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private Darkness over Equestria (RP)


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As the two made their way down the road toward the towering bandit city that would blot out the sun if Discord didn't have it in an unnatural placement in the sky. Amore begun speaking of her ideas of how to get into the city. "A fellow recruit would work just fine, unfortunately I cannot risk approaching the city myself since I have fought bandits before. Although I have yet to fight one in the badlands, but I will be near if you even suspect any trouble." He said looking to her and her new form. "Would a pegasus form not be more suited, in case you need a fast escape you'd be able to fly correct?"


As the two continued forward the changeling begun rummaging her hoof through her bag soon to reveal the element of magic she had taken into her possession. She held it out to Radiant wanting him to hold onto it while she was within the city.


As the gem was presented before him, Radiant couldn't help but fixate his gaze upon it. The element almost seemed to speak to him as if it were alive with energy, he shook his head in disbelief. "How could a gem even a powerful have a presence about it." He thought to himself still having trouble looking away from the gem.


He heard Amore's words as if they were muffled through a thick cloth but he still understood what she had said. Radiant nodded his head and took the gem in his magic to put it in his own bag, that is until he levitated directly in front of his eyes. Suddenly a single surge seemed to rush through him freezing him in place making his head feel light, he was unable to comprehend what was happening as he unwillingly closed his eyes. It seemed to feel as if he were playing tug of war with his own magic between himself and this gem. His mind went blank and he could see streams of magic swirling around throughout his mind as if they were accessing hidden memories that Radiant had long forgotten. To Radiant this seemed to go own for an hour while on the outside only a few seconds have passed.


Finally with what seemed to be a metaphysical snap of a rope between him and the gem, Radiant's horn surged with magic and so did the veil of magic around the gem. Radiant opened his eyes and regained control of his magic, he lowered the gem into his bag. With his gaze still looking back at the pocket that he had set the gem in he thought to himself. "What was that? I know my knowledge in magic isn't great but I have no explanation for what just occurred."



Radiant looked back to amore and nodded his head. "Sorry let's continue." He said continuing down the road. "I hope it works as well, if not I will remain close by." He responded to her last comment.


Before the two neared the city where they would be so close where Radiant could be noticed, the stallion found a hiding place in some thick bushes making sure he was well enough covered so no pony could view him from the road. "You're on you own from here Amore, I will be here if trouble occurs." He reassured her in a hushed tone.

Edited by Chip Circuit
  • Brohoof 2

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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As the two made their way down the road toward the towering bandit city that would blot out the sun if Discord didn't have it in an unnatural placement in the sky. Amore begun speaking of her ideas of how to get into the city. "A fellow recruit would work just fine, unfortunately I cannot risk approaching the city myself since I have fought bandits before. Although I have yet to fight one in the badlands, but I will be near if you even suspect any trouble." He said looking to her and her new form. "Would a pegasus form not be more suited, in case you need a fast escape you'd be able to fly correct?"


(I only have this part since we are still unsure of the element of magic bearer. If the DMs want it deleted that is no problem, neither were on when I posted.)

As the two continued forward the changeling begun rummaging her hoof through her bag soon to reveal the element of magic she had taken into her possession. She held it out to Radiant wanting him to hold onto it while she was within the city.



As the gem was presented before him, Radiant couldn't help but fixate his gaze upon it. The element almost seemed to speak to him as if it were alive with energy, he shook his head in disbelief. "How could a gem even a powerful have a presence about it." He thought to himself still having trouble looking away from the gem.


He heard Amore's words as if they were muffled through a thick cloth but he still understood what she had said. Radiant nodded his head and took the gem in his magic to put it in his own bag, that is until he levitated directly in front of his eyes. Suddenly a single surge seemed to rush through him freezing him in place making his head feel light, he was unable to comprehend what was happening as he unwillingly closed his eyes. It seemed to feel as if he were playing tug of war with his own magic between himself and this gem. His mind went blank and he could see streams of magic swirling around throughout his mind as if they were accessing hidden memories that Radiant had long forgotten. To Radiant this seemed to go own for an hour while on the outside only a few seconds have passed.


