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The Narwhal Muffin

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@@Illiad Easle


He'd keep the blade to his neckguard, if striking the pointy end of the shortsword made for piercing plates and other heavy armors. 


"Oh joy, a Black Knight. Honestly tales of such folk mostly go the other way.. slavers and tyrants.... not liberators... But then again who am I to judge you upon fairy-tales.

He'd clear his throat. 

"I am Daronias, Half-Elf of Arran'Mor... the City of the Thousand Waterfalls. And playing tough on me won't help your situation big plated guy. So, how about you repeat who are the others, and what you are doing here. And we will be able to come to no quarrel. " He'd answer with a light grin on his face, clearly a rather sure of himself and not showing any signs of fear or stepping aside. 

Edited by SerPounceWhiskers


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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"Says the guy holding a blade to someone's throat without any form of provocation." Gale growled as she landed on the roof of the tower. "So, now that you're outnumbered, perhaps you could back off and explain what exactly you are doing here." After the incident with Kyubi, the dragoness wasn't about to have some random person just kidnap Blitz again.

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"I guess Shana and I could head into town and stay at an inn and possibly pick up any more supplies along the way, among other things." Blitz muttered, half asleep. To be honest, he didn't really want to get up, but he knew he would have to eventually.


Gale slowly stood and walked outside, before glancing at Shana. She was about to say something when she decided not to, figuring that it would most likely interrupt the moment the two nekos were having. With that, the dragoness flew into the air and disappeared into the clouds.

Shane wasn't sure whether to be reassured that master trusts her enough to almost fall asleep while resting his head on her lap, or slightly upset that things are the exact opposite of what she thought of in her mind. She decided to just be happy with the situation. Unfortunately it had to come to an end sometime. And if not now, she might end up falling asleep herself. "Oi! Master! Get up. We should go back to town now. I want to bathe before it gets too dark out at least. Or before the inns fill up for the night."

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@@Drago Ryder@@Drago Ryder,



"As unwise as it is, I'm staying my ground. " He'd simply lift his blade at the dragon, in any case ready to jump away, at once knowing the dragon cannot dare breathe any flames without risking crisping her friend. 


"My earlier questions still stand, so you may answer them, or things can get ugly. Just so you know I planted several arcane wards around the place, so you can either speak, or dare attacking me... and anyone inside turns into dust within seconds. " He'd lie, but doing a damn good job with it and not appearing in any way fake in his statement. His sureness still showing up on his face. 


"So? What will it be? Feel free to cooperate? Or you all want to die for the stupidest reasons?

Edited by SerPounceWhiskers


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Blitz groaned as he opened his eyes and slowly stood. "Ok. I'm ready when you are." He said. The last thing he wanted to do was to keep Shana waiting, and a few scenarios played out in his mind.


Every muscle in the dragoness's body tensed and she grit her teeth. "If you really think I believe that you would kill yourself just to do the same to us, you're wrong." She said. "One of our group was almost kidnapped and you just so happen to show up an hour later. Why don't you just remove the blade and maybe we can settle this as civil individuals. Personally, I don't care about blasting you off of here."

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@,@@Drago Ryder,

This guy is crazy, I kind of like him. But not while he has that blade on my neck.

"Like I said, you'll get nothing from me."

I continue to advance, my helmet almost touching his face.

"I could kill you with but a single word, in fact if you keep this up I wont even need words."

I move my hand towards him almost touching him, but not quite.

"And you need to be alive to activate a ward, or at least, sane."




Midnight emerged at the top of the tower, seeing Sir and a mysterious figure having an, interaction.

He heard the strangers words, and did an arcane check. No detectable wards, but it wasn't the most reliable. Still doubtful.

"Gale, He's fireproof, if you want to buy him a new cape."

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Drago Ryder


He'd stand still, totally ignoring the dragonesses threats. 


"Sorry Miss, but I'm not the kind of person to lower his guard to a bunch of strangers. Especially the mysterious kind that doesn't cooperate. And even so more especially if one of them is a tough bulky mean looking Black Knight, and the other one is a bloody dragon. "

@@Illiad Easle


"And as for you.." Suddenly the hook on his shortsword would be against his neck, with huge power in his arm and body enduced with a magic he'd push the knight a 180 degrees and throw him to the side attempting to knock the heavy one to the floor, making small distance due to him being heavy. 


