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The Narwhal Muffin

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Blitz nodded slightly and smiled a bit. "It also suits you well." He said, before kissing Shana on the cheek. "As for Gale, I think I saw her following the other" The neko knew that this probably wouldn't be easy but Gale deserved to know what could happen with her. "It looks like we're leaving the tower for now."

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Banner: "so that's when I told him that he would leave Chain alone or else I would break his face" she paused the story she was telling Kyubi when Banner saw a big dent in the earth about 25 yards from them

Dryad: "thank earth!" she said then banner looked at her with a glare "I mean it looks like we have two options one go throw the large hole or two go around the large hole, lets decide now while were walking"

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Kyubi glanced at the hole and shrugged. "I think it would be safer if we just went around. We should probably wait for Blitz and Shana as well." She said. The dark elf didn't see the two nekos with the rest of the group and she didn't want to lose the only possibility she had to getting back into the good graces of her people.

Edited by Dire Miralis
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Blitz nodded slightly and smiled a bit. "It also suits you well." He said, before kissing Shana on the cheek. "As for Gale, I think I saw her following the other" The neko knew that this probably wouldn't be easy but Gale deserved to know what could happen with her. "It looks like we're leaving the tower for now."

"It looks like the others have gone on ahead without us. Come on, we should catch up with them as soon as possible." Grabbing Blitz's hand, she pulls him along as he heads in the direction the group had went in.


Her head was now clear of any doubt, she realised that the party she was in was the only chance for the world's survival, and while she may hate the responsibility and everything else about the situation, she was going to keep her head held high and take on the challenge head on. 'This better be worth the trouble in the end.' She thought as she was walking through the forest.

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Blitz followed Shana and was relieved to see that he had everything he needed. "It's a shame that this place will go to waste. Hopefully we can come back later." He thought to himself, before he began to move at the same pace as Shana. His thoughts would have to wait, though. The priority now was saving the world.

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Midnight moves towards Sir's armor, opening the chest plate in the darkened room.

As the armor opens I expand outward, tendrils extending into the walls of the room, absorbing any and all available magic residue in the tower.

Midnight moves backward, avoiding the tendrils as some of them lazily drift through the air.

(I am going to have Black Knight rest for a full day in story, and it has not yet been that long, so until black knight is back, first person is Midnight.)

I return to the door that I sealed, and unlock it. I peer through into the central room, and see no one, hear no one. I guess they left, oh well. I move outside of the tower, again seeing and hearing nothing. "Gale?"

I guess she left too... Why does that make me so sad?

I return to the room with Sir and relock the door, settling down in a corner.

I guess I just wait.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"Oi! What kind of people are you? Setting out without bringing your support with you as a priority? What if you all got attack? Who would do all your healing then? Learn to make some priorities. *tsk* Amateur level mistakes. Not what I'd expect from people like you." Shana was giving it her all to try and scold them for their choices. Despite it being a silly mistake, lack of a support can be costly. "Next time, make sure someone has some healing skills with you before you set out."


She noticed the large hole in the earth in front of them. How did she not see that before? "Um, any explanation for this hole? Anyone?"

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Dryad: "something caused it of courses" she looks at the giant hole and notices that there are many more across the forest but spread about like it landed multiple times "oh dear earth, the dragon caused these" she looks at the even closer "there not fresh but I cant tell the difference after a few hours so it could have been made at the brink of that time"

Banner: "I never really had a healer in my quests but that didn't stop me"

Chain: "I dabble in many magic, fire is my forty though" they both responded to Shana

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Blitz noticed the devastation and walked towards the rim of one of the holes and looked over it. "This thing is going to be bigger than we thought, isn't it?" He asked, glancing back at .the dryad.


Gale sensed something strange on the wind and glanced at the group. "There's something I need to take care of. I should be back by tonight, though." She said as she flew into the air and back towards the castle. The dragoness then landed at the entrance of the castle and gave a low growl as she entered. The noise echoed throughout the tower.

