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The Narwhal Muffin

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Kyubi glanced at Blitz and shook her head. "I don't think that would work unless we pay them, and I doubt we have enough money for that." She said, before glancing at the clouds. It looked like they may move soon, but she wasn't sure.


After a few more moments of studying Gale, the dragon's attitude became more aggressive. It then used it's wings to force the clouds to move closer to the group. It didn't have the ability to make it rain, but that would happen soon enough.

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(I've had a bit of a bad week. Sorry for being away.)


Shana looked up at the clouds rapidly forming over them. The last thing she wanted was to get sick. Or anyone else for that matter, it's her job to tend to the sick and wounded after all. "We can't keep moving forward if the rain is a heavy downpour. If it's only light it wouldn't be a problem, but heavy rain will make everyone sick. Well, mortals and non magical beings at least. But master has a good idea. Merchant caravans do pass through on the road East of here. And they continue south to a small human settlement that deals in sorcery and Necromancy. Not the nicest place in the world, but they offer bed and food."

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Chain: "I like the sorcery part, I don't like the necromancy part, I wonder if I can get better spells though" Chain replied to Shana

Banner: "any town or land mark that gets us gets us closer to are goal is good for me, I don't think we would be able to hitch a ride though" Banner throw in her two cents "also Chain start learning lightning and light spells to fight the demon dragon"

Chain: "fine but I don't think a necromancy place would have anything holy in it"

Edited by Yoshikupo
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Chain: "I like the sorcery part, I don't like the necromancy part, I wonder if I can get better spells though" Chain replied to Shana

Banner: "any town or land mark that gets us gets us closer to are goal is good for me, I don't think we would be able to hitch a ride though" Banner throw in her two cents "also Chain start learning lightning and light spells to fight the demon dragon"

Chain: "fine but I don't think a necromancy place would have anything holy in it"

"I don't get what the problem is with Necromancy. It's only the few who are grave robbers and use undead as servants against their wills. Most domestic necromancers only use bodies that have volunteered for experiments on Necromancy to further the study. It brings a life beyond death and it's a beautiful art that's shunned. A few bad apples spoil the bunch I guess. Anyway, if we walk south now, we can be at the town in roughly two hours at a steady pace. Rain will add about 30 minutes due to land conditions. And I'm sure that the sorcerers of this town will gladly share some of their magic with you. Oh, and you're right to think that a home of Necromancy will not have anything holy in it. The people of this town worship the God of death and the Goddess of the Afterlife. Both of these God's are considered fallen by the Human Church." Edited by Child Of Darkness

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Chain: "maybe its not all bad but, from where we come from you would be locked up and banished at the same time for doing that" Chain said to Shana's necromancy rant "it wouldn't hurt if we had some hasting wind on are side" he looked at the Dryad

Dryad: "it wouldn't hurt at all" she paused and thought for a second "I think we should move, most of the creatures in are group say so, you call it majority rule right?" 

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I feel something... off, about the storm. but without extending my presence I wouldn't be able to clarify the situation. I haven't revealed my true self to Agravain or the Nekos, I don't want to risk their reaction just yet. The Dryad may suspect something, but maybe not.

"Alright, 2 hours isn't long to walk. I can go ahead with Midnight to alert the town to our arrival and prepare lodging."

I move over to Midnight, who is still staring intently at the clouds that seem to have come lower.

"You sense something too?"

"Indeed, it could be a storm dragon, at worst a forward scout of the dragon we're going after, at best..." He lifts the enchantment on his helmet, returning his eyesight to normal. "It seems agitated, it could very well be just a normal storm."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Gale nodded slightly. "I could go with them as well." She said. The only reason she wanted to go was because of Midnight, but she could also help if it came to that.


Blitz nodded. He liked the plan so far and he didn't mind that Gale was going with Midnight and the dark knight. He could tell there was more to her reasoning besides simply wanting to help in a fight. "Looks like someone has a little crush." He thought, giving a slight smirk. He then moved a bit closer to Shana. "Would you like to go for a walk, my dear?"

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Dryad: she snapped her fingers and everyone started to slightly float "that should make things faster, but I guess The black knight, Midnight and Gale could still go ahead of us" I don't really approve of Midnight and Gales relationship...there goes nature again doing her thing, its just like her to not like this, its the same reason she doesn't like banner but in stead of interspecies its being a lesbian she thought but of course she has no problem with the nekos though

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Kyubi was a bit surprised by the sudden feeling of weightlessness and smiled slightly. "Well, this is interesting." She thought to herself as she glanced at Gale. She seemed to be acting weird, but it was none of her concern. Her thoughts then turned towards the others in the group. She didn't really feel connected to them in that way, except maybe the dark knight and that was a result of what happened when she had first joined them. A light blush then formed on her cheeks, but she quickly shook the thought out of her head. He was basically a prince and she wasn't exactly royalty. There wasn't even a chance that that could work.

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Blitz nodded. He liked the plan so far and he didn't mind that Gale was going with Midnight and the dark knight. He could tell there was more to her reasoning besides simply wanting to help in a fight. "Looks like someone has a little crush." He thought, giving a slight smirk. He then moved a bit closer to Shana. "Would you like to go for a walk, my dear?"

Shana clasped hands with Blitz and got as close to him as she could. "I would love to walk with you Master." She gave a soft smile as she looked up at Blitz.


