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The Narwhal Muffin

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"Finally. A town. *achoo*. I need a hot bath, hot food and a bed. Fast. *achoo*. I feel horrible. And sorry sir. As for your brother, I haven't seen anyone on our travels unfortunately. Sorry to let you down." It had been some time since Shana had been to this town, and the location of everything was something about it she had forgotten. While wondering about aimlessly, she manage to find the inn by chance and went inside to dry off.

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Blitz sighed as he entered the town and made his way to the inn. He felt weird going into the town and felt like he had been here before. The neko then cleared his thoughts as he made his way to the inn. He would have to meet up with the others when they got here.


Gale sighed as she curled into a ball under the tree canopy and fell asleep. She hadn't slept since they left the tower and the dragoness was glad that she could finally relax.


The man felt a bit discouraged from the group's response, but he wouldn't give up so easily. "I'm actually not from this town. Perhaps it would be easier if I gave you a description." He said. "My brother has short black hair, red eyes, stands at about five and a half feet tall, and his name is Blitz."

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Banner, Chain and the Dryad all stood stunned by what he said. they huddled together thinking about if they should tell him or not

Chain: "how knows this could be some assassin, I mean we don't know Blitz's past"

Dryad: "he doesn't even know his past and I don't want to get buddy buddy with earth right now to find out"

Banner: "if he's an assassin then I say we follow him when we tell him"

they all agree and break the huddle

Chain: "I think he may be in the Inn" he said preparing his one handed sword silently, the others also silently prepared there weapons

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Kyubi was stunned to say the least. She had watched the man with every intent of killing him should he make the wrong move and she was surprised that the others had given him Bitz's location. The dark elf then put a hand on the hilt of a hidden dagger. "I need Blitz to get back into my home. He won't take that from me." She thought. Even if the man's intentions weren't evil, she wasn't going to let the first opportunity she had to be redeemed slip away.

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@@Child Of Darkness @Yoshikupo @Jellal Fernandes @Illiad Easle


To say that the man's demeanor changed would be an understatement. He was both releieved that his search was coming to an end and happy that he had managed to find his brother. "Thank you. You have no idea how much this means to me. If you ever need help, I'll be happy to assist you in any way on your journey." The man then remembered something and laughed. "How rude of me. I never even introduced myself. My name is Lancelot, but most people just call me Lance." With that, the man began to make his way to the inn, not noticing that the others were ready to draw their weapons if needed.


As Blitz entered the inn, he was directed towards the room Shana was in. When he entered and noticed that she was drying off, a slight smile played across his lips as he silently snuck towards her.

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Shana was hanging her clothes on a makeshift line she set up in her room. All of her clothes were up to dry and she had nothing but a towel on. "*achoo achoo* Damn cold." She finished hanging her clothes and took a step back letting out a deep sigh. She had not noticed Blitz presence in the room just yet.

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Chain thought he was nice enough but he would not let his guard down, neither would Banner or the Dryad with her giant sword she still hadn't given to the black knight

Chain: a thought popped into his head that he should see what this necromancy town had but he would do that when he knew Lance was not up to anything

Dryad: "so you would help us kill a giant demon dragon that only wants destruction?" she said very bluntly

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@ @Child Of Darkness @Jellal Fernandes @Yoshikupo @Illiad Easle


Blitz's smile widened as Shana backed up and consequently moved closer to him. The neko then moved out of his hiding spot and quickly wrapped his arms around her stomach. "Sorry about leaving you earlier." He said, before gently kissing her neck. "Now that the others are away, the cats can play."


"I wouldn't go as far as to say that." Lance said, glancing back at the dryad. "I do know what you speak of, though. That thing has been a plague since as long as I can remember. I do know a guy who could help get you to where you need to go, though. He may seem a bit... odd at first, but he is a good, honest man. Speaking of which, how do all of you know my brother?"

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Dryad: "you know how we mentioned the quest about the demon dragon...yeah he's going to try and kill it with us" she added bluntly again then remembered something "you don't look like a neko..." she said under her breath

Chain: he looked all over the town seeing a bunch of shady looking people which he thought were just normal citizens here "how's this person your talking about"

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I let the others go ahead, the point of being the first to town now rendered moot, I saw Blitz enter town, but not Gale.


The armored one, Neko's generally wouldn't wear metal armor as it hinders their natural agility...

"I haven't seen Gale..."

