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Paging @Derplight Sperkle

Sara smiles, barely looking up from the monitor array to answer him, "Always use text to convey important details. It can be encrypted, the message can be routed, and all records can be destroyed upon receipt. Of course the only way to properly ensure no one is watching is to meet in person, but that should be saved for the most critical deals with the most trusted people only, it only takes one weak link to compromise any deal." She flicks through several screens before smiling, "Alright, let's see what this call said..." she plays back the call, then smiles, "Your friend is smart to not discuss anything of value on the phone, but if you want to get there you'll have to go now. Coincidentally I'm going to the same place, I'll give you directions." she once again locks her workstation and dons a hooded sweatshirt, "The name's Silverlight, what's yours?" she asks, sticking out her hand for him to shake

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"I will have to keep that in mind in the future. Though I never stick with one cell phone for long anyhow. Guess it keeps people guessing," Shade replied. "I do keep important details to personal meetings."


Shade grabbed his new phone before the woman gets up and finally introduces herself. He takes her hand and shakes. "My name is False Shade, most people just call me Shade. Know a thing or two about guns, like these," he says sarcastically, while flexing a muscle. "I also know a lot about other sorts of firearms," Shade adds in a whisper. 


"I have a totally inconspicuous car out front we can take. No way was it affiliated with a gang," Shade says as he begins to walk out.


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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Paging @Derplight Sperkle

Sara nods, "Pleasure to meet you Shade. As you've probably guessed by now, I'm an expert with basically anything technical, from toasters to tanks as long as they have a chip inside them. Now, shall we get in your totally inconspicuous and definitely covert vehicle?" she asks dryly, realizing he's talking about the tricked out SUV currently in front of the safe house.

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@@Skullbuster, Lilith was still unsure about her own capabilities. She had never really had control of her power, in fact she never knew that her guide was a female this entire time. What did she have to lose though, her father was a drunk, depressed after her mother died and her sister and brother had left the reservation for a bigger chance at life. Lilith only wanted to see her father smile again and play the guitar like he used to. "I think I'm ready but I can't promise that I'll be the best psychic as I don't really know how this works. How did you know my guide was a girl? I always thought of it as male because of its overprotective nature". She remembered the man that was bitten by the coyote. "Can you tell me more about the Fear case? or do you want me to figure it out once I arrive?" Lilith was more than a little nervous. She had never actually put her visions to the test of solving a murder before now. 



signature by Pucksterv

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"Your his daughter" she started "It may...take some getting used to but I think he would accept you, but I think you should wait until this FEAR thing clears up, so he doesnt have to think about that while also on an important case"


It is 1:23pm

"I know mom. It's just getting harder to keep them surpressed. You know I have to vent the excess every once in a while just to do so. Also I can hide my wings. Remember when you found me? I was just a tiny thing then but my scyth has always been by me. Even though it was just two little daggers back then." She says.


Aurora finishes her food and cleans her plate. "Mom I am going to be going out tonight. Please keep dad from coming into my room."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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@@Drago Ryder@@Mars Orbit,@@Pat.Rio.T.,



With his increased strength, Terrorsaur broke the wall around him, he turned around to see tempest land "Oh? making this a party huh? Its too bad Im short on time" he shot missiles at both of them


@@Jellal Fernandes,


"AHH!" Shock Wave yelled "Me and Wave Force have nothing to do with the FEAR killings! that dude scares the crap out of us man! Weve never even seen him!"




"I just assumed, cats being associated with being girls and all, but anyway, we know next to nothing about the fear killer, we know hes a powerful psychic, his victims die from a combination of self inflicted injuries and blade wounds, implying he some how mind controls them into hurting them selves while he slashes, and not random slashing, he seems to be making patterns with his cuts. huge amounts of psychic energy is left behind at the scene, which hampers with psychics like us, he leaves no trail, not even a blood trail, all carnage stops after about a 20 ft area around the carnage, and then any trail abruptly stops"




"Have plans?"


It is 1:25pm 

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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"Explosions? Today is a great day!" He said sarcastically. He saw terrorsaur. "Oh that's great too!" Green jumped from the roof, unsheathed his sword and fired a quick volley of lightning at terrorsaur.

When he was done he hid behind some trash cans. "Time to make a plan." He looked at terrorsaur. "That's a good plan me. Good job." He got onto a roof and waited.

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Pat saw the dragon approaching, and wasn't sure what to think.