Finally with what seemed to be a metaphysical snap of a rope between him and the gem, Radiant's horn surged with magic and so did the veil of magic around the gem. Radiant opened his eyes and regained control of his magic, he lowered the gem into his bag. With his gaze still looking back at the pocket that he had set the gem in he thought to himself. "What was that? I know my knowledge in magic isn't great but I have no explanation for what just occurred."




Radiant looked back to amore and nodded his head. "Sorry let's continue." He said continuing down the road. "I hope it works as well, if not I will remain close by." He responded to her last comment.


Before the two neared the city where they would be so close where Radiant could be noticed, the stallion found a hiding place in some thick bushes making sure he was well enough covered so no pony could view him from the road. "You're on you own from here Amore, I will be here if trouble occurs." He reassured her in a hushed tone.

Amorè stopped when he became tranced. She thought, 'again this happens. The element seems to be testing them as potential bearers. I felt something but it wasn't telling me I am a potential bearer it must have been sensing my potential as a bearer of another element. Love is my special purpose while cadence is away. I will protect it and let it grow.'


When he continues, she continues as well. When they get close she says, "I will be careful." He can see the look in her eyes is now similar to the look Caliber had earlier when he was ready for a fight. The looks of a swordsmare.


She then heads towards the city looking the gates over as she draws close. 'If I have to fly, I would rather teleport out and make them afraid.' She thinks.


(GMs, Red and her partner, My mention function doesn't work. But if you have anything for me go ahead.)

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Ironeye Sungazer


"I was not in this forsaken wasteland because I wanted to see the scenery," she replied with heavy understatement. "You know of Tirek the Centaur Lord, how legends say he locked the old guardians of the world in Tartarus. My ancestor was said to have witnessed it personally, and was sent away by the Sun Princess against his duty to protect her to the death. Perhaps this decision was guided by great foresight, because after draining the Princesses and Elements he turned his gaze on all who possessed magic. He has an insatiable hunger for it. Even now his servants scour the land for meager scraps of magic to curry his favor. My family and birth home were victim to their predation."


"I do not doubt that in time he will turn his gaze even on Discord and the Changelings, consuming until he destroys everything. Currently he seeks control of the ambient magic that runs through the world, but it eludes him at every turn. I can feel it's resonance vibrating like the playing of a poorly tuned string instrument. Undoubtedly he, or his servants, will sense such powerful magic being used in the same way. They will seek us out and hunt relentlessly." She looked down at the spell she was working on. "I fell another burst from the Element. It has provided me some clarity. I know spells, though crude, to mask my own magic. This... is a safe haven spell. If cast, it will mask all in the vicinity in... I do not know the words. But we would be safe, for a time. However, we need to be in the right place at the right time. I think it is further south, but cannot say more yet."


((For the spell, think pocket dimensions crossed with the Hobbits dwarf secret door.))


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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So, she can't tell what the spells do exactly. They just... come to her. It was amazing, Strider mused as he looked on at the drawing. He'd heard of ponies like her, once in a book--not that he could remember much, but it reminded him of Starswirl the Bearded. Perhaps he had a unicorn with him that would one day surpass that great magician. In another time, she would've been taught by the best of the best--it really was a shame.


"You said you felt another burst from the Element," Strider said absently, still examining the spell. "Could you discern anything else? I don't think it's dangerous, considering that Amore hasn't signaled."




There were two guard ponies at the northern gate. One sipped lemonade. The other snored quietly. The one who was sipping lemonade spilled his glass over the other one as he noticed a pony coming down the road.


