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open Superheroes RP


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Link to OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/130347-superheroes-rp-ooc/


Last night was another murder, 3 more innocent dead, dead by the hands of the only only known as Fear, named so by the word being written in blood by the assailant, nobody has even seen them, So the investigation has been going nowhere fast, the heroes of the city have spent the day living their normal lives not knowing when evil will strike, the crime scene is still open, though surrounded by the police


its 11:30am

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Tempest sighed as he stood on top of one of the many skyscrapers within the business sector of the city. From here, he had a perfect view of everything. "It's interesting how small we are compared to what we can create." He thought to himself. The hero then turned his attention to the crime scene below and sighed. "I'll find out who did this and stop them."

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By day a home bound college student. By night a reaper of justice.


Aurora was on a balcony near the scene. Her reaper cloak covering her. She watched as the police did their thing. "There's papa, doing his work as usual. I hope he will talk this time. I passed the academy entrance exam but he still says I am too young." She thinks as she watches.

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A presence watched the officers from a distance as it made its own observations on the crime scene. He couldn't see much of the bloody details up close, but Abaddon knew what was written on those walls. FEAR. In blood at that. He wished he could get closer to investigate, but doing so would be bad news for him. Due to the nature of these murders, much of the police force and its partners had been casting suspicions upon Abaddon. Idiots, had they already forgotten the countless number of criminals and villains he had taken care of just for them?


"Aw, I feel so discriminated against," Abaddon chuckled to himself as he used the shadows to move closer to the crime scene. With a flick of his forked tongue and a deep breath, he attempted to gather more subtle information about what had happened...


Nothing new.


Whoever the killer was, he was good about covering his tracks, especially if Abaddon was unable to pick up anything useful. There were some interesting details outside the murder though...


"The department is using psychics to try and speed the investigation. Actual psychics though, not those morons you see on T.V."


"Turn your attention above, Casimir. You aren't the only metahuman lurking around."


Drevenon's words spoke true as Abaddon caught sight of a silvery figure watching the officers from above. He'd heard of her, another budding vigilante in Tollopolis, but he never really had any real interaction with her... 'cept that one time where he snatched a van of criminals she was pursuing. She hadn't been too happy about that.


"She somewhat reminds me of that heroine we worked with a few years back. Weiss. She owns a certain aura about her similar to her's..."


"Heh, you're right. I wonder how that girl is doing nowadays. But let's go now, we're getting nothing done here. I would speak with the lead officer when he's not surrounded by the rest of his lackeys... later obviously."


Abaddon began to travel away from the area. It was... 11:40 now? Surely there would be something of interest to happen today...

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Green walked casually past the crime scene on his way to work. "Hmmm..." he turned and started walking back towards his house. When he got there he opened the door grabbed his sword, covered the bottom part of his face just under his eyes with a green bandana and walked out. He climbed up a wall and ran to the crime scene from the rooftops. When he got close enough to see from a nearby roof top he cringed. "Fear...What does that mean?" His phone vibrated silently in his pocket. "Hello" he said quietly. "Edward, why aren't you at work?" Green's boss asked calmly. "Sorry sir I'm feeling sick today." He coughed just loudly enough for his boss to hear. "I won't make it to work today." "Alright." His boss hung up. "Damn he's gullible." He studied the crime scene further. He saw nothing else of any use to him. He looked around and didn't see anyone or any thing that was out of the ordinary. He put down his sword and sat down. "Fine. I'll wait."

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"Breaking News: Three more dead at the hands of the killer known as Fear. The bodies were discovered by the police this morning. The lead detective says they are chasing every lead they can..."


This was what was playing on the television of a penthouse suite. "What nonsense." a man said to himself, pouring a glass of wine for himself and then shutting off the television. "I'm surprised they haven't dealt with this yet. I'm even ore surprised by the fact that i'm funding their incompetence." This was the train of thought of one of  the wealthiest men alive and CEO of E-Corp, Maxwell Manhattan.


"Well, this killer is good for one thing, free publicity." He said before taking out his phone and dialing a number. "Get the limo ready, i'll be down in a second." He said before hanging up, grabbing his jacket, and leaving his penthouse. He soon reached the ground floor of the building and got in the vehicle. "10th and Dancott." He told the driver. The driver then nodded before taking off, knowing Max didn't like to wait more than he had to. 


