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The Narwhal Muffin

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Blitz was surprised when Kyubi spoke and a sense of dread spread through him as she continued. "Oh. Did I do anything I would regret?" He asked, looking at the ground. "As for the other guy, what makes you say that? Didn't he stab himself in the chest or something like that?"

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Kyubi nodded slightly and noticed the change in Blitz's demeanor. "Not that I can tell, unless you were the one who started the fires." She said. "And yes. The guy did stab himself in the chest, but he also dissolved into ash, meaning he was merely a puppet." The dark elf then did something neither of them would expect. She moved in front of Blitz and hugged him. "If you ever need help, I'm all ears." Kyubi then noticed Shana's bag, but not the female Neko. "So, where's your girlfriend?"


@ @Child Of Darkness @Drago Ryder

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Kyubi nodded slightly and noticed the change in Blitz's demeanor. "Not that I can tell, unless you were the one who started the fires." She said. "And yes. The guy did stab himself in the chest, but he also dissolved into ash, meaning he was merely a puppet." The dark elf then did something neither of them would expect. She moved in front of Blitz and hugged him. "If you ever need help, I'm all ears." Kyubi then noticed Shana's bag, but not the female Neko. "So, where's your girlfriend?"


@ @Child Of Darkness @Drago Ryder

"If you are referring to me, I'm inside the bag. And don't even think for one second about opening this bag or I will make you forget what you will see with force. And don't get too close to Master. I still don't fully trust you after what you tried to do."


@@Drago Ryder "Master. I found the tent. Will you help me set it up once is just us two around?"

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Blitz sighed and facepalmed. "Well, that makes things more complicated. Hopefully it'll take some time for him to find us." He thought to himself. The neko then turned his attention back to Kyubi. "Yeah, I wouldn't exactly look in the bag if I were you. And I would gladly help you, Shana."

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To be honest, Kyubi wasn't expecting to hear Shana's voice come from inside the bag. "I understand." She said, moving a bit from Blitz. A few thoughts crossed her mind as to why Shana would be in her own bag and she blushed. "So umm, what exactly were you two doing in town?"

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@, "Why exactly does it matter if we went to a town? I simply wanted to have a good nights rest before we went on our Journey. Among a few other things that you don't really need to know about. And I can hear that tone shift in your voice. You better not be thinking about anything inappropriate about Master or I." Shana glanced through a small hole in the side of her bag at Kyubi, her Cat eye glowed in comparison to the darkness of her bag, her attempt of adding effect to her giving Kyubi an Evil glare.

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Kyung shrugged slightly and wasn't really intimidated by Kyubi's glare. "I was just a bit curious." She said, before moving on. The dark elf wanted to make another comment, but she decided it would be best if she didn't. "Anyway, I'll see you two in the morning." With that, Kyuni ran up a tree and sat in one of the branches, eventually falling asleep.

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Shana got out of the bag after Kyubi had left, bringing the tent out with her. Looking around for a good place to set up, she decides that under a large tree would be best. A place that met her criteria was not far away from where she was standing either. She started setting up the Tent and fortunately it was simple, it only took her about 2 minutes to set up and go inside.@@Drago Ryder "Master. Everything is ready. Are you gonna come to bed?"

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Blitz smiled skightly and nodded. "I'll be in in a second. I didn't get a chance to bathe earlier and I doubt you want me to smell in a confined area." He said. The Neko then headed to a stream he had seen nearby and took off his armor, revealing his thin but muscular build. He then placed his outfit and weapons on the side of the stream, before wading into the waist deep water.

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"Must resist urge. Resist urge to peak. Grrrr. No. Shana is a mature Neko and will not let her urges drive her. I'm better than that. Although," Shana smirked are giggled as a thought came to her mind, "I should give Master a surprise when he comes back. Now what should I do for him?" She thinks about what she should do, she didn't have anything to give him and her mind eventually settled on an idea. "Shana, I'm such a perv. What is Master going to think about this? I'll just have to wait and see. *chuckle*"

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Blitz ran water over his body, making sure to wash every part of his body, for a few minutes before getting out and shaking himself dry. He was expecting Shans to be near, but that didn't seem to be the case. He then looked at his armor and decided to keep it off for now. Instead, he carried back to where the others were and set it outside the tent before he headed into the tent, expecting to find Shana asleep.

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Shana was stood near the entrance to the tent, just out of initial view. So when Blitz poked his head inside, she grabbed him and pulled down onto the makeshift 'bed' she had set up. (It's little more than two blankets and a pillow). Making him land on his back and positioning herself to be lying on top of him. She leaned in closer to him, internationally pushing her chest against his and kissing him. She broke it after a few seconds with a large grin on her face. "Welcome back Master."

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Blitz blushed as Shana pulled him into the tent and kissed him, and he smiled as he placed a hand on Shana's back. "It's good to be back." He said, before returning the kiss. The Neko then flipped them over so that he was on top. His tail then brushed against the soles of his companion's feet.

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"Master, *stifled laugh* your tail, stop. It tickles. *stifled laugh*. Stop it." She started to laugh quite a bit from how it felt and started twitching her legs because of his tail. She's not very ticklish but the feeling of fur on her bare feet is enough to give her a good laugh. She eventually got her mind together and moved her feet away. "Well now, it looks like I'm completely at the mercy of my master. Oh dear, I hope he doesn't think about doing anything perverted now. That would be a bold thing to think about in this situation."

