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What makes you UN-brohoof a comment?


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Funny, I didn't consider that there were literally only two reason why someone would remove a brohoof when I made this topic. It was more of a response to the other topic about why you WOULD brohoof things. Go figure :P

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I do what I want!



Sometimes I've felt that a post deserves multiple brohooves.  But the only way to brohoof it multiple times is to also unbrohoof it repeatedly.  Also, sometimes I hit the brohoof button either hastily or by mistake.

Edited by Ziggy and Angelbaby
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I once misread a post that I brohoofed, and then I saw that it said the exact opposite of what I thought it said, so I un-brohoofed it.

I try to read posts completely before brohoofing them.

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Wow, hmm, a topic for this?


I unbrohoof stuff I guess only when I skim posibly through a post at first and find that re-reading it led me to not so much agree with it.

I tend to leave brohoofs though.

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I'll un-brohoof a post if I brohoofed it by accident, but usually that doesn't happen.


Awhile back on the Count to a Million thread, a few friends and I would brohoof posts that we liked over and over again, which meant that we had to un-brohoof them in order to brohoof again :P. Or if we just wanted to fill up someone's notifications :umad:

Edited by SparklingSwirls
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Wow, hmm, a topic for this?


I unbrohoof stuff I guess only when I skim posibly through a post at first and find that re-reading it led me to not so much agree with it.

I tend to leave brohoofs though.


Yeah... hence this



Funny, I didn't consider that there were literally only two reason why someone would remove a brohoof when I made this topic. It was more of a response to the other topic about why you WOULD brohoof things. Go figure :P


I actually listed THOSE TWO reasons in the OP.

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I've done it a few times but what I did was brohoofed and then undid it multiple times just mess with a old buddy of mine on the forums. I remember he was like... Gone Airbourne why you be spamming meh D: we did it a couple of times for the fun of it :P it was all in good fun. But if I brohoof something I don't plan on to un-brohoof it. Now something I will admit flatout about myself... I brohoof too much and yeah it's true.

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I occasionally un-brohoof things when I didn't mean to brohoof them in the first place. I pretty much don't do it beyond that... I try not to BH TOO much but sometimes there are so many people to agree with that it's hard to stop myself.

Usually I un-Brohoof because I agreed at the start, Then later in the text I don't. Sort of a change of mind

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Lol I don't even think I realized un-broofing was a thing! I don't know what would compel me to unlike a post I previously liked. I'm kind of a picky brohoofer in the first place lol.

Edited by Jennabun
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I do it when I accidentally brohoof someone, but usually, if I do, I just let it stay like that :T. 

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/) 1 (\ Accidentally BRO-HOOFING a comment!!
/) 2 (\ Accidentally BRO-HOOFING a offensive comment1!
/) 3 (\ When the comment changed OFFENSIVE when i BRO-HOOFED it yesterday or minutes ago!!
/) 4 (\ When the comment changed FUNNIEST when i BRO-HOOFED it yesterday or minuets ago!!

I hate these reasons D:

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I don't unless it was an accident. But even if it was, I still don't because I realize that someone may get offended if they found out I unbrohoofed their comment. 


My brohoofing is very selective anyway though. I don't brohoof just anything, and if I brohoofed it, my opinion on it probably isn't going to change anytime soon.


There was ONE time though where I unbrohoofed a post... because it was so awesome, that I wanted to brohoof it fifty million times. That was because it was one of the first posts of my fiance who I met on here that I saw, and it has special memories to me. 

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i unbrohoof something when i wanna play a prank.


i bro-hoof a post, and un-bro-hoof it, and cackle as i know the person i bro-hooved looks for the bro-hoofed post.

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Either of the following reasons:


  • I accidentally brohoofed something I wasn't that interested about
  • When I changed my view/opinion about something
  • When I find out the person is bigoted
  • Or if I don't care for the person overall and/or try to avoid them at all cost-- even with minor things like brohoofing their comments/posts.
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Never do, my brohoofs are a permanent sign to stay there to say that I agree with that post. Unless the I accidentally hit the button then I'll un-brohoof it. 

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