'Oh boy, I hope that's not another bad guy...'


Then Terrorsaur shot missiles at both of them


'Well at least they aren't on the same team'


He threw his shield to meet the missiles in the air, then he saw lightning bolts come from nowhere.


'Where did those come from?'


He thought, then threw his shield at Terrorsaur to join in on the attack.

Edited by Pat.Rio.T.


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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"Have plans?"


It is 1:25pm

"Actually yes I do. A new friend I met this morning while out and about asked my alternate self to come to a location at Midnight. If dad asks please tell him a believable lie. I don't want him to know about the Moonlight Reaper just yet."


Aurora hugs her mom. "I also have some surpressed energy I need to expell. If I hold it in for too long, you already know what could happen. I don't want to berserk again, mom."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Lilith was curious now about this whole situation. "What's your name by the way? What happened to the last victim? I think the only way I'll know for certain what's going on is if I see the body". The thought of seeing the body made Lilith queasy but she had to know if she wanted this killer to go behind bars. The cat sitting on the windowsill eyed the two psychics up and grinned like a cheshire cat down at the two women. 



signature by Pucksterv

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Neri looked up at the sky and then went forward on his strange mission he decided to do because he got that box. All the time he thought to himself 'This is impossible' he just kept thinking that until he arrived at the destination on the message. A grave stone addressed to a certain female person, on the grave he saw something that made him cry tears that vanished in the wind when it stopped touching his body. He went down on his knees and looked at the burnt metal of a knife ''How... Why... I saw it melt with my own two eyes...'' he then stood up after picking the knife up and inspecting it, he knew it was the same knife... So someone had put the knife here and that person was already dead. The dead putting their last thing themselves on the grave was what he decided on even if it sounded like some conspiracy theory. After that he activated his sonar range to pick up some villian to beat up.


Sheroe smiled with about two months worth of work in his pockets, after the bank pickup he turned on his sonar range to find some super hero or villian to bind up and experiment on, they would be the ideal work piece for him right now. Ofcourse he hasnt forgotten his last two captures which he had stored. They were not for studies however, they were there to entertain him when hes bored... Although that is pretty much impossible with how the body he possess doesnt have emotions.


(if you are confused... Then be confused! or ask me. That works)

Edited by rolle

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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"That, we can agree on friend," Emile said. Judging from Shock Wave's profile, he wasn't the sort to be lying to him. "Now then, I'm going to ask you to stop zapping my cameras and to just let me solve this FEAR case, alright? It'll benefit both of us. I would've let all the crimes Wave Force has committed slip if you hadn't started zapping them," he paused for a moment. "It was smart of you to start talking. Do anything stupid like this again, and I'm aiming for the head," he said, knocking him out and making an anonymous call to the police to pick him up. He left a note on Shock Wave's chest directed to the police commissioner saying:

To show we are on good terms, I left him to you guys, I could have easily killed this SOB, so don't forget, I don't kill when I don't need to

- Rift


@@FractalMoon, @@Derplight Sperkle


He then teleported back to where he was earlier to see that the two were still talking.

Edited by Jellal Fernandes


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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Tempest avoided the missles and glared at Terrosaur. "Wow, you must be desperate." He thought to himself as he fired electricity at the villain, hoping to fry any electronic he had and stun him in the process. The dragon then charged at his opponent, hoping to get a few more attacks in.

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@@Mars Orbit,@@Pat.Rio.T., @@Drago Ryder,


the lightning bolts from tempest and Green shorted his wings and they unfolded, while he was distracted, Pats shield hit him "Agh..this is becoming bothersome!" He opened fire with his AK spraying it at both pat and tempest hoping to dissuade them from approaching him further




She nodded "I understand"




"The names Jane" she got up "The bodies this way" she said, leading her to a temporary morgue, inside she pulled the sheet of the body "I warned you" the body had unique designs and patterns carved all around it, the head was heavily bruised from the victim smashing his own head against a brick wall, the right arm  had several deep cuts around the arm right to the bone, giving the impression that the arm was segmented into rings, it was very strange looking


It is 1:27pm

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Pat's shield disappeared in mid-flight, on its way back, as he created an Iron-man-esque suit around himself to protect from the bullet spray. He then flew into the bank and past Terrorsaur. 


'Alright, let's get you back outside where it'll be easier to hit you.'


He fired a repulsor blast at him in an attempt to knock him back outside the bank.