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Blitz smiled slightly as he traced a hand up and down Shana's back. He enjoyed being close to her and felt his body relax. The Neko then basically hugged Shana and kissed her for a few seconds on the lips. "I love you, Shana. I won't let anything happen to you." He whispered as he laid his head down on her neck.

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"The same goes for me to you too Master. Neither of us could get away from the other even if we wanted to. *soft laugh*. I love you Master. But we really should go to sleep now, we need to be awake for when the morning comes. And with what has happened today, we're both fatigued." Shana rested her head on the pillow and got under one of the blankets. "Goodnight Master."

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Blitz smiled as he laid next to Shana and closed his eyes. "Goodnight, my dear." He said. The neko then dreamed of what his life could be if his relationship with Shana progressed the way it was. The two nekos were on a hill, sitting on a blanket, overlooking a large field with the ocean crashing against the cliff face behind them. A moderately sized house stood in the distance that Blitz could only assume was theirs. "This isn't to bad." He thought to himself.

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(Early morning. 6am)


The morning had finally come. The events of the night before were plentiful and painful, but also promising for the future. Shana let out a soft yawn as she woke up. Rubbing her eyes, she looked blankly at the roof of the tent. *whispering* "We meet again. My oldest and most hated arch nemesis. Mornings. Oh how this girl despises you so." Looking to her sides, she remembered that she had fallen asleep in Masters embrace and was now trapped by him. "I can work with this." She thought as she turned her entire body to face him. Bringing her face close to his, she kissed him in an attempt to wake him up. "Good morning Master."

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(I'm gonna go with we were all asleep)

I grow weary

It is not often that Scepters need rest, which is why the Black Knight did not sleep the previous night.

My time of rest is upon me, sooner than I expected. This world is different than the one before.

I move to rouse Midnight, then stop, letting him continue to rest with the dragon.

And this time I don't even have my castle to sleep in. This could be dangerous.

I get up, expending some of my waning magic to reduce noise. I move to the room that I placed Agravain in, seeing him begin to stir again.

I suppose this will do, the tower is easily defended and hidden. I should be safe for a time.

I attempt to wake Agravian.

"The time has come once again for you to lead. Though I am familiar with its burden, it wearies me greatly to carry it again."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Kyubi groaned as she opened her eyes and stood on the branch that she had slept on. "At least the leaves provided shade." She thought, before hopping down to the forest floor. The dark elf then headed to the stream Blitz used the night before and took off her robe, before entering the water to bathe. She then began to think about the group in general and then towards the individuals.

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The dream faded to black and Blitz fell through his subconscious. His body felt numb as what seemed like wind rushed by and the neko's eyes eventually opened. He then smiled as he looked at Shana. "Good morning, milady." He said, before noticing the position the two were in and blushed. "And how did you sleep?"

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"I slept well enough. It was more comfortable than I thought it would have been. I guess that's just all my experience with sleeping outdoors. You get accustomed to living outside and underground when you live in this trade as long as I have. That still doesn't mean I necessary enjoy morning. In fact I hate mornings. But we have to get up. You said you will take me shopping to buy a new cloak for me. I kind of need one seeing as that was my only one." She sat up and stretched out her arms, letting out a loud groan and a yawn, and then did the same with her legs. "Come on Master. If you don't get up, I'll just have to kiss you again until you do."

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Blitz smiled slightly at the thought. "Well, I wouldn't mind that, but a promise is a promise." He said, as he got up. The neko then moved next to Shana and gave her a peck on the cheek and brought her into a hug. "So, how do you think the others will react when they find out about us, not that they would do anything to drastic."

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@@Drago Ryder, Shana smiled as she returned Master's embrace with her own. "I don't expect it to be that big of a deal. The only one that may have a large response is that Dragoness of yours. I actually do wonder how she will react." She decided to have a bit of fun with the situation and pushed her body as close as she could to Blitz, pressing her chest against his and purring while doing so, and a mischievous grin.

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I weary greatly.

The magic that allows me movement is waning, I have lost dexterity in my fingers, but I have yet to awaken Agravian.

It's too late now...

I lack the energy to generate speech, there is one thing I must do before I go to rest.

I stand in a dark corner, locking the joints of my armor to remain standing, I retrieve my great sword, placing the tip between my feet to support my upper body, I grasp the handle with both hands, locking the arms as I do so.

With a final burst of my remaining energy, I activate one of the triangles on my neck. It begins to pulse slightly, as the glow fades from my eyes.

I now sleep...




Midnight is awoken by a glowing light on his cloth armor. "It's sooner than I expected, but I suppose it can't be avoided." He moves to the room that Sir has locked himself up. He drags Agravain out of the room by his robes. "You may not understand it, but it is better this way."

He moves to enter the room, then turns back towards Gale. "That is a new predicament... Oh! this will work." He returns to his saddlebags and retrieves some parchment. Using his skills as a tabloid publisher, he writes a note.

He carefully removes one of the triangles from his cloth armor, and places it with the note in front of Gale, he nuzzles her slightly, then enters the room with Sir, and closes the door. Calling on his own weak magic, he seals the door with shadows.


The note reads as follows:


As you might have guessed, Sir is not like most bipeds, once every few hundred years he needs to rest for an extended period, it is then that he is most vulnerable and it is up to me to protect him as he sleeps.

I wouldn't want you to have to choose between me and Blitz, so if the rest of the party must leave, go with them, but take this scale with you. So long as you posses it, we will be able to find our way to you.

May your scales ever strengthen and shine,

- Midnight Star.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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