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The Narwhal Muffin

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(That's a safe assumption to make)


"Really!? It's actually good? *clears throat* I mean of course it's good. I used only the best to make only the best. And I'd be happy to cook for you anytime." She smiled with an extremely proud look on her face before sitting down to her own plate of Tuna, enjoying every bite of it. 'Totally worth 300 gold.' She thought to herself as she dug into her food.

Edited by Child Of Darkness

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As he ate, Blitz began to think of Shana and his past. He enjoyed spending time with her, but he didn't know if anything in his past might ruin his present. "What was I like before." He thought to himself. Blitz then turned his mind back to Shana. "I should find some way to repay her as well, for her kindness and traveling with Gale and myself."

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Agravain walked over to Chain and told him about the visions. (Pretend I explained to you what was in the visions, I don't want to have to type all that XD). "Well, after my first vision, I was able to read the runes, and I somehow knew all of the spells needed to operate the tower. After the second one, I was able to find the scrolls and books," he said after explaining the content of the visions. "My parents always told me I was adopted, I thought they said it to spite me. Perhaps I was adopted, it would explain why I was able to use magic and they seemed afraid. I've never seen magic as strong as mine, but I get tired after I use a lot of magic, and I get sick if I use a lot as well. I don't know of that happening to any other wizards, but I don't know any other wizards who can use as much magic as I can. One of the books I picked up indicates that the wizards here were the first wizards ever, the first beings to use magic. Similar to me, if they used a lot of magic, they would get tired and sick, and if they used all their magic without giving it time to recharge, they would die. Something tells me I have a lot in common with these wizards. Maybe the man in the vision is an ancestor of mine. It does say in what I assume to be his journal that "the magic flowed through his family's veins," at least, that's the best way I could describe it. It seems that the magic that flowed through his family's blood allowed them to use much stronger magic, but if they used too much, they would die," Agravain seemed to get lost in a trance after this.


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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Chain: "well that doesn't sound like magic, use to much and you die that would never happen to me" he said to Agravain "plus the adoption thing probably is true Banner has a special talent in cloth making along with her strength and attitude that was made from her step parents" he said while putting some hot armor pieces on the table then banging on one of them to shape them
Banner: went back to Chain "hey do you know about lightning magic? I saw the Black knight summon lightning to it and said he could enchant it, well maybe could you do that?"
Chain: "I never really tried but I guess I could depending on what you want to enchant, I could probably enchant it with fire"

Edited by Yoshikupo
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When Shanallot finished eating, some questions came to her mind and she wanted her master to answer them. "Say Master? What do you hope to get out of going with these people? Everyone does something for a reason and adventuring and questing are no different. So what is it you hope to achieve or aquire by the end of all of this?"

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Blitz sighed as he looked into the air. He knew he would have to tell Shana about his predicament sooner or later, but this was a bit earlier than expected. There was no point in hiding the truth, though. "Shortly before I met Gale, I woke up in the forest I found her in with no memories outside of my own name. I don't know why they were taken, but that's why I'm travelling I guess. I want answers on who I was before all of this happened and figured exploring the world might help."

Edited by Drago Ryder
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Blitz sighed as he looked into the air. He knew he would have to tell Shana about his predicament sooner or later, but this was a bit earlier than expected. There was no point in hiding the truth, though. "Shortly before I met Gale, I woke up in the forest I found her in with no memories outside of my own name. I don't know why they were taken, but that's why I'm travelling I guess. I want answers on who I was before all of this happened and figured exploring the world might help."

Shanallot moved closer to Blitz and sat right next to him before giving him a gentle hug. "Losing all knowledge of yourself sounds like a scary thought. And discovering who you are again sounds even scarier. Well, it seems like it won't be easy, so I guess I'll just have to come with you to take care of you them. *soft giggle*. Make sure you can actually handle yourself in the world. And with my experience in the field, what better companion could you ask for?" She looked up at him with a large smile across her face. For once she had an actual mission that was worth doing, and with the company she was going with, all the more reason to go along.

Edited by Child Of Darkness

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Blitz couldn't help but smile and nod. "Thanks. I really needed that." He said in genuine happiness. The Neko then returned the hug and scratched Shana behind the ear as a token of appreciation for her company. He may not remember his past, but he wouldn't let that affect his present or future.

