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The Narwhal Muffin

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"Well, we best catch up to them."

I finish unlocking and flexing my joints, replacing my sword on my back.

"Lets get a move on then."

The black knight then moves through the tower, easily dispelling the seal on the door. He stands in the courtyard waiting for the others to follow.


Midnight fully rises from the ground. "I better catch up with him, He's had bad experiences with Dryads in the past who tried to 'purify' him. And we probably don't want the dryad dead just yet."

Midnight proceeds into the courtyard with the Black Knight and both of them proceed into the forest in the direction that the others traveled.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Gale smiled slightly at the two and looked around the tower for a bit. "Maybe we could use this as a base the next time we're in the area." She thought. The dragoness then shrugged and followed Midnight and the black knight from the air. It gave her a better vantage point and a chance to stretch her wings.

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Dryad: that's wonderful that The black knight hates Dryads she thought better keep him away from the others when they get here, I can see why some of them might go out of there way to purify him but I would never do that unless he was evil or wanting to go it. she waited for Agravain still

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@ @Child Of Darkness @Yoshikupo


Kyubi was surprised as to how the strange aura reacted and pulled her hand back. The dark elf then glanced at the others. "Should we bring him back to the others? As long as we don't do to much damage to his body, he should be safe to transport." She said. Kyubi then looked around, wanting to make sure that they wouldn't be ambushed.

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Midnight and I begin making our way through the forest towards the others.

We come across an artificial clearing created by a large crater, near the edge of the crater I see Banner, Agravain in his new armor, and what I can only assume is the Dryad.

Great, it looks just like the ones back in the last world, hopefully that is where the differences end, but just in case...

I prepare my mental barriers, the previous druids' main method of attack was mental after all. As a secondary measure, I prep 'The Room' as a trap against mind reading. If it can even read Æthereal minds it will be directed to 'The Room' just like Chain and Kyubi were.

Preparations in place I approach the group, my cape lazily flowing in the light wind of the forest. I don't announce my presence just yet, listening in to their current conversation suits me just fine.

Midnight stands just behind me to the right, watching the Dryad for any signs of deviousness.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Dryad: "I can see you, Midnight, The black knight" she says not even looking in there direction "I know you don't trust me but hear me out, all I want to do is to help stop that Dragon before it tares throw dimensions like no ones business destroying everything for fun"  

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"Perhaps that could work, although don't expect anything to pierce its hide, only specialized spells and weapons can pierce the hide of demons. I propose that the Black Knight and I go for the hearts of this beast, as we are the most well armored. After all, this armor was made for fighting demons, demons blood shouldn't damage it," Agravain said.


(OOC: Sorry, been busy lately.)


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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Blitz didn't know how much time had passed, but the sound of war slowly came to an end and the dead were being collected. The invaders would honor their own while throwing out anything else out of the city for the birds. Apparently the boy looked like he was dead, not that he didn't already feel that way, he hadn't eaten or drank anything for hours, and he was dragged out of the city and thrown into the surrounding dessert about about a mile away. After he made sure it was safe to move, Blitz slowly stood and moved west from the city. He didn't know where he was going. His home was gone and he doubted anywhere else would welcome him. Thankfuly, it was night so he wouldn't have the harsh sun beating down on him.


From the air, Gale looked at the group, but couldn't see Blitz, Shana, or Chain. "This can't be good." She thought. The dragoness then noticed a fog in the distance and few towards it. When she was close enough, her wings extended and she used them to blow the fog away. When she saw the current state of Bitz, fear began to spread in her mind. Gale landed and slowly approached the three. "What happened to him?"

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Chain: "well Blitz is in a magic coma or something, he may be remembering his past, or being haunted by magic things, or maybe a mixture of the two" Chain answered Gale "do you think you could bring him back to the others?" he asked

Banner: she saw Gale clear the fog of the forest but it was to dark on its own for her see anyone over there. I hope everyone's ok she thought

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@@Yoshikupo,@@Jellal Fernandes, @@Drago Ryder,

I turn towards Agravain, ignoring the Dryad for the moment.

"Lightning works against demons right? then my sword should hurt it just fine if I charge it first."

I retrieve my greatsword from my back, inspecting the runes,

"It can hold enough lightning for 2, maybe 3 charges before I would need to charge it again, but I will still have the javelins."

I face Agravain again, "Nevertheless, we need to make our strikes count, I suppose you have a plan?"