"Kotetsu," he hissed. "Wake up. There's a pony." 'Kotetsu' did not wake, despite his partner's efforts, and he sighed and straightened as Amore grew nearer. Pretending as though Kotetsu didn't exist, Izumo asked Amore, "Who are you? No, wait, that doesn't matter, nopony cares who you are," Izumo realized. "What's your business here, stranger? If you want supplies, you've come to the wrooong place, my friend."

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They see a pink mare with a very old but decently kept sword. Her traveler's cloak covering most of her features.


Amorè looked him in the eyes and says, "I am actually curious about joining one of the 5. Who do I need to talk to about that?"


Amorè's stance is that of a seasoned sword fighter.

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Izumo stared. "You... want... to... join?" He said, very slowly. He looked her up and down. "Hm, well..." he glanced at his partner and lowered his voice. "Any idea of which faction you wish to join? Actually, never mind. I'll bring you to Lord Tsunami... ah, she's so gorgeous and amazing..." Izumo swooned and collapsed to the ground with a love-torn sigh. He quickly straightened up again and took a pencil and paper out of a bag. On the paper he wrote,


"Dear Kotetsu,

U lazi slob, i went 2 take new mare that wants to join to lord Tsunami Mediant. guard wile im gone




He stood up and nodded to Amore. Amore could see he had leather armor-- probably from animals-- and several pouches for throwing knives and a couple daggers at his side.


"Come on," he beckoned, pulling a lever. The gates opened slowly and he trotted in, tail flicking for Amore to follow. "Any wrong moves and I stab you," he called over his shoulder.

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Amorè grins. "I won't stab unless I have reason to. I can be trust worthy for the right price."


Amorè follows Izumo. She keeps her sword within easy reach and her eyes at her bags. Her posture is defensive but calm. She thinks 'Well that is one down. This might be easier then I originally thought. But never hurts to be causious.'


She keeps any one eye on her escort the whole way and any other on her surroundings. She also uses her heart sense for location of others in proportion to herself.

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Lunar nodded to the others. " Perhaps we can socialize. But I plan to meditate soon, maybe contact the spirits of this area, I am sure it will be rejuvenating after the long scouting trip" He said with a smile, before sitting down near Red, Caliber, and Tyra. " So, my friends, were are you all from ? I would love to hear more about you and all your exploits" he said with a grin. Learning more about the group could come in handy, and he would love to learn how everyone met up here so conveniently.


"Oh, a good question!" Tyra chirped, hopping onto her hooves and puffing out her chest, "I come from the village of Trotstheim, in the Frozen North! We are a village of warriors, who have somehow managed to avoid any contact with these 'Discord' and 'Lord Tirek' characters."


"At night, the cold is bitter and the winds and blizzards are merciless," She explained, becoming more stern in her expression, "We have really had to harden up to survive. We had gotten news of rebellions rearing their heads in the mainlands, on a mission to stop these evil oppressors. It took a lot of convincing, but my father, the Chieftain, allowed me to come here and assist!"


Her grin became a bit more sombre as she continued. "However, it has not been easy. Ponies I have travelled with have often abandoned me or forced me out of their groups, for many reasons. My tastes unnerved them, or I am too brash, or they have been suspicious of me because I do not talk the way Equestrians do here."


Her grin quickly returned to its honestly chipper self. "Though, it is not so bad! I found you all in Appleloosa, and you all--or, um, at least most you--accept me as one of your own!"

She put a hoof to her chest and bowed her head. "I will do whatever I can to make sure you do not regret that choice. As a Shatterhoof, that is my vow."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Radiant could make out the gate of the bandit city from where he was hidden in the bushes, along with Amore he could make out two guards on the ground who eventually let Amore into the city. "Well that phase is finished, now I need to wait in case anything happens to her." He whispered to himself remaining prone in the bushes.


As he laid there he took the gem from his bag and looked at it once again, he tilted the gem in every which way and nothing happened like earlier. "Hmm... perplexing, so it only did that to me once? First it had a reaction with Ironeye, now with myself. I'm not sure what to make of the phenomena." He muttered putting the gem back in his bag. 

