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The Narwhal Muffin

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Kyubi sighed as she watched Gale and Blitz head into the air. "That idiot is going to get himself killed." she muttered to herself. Both dragons were out of range of her arrows and she doubted anyone else could really do anything. The best anyone could ask for was for Blitz not to get electrocuted. A thought then crossed her mind and she laughed a bit. "If he doesn't die, Shana won't exactly be pleased with him either.


The dragon growled as he shot a glare at Gale. "You honestly think this storm is natural? This is my own creation. I get my power from the very bolts of lightning that strike the ground and I am sick of land crawlers stealing it. There mages learned to harness it and that leaves less for me and my subspecies, or what's left of it. You know how that feels, don't you? You are a night fury after all."

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Gale winced slightly at what the dragon had said. They both knew that he had hit a sore spot when he brought up their respective subspecies. "You think that your basically being robbed because someone else uses lightning. I think I understand." She said. "Lightning to you is basically like gold and gems to most other dragons. Please understand that my friends didn't know that they you would take this as a sign of aggression. If you can calm down, I think you'll see a bit of reason in that."

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Gale's sudden deviation did not go unnoticed by Midnight, who immediately turned back to find what stopped her. The storm dragon, though not unexpected, was certainly intimidating. Though after that picture of the demon dragon...

Nevertheless, there was no way he could let her take this beast on alone. He had fought dragons before, but none with this kind of storm power. He reflected on what the storm dragon had said, A Night Fury? I thought they were just myths. There were certainly none of those back in Equestria.


With the halt in speed the remaining energy was dispelled back into nature, I retrieved my sword from my back, not charging it as lightning would be useless against this dragon.

"You dare call me a thief? I have wielded the forces of lightning since you were but an egg."

"If you wish to claim dominion over the lightning in the clouds, you best be able to defend your claim."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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After a bit of running to try and catch up with everyone, Shana was finally on range of the Dragon to test out her theory and the synergy of weather magic. She stuck her staff into the ground and poured all of her magic into it. Strong winds picked up around the area, pushing the rain clouds towards a central spot In the sky above the opposing Dragon. This would take a few minutes for all the Clouds to gather enough energy though, but her plan was to make all the lightning from the clouds be released at once, and impact with the Dragon. Hopefully burning him and forcing a retreat. "This better work."

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The dragon paid no mind to the neko mage, but he did turn his attention towards the dark knight for a brief second. "I don't control all the lightning, just those that form in storms that I create." He growled. "Those are my territory. I'm sure the dragoness could inform you well on that subject." The dragon then glanced at Gale. "As for you, I can see some logic, even when in a rage. I believe we are past the point where names would be given. You may simply call me Apollo." Apollo then turned his gaze towards Blitz and studied him for a few seconds.


Kyubi looked at the dragon and was stunned for a bit. She had no idea that dragons could be so tame, but then there was Gale and Blitz.  The dark elf could also tell that the situation was becoming more tense by the second and had to figure something out.

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Gale glanced at the dark knight and Mdinight. "I'll talk about this with you two later, but please let me handle this." She said, before returning her attention to the other dragon. She didn't even notice the storm clouds beginning to form aboved the dragon. She was a bit surprised that he had given his name so easily and figured that she might as well do the same. "My name is Gale, by the way."


Blitz simply rode on Gale, not paying attention to what the others were doing. He trusted Gale and he wouldn't let anyone hurt the dragon unless it was needed.

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Apollo nodded. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Gale." He said, giving a low growl as he remained stationary in the air. "As for earlier, I apologize for attacking your friends." It hurt his pride to say that, but he could see some error in his own logic.


Kyubi was surprised to say the least, but she simply smiled. "Never thought I would hear that." She thought to herself.

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Banner: "well it looks like we don't have to run, Shana you should stop your spell...actually keep at least a little above him just in case" she said to her "I do want to get the Dryad off my back"

Chain: "we should start walking again, I mean we do want to get the Dryad somewhere to regen her mana" he said walking a bit ahead of the group

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Gale gave a sigh of relief and smiled. "Just make sure it doesn't happen again." She said. To be quite honest, being around the dragon made her feel...weird. It wasn't like the feeling she had with Midnight, but it was similar. Maybe it was because this was the first time she actually had any interaction with her own kind since she had started her adventure with Blitz, or maybe it was because of her inate curiosity.


Blitz could tell that the situation was calming down and thanked whatever God there was that this hasn't gotten out of hand.

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Kyubi noticed that Chain was leaving and decided to follow him to the town. The current situation was solved and noonehad gotten hurt. "Well, that went well." She thought to herself.


"I don't know how the villagers in the town ahead will react to you, Gale. Be careful." Apollo said, before flying away. He would keep an eye on the group and was honestly curious about a few of them, mainly Blitz.

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With the changing atmosphere of aggression somewhat diminishing, Shana put less focus into the spell, only keeping the clouds close together instead of her original plan. She took her staff and ran to catch up with the rest of the group. She eventually caught up with Banner and Chain.




"Hey? What's the situation with the Dryads health? Can you tell what kind of state she is in?"

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Chain: he turned to Shana thinking that Banner didn't care about answering right now "well" (one long explanation later) "so basically that's what happened, as you can guess that's also the reason I was talking about your necklace" he thought for a second "I bet Blitz gave it to you but could you give it to the Dryad?"

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"That went better than I expected."

"You think?"

Midnight turns back in the direction of the town, "Let's not do another Lightning Sprint just yet okay? we don't want to take another bolt from this dragon's clouds."

"That reminds me."

