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private Fantasy RP

The Narwhal Muffin

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Banner: "sorry if I thought we should of at least gave the towns people a chance to escape, but that chance is up so lets get out of here!" she yelled then started dragging Shana as gently as she could as fast as she could away from the town "don't take this the wrong way but your the center of the bubble, your welcome to run any time" Chain and the Dryad how was still carrying Agravain's body ran with the bubble

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Shana was a bit surprised when she started to get pulled. "Sorry! I was lost in thought. Okay, we have to just keep moving. Keep up a pace." She started to run while keeping the wind barrier held up. A fast enough pace that they would escape in good time, but slow enough so that everyone could keep up. She just hoped the Master would come to his senses soon and stop fighting. The shadows aren't going to stop coming anytime soon.

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Blitz noticed that the others were retreating and as much as he hated it, the neko knew he had no choice. His mind then turned towards what had happened at Uxion and his anger began to boil. "I guess I really am worthless." He muttered to himself as he jumped onto the roof of a nearby building and followed the others, jumping over any gaps in the buildings. His armor slowly dispersed as the magic supplying it was cut off.

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Agravain pushed himself away from the dryad, screaming in a mixture of rage and pain, and started moving very slowly back into the center of the swarm of scepters. He put his hands in the air, making an X shape above his head, and all the shadows (the non-living ones, that is), in the area started to form a giant ball above the X. "Heavenly Body Magic, ALTAIRIS!" he yelled, hurling the ball forward, collapsing with his own momentum, being in too much pain to keep his legs working. The scepters, as well as some chunks of buildings, and random debris littering the streets, were being sucked into the ball. The black hole had killed at least 100 scepters before disappearing, and the rest of the scepters slowly surrounded the downed Agravain.

Edited by Jellal Fernandes


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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"Stupid idiot." Shana looked towards the exit of the town, if everyone ran, they could make it without her help. And she could help Agravain. "Everyone! Run to the exit and keep moving. I'll join up with the rest of out later." She dropped her shield and ran back towards the center of town. Making her way to Agravain, she made her way to the side if his downed body and stared down the hoard of Shadows that faced her. "No one else will die under my care ever again!" She stabbed her Staff into the ground, and a huge amount of clouds started gathering around her, winds speeds increased and the force of nature of growing. Within a minute, huge bursts of wind erupted from Shana's staff and her hands simultaneously in all directions, knocking back every shadow within a large distance. She was feeling so drained that she could collapse. But she powered on, picking up Agravain's body and moving towards the exit she had sent every towards.

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I see Agravain get up to cast some magic, despite his great pain.

What is he planning?

Then I saw it, a shadow ball.

That ruins my plan of stopping this swarm honorably.

It's coming towards me.

It looks like it is going to ruin my day too.

(I was between you guys and the scepters remember.)

Being rooted to the buildings as I had issued a supremacy challenge, I was unable to completely dodge the ball. on the bright side I was caught by it at the end of it's duration, and was simply flung, straight into the wall. I also lost some mass given a few tendrils were removed by the ball.

The front of my armor is dented in many places, and I hurt all over. I still get up, no sign of a greater scepter, so it is more likely a dark mage in control, speaking of which, the shadow ball disrupted the link for now. I quickly assert dominance over a few of the closer scepters, as they have so self, puppets really, they become new tendrils to replace the ones I lost.

One of them however had a sense of self, it wasn't much but it was more than I could bear to have stolen again. I asserted dominance and added it to my swarm, but did not assimilate it to myself, instead leaving it separate and protecting it within my armor.

I retrieve my sword from the ground and resume fighting off the remaining horde.

Hopefully I can buy enough time for the rest to escape. 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Kyubi noticed Blitz and was a bit relieved that he seemed to be holding his emotions in check, before noticing a specter sneaking up behind Edward. She quickly shot a light arrow at it and moved closer to the suit of armor. "Come on. We have to go now." She said. "Even if you don't, don't think I'll leave you to die." There was a determined look in the dark elf's eyes and she wasn't going to leave a friend to die.

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Blitz landed on the street next to Shana and helped her lift Agravian's body. Despite his dislike for him, he wasn't going to see him die due to some foolish stunt. He didn't say anything, as it was hard enough to hold his emotions in check. 


Gale flew into the air, firing shaped balls of plasma at the specters and noticed that the black knight and Kyubi were falling behind. "Get on. We have to get out of here." She said, landing next to the dark elf.

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@@Illiad Easle


Kyubi looked at Gale but didn't want to leave the black knight. There was little chance that he would live if he fought these things alone and she didn't want to see him suffer. The dark elf then shot more light arrows at the specters as she waited for him to decide.


Apollo had heard what was going on in the city. Lightning went into the metallic spikes on his back as he shot towards the ground and fired electricity out of his mouth, cutting off the specters from the group.

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Kyubi's words struck me, It took me a while to process but then I realized, death was a very real possibility here, one that I hadn't truly faced in a long time. To make matters worse, I just aqqired a dependant, one who would surely be killed if I were to fall.

Looking deep into the mass of scepters, "This isn't over yet."

I grab Kyubi and drag both of us onto Gale. "Fly."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Gale didn't exactly like being ordered around in such a way as Edward did, but she decided that it would be best not to argue right now. She then flew into the air and towards the rest of the group.