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Dryad: "it is going to be as big as a city, if it wanted it could probably kill everyone in a town with little effort" she touched her head looking like she was trying to remember something "I...I cant even see it when I bring back this places view its just not there one second and then there the next"  

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Banner: "I never really had a healer in my quests but that didn't stop me"

Chain: "I dabble in many magic, fire is my forty though" they both responded to Shana

Shana's jaw almost literally dropped after hearing this. This confused her and almost amazed her. "But, wait? What? I guess you've never been to some of the more dangerous places in the world. Creatures in the more hostile places of this world care tear you apart in seconds if you're not careful. Everyone one needs a healer. And not just any mage who picks up a low rate healing spell from a simple teacher. Honestly how did you people survive a week? *sigh* Never mind. Just remember the importance of a diverse group for the future okay, you're going to be needing me in the future. *huff* Amateurs." 

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Agravain appeared behind the group without a sound, despite wearing the suit of full-metal armor. The metal was so light he didn't even leave footprints. He was always light on his feet, but he usually left footprints. Perhaps there was more to this armor than they originally thought. Agravain then spoke, shocking most of the group, but not the dryad with her "earth sight" and said to her "That's because it's a demon. It can travel freely between our world and its home world."


(OOC: As the dragon was my idea, I was hoping to portray it, and please, before you add details to the dragon, consult me first.)

Edited by Jellal Fernandes


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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(ok you can feed us the details in the OOC if you want, just to give you an idea, or maybe even slowly give it to us if you cant think of it all on the spot)


Dryad: "then that means its stronger than even the earth, that's scary" she said to them

Chain: "it sure is, I don't even think my inner flame spell will do anything to him"

Banner: "I bet these blades could do something though...right?"

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@@Yoshikupo @Child Of Darkness @Jellal Fernandes


Blitz glanced at Agravian. "Good to see you back up and going. Now we just need Midnight and the dark knight." He said. The Neko then thought of something that left him stunned and he turned towards the others. "I've learned a lot about dragons over the time I've spent with Gale. If this thing does take the appearance of one, then I may have a solution." The neko was a bit worried about the idea and it could very well end Gale and himself, but it was worth a shot.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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"The new weapons you have should harm the demon. I know mine does," Agravain said to Banner, taking the sword off of his back and twirling it around a bit. He then looked at Blitz, "It's still demonic, it has all the strengths of both a dragon and a demon, and they tend to counteract each other's weaknesses. Remember, demon's blood is corrosive, and since it's a fire dragon, fire won't do much to it. Here's a drawing that the locals gave me."




The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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Blitz looked over the drawing and could see a few weaknesses. "I think my plan may still work if what I assume is correct." He said. "The first thing we have to do is draw it out and make it mad. We hit it as hard as we can as soon as possible. While it's in a rage, Gale and I will try to make it fly into the clouds after us and shot it's wings out. If we can get it into a dove, it's wings should burn. Now, this is what I assume. If it uses gas to light it's flame, then we could shoot into it's mouth. It shouldn't be fireproof on the inside. After it's in the air, there won't be much you can do unless you can fly so get as far away from the crash site as possible. If the blood is corrosive even as vapor, then it may be able to travel on the wind. It's a risky plan, so I'm all ears if someone a different plan, but if something is big enough, conventional weapons, even those designed to harm it, may not do enough internal damage to kill it."

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Agravain pinched his helmet where the bridge of his nose would be and shook his head side to side with a sigh. "You've obviously never fought a demon before. Demons can only be killed if their hearts are destroyed. It's an easy mistake for a rookie in the slaying business," he said in a condescending tone, as he cannot control his tone.


(OOC: Someone pick up on that hearts is plural, someone ask him about it, it will reveal some stuff.)


