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The Narwhal Muffin

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"I'm also a swordsman." Blitz muttered as he glanced at Shana. He noticed that she seemed to fixated on Agravian's hand and a few thoughts came to mind. The neko then shook his head and walked up behind his traveling companion, before scratching her behind the ear.

Shanallot was at first shocked by someone else touching her ears, but those feelings quickly vanished as she started to rock her head from side to side, letting out the occasion meow and purring all the time. It was unexpected, but she was in no way complaining. "Master..." was all she could bring herself to say, she was just focusing on enjoying the sensation more than anything.

Edited by Child Of Darkness

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@@Drago Ryder,

Midnight Star approached, cautiously, the dragon in the clearing, seeing her distress at the tower, he decided to try and take her mind off of it, utilizing his knowledge of the draconian dialect he attempted to communicate with her.

(Italicized to show that it is in a different language)

"Excuse me, you are the youngest dragon I have ever seen. I am Midnight Star, though the dragons I learned from called me Dark Hope, would you mind telling me about yourself?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Drago Ryder@@Illiad Easle, @@Child Of Darkness, @@Yoshikupo@@@clockwork24,


"Come on team, into the tower. We don't have much time to waste," Agravain said in a commanding tone. 'That's the first time I've ever spoken to anyone like that, yet it feels... natural... Who am I... Why do people associate me with the Dark Lord, why am I the one who found the Changeblade, why am I so damn important? Who was that man in my vision, and why do I feel like I know him, he has to be thousands of years old...' Thinking these silent thoughts to himself, Agravain felt as though he was going through some sort of existential crisis. 'My parents always told me I was adopted... I always thought they said it to spite me... What if it's true? Could that man be my ancestor? Those are the only visions I know of...'

Edited by Jellal Fernandes


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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@@Drago Ryder,

Midnight Star turns towards Agravain, but sees the dragoness' reluctance to go inside the tower.

"If you don't want to go inside, I will stay out here with you."

I proceed into the tower, marveling at the two way enchantment on the wall.

"It is amazing that this tower could remain so well preserved after all this time, In fact, the architecture here is older than even I am, simply astounding this is."

@@Drago Ryder,

Midnight Star turns towards Agravain, but sees the dragoness' reluctance to go inside the tower.

"If you don't want to go inside, I will stay out here with you."

@@Jellal Fernandes,

I proceed into the tower, marveling at the two way enchantment on the wall.

"It is amazing that this tower could remain so well preserved after all this time, In fact, the architecture here is older than even I am, simply astounding this"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Tempest blushed slightly but saw that Shana was enjoying the attention, so he decided to continue.


Gale looked at Midnight and nodded. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Midnight." She said. "You can call me Gale. As for why I'm here, Blitz saved me a month ago from a group of adventures who thought I would look good on their wall. Over time, Blitz and I grew closer and I learned that he lost his memory, aside from a few spells and how to fight with a sword." The dragoness then smiled slightly at what Midnight had said and gently nuzzled him. "Thank you."

Edited by Drago Ryder
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As Blitz continued to rub behind her ears, Shanallot's self control started to deteriorate until she was acting on instinct alone. She slowly drew closer to Blitz before eventually hugging him and nuzzling her face into his chest. "Master... ~Purr ~Purr ~Meow."

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Banner: "dammit" she said under her breath as she saw Shanallot hug Blitz "hey if you wouldn't mind were on a quest right now so stop the lovey dovey crap" she said to them as she walked throw the door

Chain: "ha-ha Banner's jealous" he said as he walked throw the door as well

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@@Illiad Easle@@Yoshikupo


Noticing that the tower was dark, Agravain spoke in the same language he had spoken earlier to open the door. "Luxio," was all he said, and the tower was filled with light. Now able to see, Agravain walked further into the tower to see book cases that went all the way to the ceiling of the room, which had to be at least 50 feet high, and all the way around as well. There were thousands upon thousands of books. Right before he started grabbing as many books as he could, he found himself having another vision. He was back as the same man he was in his first vision, and he walked up to some sort of platform in the middle of the room, which rose up, past several floors with several more books, several other wizards, and many experiments. The platform suddenly seemed to stop at the top story of the tower, which seemed to be a private study, with only a few, obviously powerful wizards experimenting on the metal. There was a beautifully crafted desk littered with potions, books, and scrolls, which he approached. Then the vision ended. Instead of the headache he had before, he had the urge to follow in the exact foot steps of the man. He walked further into the tower, and stepped on the platform, which, just as in the vision, rose to the top story. He walked to the desk and picked up the books and scrolls. He then walked back to where he saw the wizards experimenting on the metal, which was still there. There was even a mold for armor already there. 'This is very strange,' Agravain thought, 'This mold is exactly like the sketch I made of how I wanted my armor made...' Returning to the platform, he returned to the bottom floor to get Chain. "Hey Chain, I found the metal, and there's already an armor mold for it!"

