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The Narwhal Muffin

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Blitz was honestly surprised when Shana had called him master and blushed slightly. "Ok. My friend and I set up camp in the forest near here." With that, the neko began to walk through the forest and eventually exited the city.


Gale sighed as she waited and was curious when a strange scent blew along the breeze. The dragoness then stood and slowly made her way into the forest, unknowingly heading to the city.


(I think it's about time.)

While walking alongside Blitz, she did notice something about him that she was curious about. "Hey, why has your face been red ever since we started walking. Is it too hot outside for you? Or did I say something weird Master?" When they left the city, her nose caught two major scents, one of a large group not far away and the other a creature moving in their direction. She was feeling nervous about what is to come in the near future.





@@Illiad Easle, @@Yoshikupo,


(OOC: Agravain will make pop-culture references when he speaks every once-in-a-while. See if you can find them all!)


"Of course you can examine the sword," Agravain said to Chain. "But if you try to take it from me, I will find you, and I will kill you,"

(Taken. Too easy man. Give me hard one.)

Edited by Child Of Darkness

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@@Jellal Fernandes,@@Yoshikupo,

"Well, I am The Black Knight, and this is my trusty steed, Midnight Star"


"To me it looks like finding the metal will be the hardest, and likely least interesting, part of our quest."

"I concur, the type of metal you mention is quite rare, and hardly found in great enough quantities to make a full suit of armor."

"In addition, a monster of the proportions you've described sounds dangerous enough to warrant a larger party, I suggest we look for more people willing to join us as we look for the metal."

"In the mean time how about you eat, it looks like Midnight Star picked up a good deal of bread."

I toss a small loaf over to Agravain,

"Is there anything you guys want to know about us?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Tempest shook his head and glanced at Shana. "No, but if I may ask, why do you call me master?" He asked. The neko didn't really see their relationship in that sort of light and it made him feel weird inside. Blitz had also noticed the new scents in the air, but didn't really pay attention to them.

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@@Illiad Easle@@Yoshikupo,


"I've heard stories that say that there's an invisible wizard tower from the First Age in the forest. I'm sure it's riddled with amazing books, and there are rumors that they performed experiments on the metal. Also, I don't know about you guys, but I have several years of experience in fighting demons. I know I'll be fine at least," saying the last part in a joking manner. "I'd like to know how many ages you've lived through. I can tell your older than our current age, are you... an immortal?" he asked in response.

Edited by Jellal Fernandes


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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Tempest shook his head and glanced at Shana. "No, but if I may ask, why do you call me master?" He asked. The neko didn't really see their relationship in that sort of light and it made him feel weird inside. Blitz had also noticed the new scents in the air, but didn't really pay attention to them.

"Well because you're the one in charge. You're the superior in our group and I am in your service. So I call you Master because that is the most logical title you can be given at the moment. Is my logic wrong master?" She was very curious now. No one before this Neko had rejected her calling them Master, so this was something she was unfamiliar with. Which made her slightly uncomfortable.

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@@Jellal Fernandes,@@Yoshikupo,

"Well, I have been around for over 1000 years, most of that in stone, but Midnight over here was not in stone for that same amount of time. I and Midnight are only immortal in that we do not age, as I am simply ageless and he has been blessed with agelessness by the same rulers that turned me to stone. As you may have guessed by now, I am not human ... anymore."

"I have been around for quite a while, but I spent it mostly in the shadows, promoting social change and such, through public persuasion and assassination of corrupt political figures. Not many demons that weren't bound to bodies, mostly permanent possessions is what I had to deal with."

"Let me tell you, I am not one for stealth, not with this heavy armor clanking around, but Midnight over here treads so lightly he could wear glass horseshoes for a week without even scratching them."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Chain: "I picked up another magic aura it feels soft, weird never thought I would say that" he blurts out to everyone "feels like a cat"

Banner: "we have a weird group going on here I bet the next members will be weirder its like were a band of misfits" she says

Chain: "we are a band of misfits, but its misfit heroes!" he says happily  


(trying to figure out something in time to say is hard and I can't type super fast)

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Blitz shook his head. "No. I was just a bit curious." He said. "I haven't really been in a group before, so I'm not used to being called that. Just know that you can call me master, but I view you as an equal." The neko then smiled gently, hoping to comfort Shana.