Midnight could gleam no deception from the Dryad, her intentions seemed pure, for now. But once the dragon was dead there was no way of knowing.

Speaking of dragons, He turns his intentions towards the skies, searching for any signs of Gale.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@ @Child Of Darkness @Illiad Easle @Yoshikupo @Jellal Fernandes


Gale was a bit stunned and looked at Bitz. She wasn't sure how Blitz would react to his past, but she pushed the thought to the back of her head. She needed to concentrate and gave a slight nod towards Chain. The dragoness then gently moved the neko onto her back and began to walk towards where the others were.


Blitz had no idea how long he had been walking when the harsh dessert turned to grassy plains, but he had collapsed not to long after that due to sheer exhaustion. The moon was still in the sky, so it couldn't have been that long. As he laid there, something within him began to grow. This might've been the day his innocence died, but he wouldn't let anyone else suffer. He would become strong. He would overcome whatever obstacles he had to if it meant liberating his home. "Never forget about the city of the two seas." He thought as he closed his eyes and let darkness envelope him.


The being in Blitz's mind gave a low growl as the man slowly returned to his present body. While he hadn't seen all of his past life, it would have to do for now. More could be uncovered later as his journey progressed, but now the process was beginning and by the end of it, Blitz would know who he truly was.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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@ @Child Of Darkness @Illiad Easle @Yoshikupo @Jellal Fernandes


Gale was a bit stunned and looked at Bitz. She wasn't sure how Blitz would react to his past, but she pushed the thought to the back of her head. She needed to concentrate and gave a slight nod towards Chain. The dragoness then gently moved the neko onto her back and began to walk towards where the others were.


Blitz had no idea how long he had been walking when the harsh dessert turned to grassy plains, but he had collapsed not to long after that due to sheer exhaustion. The moon was still in the sky, so it couldn't have been that long. As he laid there, something within him began to grow. This might've been the day his innocence died, but he wouldn't let anyone else suffer. He would become strong. He would overcome whatever obstacles he had to if it meant liberating his home. "Never forget about the city of the two seas." He thought as he closed his eyes and let darkness envelope him.


The being in Blitz's mind gave a low growl as the man slowly returned to his present body. While he hadn't seen all of his past life, it would have to do for now. More could be uncovered later as his journey progressed, but now the process was beginning and by the end of it, Blitz would know who he truly was.

Shana could feel a slight change in Master, and she noticed he was waking up from his coma. Needless to say she was happy when she felt this. "Master! You're awake. You had me worried." She immediately give Blitz and long kiss on the lips before breaking apart. "What are you doing? Passing out in the middle of the forest like that? And making me worry atop of all things. How shameful of you to make a woman worry about you like that. Shame on you." She looked down at Blitz and gave a soft smile before giving a small giggle.


(Sorry I've been inactive. These last two days. I've had a lot to deal with.)

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Gale's ear plate flicked and she stopped moving, glancing at Shana and Blitz to make sure both were safe.


Blitz slowly opened his eyes and gave Shana a slight smirk. "Sorry about that, dear." He said. "I'll try not to fall into a coma next time my mind is restarting itself and I'm forced to relive one of my memories." The neko then sighed as he sat up and noticed that he was on top of Gale. He wasn't really expecting that, but he didn't really complain. A lot of what he saw didn't make sense and he needed to know why he was a human back then and a neko now, and that didn't even cover the destruction of what he assumed was his home. He also began to wonder if any of the others knew what had happened. His age hadn't been reset due to the apparent species change so it must've been a recent war. "So, how long was I out?"

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"Not very long Master. We've all been by your side since you collapsed. It's rather strange though, this fog rolled in just before you went down, and it feels rather unnatural. Too well timed, almost like an artificial fog. An illusion. It seems to be clearing up now also. Too convenient. A suspect foul play or maybe some really strange and well timed weather motions. Well, best we get back to the others. Maybe we'll make some more progress then a small walk." She stood up and dusted herself off before remembering something she had to tell Master. She leaned in close to his ear and whispered "Master? If you don't mind, once we are alone, will you tell me what you saw? If I know what you saw in your visions, I might be able to get some leads that can help bring back the rest of your memories."

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Blitz nodded slightly and got off of Gale's back. He felt a bit lightheaded but that quickly passed. The neko then thought about what Shana said. He couldn't really describe what he saw but he knew that this could prove useful to remembering who he was. "Ok. Let's go." He said.