He'd then aim both blades at the dragoness. 


"So? What shall it be? Because I am not standing down first. And you think I'm blufing about my wards, and I think you bluffing that you can risk attacking me here.  " 

Edited by SerPounceWhiskers


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Gale's pupils turned to slits and she almost roared at that moment. "Oh sure. We're the ones who intruded on ancient ruins while someone was already there. We hunted you to this very location and are now holding a blade to your throat." She deadpanned, before donning a more serious mood. "If you expect to get ANY information from us when you're the one who is attacking us when you came here in the first place with no outside influence from any of us, then you're wrong. If anything, that just shows how paranoid you are. Drop the blade, now."

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@@Drago Ryder


Shana stood up and picked up her bag. He legs were a bit numb but she maintained her balance. "Let's go." She took Blitz's hand and started to pull him out of the tower. But she noticed that someone was missing at that particular moment in time. "Master? Where did your Dragon go?"

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Out of the direct line of sight and given the benefit of being moved I step back and pull a lightning javelin from my quiver.

"This is a lightning Javelin, it can move faster that you can even think and is as accurate as my eyesight. Drop the weapons or we get to see how well you take being struck by lightning."

I draw my greatsword with my other hand, the tip resting on the ground.

"Will you surrender? or will we see how capable of a fighter you actually are?"




Midnight turns to re-enter the tower, "I'll go get some help if you don't mind."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Blitz had also noticed that Gale had left, but he didn't really worry about it as he followed Shana. "Gale normally flies at night or whenever she's bored, so I would have to suspect she's a few miles in the air doing some physics defying maneuvers in an attempt to get an adrenaline rush. She should be back by morning, though."  

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"Oh okay then." She returns to leading Blitz back towards the town they came from earlier that day. While an Inn to stay on was high on their priority list, Shana had to stop by at her house first to pick up some 'crucial' supplies for the time ahead of her. Hopefully Blitz will not be too surprised by her home, but she was still concerned that he may worry.

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"For some reason your choice of weaponry doesn't sway me, Knight. And as for you, Dragoness. Yes, that is EXACTLY what I expect. Also if it weren't for your knight here I might have considered entering peacefully. But sadly his pushiness has forced me to the offensive. Because a Dark Knight handing out with a dragon in an abandoned mage tower is not a very good image. 

Edited by SerPounceWhiskers


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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When Blitz noticed that he and Shana weren't heading straight for the inn, his curiosity began to grow. Of course, he also grew a bit wary, but he ignored the latter.


Gale's claws scraped against stone as she pounced on top of the half elf, forcing him to the ground. "How about you stop basing everything about the two of us off of stereotypes, considering the fact that you know neither of us." She roared, her eyes peering into his own. "Just because I am a dragon or he is wearing black armor doesn't even prove that we are evil. Just ask anyone in the tower, because we aren't the only ones here."

Edited by Drago Ryder
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@,@@Drago Ryder

I was quite impressed by the dragon's cool ferocity. I can see why Midnight likes her.

I put the javelin back in the quiver and release the half elf from the tendrils as he was thoroughly pinned by the dragon.

"Clearly you have this covered Gale, I'll stand back so you can roast him if you want."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Drago Ryder


"Ask your friends downstairs? Quite amazing that when I asked about others you simply decided to be all mysterious... but, since you've quite really threatened me... " *He'd suddenly dissapear in a cloud of blue. Appearing on the nearby battlements. 


Suddenly the dragon and knight would hear loud explosions and light shaking up top the tower. The Half-elf played them out well enough to cause commotion, knowing this was simply a rather real illusion, and that nothing was being harmed. 


Using the moment he'd take out his bow and arrow, whispering an enchantment, ready to release it any time if needed. 