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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Tempest sighed as he watched the scene, but it didn't take him long to notice another meta human on a balcony on a nearby building. "Well, this is interesting. I might as well see what she's up to." He thought as he jumped from rooftop to rooftop, eventually landing on the balcony adjacent to her own. "Hey. What brings you here?"

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@ Drago Ryder


Aurora says, "Shh...Father is working. What are you doing here?"


She continues to watch. Her wings hidden under her Reaper's Cloak.Her tail swishing as she attentively watches the scene. "Nothing again. This Fear is one strange killer. He leaves nothing in his wake."

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He walked outside the crime scene taking check ups on it through picking up soundwaves with his own body. He didnt get anything worth risking his life for however so he decided to go home and maybe just go study or watch TV to pass time... Maybe go out and find some criminals ''This new villian must have some ability that conceals his movements or a long range attack, maybe blood control.'' he said to himself speaking above the hearing range of normal humans.

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Tempest shrugged a bit and looked over the scene. "Figure I might as well see Fear's latest victim before the press get here." He said. "I didn't find much as to who he actually was though. I got to hand it to the guy, he covers his tracks well." The hero then shrugged and sat on the railing the balcony.

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"True, even my natural and supernatural senses don't detect anything. Only clue is the Word Fear written in blood. They call me the Moonlight Reaper. And you are?"


Aurora hopes this one a kind enough to offer a name. She is glad father won't be alone on this case.

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Green heared two voices. He can't hear the words, he was too far away, but he knows where they might be coming from. He looks to a balcony near the scene and saw two people. He picked up his sword and moved quickly to where the balcony was. He climbed over the railing. "Who are you two and what are you doing here?" He asked quietly.

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"Moonlight Reaper and for your information my father is working this Fear case." Aurora said rather iritatedly.


She then says, "It isn't polite to demand of others their name, without giving your own first. It is proper eticate."


She then goes back to watching the scene. She looks to be waiting for something. Her wings still hidden by her Reaper robes.

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Tempest smirked and did a slight bow, given his current seating arrangements. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Moonlight. My name is Tempest, but those who know me call me Blitz." Tempest then glanced at Green and the sword. "Nice blade. Anyway, I believe we're here for the same purpose as the detectives."

Edited by Drago Ryder
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Louise Burton, otherwise known as Bones, had heard of the killings and laughed. How much easier it would be for her to practice her own villainy, if everyone blamed it on FEAR. She had just done a bank robbery, her masked figure taking out every single camera, then using a single razor sharp bone pulled from her forearm to cut thru the safe in order to take the cash out. It seemed that no-one had discovered it yet; they were too busy milling about the murder scene.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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Manhattan's limo pulled up to the crime scene just before the major press arrived. "not a moment too soon." He said to himself before the driver opened his door and he stepped out. Almost immediately, the press crowded him.


"Mr.Manhattan, what is someone like yourself doing here? Are you working with the police? Is E-Corp getting involved in the case?..." The questions were pouring in and Max did his best to put on a sorrowful face when he made his statement.


"Please, please. I've just come because I want to help the police catch this madman before he kills again. This has gone on for too long and I care too much about this city to not do something. That's why i'm announcing that I will personally be helping the authorities with the case and i'm offering half a million dollars for any useful information that leads to this villain's capture." He stated. He then turned and shook hands with the lead detective and took a few pictures for the newspapers.


'Too easy.' he thought to himself.


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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@@Mars Orbit @@Midnight_Aurora


Tempest watched the press and studied each face carefully, especially the person who just got out the limo. "I don't buy it. Something about him doesn't seem right." He muttered under his breath. The man then glanced at Moonlight and Green. "Anyway, I still have a few things to take care of and people to scare, so hopefully we can meet up later, perhaps at the docks. Pier 12 at midnight would be the best time for me." Tempest then stood on the balcony and back flipped over the railing. He loved the adrenaline rush that came with seemingly falling to your death. As he fell, Tempest's body began to shift and what took his place was a medium sized dragon with grey scales and multiple black spikes along his back and on his head. The dragon spread his wings and flew just above the reporters that they could feel a breeze and through the streets, letting out a echoing roar.

