harmony, allowing them to be born with magic. Because, y'know, elements are magical.

Both Red and I really like this idea--we had actually been considering the elements of harmony idea ourselves when Chip gave it a solid base. So, we ask all applicants and those who have already been accepted to consider an element they want to wield. Later in the roleplay, your character will receive an element of harmony, and all people who have always dreamed of doing so will be able to run around blasting people with rainbows.

This is why we ask all people to stay committed to the roleplay. We can't exactly have a fate-chosen element of honesty going and dying on us, because... well, it just won't work.


EDIT: Notes about cutie marks:

When Tirek stole magic from Equestria, he stole cutie marks as well. However, Red and I have decided to treat cutie marks as more biological than magical. A couple of generations after Tirek, cutie marks were reappearing, albeit with duller colors than the ones you'd see years before. Now, ponies again have cutie marks, but they tend to be in duller shades, and aren't really related to magic. A pony can now have a cutie mark but not have magic, because ponies of the new generation have adapted to a world without magic, basically.


EDIT: Notes about fighting:

Once the roleplay started, Red and I had considered asking everyone to use an 'honor system', where we asked all roleplayers to consider the other roleplayers and give them a chance to fight as well. Chip (again) suggested we use a dice system. In this system (subject to possible change), we will assign bosses a certain number on a 20-sided dice. A level 5 boss would be very easy to hit; any number above five would hit it. A level 17 boss would be much harder.


Also, some players can give bonuses to others in this system. For example, if a character has an ability to do so, they can boost the number rolled by a different player by 1 or 2, etc.

In bigger fights, we won't use the dice system and leave you all free to roleplay how you want.

Also, in roleplaying a fight: Red and I may want to control the more important bosses, in which case we ask you leave attacks open against said bosses, giving us a chance to let them dodge or take the hit, or start giving a bad guy monologue. You know the drill.

We'll probably be switching in and out of the dice system, using it only for some villains who won't be giving many monologues.


EDIT: Bandits

Hey you people! I'll be posting Radiant's sketches here soon. For now, the leaders of the city:

Thorn: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/thorn-r8480

Amber Love: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/amber-love-r8479

Tsunami: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tsunami-r8482

Monsieur Malum Fuhror: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/monsieur-malum-fuhror-r8481

Mediant: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mediant-r8483


EDIT: DC counts for characters

Caliber: 16

Red: 14

Strider: 14

Alex: 16

Radiant: 18

Tyra: 17

Amore: 15

Lunar: 16

Ironeye: 13


Thank you all for the great suggestions!


OTHER NOTE: No longer accepting OCs! Thanks to all who applied!

Edited by Reaver
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Character name: Caliber
Species: Unicorn

Gender: Male
Personality: you knooooooow....
Backstory: in link.
Equipment: sword and cloak, doesn't need anything else. B)

  • Brohoof 1


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I'll enter since Unicorn is here lol... Hi Unicorn! :D


I'll submit Radiant Sentinel... His ref sheet is in my signature

  • Brohoof 1

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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Buddy! :pinkie:


I can vouch for Chip, he's good! :D


I decided I'll just go for it :P


Can't leave you all alone without your buddies :P

  • Brohoof 1

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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yeah, i like radiant.


one question, tho.


if tirek took all the magic in equestria, how'll radiant fight? :dash:


He can still use his mouth :P


but that is a question if even the heroes are powerless :P


Come to think of it his backstory also changes quite a bit but that I can adapt in a few minutes if he is accepting as a character.

Edited by Chip Circuit

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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He can still use his mouth :P


but that is a question if even the heroes are powerless :P


Come to think of it his backstory also changes quite a bit but that I can adapt in a few minutes if he is accepting as a character.

i really did start a trend, eh? :dash:


that, or i was the first to do something cool. B)


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No guarantee you'll get in... I'll look at Beraha's page when I have time. :) Cooking dinner.

@@Chip Circuit,

I'll look at Radiant, again, when I have time. :3


Alright :) 

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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if tirek took all the magic in equestria, how'll radiant fight? :dash:

Heyo fellows!

Peyton made a valid point about magic. Red and I thought about it, and we decided that though Tirek stole all pony magic, he didn't really steal manufactured magic. Etc, etc, point is, zebras make magic potions which can "turn on" a unicorn's magic for a short time, or allow them to cast spells...

We'll talk about it with the unicorn OCs that we get. :3

But yeah, for OCs that use magic as their main fighting style: they should and will be extremely affected in this RP.


Red and I are going to wait a few days before we announce any more characters that'll be in here. We'd like to get as many applicants as possible so that we don't just accept first six and then are like, "oh! Wait! No! That guy's perfect!"

  • Brohoof 2
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Heyo fellows!

Peyton made a valid point about magic. Red and I thought about it, and we decided that though Tirek stole all pony magic, he didn't really steal manufactured magic. Etc, etc, point is, zebras make magic potions which can "turn on" a unicorn's magic for a short time, or allow them to cast spells...

We'll talk about it with the unicorn OCs that we get. :3

But yeah, for OCs that use magic as their main fighting style: they should and will be extremely affected in this RP.


Red and I are going to wait a few days before we announce any more characters that'll be in here. We'd like to get as many applicants as possible so that we don't just accept first six and then are like, "oh! Wait! No! That guy's perfect!"


That will be interesting to say the least lol

  • Brohoof 1

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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