Edited by Jellal Fernandes


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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To be quite honest, Blitz wasn't expecting Shana to hug him, and decided to return the affection. The neko then blushed as Chain spoke. "I regret nothing." He thought. To be honest, what had happened ever since he had met Shana had made him feel weird at best and the fact that he couldn't remember before a month ago wasn't helping.

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Chain: "that's wonderful! now all we need is a forge" he said as he saw the metal "is looks like space with all the tiny magic shards in the black metal" Chain picks it up to feel it "it feels like 15 pounds and for armor that's nothing, but then again its not armor yet do you think there could be anymore here?" he asked as he looked around at the books 

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@@Jellal Fernandes,

I hurry up the tower after Agravain, straight to the room with the metal examining it closer.

"I knew it, it's the same as mine."

I turn towards the rest.

"The metal here, it is the same metal as my own armor."

That is interesting...

Meanwhile, outside Midnight was surprised at the display of affection on the part of the dragon, the dragons he had been used to were cold and distant, wanting nothing to do with other races.

"Oh, you're welcome, I guess."

He lays himself down next to Gale.

"​You say he saved you from adventurers? What about your parents? You do seem awfully young to be away from them, for a dragon. I mean, you couldn't be more than 5 decades old."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Shanallot remained the way she was for a short period of time, but she eventually came too and regained control over her instincts. "Huh?" When she looked around and noticed what she was doing, she almost instantly pushed herself way from Blitz. "Forgive me. My instincts can still be somewhat of a hassle at times and take control. You understand what I mean right?" She put her hood back up, covering her ears. "I really should keep my hood up more often." She looked down at the ground in shame.

Edited by Child Of Darkness

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Blitz glanced at Shana and smiled. "It's ok. I understand." He said. The last thing the neko wanted to do was to make Shana feel uncomfortable and he looked around. "I guess we're on guard duty while the others are looking for whatever they need."


Gale sighed and looked at the ground. "Let's just say that they were to eager to have me leave the nest." She said. It wasn't the whole story, but it would have to do. The dragoness hadn't even told Blitz the whole story.

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@@Drago Ryder,

Midnight looks over at Gale, slightly skeptical.

"If there is one thing I know about dragons, it is that they are THE most loyal creatures alive, especially to their kin."


"I understand there is another reason you're alone. But I can respect your desire to keep it a secret."

He adopts a neutral expression.

"I don't mean to prod, if I offended you then I am sorry. How about you ask me a question instead?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Yoshikupo@@Illiad Easle,


Agravain looked at some of the scrolls he picked up and started reading them to himself. On the third one he made a discovery. "Guys," he said, "This metal isn't mined, it's made! Of course! That would explain why it looks like that. You take some silver and throw it into some sort of device." Looking around the room, he found a large pile of silver bars. "According to these scrolls, the device is on the 2nd floor, and the metal is called noventu arli, in modern language, astral silver," he said, grabbing as many bars of silver as he could and taking them to the second floor where he saw the device. He threw it in, but nothing happened. Referring back to the scroll, he saw that the device melted the silver using Heavenly Body Magic. "This is too coincidental, there's something that connects me to this tower... Perhaps it's the man in the vision..." he said aloud, casting the only non-offensive spell he knew of that involved Heavenly Body Magic at the device. "Chain, fetch the molds, I've managed to melt the silver somehow," he said, looking at the molten metal as it turned black and starry. Referring to one of the books, it said that the armor was also made with gold trim, as gold had magical properties as well. He ripped the coin purse from his belt and dumped all the gold into a separate cauldron and asked "Do we have a pyromancer?"

Edited by Jellal Fernandes


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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Chain: he got the molds and gave them to Agravain "I still need make sure they form right and everything you know that right?" he asked him "and what are you talking about man in the vision? are you keeping something from us?"

Banner: joins behind Chain "you better not, also do you think we could have some left over for weapons I would kill to have a sword like that"

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@@Illiad Easle@@Yoshikupo,


"This sword is not made from this metal, although you will need new weapons if you wish to help me kill this demon. According to the scrolls and books, this metal can harm ethereal beings, just like mine, but it can not change form as far as I can tell. Make some new weapons for everyone, I'll go get some more silver. Oh, and the armor is supposed to have gold trim apparently, it amplifies magic. I threw some gold into that cauldron over there, I'll lend you the scroll so you can see the design," Agravain said to Chain. "I'll explain about the man in the vision while all these things are cooling, but I don't know how we're going to heat it up enough. There might me some weapon molds lying around as well, I'll look for them," he finished, heading to the top floor to grab more silver and a few weapon molds. 


