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The Narwhal Muffin

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Dryad "just my mana going out" she answers "nature is doing her best to give me what she can, but I always need more because I am not a being of pure mana, I have a body that has limits I have to work with" she explains "I bet a magic like town like this has plenty of things to get mana back but I don't want to stray from the group without someone"

Chain: "I could go with you" Chain says thinking that it would be fine for Blitz and Lance to be together...well with banner with them to tell him about more of this later

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Kyubi felt frustration beginning to build within in her and she decided to let it out the best way she knew out. She then glanced at Lancelot. "Ok, what was that about?" She said. "What did you even mean when you said the siege of the city on two seas?" So many questions were racing through her head and she was also a bit concerned about Blitz. She had never seen him act like that during the time she had been with the group.

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It didn't take long for Blitz to return to the room Shana was in and quickly got in the bed with her. "Hello, my dear." He said. The neko knew that they wouldn't be interrupted and if they were, someone's face would have a very close meeting with his claws.


To be quite honest, Lance wasn't expecting Blitz to act in such a way and was even more surprised as to how the dark elf reacted. The man then sighed and took his helmet off, revealing his golden blonde hair that was tied into a ponytail and blue eyes. "Blitz is probably going to kill me for this, but I think you have the right to know what happened to him earlier in his life. Also, I am a man of my word. You helped me find my brother, so I'll ask my friend to allow you passage to the dark elf capital." Lance then told the story of what had happened at Blitz's home city of Uxine, otherwise known as the city of the two seas or the city of riches.


Gale smiled slightly and laid next to Midnight, her body seemingly wrapping around the pony. "So, anything of interest happen while I was gone?"


(I can't be bothered to write out the first arc of Blitz's life, so look back to when he was in a coma and that's what Lance told Chain and the others.)

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Chain: "well that's...interesting" Chain said thinking that there wasn't any hang ups about going to find something to help the Dryad

Banner: "A whole city destroyed and abandon" she sighed "I got to say that that is a shame" she looked at Lance "we are at a Inn so want a drink? It on me" she pulled out a bag of gold coins with strange imprints on them

Chain: "we may need some of that to get the Dryad some good potions" he said taking the bag "I haven't been around here much, how much value does gold have as currency here? I also have a few gems if that can work" he asked the group

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Kyubi was stunned to say the least. Blitz was so young and to be put through something like that most likely had a severe impact on his mental state. "I never knew he had to go through something like that." She muttered to herself. The dark elf then remembered her own life and felt a bit of anger at herself begin to well up in her. Compared to her, his life was a living hel at the start. Of course, that was only the beginning of the neko's life.

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Uxine, Uxine... Why is that name familiar to me? Oh well, I'm sure it will come to me someday.

Despite being surprised by the name of the city, I found myself seeing Blitz in a new light.

He has gone through many things, and something tells me that this isn't all. It is far too much for any mortal to have to endure. But not quite what I had endured in my time...


I give the sword the Dryad gave me back to her.

"If you're having mana problems you'll need a non-magic way to defend yourself. Plus, even I can't dual wield Great-swords."




Midnight questioned whether he was okay with being snuggled by a dragon... he was.

"Well, there is this armored man that claims to be Blitz's brother... and that's about all that happened before I went looking for you."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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It didn't take long for Blitz to return to the room Shana was in and quickly got in the bed with her. "Hello, my dear." He said. The neko knew that they wouldn't be interrupted and if they were, someone's face would have a very close meeting with his claws.

Shana beamed when her master returned and climbed into the bed with her. Her first reaction was to put both hands on his face and pull him in for a kiss. "Promise me something okay. Promise me that tonight will be just you and me. No one pulling us apart again, no distractions. Okay?"

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Dryad: she still had a little trouble holding the sword "we can figure it out on the way" she says to Chain then walks to a market looking place that the black knight came from 

Chain: "see you guys later, keep Banner on the light stuff!" he yells to them walking with the Dryad

Banner: "what does he know" she said a little pissed   

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Blitz smiled slightly and nodded, before using magic to close and lock the door . "I'm all yours, my dear." He said, wrapping his arms around her and returning the kiss.