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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"well, im from fillydelphia. born and raised. i started my traveling after i saw a sign to begin my wandering self. i soon came across a sword, and decided to seek out teachers. i met ruk, and ronin, both of whom helped me be the swordspony i am now. i met a few other ponies, as well, and even became known as the fourth strongest swordspony in the land. but then tirek and discord messed up everything. i met red, and here i am." caliber said, not prying to much into his past.


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Izumo hummed to himself as the two trotted along, making a show of being casual, which didn't work quite as well as he thought it did considering the nearness of his muzzle to the knives hanging in a belt around his neck. He took Amore deeper into the city, and said to her conversationally, "Be on your toes with Lady Tsunami. She might just use you as a hoof bag if you don't." He seemed to find the statement somehow endearing, and sighed dreamily at the thought of his leader as he and Amore continued on. The sights around them were gradually getting richer and more well-kept, and Izumo led Amore onto a bridge of sorts above the dirty street below. "She is one gorgeous--never mind. She's going to question you and beat you up, though, if you don't give her a good answer. Maybe she'll do it with a katana. She's so gorgeous with that--never mind. But, most likely, you're worthless scum and she'll cut you up with a knife. Don't worry, she's still gorgeous--we're here."


He stopped, showing Amore a large building. They appeared to be in the back. "C'mon," he added roughly, trotting out to the front, which looked out onto a huge park. "This is Tsunami's house," he said, seeming to be trying to impress Amore with the size of the 'house', which compared easily to small skyscraping office buildings. He pushed open the glass door, and trotted up to a guard. "Izumo here," he said, to the guard. "New pony," he added, pointing to Amore.


The other guard looked her over--perhaps a little more suggestively than necessary--then said, "Alright, she wants to join Tsunami? Where are you from? Any companions with you?" He asked Amore coldly, walking around her in a tight circle as he looked her over for weapons, other than the obvious sword.

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Amorè wasn't to be impressed or intimidated. She says to Izumo, "I have seen bigger."


She watches the guard carefully as he circles her. She only looks to have the sword on her. She says, "I am a wanderer. I have no home. It was destroyed two years ago by Tirek. I travel alone. Also I do, wish to join that is. You got any problems with that?" She says not faltering in her stance. She does glare at his suggestive look.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Ironeye Sungazer


"The danger she faces will be her own doing," she replied with a frown. "Too nice to pass for a bandit. As for the artifact..." She drew a diamond shape on the ground with several tendrils emanating from the center. "I think it is... sampling. Not just any pony could wield it, when the Sun Princess ruled. Even though it's options are limited, with so few who can use magic, it will choose carefully and wait for one who will bare it as it wants. It seems it dod not like me, and I doubt the gathering of so many unique ponies was an accident."


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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The guard considered Amore. "So, your home was destroyed by Tirek himself? It's been awhile since he came out of his throne, but I guess it's not impossible." He looked at her carefully, eying her sword. He smiled slightly to himself. Amore, with her aura-sensing, would be able to tell easily enough that he was impressed by her.


"What's your name, then?" He barked suddenly.

Edited by Little Red
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Strider listened to Ironeye, impressed by her analysis, which, as she phrased it, made him realize that it had been exactly what he wanted somepony to say. :I hope you're right," he said quietly to Ironeye, considering the diamond she'd drawn. "And that this gathering was no coincidence." He glanced at Ironeye, considering. Ironeye said she'd felt another disturbance from the Element--it was more impressive, now he looked at it more closely. It either meant she was deeply in tune with the magic around her, or that she had bonded with the Element somewhat.


Either way, he wondered what a second disturbance meant. He continued speaking as he considered all this. "I hope we will make it to Tirek, someday." Those words took courage, because spoken words gave solid hope, which could be crushed more than a feeble hope. He stood up, sighing, and turned to Lunar.