Blaze sat on a bed in a nearby in and stewed in his emotions. He had informed his masters about the recent developments and had told them he had almost had him, but they took him off the assignment. "What am I even supposed to do now?" He thought, lying on his back. "They wanted him dead and I'm their best." The man then came to a sudden realization. They had used him to check if the neko was in fact Blitz and when that was true, they decided to send in someone more experienced. Blaze then gave a short laugh. "I would love to see who they send." He thought as he exited his room and went to exit the city. He had no other contracts so far, so he wasn't really needed anymore.

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Kyubi looked at Blitz and a few thoughts rushed into her head. That had been the second time she had seen that power around Blitz, yet the others didn't seem to notice. "I guess I could ask him about that after he and Shana have their own little chat." She thought to herself. The dark elf then looked up to see clouds rolling towards them. "Looks like it'll rain soon."


Above the clouds, a dragon not much bigger than Gale watched the group. It's scales were a dark purple and metallic spikes ran down it's back and out of the back of it's head, almost like a crown. He had smelled the adventures when they had arrived at the first crater. His eyes then became trained on Gale and his curiosity was piqued.

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It didn't take long for Blitz and the others to return to the main group. The neko didn't really pay any mind to Agravian. "So, any plans yet on how to kill the dragon?" He asked. The neko then noticed the dark knight and Midnight, before giving a slight smirk. "Well, looks like the whole group's here."


Gale rolled her eyes and went to stand next to Midnight. She didn't want to leave Bitz's side after what had just happened, but she also didn't want to alienate Midnight. "I can talk with Blitz later." She thought to herself.

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Midnight turned towards Gale, "It's good to see you again, I worried that you had gotten lost on the way here."

Truthfully Midnight was greatly relieved by Gale's return, something felt off about this forest and he couldn't bear for something bad to happen to her if he could prevent it. 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Gale smiled slightly and gently nuzzled Midnight. "I'll be fine." She said, blushing slightly. To be honest, the dragoness was afraid that something might've happened to Midnight if she wasn't by his side and didn't want to see him get hurt. The dragoness then glanced at the clouds and gave a low growl as her pupils turned to slits.

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Dryad: "I think we should start moving soon, you know worlds to save" she said in a almost uncaring tone to the others. I would like to get to know everybody but we have to go...I still don't want them to get attached to me but maybe I should be a little nicer she thought "we can talk on the way there" she said in a nicer tone to everyone

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Kyubi glanced at the dryad and wasn't exactly in favor with that decision. "It looks like it'll rain soon. We should stay where we are and try to weather out the storm. I won't complain if we do move, though." She said. To be honest, the dark elf didn't really mind that the dryad had joined the group, but she was still wary due to how she acted like she didn't even want to be with the group. She then began the process of enchanting her arrows with light magic.

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Dryad: "I can just make it so that rain won't hit us, I mean if anyone's afraid to wet" she made a slight glance to the nekos "but if everyone is in favor of staying here than that's fine"

Chain: "I kind of want to stay here"

Banner: "we should keep walking" they replied to the Dryad

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Gale shrugged slightly, but didn't take her eyes off the clouds. "I don't mind getting wet." She said. To be quite honest, though, she wanted to see if her suspicions were correct. If they were, then she would have to deal with it. If it was just a random storm, then she had nothing to worry about.

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I shrug, "So long as the rain isn't too hard I don't mind moving on. Midnight might though."

I turn to look at him, Though he might not given his travel partner.


Midnight notices Gale's fixation on the sky, "What are you looking for Gale?" He activates an enchantment on his armor to help him see farther, not noticing anything immediately peculiar about the clouds.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Gale's concentration on the clouds broke and she blinked her eyes, causing her pupils to become round and shake her head slightly to clear her head. The dragoness then glanced at Midnight. "It's nothing. Just thought of a few dragons that basically live in storm clouds. They tend to be aggressive so it may be best if we don't stick around for long." She said.


Blitz had noticed that the dryad had glanced at Shana and himself when she spoke, but he didn't let it bother him. The last thing he needed was to have drama within the group. "I really don't care if we move or not. If it rains, we'll be stuck in a storm, but we need to keep moving if we want to kill that dragon." He said. An idea then formed in his head and he looked around. "Do you think any merchant caravans travel through here? We could hitch a ride, even if our group is pretty big."

Edited by Drago Ryder
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