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The Narwhal Muffin

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Kyubi grit her teeth and looked at the ground. "I came home one night and found my uncle with a dagger in his throat. The guards arrived a few seconds later, and I got thrown in jail. After a very short trial,which was them basically telling me that I was guilty, it was decided that I would be banished until I could bring back Blitz. I tried to tell them that I loved my uncle and that I would never do such a thing, but who would believe some kid over the city guard. " The dark elf then looked at Blitz and met his eyes. "As for your abilities, that's not what they told me. They mentioned something about you holding some power that would help my people, but I'll believe you until I see otherwise. I just ask that you please accept me into your group and go to my homeland after whatever it is all of you are doing here is finished, or at least on some point during your journey."

Edited by Dire Miralis
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Blitz couldn't find the words to describe what he was feeling. He eventually shook his head and stood. "I trust you, to a point. I don't know what the others will say, but if they put it up to a vote on whether or not you join our little party, I'll say yes." The neko couldn't detect any hint that Kyubi might be lying, but the new information on what he could possibly do disturbed him.

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"If Master says that he'll accept you into the group, I guess I will agree with him and also say yes. This does not make us friends in any way and I won't trust you to be alone with Master at all. For as long as you are with us, I've got my eyes, ears and nose on you at all times."

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Kybui nodded and smiled slightly. "That is understandable." She said. "Thank you, though, for forgiving me." The dark elf then decided that it would be best to talk to Midnight as soon as possible and began to walk towards the tower. She didn't know how the other members of the party would react, but she could at least try.

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Blitz watched Kyubi head towards the tower. "Well, things just a bit more complicated." He thought to himself. The neko wracked his mind for any hint of what Kyubi had described to him and came up with a blank. Certain parts of his mind seemed to be locked away from him, but he would have to deal with that later.

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Shana had a thought pop into her mind. Master was dealing with Amnesia, under magic, that is classed as either a debuff or a sickness. Both of which are normally curable with healing magic. But since his memories had had been sealed from over a month. Odds are her magic will do nothing. It was still worth a try in her eyes though. She sat down, leaning against her bag for support and looked up at Blitz. "Master. I have an idea. Rest your head on my lap, I may have a way to see if I could do something about your case of amnesia. I don't have high hopes but it worth a shot, yes? ~Nyan"

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As Kyubi entered the tower, she noticed Midnight laying against Gale, along with Edward and Agravian. The dark elf knew this would be hard, but figured that she could try to make it less awkward than it already was. . "I'm sorry about what happened earlier. I didn't mean for the arrow to hit you." She said.

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Blitz was a bit surprised and blushed a bit before laying on the ground and placing his head in Shana's lap. Her fur was soft to say the least and he closed his eyes, trying to relax his body so it would be easier for his companion to do what she had in mind. The neko trusted her not to do damage to his mind and not peer into anything he could consider private.


Gale looked at Kyubi and gave a low growl. "So, this was the one who tried to kidnap Blitz." She thought to herself.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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I see the dark elf walk in and approach Midnight. "I'll leave you guys alone for now, I have some more preparations to make."

I retrieve the special quiver from Midnight's neck. "I'll be back later to repair your armor." I proceed back to the top of the tower, starting to generate more lightning javelins.




@@Drago Ryder

"That was you? Well, I should say I'm angry, but I actually impressed. It takes a good arrow and a better archer to get through my armor. especially if it was unintended. I can forgive you, but only if you promise to be more careful in the future, you could've killed me." 

Midnight stands, this time with much less pain. "I should probably get this armor off so sir can repair it." He takes his helmet and neck guard off. His obsidian black coat shimmers in the low light as his eyes revert to their natural blue color.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Kyubi was surprised to say the least, and nodded. "I'll be more careful." She said. The dark elf then smiled slightly, happy that the two she had affected the most in the past hour had forgiven her. "So, what exactly are all of you doing here? I doubt it's a coincidence that such a large group would be in a tower like this."

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Blitz was a bit surprised and blushed a bit before laying on the ground and placing his head in Shana's lap. Her fur was soft to say the least and he closed his eyes, trying to relax his body so it would be easier for his companion to do what she had in mind. The neko trusted her not to do damage to his mind and not peer into anything he could consider private.


Gale looked at Kyubi and gave a low growl. "So, this was the one who tried to kidnap Blitz." She thought to herself.

"Remain calm and relaxed. Don't try and resist or both of us will get hurt." She put her hands on Blitz's forehead and a soft warm magic is emitted from her hands, enveloping his head. She projected herself into his mind, searching for anything that was abnormal or magical. From what she could tell, all of Blitz's memories are still intact, but are all locked away and mixed together in a way that makes them unreadable. No sign of any manipulation though. She could not tell what was causing the problem. Breaking the spell, she felt disappointed that she was not able to help her Master. So she just sat with his head in her lap and stroked him. "I wasn't able to determine the source of the problem. All the memories are intact, but you just can't seem to see them. It's strange really."

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As Shana went into his mind, Blitz felt like his body was floating in the air. He didn't mind the feeling, seeing as how it helped his body to relax. The neko was a bit concerned when his companion left his mind, but was put at ease when she stroked his head. Blitz then gave a low purr, enjoying the sensation.


Gale sighed as she laid her head on the ground. "I'll trust you, but don't betray Blitz's trust." She muttered. "He's been through a lot."

Edited by Drago Ryder
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Midnight proceeds to remove the cloth covering of his armor, revealing the chain mail beneath.

"As to why we're all here, it's a long story, one you would have to get out of Agravain. The short version is that we are going to fight a demon dragon"

He turns to inspect his armor, "Good, it looks like only the one hole."

He then begins to shrug off the chain mail, as the mail is removed multiple scars stand out against his hide like faint streaks of white on a black sky.