@@Commander Tangent,


"So, Lunar," he said, conversationally, "Do you have any tea leaves on you at the moment? I would love to have some tea to calm my nerves," he said cheerfully.

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Lunar nodded to Tyra and gave her a smile. " Your heart is big, and your body strong. Never let either falter" He smiled. She seemed nice enough. Caliber told his story and he gave him a grin. " I see, very interesting Caliber. Your sword is a fine weapon, just keep in mind it's weaknesses and advantages. You have a sharp mind, so I am sure you can use them wisely" He grinned happily and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath when he heard Strider.


"I in fact do have a few leaves I picked up on our travels. IT will not be as nice as Jasmine tea, but it will soothe your nerves" He said, reaching into his bag and pulling out his pot and leaves, " I can start to brew". 

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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@@Commander Tangent


Tyra's grin only grew larger from Lunar's words. It was really uplifting to hear such words of support from a new ally.

She put a hoof to her chest and bowed her head. "I will never falter, friend."




"So, you have met Tirek and Discord themselves?" She asked Caliber, getting right in his face with sheer curiosity, "You must tell us what happened! What are they like? Did you battle them? Did you win? Did you use that sword?"

Questions flew from her lips like a group of falcons taking off.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"So, you have met Tirek and Discord themselves?" She asked Caliber, getting right in his face with sheer curiosity, "You must tell us what happened! What are they like? Did you battle them? Did you win? Did you use that sword?"

Questions flew from her lips like a group of falcons taking off.

"well, yeah, i met them-"


tyra got in his face, and he fell backwards. he even thought he was being attacked for a moment.


"well, okay!" he said, happy to tell his story. "so there i was! walking on the road, heading to my next adventure, when i saw a top-hat in the road." he started, "and i thought 'hey, i always wanted a top-hat!' so i picked it up. discord came out, wearing a magician's cape. he swished the cape, and suddenly, tirek was there. keep in mind, he wasn't at full-strength, yet. he was still very weak. i said 'your tirek!' and he said 'yes, i am. and i here to take your magic!' and i said 'no way!' and he said 'its not a choice!' and he picked me up with his magic, but luckily, i had my sword with me. i got out my sword, just like this," he got up at this point, and unsheathed his sword in a fluid motion, "and threw the sheath like a javelin! it hit his eye!" to further illustrate his point, he undid his sword sheath buckle, and had thrown in like he said. it hit a tree with a satisfying thunk


he grinned, still happy about that. 


"discord started laughing, and tirek was cursing about his eye. but i didnt stop there! i threw my cloak onto his face, and ran around him! i sliced his tail clean off!" his grin faltered. "but...then discord took my sword with a snap of his figures." he said, suddenly sad. "and held me in place as tirek took my magic. and...well, you know the rest." he grinned a little again. "i still have his tail."

  • Brohoof 3


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Alex, once again, had zoned out of the conversation after hearing Tyra's reply (way back when), though this was more by choice then her earlier zone out. She was vaguely listening in on the others, understanding that two of their group members were going to the base. She hadn't volunteered to go, knowing full well that Diamond dogs weren't that common this far south.


So in the meantime, she was simply fiddling with her swords. She still couldn't believe that some filly was able to make these things. A wonderful spectacle really, and she couldn't wait to try them out. She never had much practice with a blade... maybe three or four times back at home, but if she could follow the combat moves of her favorite video game characters, that would probably help in the long run.


Her ears suddenly flickered upon hearing a familiar name... Discord... The canine glanced over towards the rest of the group as Caliber began recounting his story of his first meeting of the tyrannic pair... Well, Discord, from her own experience, wasn't really a tyrant... More like a mischievous trouble maker.... But she digressed.


At the mention of possessing Tirek's tail, she finally decided to join the group in discussion. sheathing her blades, she got up and moved closer to the group of ponies and griffon. "Can we see it?" She asked.