"Perhaps you should have been a bit softer with me, because you haven't proven your point of not being sterotypical. "


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Gale rolled her eyes, ignoring the sound. "Wow, you really are dense. You asked me no such thing and threatened one of my friends. What did you expect me to do? Watch you murder him?" The dragoness could feel her fire beginning to form in her throat and she tried not to release, but this half elf was proving to be a handful. "Let me ask you this one more time. If you refuse to answer, I don't really care what happens to you from this point. How did you find out that we were here? Did someone send you, or perhaps your some stereotypical hero who saw a tower with two beings who you thought to be evil based off of stereotypes and decided to kill us. I could've killed you in five different ways in the past five minutes alone, yet I didn't. So, who's the actual bad guy here? Oh, but you don't care do you. You're just some ignorant adventurer who just loves to believe the world revolves around the choices he makes and that anyone who goes against him, despite everything he might've done to them, is evil."

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@@Drago Ryder,

I look around, my senses showing the illusion to be just that.

He's more magical than I thought.

I extend a tendril to his point of departure, looking for an exit vector, found.

I look up to see him with his primed bow at the ready.


I put the sword away and retrieve the lightning. I cock my arm in his direction, ready to cast it.

I would narrow my gaze and smirk.

"Gale, I've got this. Make your move, Half-Elf."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"I'll be brutally honest with you, I'm just a cocky half-elf who likes to mess around with people and doesn't feel threatened by almost anything. And the reason I found you is because you arn't trying to even hide yourselves. I could hear people, I could see someone outside. So, I decided to check it out. "


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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I was confused, this guy flip flopped faster than a noble in the kings court.

"Okay, we're not trying to hide because the area around the tower and the tower itself is invisible to the outside world."

"Furthermore, If you were only curious, then why did you draw your weapons instead of answering my questions when we met?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Drago Ryder


Shana took Blitz down several sharp turns and back allies, arriving in the lower more run down part of the town. Among the confusion and strange layout was a small shack that looked like it had been thrown together without much effort. It was just big enough to fit maybe 6 people comfortably, but it was absolutely clustered with what seemed to be mostly random junk, that only about 3 would fit. "Home sweet home. And in this part of town, this place is a luxury considering the amount of stuff I 'own'. Being a support doesn't pay as well as you would think. I just need to grab a few things and then we can be off." She puts down her bags and enters the small building, rummaging around in the stuff looking for a few specific items. "This may take a few minutes."

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Blitz nodded slightly. He wasn't one to judge a person based on how much money they had, and in his eyes, Shana had his upmost respect. "Take your time." He said, wandering around the area, a bit curious.


Gale growled as she glared at the half elf. "You aren't exactly helping your case, then." She said. "As my friend has already said, the tower is hidden, so you must've already known we were here. Did anyone send you?"

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Kyubi sighed as she came up from the lower levels. She hadn't found anything of interest aside from a small room. The dark elf then noticed that no one was on the lower floor and sighed, before heading out to get her weapons. "Great. I wonder what happened this time." She thought to herself as she returned to the tower and headed towards the upper floors. When she arrived on the roof, she noticed the half elf and immediately nooked an arrow. "Look, I don't know who sent you, but you aren't taking Blitz."

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@@Drago Ryder


She searched through the piles of stuff inside her home and eventually found what she was looking for. Some additional clothing items, a stuffed toy, a towel, a sleeping bag and a one person tent. She had also hastily thrown a few other things into the bag, not wanting them to be seen. "Okay, I have everything I need. You can go to the inn if you want and I'll meet you there in an hour. I'm going to the springs West of the city for a while. Should be dark in about two hours, so I'll see you at the inn soon. Okay?"

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Chain: "I'm finished again guys!" he shouts to everyone in the tower "if you want something special then speak up now because I am not staying up to make you guys things" he added

Banner: "uhhhh..." she said with a groggy voice "I don't know what happened but I want more sleep"

Chain: "do you want a custom weapon or something?"
Banner: "make the most hurting two handed sword you can make"
she requested then fell asleep

Chain: "hold on I want to do it in a big batch so I'll go up stairs where the black knight is, the elf person we got also went up there" he departed and went to the top of the tower "hey do you have any request that-" he saw everyone pointing there weapons at another elf "so what's with this?" he asked

Edited by Yoshikupo
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