I put my sword on my back, retrieving a lightning javelin from it's quiver. Addressing the storm dragon, "I always strive to right the wrongs of the worlds I travel through." I break the lightning's magical containment and toss it back into the clouds, replacing the energy I took. "May the winds be ever at your back."

With that Midnight and I resume our journey towards the town, not quite as quick as a Lightning sprint, but much faster than before.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Chain: he turned to Shana thinking that Banner didn't care about answering right now "well" (one long explanation later) "so basically that's what happened, as you can guess that's also the reason I was talking about your necklace" he thought for a second "I bet Blitz gave it to you but could you give it to the Dryad?"

"Well, um, Master gave this too me as a gift, but it's my job I guess. I'll channel the magic from the gem into her once we're at the next town. It's something I can't do on the move, and let's not forget that it's still raining. And to answer your question from before, no! I can't cure a sickness like a cold with my magic. The only, sickness I could counter, is Poisons and Toxins. Only bed rest and a good caretaker can cure a cold. *achoo* Crud."

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Gale gave a slight huff as Apollo flew away. She knew when it was needed for her to be wary of others and now wasn't really the time. The dragoness knew that Blitz and the others wouldn't let anyone hurt her.


Blitz sighed as he watched Apollo. He knew that this wasn't the last that he would see of the dragon and he was looking forward to their next meeting. "I wonder what the others would make of this." He thought to himself as Gale  looked for a place to land. He figured that the people of some towns wouldn't be pleased with a dragon so they normally had to do this to avoid any problems. The only problem was that it may take them a good distance from the others.

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Banner: "I'm more of a warrior so I know pretty much nothing about magic except elements" she said to Shana

Chain: "ah crap your sick, I wish I still had my pack of cold medicine" Chain paused for a second thinking that Shana would know nothing about other dimensions or what they had "I could explain where I got it, only if you want to"  

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Banner: "I'm more of a warrior so I know pretty much nothing about magic except elements" she said to Shana

Chain: "ah crap your sick, I wish I still had my pack of cold medicine" Chain paused for a second thinking that Shana would know nothing about other dimensions or what they had "I could explain where I got it, only if you want to"

"That, will not be necessary. I have my own medicine to help with a cold. *achoo*. I'll be fine once we get to the next town." With the dragon flying away, Shana could finally fully drop the spell, and with it, the clouds dispersed and the rain stopped. "Oh, haha. This world has such a funny sense of humour. Make me catch a cold and then stop. Haha! It's so funny! Stupid world. *achoo*" She continued to walk through the wet grounds. They were still a good distance away from the town, so she will just have to deal with it for now

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Apollo had noticed what the dark knight had done and was slightly surprised. The dragon then continued to fly into the air, as thoughts that he had never expected began to form in his mind.


Kyubi had followed the others and noticed that Gale and Blitz were heading away from the group. "They shouldn't be gone to long." She thought to herself as she glanced at the others. The town was growing closer and she didn't really know if it was a good idea to be doing this.Of course, there wasn't really anywhere else they could stay.

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Chain: "I come from a place that has its weather controlled by certain people so I never really had this issue" she replied to Shana  

Dryad: she stirred until she awoke to being carried by Banner "let me go!" she dropped to the floor of the earth which felt harder than usual

Banner: surprised she let go of the Dryad watching her fall on the ground "I was only trying to help"

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It didn't take long for Gale to find a good clearing to land in and Blitz got off of her. "This should do for now." He said, gently scratching under the dragoness's chin. The neko then gave a slight smirk and looked in the direction of the city. He was on the opposite side relative to the others, so it would take some time for him to meet up with them. "If anything happens, you know what to do."


Gale gave a slight purr and playfully nudged her friend. "I know. Just be careful." She said. The dragoness then noticed a patch of trees nearby and went to hide in the shade.


Blitz smiled slightly and looked back at the town. Something wasn't right, but he couldn't really quite figure out what it was. He then shrugged and began the mile long trek to the town.

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Kyubi noticed that the dryad was awake and moved to help her up. "Glad to see your ok." She said, giving a slight smirk. "We're almost to the next town so hopefully we can get some rest." The dark elf then looked over the dryad's body, making sure she didn't have any other injuries.

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"thanks, I won't use any of my power unless I have to" Nature sensed she was awake and so did the Earth and the massages from each of them back and forth made the Dryad angry even more at earth "I'm not talking to either of you right now" she just wanted some peace and quiet so she could concentrate on conserving her mana "Kyubi I'm fine, stop looking at me" she looked at her arm "looks like I have red blood"

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Kyubi nodded slightly and moved away from the dryad. To be honest, she considered the dryad as a friend and didn't want to see her get hurt. Of course, she couldn't really do much even if she was hurt. The dark elf didn't know any healing spells so she was useless as a medic. "Sorry about that." She said.

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@@Child Of Darkness @Illiad Easle @Jellal Fernandes @Yoshikupo


As the group approached the small town, a man wearing silver armor approached them.His face was hidden by his helmet and he was about as tell as the dark knight. The man also had a double handed sword on his person, but it was in its hilt in an attempt to make him look less threatening. "Pardon the intrusion, but any you wouldn't happen to have seen my brother, would you? He disappeared a few months ago and I haven't seen him since. If you help, I would gladly repay you."


(I'm just going to assume that everyone is relatively close to each other at this point.)

Edited by Drago Ryder
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Chain: "that depends on characteristics and how he normally acts, I have seen kids but I don't know if it was your brother...also I have never been in this town so that could also be a problem"

Banner: "long story short he wants to help but he does not know how" she explained

Dryad: I cant help at all in this situation she thought looking down

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