"Indeed, but Blitz made it here fine, he probably would have said something if anything had happened."

"Still, everyone else is here, wherever she is, she is alone."

"True, let's go ask Blitz where Gale is. Let's hurry to get to him before that man does."

With that we hurry through town, disrupting some of the daily life as we rush past our group to make it in to the inn first.

Midnight waits outside, as the innkeeper is... opposed to his entry... Needless to say I would not stay here even if I did need to sleep, or eat.

I, (quite rudely, mind you I wouldn't usually do this, in fact were the situation not potentially dangerous I wouldn't even consider this course of action) abruptly enter Blitz's room. 

"Blitz there's..."

I appraise the situation.

I would tell them to get a room, but I suppose that's what they've done.

I regain my composure

"There's a man outside who claims to be your brother."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Blitz glanced at the dark knight and simply sighed. "Way to ruin the moment." He thought to himself. The neko then moved out of the room and began to think of a plan in case this went sour. He then turned his attention back to the dark knight. "By the way, tell Midnight that Gale is in the nearby forest. I don't want anyone to freak out over a dragon, even if she won't hurt anyone, being close to the city."


"My friend doesn't live here. He's the captain of a ship that's docked in a harbor nearby. You'll have to dock in the dark elf capital before you reach the actual elven territories, but he owes me a favor so he shouldn't give you to much trouble. Just tell him Lance sent you." Lancelot then stopped in his tracks and looked at the dryad. "I suppose I wouldn't, because I'm not one. Blitz isn't either, at least not when I last saw him." To be quite honest, the man stunned. He heard the part about the quest he was currently on, but he didn't really concern himself with that at all.

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Shana was enjoying Blitz's advances very much, and she would have enjoyed more if the mood had not been so drastically killed by The Black Night. "Knock before you enter the damn room you pervert!" She tried to cover herself up as best she could, not doing very well being as flustered and annoyed as she was. This was short lived as both Blitz and The Black Knight leave the room. "Great. *achoo*. I'll get Black Knight back for this one day."

Edited by Child Of Darkness

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@@Drago Ryder,@@Child Of Darkness, (It's The Black Knight, not Dark Knight, that's Batman.)

I turn to Blitz, "Sorry for ruining your moment, if it weren't so potentially bad, I would have waited."

I just realized that I was in no way flustered by the encounter, I shake my head and chuckle on my way outside, "I am getting way too old for this."

"You're telling me. Technically speaking, I am much older than you."

"Indeed, but being a statue really ages the mentality, So. In a way, I am still older than you. Oh, Gale is in the forest nearby, I'll find you when we leave or if I need you, go on ahead."

"Alright, I'll see you later then."

Some of the townspeople were noticeably disturbed by the talking horse, so gave Midnight a wide berth as he made his way out of the city.

I make my way back towards the group with the supposed brother of Blitz, my cape flowing majestically in the light wind of the street.

Midnight begins searching the forest for Gale, occasionally calling out to her, hoping to catch her attention.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


Gale groaned as she opened her eyes. She didn't exactly like being woken up when she wanted to sleep, but those thoughts were dispelled when she heard Midnight's voice. The dragoness then moved towards him, not really attempting to hide like she had back in the tower. "Hey. Sorry about leaving earlier." She said.

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To say that Kyubi was somewhat happy as a result of what Lancelot had said was an understatement. She had figured that they would visit the dark elf territories soon, but had no idea that an opportunity would present itself in such a manner. Of course, she was still on guard around the man. "What do you mean he's not a neko? We've all seen him and I'm pretty sure that he is."

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Blitz sighed as he exited the inn and exited the inn, before heading to where the others were. He was hoping to spend some alone time with Shana, but that would have to wait. "Ok, might as well get this over with." He thought.


Lance rolled his eyes and sighed, turning towards Kyubi. "I know, but he was a human the last time I saw him." He said. "Look, if you're friend is who he says he is, I wont really care that much. He's still my adopted little brother as far as I'm concerned. If he isn't, you just basically wasted my time." His voice held a nonchalant tone. As he rounded the corner, he saw Blitz and both stopped in their tracks, seemingly waiting for the other to make the first move.