@@Illiad Easle

Gale noticed the two and smiled. The dragoness had never seen Blitz so happy before and gave a content growl before turning her attention back to Midnight. "I don't think you've answered my question yet." She said.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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Kyubi smirked as she watched Blitz and the group that he had made from a the seclusion of the forest. Years as a hunter and assassin have her some knowledge on how to deal with those with enhanced smell. It was quite simple really. She had to stay downwind of the Neko so as not to alarm him of her presence and she really didn't care for the female next to him or dragoness lurking about. "I just need him alive," She thought to herself as she nooked an arrow in her bow. "Then I have to find a way to get him back to the island. Simple enough." The dark elf then released the drawstring and the projectile went flying.

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Kyubi smirked as she watched Blitz and the group that he had made from a the seclusion of the forest. Years as a hunter and assassin have her some knowledge on how to deal with those with enhanced smell. It was quite simple really. She had to stay downwind of the Neko so as not to alarm him of her presence and she really didn't care for the female next to him or dragoness lurking about. "I just need him alive," She thought to herself as she nooked an arrow in her bow. "Then I have to find a way to get him back to the island. Simple enough." The dark elf then released the drawstring and the projectile went flying.

Shanallot was enjoying the sensation when her ears picked up on a noise. The twang of a bow coming from nearby. From the sound she was able to pin point the source of the twang and she quickly used her magic to surround the presumed hostile archer in a vortex of Strong winds. She was not able to stop the arrow in its motion though.

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@@Drago Ryder,@@Yoshikupo,

I see Banner head back into the tower. I turn my attention back to the sky,

"Four more... this could take a while."

I begin to repeat the process, launching another bolt towards Midnight.




"Sorry, I was thinking... Why am I traveling? I guess it's because sir wants to keep moving after he was freed from stone imprisonment. So we keep moving, traveling town to town ridding the world of corruption one place at a time."

The same triangle glows again, then another blinks.

"Oh no, he missed."

Midnight gallops towards the Nekos, strange quiver around his neck, "Sorry about this,"

He leaps towards them, contorting his body to catch the lightning bolt as it passed through the air, narrowly missing the Nekos.

Unfortunately he managed to catch an arrow in the side as well, piercing his armor as he fell to the ground. "ow..."

Looking up at the Nekos, a slight smile comes to his face. "Message for you sir..."

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Gale nodded slightly, seeing some reason behind why Midnight was here. She was surprised to say the least when he jumped up and was hit by an arrow, thought. The dragoness rushed to his side and was slightly panicked. "What happened?"


Blitz grit his teeth in anger and looked into the forest. "Shana, see what you can do about his wound. I'll go greet our guest." He said. The neko then ran into the forest with the intent to kill.

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@@Drago Ryder


"Yes Master. I'll see to it right away."


@@Illiad Easle


Shana collapsed her vortex spell and walked over to the talking horse. "Hold still. This will hurt." She hovered her hand around the arrow for a few seconds before grabbing it and pulling it out in one clean motion. "Arrow successfully extracted, no further wounds were sustained by the removal. You'll live." She took out her staff and began to heal the wounds with her magic. "Are you feeling well? Equine?"

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Kyubi grit her teeth in anger and sheathed her bow. "Well, that didn't go anywhere. Good thing I didn't waste my magic on that shot." She muttered to herself. She also noticed that Blitz was no where to be seen and an idea played out in her head. "They don't know I was the one who shot the arrow, so maybe I could play on their good side."

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Blitz barely breathed as he moved through the forest. No one hurt his friends and made it far. His nose then twitched as the air shifted and he smelled a strange scent on the breeze. "Looks like a dark elf decided to take a pot shot at us. I just hope the others are ok." Blitz then jumped from tree to tree, using his claws to dig into the bark and eventually stopped behind Kyubi. "You had better have a good reason why you're out here." He said.

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@@Child Of Darkness,@@Drago Ryder, @@Jellal Fernandes

Midnight Star was injured, that much I could tell by the slight red glow of the shield shaped emblem on my belt, not gravely, but something was outside the tower that meant harm, I needed to check it out. I passed Agravain on my way out,

"Something is outside, Midnight's been injured. We may need to prepare a counter attack."

I exit the tower into the field, seeing one of the Nekos and the dragon caring for Midnight, I turn my attention towards the forest, searching for threats with my greatsword drawn.




Midnight feels the healing magic wash over him, relieved that the injury turned out to be minor. I turn to the Neko that is healing me.

"I am feeling about as well as one can when they've been shot. I suppose I have you to thank for my healing." He turns towards Gale, "Don't worry, Tis but a scratch."