EQE OCs: Alex Van Gamer & Comet Dancer ; Cast Characters: N/A

"Looks like we might be due for a big ol' storm of chaos!"— Discord

"That could mean anything."— Flam "Theoretically..."— Flim

"This calls for a Party!" — Pinkie Pie

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caliber looked at alex. "sure!" he said, getting his bag, and shuffling through it. "book...broken wand...rotten apple...decayed meat...i need to clean this thing out sometime...its full of trash...ah, here it is!"


he pulled out a jar that was stuffed to the brim with a white tail. the bottom of the jar was bloody.


he grinned. "its a fine trophy!" he said. "one-of-a-kind!"


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Ironeye Sungazer


As Strider turned away, she looked down at her drawing. She could feel the presence of the Element like a fishing hook had sunk into her brain and was trying to drag her towards it. Ever since it had rejected her, the whispers in her skull had gone quiet. In their place floated multitudes of spells. They felt alive. It would make sense. Magic, that used in spells at least, came from living beings. As a byproduct of life, it gaining life of its own would be reasonable. She could feel them trying to seek release, to be cast, to fulfill their purpose and find peace. There was too much build up of ambient magic. If Tirek didn't get a hold of it soon, it would start leaking into the physical world. But she couldn't cast spells now. She needed to hide. When she looked up at Stider again, the world looked different. Colors that didn't exist swarmed across her vision. In the distance, she saw and felt an aura of immense malice. Standing up, she moved over to him.


"We need to move. They're already drawing close."


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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Tyra was totally enthralled in the story, able to picture every moment in her head.

"That is truly an amazing tale," She gasped, grinning widely, "One that is the stuff of legend!"


She gasped at the sight of Tirek's tail. "And that is truly an amazing tail!"


Though, as amazed as she was, she couldn't help but feel a bit...jealous. She hadn't acquired such a trophy in her travels, especially not one that was apparently worthy of Alex's respect.


She didn't understand; she thought that, with their experiences from before, her story would strike a chord with the diamond dog. But it seemed like she hadn't even paid attention to her story.


She looked down at the ground, dragging her hoof in the dirt. Maybe she was wrong; maybe this history beginning to repeat itself...


She shook her head. No, everyone else seemed to accept her.


...for now.

Edited by Unicorncob
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Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"We need to move. They're already drawing close."


Strider, who had been listening intently to Caliber's tale and looking on (rather horrified) at Caliber's trophy, blinked at Ironeye's abrupt statement. He glanced at her, and she looked... frazzled. Wary. Her gaze focused on him, but with a somewhat far-away, panicked look that Strider immediately found himself feeling worry about.


"Alright, guys," Strider said aloud, turning to the group. "We're switching campsites, until Ironeye says it's safe. Ironeye, tell us what's happening on the road--Lunar," he said, addressing the griffin, "You can probably travel fastest. Go find Radiant, tell him something's happening and we're switching hiding spots. Please." Strider grabbed his saddlebags, heaving them onto his sore back. Well, so much for a break, he thought drily. Strider gently picked up Lunar's teapot. "Looks like we'll have to move the tea to another time," he added, his voice muffled around the teapot. "Let's go, everypony."

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"you know what?" caliber said, "iv got a lot of steam to let off. how many guys are chasing ya, ironeye?" he asked. "cause im pretty sure i can hit two birds with one stone, here...iv done it before. its freaking hard. oh, and i think i can solve two problems with one action."


"how many ponies are chasing you, cause iv been itching for a fight since tyra."


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Tyra perked up at Ironeye's warning. Her doubting would have to either wait or be eliminated, because it sounded serious.

She got up and trotted over to the mare.


"What draws close?" She asked, looking around the camp at full alert, even circling herself like a dog chasing its tail, "Who is following us?"


She raised an eyebrow at Caliber's comment. It seemed she'd woken up his warrior spirit, so that was a plus.

"Aye, I am also ready to fight!" She yelled, sneering at the horizon.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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