As Gale exited the forest. she noticed a small group and she silently observed them, curious as to what they would do. It's not like she could communicate with them anyway.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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@@Illiad Easle@@Yoshikupo,


"If we're gonna find this tower, we need to get on it. I'm not sure how long this city has," Agravain said to the two in a worried voice. "Especially so if it's going to take as long as Chain said it would to forge armor out of the metal," he continued, already walking into the forest.

Edited by Jellal Fernandes


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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@@Yoshikupo,@@Jellal Fernandes,

"I don't think I have ever seen a cat person, this could be very interesting."

"Well, here is your chance, something is watching us from the edge of the clearing, I think it is the same thing Chain felt."

I turn towards where Midnight Star indicates, the innate dark vision that my scepter form provides allows me to see the watcher clearly, though obscured by the foliage, "You're probably right, again."

"Hey, Agravain, there are some unknowns wandering about the forest, we should probably stick together until we can determine their friendliness."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle@@Yoshikupo, @@Drago Ryder,


"Are you really worried about Nekos? There's nothing to be afraid of. Also, that's not a Neko. It's just a dragon. No big deal," Agravain said, continuing into the brush. "Are you guys coming? Or have you backed out on me. Make up your mind quick, because I'm not stopping." 


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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Chain: "well I'm worried that if we don't go now that the city may be destroyed so I am following" he said then heard loud stomps coming toward the group "this is not the time monster!" he yells as he walks with Agravain.

Banner: "I don't think I can even fight that alone so" she start to follow Chain

Edited by Yoshikupo
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@@Jellal Fernandes@@Yoshikupo

"Alright, no need to be impatient, I'm on my way."

I swiftly mount Midnight and we set off after Agravain.

Well, if they don't want to know anything about me then they have themselves to blame when I do something unexpected.

In fact...

I tap the center triangle around my neck, it glows slightly, which matches the sudden glow of the corresponding triangle of Midnight's cloth armor cover.

"I'd rather you didn't sir, I don't want to risk scaring off our new companions just yet."

"Fine... I'll save it for later, but we are going to need to do it if we are going into combat again."

"I know, but it is a wholly unpleasant feeling if you do it whilst riding me."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Gale rolled her eyes and moved away from the group. She didn't really like them, aside from the one who wasn't planning on attacking her. He seemed fine to her. "Well, that was pointless. I wonder where Blitz is." She thought to herself. The dragoness then figured that it would be safer in the air and took off.

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@@Drago Ryder@@Illiad Easle, @@Yoshikupo,


Agravain looked into the sky to see the dragoness flying. "Dragons are the most beautiful and misunderstood creatures out there," he said to the group following him. "I wish I could say the same for the one we need to kill. It wouldn't even have to chew to swallow that one," he continued. 'There's no point in walking now that we're out of town,' he thought. Stopping suddenly in front of his party, blocking the path, he yelled "Heavenly Body Magic, METEOR!" As he said this, an aura that appeared to be made of pure starlight surrounded him, and he started floating. "Do try to keep up, and don't get lost," he said to them with a grin, just before he flew through the forest so fast that his new friends could only see a blur of light, definitely too fast to follow. After a few seconds, he returned to the group. "Come on you guys, I found something," he said, now moving at a pace slow enough for the group to follow.


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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Banner: "come on guys the faster the better" She said running almost along side Agravain

Chain: "I hate her with her strong self because that mean's I have to catch up" He says to the Black knight "I'm the only one how does not have fast feet or a horse" he complained then started to run 


(I posted on the OOC please read it)

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@@Jellal Fernandes,@@Yoshikupo,

"No need to show off, and don't too close to me like that, I can feel your holy presence singeing my cape and lightening my armor. Which I would prefer stays black."

Midnight matches pace with the now floating Agravain, keeping just far enough away to prevent unintended side effects of shadow scepter interaction with holy magic.

I particularly desire to smack that human, he didn't even eat the loaf I gave him.

"I do have some experience with dragons, Learned a little of their language even, could be useful if she decides to interact instead of watching from afar."