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Chain: "hey...uh yeah this is complicated, you know how you don't know a lot of your past well..." Chain was trying to explain this kind of awkward moment

Banner: "Lance, Blitz, Blitz, Lance, Lance is your adopted big brother but the last time he saw you, you were human" she said bluntly as Chain shot her a look of 'what the heck'  

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With nothing better to do with her time as her clothes dried and her cold got a bit bad. Shana decided that the best course of action for her would be to get a little shut eye. Only for about an hour or two, but some rest non the less. She crawled into the bed and discarded her towel, falling asleep rather quickly in the dry, warm and comfortable surroundings of the in.

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Blitz ignored the others and didn't take his eyes off Lance. A pounding headache began to form in his head, but he ignored it. The last thing he needed was to black out now. The neko then drew both of his swords, one blade emiting a dim light while the other devoured up any surrounding light and emited darkness from it's blade. "I swear if you are wasting my time I will personally make sure you hadn't meet me. Two people have already tried to kill me and I'm not taking any risks. Tell me something about my past and I'll believe you."


Lancelot didn't make a move for his blade, seeing as how that would make the situation worse. "You always were the impatient type, and I see you haven't lost your blades. Those things always seem to find you." He said, laughing a bit. When that didn't phase the neko, the next part would. "Anyway, enough playing around. Do you remember the siege of the city of the two seas?"


As the words left his mouth, Blitz felt all sorts of emotions run through his body, fear as to what the others would think of him being the main one, along with sadness, guilt, anger, and a bit of relief. The neko then seathed his blades. "I believe you. So, how long was I gone." His voice held a bit of the emotions he was feeling and it was evident that Lance had struck a nerve.

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It took me a while to notice, but I had exited the inn in the wrong direction, standing where the group would find me, only if they skipped the inn entirely.

I quickly turned myself back around, looking around I found myself in a decently sized market.

Now I have an excuse, If anyone asks where I was.

I then go back the way I came to reunite myself with the group.

I enter the scene just as Blitz announced his belief in the other armored man.

"So. What'd I miss?"




Hearing her voice, Midnight rushed over to Gale.

"Don't worry about it, I understand that the city might not appreciate having a dragon around."

"I just didn't want you to get lonely out here by yourself."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Kyubi was stunned to say the least. Blitz had basically threatened Lance. Those blades were a different story. She had never seen anything like them. Of course, she was a bit nervous when Blitz brought up his run ins with both herself and whoever else was after him, but figured that he had meant what he said when he forgave her. As the situation seemed to calm down, she noticed the neko's mood shift. "Blitz, what is he talking about? Is something wrong?"

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Banner: "we think that this armored guy named Lance is Blitzes brother, its a little complicated" she says to The Black knight then thinks about where he was before this "where were you?" she asked.

Dryad: thinking this would be a good time "here's your blade" she gives it to him then gets a sharp pain in her head, she doesn't say anything but touches her head in a pained look

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Gale smiled slightly and nuzzled Midnight. "Thanks. " She said. The dragoness fella weird now that Midnight www here, but she pushed the thought to the back of her mind.


Lance sighed slightly and looked at the ground. "The last time I saw you in person was a year ago. You were studying some strange new magic and had been writing letters to our parents and myself. Those stopped six months ago so I would have to say that long. All of us were worried so I started looking for you. At least now I have some closure as to if you're even alive. Even if you did somehow manage to turn into a Neko, you're still my little brother." The man then gave a slight smile. "I already know about your quest so I won't stop you from doing that. You have a good head on your shoulders, so I'm sure you'll find a way to kill that thing."


Blitz's entire body tensed as Kyubi spoke and he glanced at the others. "Yeah, I'm fine." He said. The Neko then turned his attention back to his brother. "I'm sorry to have put you through that. Now, I have to see someone and I don't want to keep her waiting. It's getting late, so we can talk more in the morning." The Neko then began to head back towards the inn. This whole encounter had made him feel awkward and he didn't even know how the others would react if they found out about his past.

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With a large Yawn, Shana awake from her short sleep, feeling much better than before. She was disappointed to see that master had not returned yet. She got up and looked over her now dry clothing. She didn't plan on leaving anytime soon, so she put on her underwear and sat back down in the bed. To pass the time, she took a little toy stuffed mouse out her bag that she enjoyed to bite and cuddle with. She played with the toy, letting her cat instincts have their fun.

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I take the sword from the Dryad, giving it a few experimental swings, it is slightly off balance, clearly meant for someone heavier than I am, about as heavy as I look I would guess. "Thanks, Is something wrong?"




Midnight returns the nuzzle, than lays down in the grass of the clearing.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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