Gale was surprised to say the least, but she didn't really think much of it. "Hopefully he'll give us some information about Blitz's past." She said. The dragoness didn't mind that Lance had shown up, but it was somewhat unexpected.


The man smiled slightly and nodded. "Thanks, but I have to meet up with my friend and see if he can give you passage. Just head East and you'll eventually get to Warsaw. That's the city my friend is docked at.


(Let's just have a time skip for the two lovebirds, eh?)

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Kyubi watched the others and, to be quite honest, didn't really have that much to do. She felt a bit awkward ever since Blitz had left. "Did he really forgive me for what I did earlier, or was he just pitying me?" She thought to herself. The dark elf then moved a bit closer to the black knight. "So, any plans after this?" She asked.

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Chain: he saw many weird things at the market such as hearts, bones, and a kid playing with a zombie dog "you know take all the darkness around here and this place looks like a nice place" he said to the Dryad

Dryad: she was not paying attention but was looking for any person how had some kind potion stand or had a good magic aura for them to buy from when she felt that kid with the dog have some kind of strong magic on him but she didn't think buying something off a kid was actually a good thing so they kept searching

Banner: "Fine then...I don't feel like drinking without someone else, what are you guys going to do?" she asked the other two with her

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I turn towards Kyubi, "Nothing much, as I don't need to eat, and rarely sleep, there isn't much I need that I don't already have."

I turn towards the market deliberately, making my cape swish dramatically.

"In a town like this though... there just might be something here of interest to me or my kind."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Banner: "I have nothing to do so might as well join you in what ever your going to do, that is unless Kyubi wants me more for something" she said in a weirdly nicer tone than normal

Dryad: "there" she pointed to a person that had the most magic power at the market the walked over to it dragging Chain to it

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Kyubi glanced at Banner and nodded slightly. "I'm fine for now." She said, feeling a bit awkward for some reason. The dark elf then turned her attention back to the black knight. She wanted to spend more time with him but didn't know of a good way to say it. She wasn't really trained in social grace.

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Agravain had just walked out of a bookshop holding several books that had nothing to do with each other. Most of them were children's books, he liked them because they were easy to read. All the others he bought because he thought they looked pretty. He then put most of them into a bag of holding at his waist, but he kept one out. He began walking towards the inn he was staying at and started to read. "P---Pa---PAT! Pat s-sat on a ma-ma-mat. Pat sat on a mat," he said, with many people staring at him. It was a peculiar sight, a very tall man in a full suit of black and gold armor, who appeared threatening, struggling to read a book written for 4-year-olds. All of a sudden, his scar began to hurt with a crippling pain. Agravain fell into a kneeling position, attempting to muffle his screams, but failing. "No, this isn't good, this isn't good at all," he said, rising to his feet and stumbling forward. "Must... Find... Others," he said in between gasps for air. But he was too late. Black, shadowy figures began pouring over the city walls, killing everything they saw. Agravain then saw the Black Knight and tried calling for him, but couldn't before he fell to the ground in pain.


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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Kyubi noticed Agravian in pain before she had seen the shadows moving through the city. "This can't be good." She thought to herself as she drew her bow and nooked a light arrow, before attempting to fire at one of the invaders. She didn't know what they were fighting but she had to at least try to defend civilians. "Come on. Is that all you got?" She thought to herself.

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Dryad: she saw all the shadows and everyone was running, any magic user had no idea how to deal with the shadows since darkness was something that they trained to use them selves "I think we should get to the others now" they ran back to the Inn seeing the kid and dog struggling throw the crowd

Chain: "I hope Shana can stop what ever she's doing and help, I cant do much light magic" he admits to The Dryad

Banner: "what the F#&% is going on?!" she screamed while trying to find anything in her bag to help this situation "I have light scrolls but I don't know how to read them"  

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When Blitz woke up, he heard people screaming as they were killed by whatever was invading the town. Memories flashed in his mind of what had happened at Uxion and he was paralysed before managing to finally put his fear aside for the moment. "I won't sit by and watch another town burn." He thought as he put his armor back on and ran out of the inn. When he saw the shadows. He drew his swords and could feel his magic channeling into the blades, both raditating light and darkness respectively. "Ok you sick freaks, why don't you pick on someone your own size." He growled as his pupils dialated. The neko's armor and body then glowed, leaving only his head untouched. Metal armor replaced leather and a similar helmet also formed.