"Ahh, it feels good to be out of that armor for a change."

He turns back to the dark elf, "Is there anything else I can do for you?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"Well, I wasn't expecting that." She said, before shaking her head. "Anyway, I don't think there's anything else that I need. I would be happy to help when all of you fight this demon, though." The dark elf then gave a small smile and headed into the tower She was curious to say the least about what was inside

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Daronias would be making his way through the countryside, having seen the last town in three days he ventured slowly running down on supplies. His job seemed easy, recover some ancient relic. What seemed harder was that he was given no hints what-so-ever. 


Relic hunting was something he has done a bit more times before, and dare say he was rather good at it. But, as much as a little climb or playing around with traps is easy, he always hated it when others were involved. 


As he made his way though some woods he spotted what seemed like a tower. As Daronias approached he could feel the light aura of great elder magics still residing on the place as he slowly would perk up his ears, hearing someone inside. 


Drawing an arrow and taking out his bow he'd hide away from the entrace, checking out if anyone is outside. He then looked up top and at the a bit crumbling cracks and stones. 


Hiding his bow, he'd draw his two blades. With his agility and skills he climbed the tower, not bothering to look down as after a while he'd reach the very top. Panting a bit in exhaustion and checking the area for anyone. 


Seeing it was clear he'd pull himself fully out, streching and remaining at full alert. His blades at the ready. 

(Rushed a bit)

Edited by SerPounceWhiskers


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Shana continued to stroke her masters head as she let her own mind wonder. This quest was going nowhere fast. It would be dark before they had any indication of the next location they had to go. 'Since we'll most likely still be around this area by nightfall in a couple of hours, we could go back to the local town and stay the night in comfort. An Inn would suffice for most of us. Or would could practice our camping abilities by staying outside. Either way, as long as master is happy, I'm happy.' She looked back down at Blitz to hear him purring, this made her smile and blush slightly. Looking at his face, she again started to think on more private matters.

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@@Child Of Darkness,


"I wouldn't be welcome back in town, in fact, I had to be smuggled out of their to avoid attracting the guards," Agravain said. "You and the others could go, but I'd just stay here and read. I really want to know more about this place. It's just so damn fascinating."


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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@@Child Of Darkness,


"I wouldn't be welcome back in town, in fact, I had to be smuggled out of their to avoid attracting the guards," Agravain said. "You and the others could go, but I'd just stay here and read. I really want to know more about this place. It's just so damn fascinating."

"Well I'll have to make a trip back to town soon anyway. Considering the nature of what our mission is turning out to be, I left most of my things back at home. I need at least a change of clothing don't I? And I want to go to the bathing springs around this town one more time before we leave. A lady has to have at least some luxuries after all. *giggle*. All that can wait though. I'm quite content to stay like this a little while longer."

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Chain: "almost done, just need to finish the weapons" Chain said to himself because Banner was passed out on a makeshift book bed. He put the weapons in the water and stretched "time to tell the others" Chain went down the stairs to the towers first floor "Hey guys I finished what did I miss?" he asked trying to get up to date about what happened   

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I was quite surprised when I reached the top of the tower to discover a new person. He looked like another human, Man, people are just coming out of the woodwork now.

I stand fully out of the doorway, moving to stand behind the new person.


"Who are you, and what are you doing here?"





Midnight looks up as Chain walked in, "What you missed depends on when you started missing, at the very least it looks like we have added that Dark Elf to our party." He picks his chainmail up off of the floor. "Hey, Sir was going to fix this later, but if you have time are you able to repair chainmail?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"I guess Shana and I could head into town and stay at an inn and possibly pick up any more supplies along the way, among other things." Blitz muttered, half asleep. To be honest, he didn't really want to get up, but he knew he would have to eventually.


Gale slowly stood and walked outside, before glancing at Shana. She was about to say something when she decided not to, figuring that it would most likely interrupt the moment the two nekos were having. With that, the dragoness flew into the air and disappeared into the clouds.

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Kyubi sighed as she walked through the lower levels of the tower. "So, Blitz apparently has no memory of what his life was like. To be honest, if it wasn't for those few shopkeepers who were talking about him, I wouldn't be able to find him. He is different, though. Maybe it's for the best if his memories aren't unlocked." She thought to herself. The dark elf then shrugged and noticed a area of the tower that went deeper. It didn't take long for her to decided to head deeper into the depths of the tower.

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Chain: "OK fine I'll just need to take your chainmail to add the Chains that are missing and get rid of the broken ones" he said picking up the Chain mail "this won't take as long, I had some metal left for requests" he explained "also tell the dark elf me and Banner welcome him to are Band of hero misfits" he says chuckling and going up stairs

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@@Illiad Easle


He'd quickly turn, most of his face covered by the shadow of his hood, one of his blades quickly appearing in front of the visitors throat. 


"Lets switch rolls, shall we? You tell me who you are, what you are doing here, and who are the others... Or.." He'd snicker "...Well, you don't want to try anything stupid. "


His glowing eyes would reveal from under his hood, as he'd inspect the captured person.

Edited by SerPounceWhiskers


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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The new person reacted more violently than I expected, I could go on the offensive, which could kill him, however I don't think I am in any actual danger here, lets talk this out first.

"I am The Black Knight, Liberator of the oppressed and Slayer of Tyrants. What I do here is my business, and I will tell you no more."

I lean in, the knife scraping against my neck guard as my helmet approaches his face.

"Go ahead, Make My Day."

I prepare the words in my mind, ready to strike if needed.




Midnight gives Chain the chainmail. He then dons the cloth covering to cover the scars. He mutters to himself. "I am not hearing any thunder, I better go check on Sir." He proceeds up the tower.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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