(I'll share the image in OOC, it's from a game and I got a message saying I couldn't share it.)


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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@@Jellal Fernandes,

I look over at the forge.

"Do you think some lightning would get this forge started?"

"Otherwise I can't help here, I have some weapons of my own to make."

I proceed to the top of the tower, where I can see the sky.

Time for some energy.

I pull my greatsword from my side and extend it straight into the air, feeling the energy gathering in the air.

"Fulgur Iaculatione!" 

A sudden bolt of lightning strikes my sword, energizing it to a great glow.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Chain started the long process of making the armor but Banner went around to talk to the others because she was bored first stop the Black knight

Banner: she saw the lightning strike the sword and as a weapon fanatic she was stunned "how did you do that? and is there anyway I or you can do that with my weapons?" she asked    

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I turned, realizing I had an audience,  I quickly tapped one of the golden triangles on my neck three times.

"Extraho Iaculatione!"

The energy of my greatsword jumped into my hand, which I extended towards Midnight's general direction.


A lance of lightning flies from my hand and through the invisible wall.

I finally turn towards Banner, "So, you like my weapon? To answer your questions, Chain knows some of the how, you'll have to talk to him first as I am busy right now, and to answer your question, I think I could enchant some weapons if their made out of the new metal we've got. No promises as I've never tried it before."


Meanwhile... in the courtyard.


One of the triangles on Midnight's armor glows red for a second, "Sorry, "

He stands up, quickly rummaging through his bags, pulling out an odd cylinder just in time to use it to catch a lighting bolt from the tower. He sets it down and returns to his previous position as if nothing happened, "So, where were we?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Gale nodded slightly. "Some dragons think like that. Others..." The dragoness didn't even finish what she was going to say. "Anyway,  why are you travelling?" To be honest, she was quite curious as to why such a large group of seemingly incompatible beings would even thing of joining together on some random quest into some tower. 

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Blitz glanced at Shana and smiled. "It's ok. I understand." He said. The last thing the neko wanted to do was to make Shana feel uncomfortable and he looked around. "I guess we're on guard duty while the others are looking for whatever they need."

Shanallot smiled and looked up from the floor at Blitz's words. It made her happy that someone could understand. Possibly because he was a Neko himself, but she was still happy non the less. "Well since we're going to be stuck outside for a bit while they explore the inside, do you want something to eat? I packed quite a lot, so I possibly have anything you want I'm my bag."

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After a brief moment of thought, Blitz was about to decline when his stomach gave an audible growl. The neko laughed a bit nervously and nodded "I guess I could use something to eat." He said. "What do you have?" To be honest, Blitz couldn't remember the last time he had anything to eat outside from those treats Shana gave him, but he didn't want to take advantage of her kindness.

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After a brief moment of thought, Blitz was about to decline when his stomach gave an audible growl. The neko laughed a bit nervously and nodded "I guess I could use something to eat." He said. "What do you have?" To be honest, Blitz couldn't remember the last time he had anything to eat outside from those treats Shana gave him, but he didn't want to take advantage of her kindness.

Shanallot's eyes beamed and she gave a huge smile as if she had just been given her moment to shine. She put her bag down in front of her and started to rummage around inside of it. Eventually half of her upper body was inside the relatively Small backpack. She pulled herself out and with her she had two closed boxes, both emitting a very sweet aroma. "Inside these boxes contain food that was prepared earlier this morning by my own two hands. Food of such a high quality that I should be charging you for simply looking at it and smelling such sweet succulent scents." She opened one of the boxes in a very dramatic manner. "This slice of premium cut Tuna was brought from the ocean of monsters earlier this morning and sold for 300 Gold. Every penny I had was worth it. The taste and texture of the still fresh Raw tuna, combined with the wondrous flavouring and the heat from the spices, will give you a sensation that you will begging for seconds. I should be 600 Gold for each individual slice of fish. But this is my gift to you as the first lunch of our adventures together." She hands him the tuna. "Enjoy Master." As if remembering something, she quickly goes back into her bag and pulls out two pints of milk. "We also have some milk to drink."


(The feeling when I made myself hungry while writing this.)

Edited by Child Of Darkness

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Blitz was surprised to say the least at Shana's enthusiasm and he smiled slightly. "I doubt that I won't." He said, before taking his meal. He then cut off a piece of tuna and put it into his mouth. As soon as the first morsel hit his tounge, his eyes widened and he gave a content sigh. The Neko then swallowed the first bite and looked at Shana. "Remind me to hire you as a personal cook after this. That was amazing." He said as he petted his companion on the head. After about ten seconds of his action, the Neko returned to eating his meal, favoring every taste.


(I'm just going to assume that a fork and knife came with the meal.)

Edited by Drago Ryder
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