*Sigh* "I suppose I haven't introduced myself to you yet, my name is Midnight Star, The Black Knight's trusty steed and traveling companion. Who might you be?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Kyubi was slightly surprised and turned to see Blitz. "Uhh, hey. I was just walking around when I noticed your group and I was wondering if I could join?" The dark elf then put a hand on the hidden handle of her dagger and waited for the neko in front of her to respond.

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@@Illiad Easle


"My name is Shanallot Windbreaker. A support type mage who specialises in healing magic, stat buffs, Garu magic and food. And collecting things. And smelling things and hearing things and seeing things I'm not suppose to be seeing. In fact now that I think of it I can call myself a specialist in several subjects across a wide spectrum of topics. It seems detecting danger is one I need to work on or that could be a problem for the future. I need to protect Master when I can. I wouldn't be very good at my job otherwise. I guess it's just one more flaw I need to work out within myself. So why don't you tell me something now, what is it your master hopes to achieve in these ruins?"

Edited by Child Of Darkness

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Tempest was suspicicious of the dark elf's intentions. "Sorry, but we're already pretty big as it is. I don't think we could add anyone else." He said, before noticing the bow on Kyubi's back. "Funny, a friend of mine was just shot by an arrow. You wouldn't happen to be the one who did such a thing, would you?" The neko then put a hand on the handle of each of his blades, preparing to fight if needed.

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@@Child Of Darkness,@@Drago Ryder,

I set off into the forest in the general direction of the Neko, once inside I activate my scepter senses, black tentacles emerging from my back, under my cape,  feeling the air for sound and scents, I feel the Neko and an unfamiliar presence. I retract the tentacles and proceed towards them, tromping through the forest with no regards for stealth.




Midnight Star turns towards the Neko, "First, Sir is not my Master, we have been equals ever since we ... arrived in a world that was not our own, and second, like I told Gale over here, The Black Knight and I have simply been wandering since he was freed from his stone prison. We saved Agravain from the village nearby and decided to join him on his quest, simple as that. What about you? Why are you and that... other Neko here?"

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Kyubi smirked slightly as she drew her dagger. "Well, you're a smart little cat aren't you? Funny thing is, he wasn't even my intended target. You are." She said, before lunging at Blitz. She needed him alive as per her agreement with those who had banished her from her home, but she didn't really see what was so special about this being.

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@@Illiad Easle


"Oh sorry. My misunderstanding. I travel with master because he has his own personal quest that I'm not sure I should talk about with strangers behind his back. And he needs a travelling companion to make sure he doesn't go and hurt himself. I'd feel guilty if he got hurt while by himself and I know I could have done something to help him. No one wants a guilty conscious haunting them for the rest of their life. That's the only reason okay! Theirs nothing more to it than that!" She took a long pause before speaking again. "You said something about arriving in a world that was not yours. What do you mean by that?"




The sound of something coming out of a sheath startled her and she almost instantly tracked down the source. "Master." She took her staff and ran towards the sounds, when close enough she fired a projectile based attack made of concentrated wind directly at the dark elf attacker.

Edited by Child Of Darkness

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@,@@Drago Ryder, @@Child Of Darkness,  

As I approach the Neko and the strange creature I hear a weapon drawn, then sounds of struggle. I pull out my greatsword and lunge into the battle, entering the clearing just in time to see a dark elf lunge towards the Neko. likely the elf was the one who attacked Midnight

"You've messed with the wrong party Elf."




Midnight was about to answer before Shanallot rushed off, I move to get up, but pain in my side reminds me of my injured state.

"That's right, no rushing off into the forest just yet." I look over at Gale "You wouldn't happen to be one of those dragons with healing breath, would you?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Blitz moved out of the way of the attack and grabbed onto Kyubi's arm, before pushed her back. He noticed Shana, but he need to focus on the fight at hand. "Really now. You're going to have to tell me all about that." He said as electricity arced between his fingers. "While you're at it, you may as well tell me who sent you after me."


Gale shook her head. "Aside from cauterizing the wound, I can't do much. Sorry." She said. "I can at least keep you company, though."

Edited by Drago Ryder
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Kyubi grit her teeth as she was thrown back and barely managed to not fall over when the other neko used magic on her. "Funny thing is, I wasn't sent to kill you. Someone from my home wants to see you and I can't exactly return without you." She said, glancing at the three in the clearing. The dark elf knew she was beaten, and it pained her to put away her dagger. "So, you're a band of traveling adventures on some random quest. Mind if I join you?"

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