Gale felt strange as she raised her head. "Something's wrong." She said.

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The commotion outside was enough to wake Shana up. She put on her clothing as fast as possible and rushed outside, what she saw sent shivers down her spine. Creatures make of pure darkness invading the city. She only had one explanation for what could be happening and why it's happening. "These creatures should only appear in places drenched in evil and darkness. Could it be possible that someone summoned them?" She rush to the group she was travelling with and started to work her magic. "Listen everyone. These creatures are not something that are easily killed by conventional means. That will only dissipate them. We need light magic and weapons of light. And I'm sorry, but we can't save the people of this town. If these creatures arrived in these numbers, this place lost and the people with it. We have to leave, and save ourselves while we can. It may sound cruel, but this is the only way. I'm sorry." She cast a barrier of her wind at high force, nothing will got through it, living or magical. "Pick Agravain up. We have to go or we all die."

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I look around, seemingly unfazed as my helmet doesn't allow facial expressions, which require a face anyway.

"Well, this is more my element."

Shadow scepters, small ones, likely incapable of individual thought at this point. Controlled either by some dark mage or larger scepter.

"You guys get yourselves and as many of the townspeople as you can," I pass through the barrier and towards the scepters "I'll hold them off as long as I can."

I pull my sword out and prepare to charge it with lightning.

I always wanted to meet more of my kind, now it seems I have the chance.




"I feel it too, something is off about the air, it smells wrong? Like magic residue perhaps?"

Midnight gets up off the ground, "We might as well investigate."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Gale nodded and stood, before flipping Midnight onto her back and flying into the air to get to the city faster.


Blitz smirked slightly as he slashed at the specters with his left sword. He didn't know why, but he felt like he had done this before. His mind raced for a possible explanation as he fought on. "Death takes the guilty. Life flows through the innocent." He muttered under his breath as he moved through the town, light seemingly radiating from his armor.

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@@Child Of Darkness


Kyubi looked at Shana and thought for a second. She knew that Blitz was a good fighter, but she didn't know how he would react to the situation now that he had his memories. "Shana, there's something I need to tell you about Blitz. He's regaining his memory." She said, slightly nervous as to what she would say next.

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Dryad: she didn't think she could do much with the whole bubble thing around her except try to carry Agravain with all her might, as she did many books fell out of his bags "pffff" she could feel herself about to laugh

Banner: "I think these could help, I cant read them so yeah" she said handing the scrolls to Shana  

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@@Child Of Darkness @@Illiad Easle @Yoshikupo


It didn't take long for Gale to arrive in the town and landed behind the others. She had seen the devastation and was a bit stressed when she didn't see Blitz among the group. "What happened here?" She asked, looking around to make sure that no specters got to close.


Blitz growled as he walked through the town. He had left a path of dead shadows in his wake and he wasn't going to give up. Unbeknownst to him, the armor was feeding off the magic in his body and could possibly kill him if he was in this state for to long. "Where did these things come from." He thought to himself.

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I saddened my slightly to see so many young scepters, babies really, killed. Whoever scent them to their deaths would meet the swift end of my justice.

It surprised me that the group hadn't made much progress to leaving the city.

"What are you guys doing!? You need to get going Now!"

I turn back towards the mass of shadows approaching.

I disconnect my cape's chain, and it is quickly torn away by Shana's wind shield. 

Immediately shadowy tendrils of my own burst out, forming a form of wall separating most of them from the adventuring group.

reaching out with my mind I search for the connection and break it on the shadows, they loose cohesion for a moment before the link reestablishes itself, stronger than before.

So much for the easy way...

"Fulgur Ruptis!"

Streaks of lightning tear into the shadows, destroying a few but it is largely ineffective given the sheer immensity of their numbers.

Well, lets try one more thing.

I extend my tendrils in a certain pattern, emitting a challenge in the language of scepters. If this group is controlled by a greater scepter, it will have no choice but to answer my challenge, or cede the swarm to me. if it is a dark mage, then nothing will happen. 




Midnight quickly jumps from Gale's back, not that he doesn't like flying, he was just surprised by its suddenness. "What's going on here? Why are there so many scepters attacking the town?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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