I turn towards Chain,

"Midnight could probably carry you If you don't weigh too much, I am actually lighter than I appear."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle@@Yoshikupo,


"It's not a "holy presence," it's just starlight. Although, I suppose it could singe you, given how hot stars are," Agravain said in a relaxed tone. "Besides," he said, stopping abruptly in front of the group, causing them to crash into each other, "We're here," he concluded, pointing at the massive cliff face covered in some ancient language. "I recognize the symbols but... I uh... I can't read... I've been teaching myself though!" he said, much to the surprise (and possible amusement) of the group. "They're ancient magic runes. Black Knight, since you're the oldest, I think you have the best chance of understanding what they say."

Edited by Jellal Fernandes


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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Chain: "that's great Banner use plan B for a bit" Chain faints on her

Banner: "I carry people a lot so don't worry about me, worry about what the heck that thing on the wall is while I rehydrate him" she says as she gets out a bottle of water and splashes him with it multiple times "he'll be back in a few minutes" 

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@@Jellal Fernandes,@@Yoshikupo,

Well, That wasn't too unexpected, he was too stubborn to get a ride.

"This script is vaguely familiar to me, I can decipher enough to know that it takes multiple people to read it correctly."

I gesture towards the wall

"You see, the different lines of text come together in some pattern to form a coherent sentence, If it is actually what I think it is."

"Actually sir, though it looks quite a bit like the old Trojan script, It is actually a variation of elder dragon script, I can make out a few words, but we will need an actual dragon to decipher it in its entirety. It mostly says Danger, or variations of that."

Midnight turns his head towards the sky, to see if the dragon is nearby.

"What are the chances, dost thou think, that the dragon we saw earlier knows ancient draconic?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Blood tried to remain out of sight. He had a feeling that following the others would lead to something, so he did just that. Plus, they did mention a 200 foot dragon. That seemed important. One of them had even flown here. Blood had never seen that kind of magic, if it was magic, as he suspected it to be. This was quite the strange bunch.


Nothing is impossible. You're just doing it wrong.

Remember kids, it's not illegal if you don't get caught.

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Hugo Damask was trailing a group of travelers curious of their intent. Keeping out of sight since they left town, he followed on foot. The commotion in town regarding one of the travelers intrigued him. "Hmm, a wanted wizard eh? I'd better investigate for myself. Always something interesting with these types," he thought. Hearing talk of relics amongst other things captivated his attention. The group finally stopped in front of the ancient ruins not far from his old home of birth. Coming out now from his cover, "Well hello, My name is Hugo Damask. I simply overheard your interest in a relic and I may have some answers regarding its possible location. What say you?"

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@@, @@Illiad Easle, @@Yoshikupo,


Just as Agravain was about to eat his loaf of bread that he'd been saving for when he got a break, someone came out of nowhere and scared the living shit out of him. Alarmed, he jumped backwards, tripped on a rock and rolled into what seemed to be an invisible wall. "Hugo, that's your name right? Thank you for helping us find the tower, but please, NEVER do that again. If I had my sword out, I could have killed someone," Agravain said. "Everyone, feel along this wall to look for a door."

Edited by Jellal Fernandes


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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A slight smile forming at his mouth at the effect of his sudden arrival. "I merely thought it time to introduce myself. Trust me you wouldn't have done me any harm regardless. You poor types merely piqued my interest for the moment. My parents having an interest in archaeology, you could say it rubbed off on me." Letting my words sink in to the group, I continued. "Besides, what are the chances of a hollow suit of armor, two Nekos, and two magic users coming together on such a goal that you have deemed worthy. You need someone of a good face, and stature to make sure you stay out of trouble." Pausing for a moment now as he took in everyone. 

Edited by Mr. Culpepper
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@,@@Jellal Fernandes,@@Yoshikupo,

The new guy, Hugo, really creeps me out. Not only did he appear out of nowhere, he is condescending too.

"I don't like you."

That's Midnight for you, blunt when he wants to be

"I agree, You do seem kindof rude, I mean you didn't even mention us, as the hollow suit of armor I last saw back at town. Plus,"

We come closer to him, sizing him up

"You're a pretty small human to assume that we couldn't hurt you if we wanted."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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