Dryad: she snapped her fingers and everyone started to slightly float "that should make things faster, but I guess The black knight, Midnight and Gale could still go ahead of us" I don't really approve of Midnight and Gales relationship...there goes nature again doing her thing, its just like her to not like this, its the same reason she doesn't like banner but in stead of interspecies its being a lesbian she thought but of course she has no problem with the nekos though

When she was levitated off of the ground, Shana hissed heavily at the Dryad, and quickly scrambled to find a grip on the floor. "~Hiss! And just what do you think you are doing to me!? Let me down this instance! Or suffer the consequences of annoying a Neko who is now in a very angry mood! ~Hiss!"

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Dryad: "you couldn't do much to me but fine as you wish" she lets Shana down "I guess you do want to walk with Blitz and not float" she then started thinking about Kyubi and if she should tell her about the black knight but now was not the time for that she concluded

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(I'm just going to assume that Blitz is also on the ground.)


Blirz sighed as his feet landed back on the ground. "A little warning next time would be appreciated." He thought, as he gently squeezed Shana's hand. "Anyway, we shouldn't be long." He said as he began to walk away from the group. He had a plan on what he wanted to do and he figured that there was a good chance that Shana would like what he had in mind.

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"Alright then."

I mount Midnight and we begin in a leisurely pace towards the town.

"Come along Gale, at our speed we should be at the town within the hour."

"Try to keep up."

We then take off at a full gallop, deftly dodging trees and undergrowth as we swiftly make our way to the town.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Gale smirked as she flew into the air and quickly caught up to Midnight and the black knight. "I could say the same for you." She said, giving a sly smile as she passed the two. The dragoness hadn't had a race like this in a long time and it brought back good memories. Of course, she did have her own past before meeting Blitz in the forest, but that was hopefully behind her.

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Chain: "so" he said as most of the group had gone away "Dryad can you teach me something about magic?" he asked her wanting to know if he could learn some good lightning magic

Dryad: "I think I could help you" she glanced at Kyubi "actually mabey you could just read your books, my magic is pretty master level" the Dryad got closer to Kyubi "I want to talk with you, about The black knight" 

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Kyubi glanced at the dryad and was slightly curious to say the least. "If you're going to tell me that he's basically a haunted set of armor, I already know." She said, smiling a bit. The dark elf would still hear the dryad out in terms of what she had to say, but something told her that she might not like what she would hear.

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Dryad: "I kind of thought you knew, I actually wanted to talk to you about connections with us" she paused "I just want to have everyone in the group to be friends at least, I also want to teach you a few things for battle but what ever you want to do" she said trying to make a kind offer 

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Kyubi was surprised to say the least because she wasn't really expecting the dryad to say something like that and nodded. "Ok. What did you have in mind? I'm open to both options as well." The dark elf was now curious as to what the dryad meant by 'connections' and she also wanted to hone her skills.


The dragon growled in annoyance as Gale raced beside the horse and his rider, but decided it would be best not to follow. He then turned his attention towards then nekos walking away from the group and followed them, flying farther into the sky so as to avoid detection.

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Dryad: "well I have, well more like nature has been perfecting how to make someone even with little magic talent in them bend light around them" she smiled "I bet you would be very interested since you are the stealthy woman of the group" the Dryad said thinking that she wanted to know the group...even if I didn't give her power to Gale she thought earth said there was no coming back because I had gone to far into the place Dryads should never cross, deep emotions,   

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Kyubi shrugged slightly. "I know a few enchantments that deal with light magic, so I don't think that would help me much. Besides, I normally rely on archery for long range and a dagger when someone gets to close." She said. The dark elf could tell that something was honestly troubling the dryad and she might as well see what she could find out. "Is something bothering you? You seem a bit worried."

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Dryad: "I...I don't know how to act, I want to make friends but I feel restricted because the plan with Gale" she started tearing up "I really don't know what to do but sit here and do nothing but watch Gale, but if we don't go with that plan then its a waste" she looked stressed "nature made me like a human but Earth wanted to make me emotionless and now...I don't know what to do, you see that's why they replaced me with that other Dryad to manage the others but now its for nature messing up with me, I'm not even a true Dryad anymore or maybe I never was" she was on the verge of a breakdown "I have constant different voices in my head and as you know that can drive humans mad"

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Kyubi sighed and thought over what the dryad had said. She then basically brought her into a hug in an attempt to comfort her. After a few moments, she moved away and looked dead into her eyes. "I may not know much about dryads, but I do know what it feels like to try to live up to someone's expectations and not be able to meet them, even if it is only one person. It just so happens to be the entire world in this case. Earth and nature basically being your father and mother respectively." She said in a soft tone. Old memories surfaced, but those were quickly pushed down. There were reasons why she acted the way she did and she would rather not have anyone find out about it. "Go with what you think is the right decision. We can still put the plan with Gale into effect but that shouldn't stop you from at least trying to make friends."

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Dryad: she started calming down "thank you...having true emotions is strange, you can feel sadder but also feel happier" she gulped "I thank you for understanding" earth started sending her Kyubi's old memories "nothing earth can do will stop me" Dryad collapsed on the ground "unless he takes his power away from me for disobeying his awful order" Banner and Chain both saw what happened and rushed to her trying to see if they could help  

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Kyubi was stunned when the dryad fell to the ground and croutched next to her. She didn't know what to do and she was slightly afraid that the dryad would die. "What happened. What did he tell you to do?" She asked, not really expecting the dryad to answer in her current state. The dark elf then glanced at Banner and Chain, not really knowing what to say.

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Dryad: "I won't die, not as long as nature is still on my side" Chain starts trying to heal the inner pain that's in the Dryad

Chain: "I had magic power ripped from me out of me once, hated that dimension"

Dryad: "he was telling me to read your memories and find ou-" she went out cold

Banner: she listens to the Dryads heart beat "she is still alive, thank Celestia"   

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