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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@@FractalMoon,@@Jellal Fernandes


"Expert in all technology? That must be very useful nowadays. Now about the car, it's just....my friend's car. I'm just borrowing it. I mean, it's not too much right?" Shade said to Silverlight. When the pair got outside and Shade took a better look at the SUV, he sighed. Of all the vehicles there, I stole this one. What do you expect from gangsters?


Shade heard a sound as they got to the car. That doesn't sound good, we may have some company. Shade seemed to pay no attention to the sound of the teleportation. Shade looked at his new phone for the time. "Oh we should probably get going now. Our destination awaits!" If I hear that sound again, we may have to take drastic measures.


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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Paging @Derplight Sperkle,

Silverlight sighs, "Honestly, of anything you could have borrowed you picked this? I mean, of all the cars you could have borrowed you chose this one?" She asks, her voice sharply ironic, "Anyway, you're going to take a left onto third avenue, then take that all the way till it ends and take a right on Harbor. Should take you straight to Launch 2, Warehouse 18 is near the end of the pier."

Edited by FractalMoon
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The one thing that Lilith noticed first was the smell. It was horrible like formaldehyde mixed with rotten meat from the garbage. Lilith tried not to cover her mouth and gag but she couldn't help the face that she made. She looked deeper into the body's face. ((By the way is it a he or a she?)) This victim had obviously been taken around the block so to speak. ((the reason for asking the gender is because I'm thinking of giving my character a vision))



signature by Pucksterv

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"Hey it was either this or the low rider, and I don't think you would have liked that low rider with the hydraulics. It didn't even have a cool flame paint job! This was the best I could get in a short amount of time. I just got into town quite recently," Shade replies. 


Shade got into the driver seat and unlocked the doors for Silverlight. He gestures to Silverlight and says, "Come on, jump in. I'm gonna bite, unless someone pays me too that is."


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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Paging @Derplight Sperkle

Silverlight gets in and nods, "Hey, as long as you choose not to bite me I'm fine." She buckles her seatbelt and looks around, "To think of all the things that could happen in this town, this is what happened... So what do you do around here?" She asks curiously, having a suspicion from his mannerisms, but wanting to make perfectly sure before she draws any hasty conclusions.

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Should I trust her? That hacking back there was definitely not with the law... It doesn't seem she would squeal to the police.... Eh whatever, let's roll with it. "What I do around here? Why I'm one the best new mercs around. Just been in town to advertise my skills, already have a successful job under my boot," Shade said as he actually looked at his boot. "Quite literally."


"I mean I have most of my loadout out back. But the question of the day would be why you going to the same place I am? I thought I was going to meet a client there myself."


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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Tempest's eyes widended as he tried to dodge some of the bullets. Due to his bulk, though, a few managed to graze his scales or hit their mark. The dragon then growled in anger and rammed into Terrosaur and pinned his gun arm to the ground, digging his claws into skin. "Someone want to help me hold this guy down until the cops get here?" He asked, glancing at the two other heros.

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Paging @Derplight Sperkle

Silverlight smiles, "Let's just say we share a common client. He was asking for people for a job, it appears we both answered the same advertisement." She says before sighing, "Anyway, even if we were not I figure we should stay as allies rather than enemies, we're much better off that way. So do you know anything about these killings that occurred?" She asks, trying to make conversation as they drive.

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"A common client huh? As long as I get paid the same amount as any other person assigned to the job, I'm okay with working with somebody. Though if our client decides to put us against each other, I will not hesitate to complete the job first," Shade replied as he turned onto Third Avenue.


"And these supposed Fear killings? I saw the scene from afar earlier but only other details I got from the morning news. Supposedly a powerful psychic that makes others kill themselves? I'm not too worried if I have to face them. It would be very tough to kill me!" 


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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Tempest's eyes widended as he tried to dodge some of the bullets. Due to his bulk, though, a few managed to graze his scales or hit their mark. The dragon then growled in anger and rammed into Terrosaur and pinned his gun arm to the ground, digging his claws into skin. "Someone want to help me hold this guy down until the cops get here?" He asked, glancing at the two other heros.

Draco grinned as he watched from a nearby building watching the dragon and heroes fight this amateur bank robber. "Ha still the Amateur Terrosaur?" Draco asked simply with a grin. "where's the challenged in it where everyone of those people are hurt I wonder?" Draco asked as he kept himself hidden from sight.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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