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Green watched and listened to tempest closely. "Pier 12 at 12. Got it." Green watched as tempest jumped from the roof. "Whats this?" He saw him change into a dragon in midair. "That's awesome." He looked at aurora. "I apologize for my rudeness. Call me Green. You said your name was Moonlight reaper, correct?"

He saw the limo then a man walk out and get attacked by the press. "Do you know who that is, moonlight?"

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@@Drago Ryder,@@Midnight_Aurora, @@Mars Orbit, @@The Dark Lord,  


A black sedan pulled up to the crime scene, and 2 men in black suits came out, one looked like a normal FBI agent, the other one, the passenger was different, he came out and pulled out his badge and waved it around "Special Agent Orangegrove! FBI! Ive been ordered to take over the investigation of this case" Auroras father approached him "Now listen here, this is a city case, whats the FBI got to do with this?" the Agent chuckled, there was definantly something off about him, he wore gloves and a wide brimmed hat along with large sunglasses "Weve been eyeing this case for sometime, but this "fear" character has reached serial killer status, so they sent me here to help out"


@,@@Pripyat Pony,


abbandon was able to sense bones nearby




Nearby, the minor villian Sound Wave was near by, a small time criminal whose main strength was a sound gun, a large backpack unit attached to a handheld weapon that resembled a directional microphone that could fire directed sonic blasts, his costume was blue sports hoodie with a graphic teeshirt, and black jeans and punk boots, he also wore a motorcycle helmet with a blue mirror visor and several musical themed graffiti painted on the rest of the helmet, he was walking down the street looking for a store to rob


it is 12:05pm 

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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A look of annoyance crossed Max's face briefly. Federal agents always seemed to make things more complicated than they should be. Regardless, he donned a cheerier demeanor and addressed the now identified Agent Orangegrove. "Special Agent." Manhattan called out and outstretched his hand. "Max Manhattan. Anything you need, i'm your guy."


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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Aurora watched and could tell the guy was not right. Suddenly, she pulled out two orbs and touched them together. They formed into a pitch black scyth. With three swings from her hiding place, she hits three unseen things. "Agitated Spirits. Not a good thing to let be, even if in broad daylight." Another voice from Aurora says. She then backs off to hide on the balcony better. She says, "Pleasure to meet you, green. Sorry about the display, but I sensed three agitated emotions from the recently dead. My name is Moonshadow Reaper. I am the other half of the Moonlight Reaper."


She holds back but knows her father would have detected the use of the moonshadow scyth.

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He had been thinking about just reverting back to his normal form now that nothing of particular interest had really been happening... until he sensed something wrong at least. More like he smelled it; it was a meta with an unfamiliar scent. He followed it until he came upon a female wandering about.


"And just who might you be?" He asked her casually, not really seeing anything about her that would warrant for any special attention.

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Green saw aurora swing three times with the scyth. "Intersting. Good to meet you, Moonshadow, what is that?" He pointed to the scyth. "Agitated emotions you say. That thing can hit emotions?" He looked at his sword. "My sword can do something like that. I find it quite useful when battling the unknown."

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Tempest sighed as he flew through the air. Whenever he flew, whenever he was a dragon, he felt like he could take on the world. The dragon then looked ahead of him and watched as the city rushed below him. "I hope Aurora goes to the pier tonight. I really would like to get to know her better." He thought to himself.

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Green saw aurora swing three times with the scyth. "Intersting. Good to meet you, Moonshadow, what is that?" He pointed to the scyth. "Agitated emotions you say. That thing can hit emotions?" He looked at his sword. "My sword can do something like that. I find it quite useful when battling the unknown."

Midnight says, "Ah, spirits not emotions. When the scyth appears my empathic sense becomes spirit site. I can see them and they looked very angery. The scyth sent them to the other side. It is what it means to be a reaper. I have to go. Before Father detects my presence."


She looks to Green and the red eyes become blue eyes again. Aurora says, "Pier 12 @ 12. Cya later."


Aurora jumps up and her wings unfold and she takes to the sky. She heads off and only her father or another meta sensitive being can detect her presence leaving the area. But only her father can tell who it was.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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