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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Dryad: "that looks horrible!" she said looking at the drawing

Chain: "agreed" he replied to the Dryad

Banner: "how ever drew this has really good drawing" the two looked at her "what? its true, also Agravain you said hearts did you mean to say heart...you didn't did you, oh F#%&" she said replying to Agravain

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Agravain looked at Banner "Never forget, two hearts. That's how I got this," he said, removing his chestplate and revealing the black scar once again. "It's a dark mark. This scar can never be healed, and it's slowly spreading. It started as a scratch, no bigger than an ant. This will kill me one day. That's what I got for being unprepared."


(OOC: Good night guys!)

Edited by Jellal Fernandes


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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Blitz felt a bit of anger surge in him and he shrugged. "At least I'm thinking logically. What do you think a sword like that is going to do to something the size of a bloody city. Even if it were to actually penetrate it's hide, you would still apparently have to kill the heart the thing has." He said with a glare. The neko then walked away, but turn his head to look at Agravian for one last time before walking around the edge of the hole. He couldn't let his emotions get the best of him and he needed to relax. "By the way, I don't even know if I have fought a demon before. I could've killed good ole' Lucy himself and I wouldn't even remember it because I have no memory of anything that happened to me before a month ago." Blitz then walked off and didn't care where he was heading.


Blaze was a few miles ahead of the group and smirked at the devastation. "Looks like someone's been busy. Not that I care." He thought, giving a dark laugh as he continued on his way. The man didn't really care for nature unless it was a part of his experiments and those normally ended with the subject's death.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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Banner: "Dryad, Chain can you go to him? I would do it my self but I have screwed up to many times in the passed to know that's not a good idea"

Dryad: "I guess I wi-"

Chain: "I got this" he interrupted walking toward blitz "you guys stay here and try and figure out a plan of some sort"

Dryad: watched Chain run off after he interrupted her "some time I'll have a Dryad from every universe that this world can contact if that gives people any more ideas"

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"I guess it's my turn to throw my two gold onto the table. Let's talk elemental defences of Dragons and Demons. Shared resistances are too that of fire and dark magic, so we can rule them both off as being completely ineffective. They may even serve as a healing agent for him if used incorrectly. Dragons have additional resistance to Wind based Garu attacks, which rules me out and a small resistance to slash and strike attacks. Piercing works fine. Demons, naturally resistant to most types of magic excluding lightning and light. Both Demons and Dragons have no further resistance to magic from light or lightning. So we could count them as viable options. This is just from things I have gathered and I could be very wrong. Don't take everything I say as truth, but it seems like may be one of the more knowledgeable people in these matters. A support must know how to deal with every encounter after all."

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@@Drago Ryder,

The tendrils keep spreading about the room, occupying all the cracks in the walls.

it won't be long now till Sir is at full strength again.

I hear a low growl in the tower, it seems draconic.

Did Gale come back? I hope so, I am in no state to fight off a dragon now.

I move to the door, peering through it through I cannot see much through the tendril induced gloom.

"Gale? Is that you?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Blitz's ear flicked as he heard someone following him. He noticed a fog rolling in his general direction in the distance, but maintained a steady pace. Running would only encourage his company to run after him and that was the last thing he needed. "At least I heard him. The wind isn't helping." He thought.


Gale turned her head to Midnight's voice and headed towards him, hiding in the darkness with only the glow of her purple eyes giving her away. She didn't say a word and a few scenarios played out in her mind as she approached.

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Dryad: "what about earth and nature? I know wind won't work but what if I pierced it with my vines or tried to hurt it by sending earth up into him, if my vines cant pierce him then I can try to tangle him" she throw out suggestions to Shana knowing little about demons

Banner: "I think Chain has a book or two with adept to just under master tier of lightning in his bag, though do you have some light spells because I think that's closer to fire and thus easier for him to learn, I never thought I would be talking about spells like this"

Chain: "hey wait!, what's with this fog?" he said still on a steady pace for him then used some fire to light his way "Blitz!" he yelled barely knowing where he was anymore  

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