Blitz noticed Gale with Kyubi and the black knight on her back. "I owe her after this." He thought to himself, before turning his attention to the others. "There should be a gate to the left of the next turn. That should take us out of the town.

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Chain: he saw the kid again but he was...using a stone, no a magic infused sapphire to ward of the dark specters from a group of kids. he was using magic he thought an item could never use and it looked to be regenerating magic over time but he could see something bad that the kids would run into at anytime, a wall instead of the gate

Dryad: "look at those kids, they need help" she said going closer to the right where the kids were 

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Midnight was visibly agitated, though slightly relieved to see Sir on Gale's back.

For one, Sir's armor was visibly damaged, clearly he had managed to take a few hits this time.

and for two, Sir's cape was missing.

Sir never looses his cape except where an egregious error of justice has occurred.

"Well," he said to no one in particular, "This just got a bit more interesting."


Their deaths shall be avenged...

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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(Sorry I've been slow. I have had things going on recently)


Approaching the edge of town with Agravain on her back, Shana was reaching her limit. The levels of mana used by her in both her wind Shield and the Tornado she made were immaculate. She was already drawing off the mana within the neckless she wore around her neck. Matters did not improve when that Large dragon from earlier arrived and was causing some havoc behind her. With what was left of her energy, she manage to get out of the town and put Agravain down in a safe location.


"This is too much. Where is everyone? I sent them out of town. Where did they go?" Shana breather heavily as the last of her energy expired. She just couldn't move anymore. "A small catnap is what I need. Yeah. A nap." Shana lay on the ground and passed out.

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Banner: "I think were all here...wait wheres Chain and the Dryad?" she looked around for them

Dryad: she got in the way of the specters about to kill the children and used an wind shield to block them like what Shana did

Chain: "hey kids lets not die today! get over here!" he said making a path to the gate

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Gale landed next to Midnight and waited for the black knight and Kyubi to get off of her. The dragoness wasn't expecting Apollo to show up, though, and glanced at the dragon. "I figured you would've had something better to do." She said, giving a slight smirk. Of course, she spoke in the language of dragons and she doubted that the others would understand.


Blitz noticed Shana's current state and sighed. There wasn't much he could do right now. Still, that didn't distract him from his own emotions. He hated himself for abandoning the town when it was invaded by the specters and it brought the memories of Uxion to the forefront of his mind. The neko then punched a tree and felt warm blood trickle down his fist and seep into the ground.

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I get off of Gale, and quickly move towards Midnight. "Children, all of them. Sent to kill and die for a coward's goals."

I mount him and set off towards a hill overlooking the town,

The one who did this Will Pay for the death he has caused.

I dismount at the top of the hill, dismissing Midnight as I extend my tendrils, searching for the source of the link.




Midnight quickly makes his way back to the group, to Gale.

"Sorry about Sir, I know better than most how abrasive he can be when a grave injustice has occurred."

He sits in the clearing. "Sir will not stop until the one that did this is dead."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Kybui sighed  as she got off Gale and looked at Blitz.She didn't expect him to take the recent events well, but had no idea he would do this. She then moved a bit closer to him. "It'll be ok, Blitz." She said. "We'll find out what did this." The dark elf knew it was a poor attempt to brighten the overall morale of the group, but it was better than nothing.


Apollo glanced at Midnight and to be quite honest, was a bit cautious of him. "You were with the one wearing black metal, weren't you. I don't think we've formally met. My name is Apollo." He said.

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Gale nodded slightly and gave Midnight a comforting smile. "I understand." She said, before glancing at Apollo. "I guess you'll be joining us, right?"


Blitz glared at Kyubi and sighed. "It's not that. I care about what happened here, but I just feel useless. If I had all of my memories, then I probably could've found a way to fight off the specters." He said as he looked over his bleeding fist. He cast a bit of healing magic, but it didn't do the full effect. "Great, now what little magic I have is acting up." The neko was frustrated to say the least, but he didn't want to risk leaving the group. "When Agravian and Shana wake up, we should head to the next town." Blitz then brought out a map and looked to the east. "There should be a port not to far from here."

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Banner: "guys do you think your missing somebody? you know my friend the one how gave us the new weapons and armor? also the Dryad...the one how had an existential crisis" she said trying to think of something she actually did

Chain: he had a line of kids behind him "hey...did I miss anything or did I do the only thing important?"

Dryad: "yes what happened?" she said feeling tired

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Kyubi nodded slightly. "I may not know exactly what you may be feeling, but I'm willing to listen." She said. "Your brother said that he could get us a boat at the next city, so it would be a good idea to head there." The dark elf then glanced at Chain and the dryad. "You didn't miss much." She then noticed the kids that Chain had brought and felt a bit self conscious.


Apollo glanced at the kids, but didn't really pay them much mind. He figured he would probably scare them and the last thing they needed was a bunch of crying children. "I guess I am." He muttered to himself.

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Blitz glanced at the kids and saw himself in their place. A flash of anger and guilt showed on his face before it was pushed to the back of his mind. "I don't really know if anyone can help me." He muttered as he looked at the remains of the town. The Neko wasn't sure if he would approve of the fact that the kids might join them, even if it was temporary.

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I reach out and feel, nothing. the one in charge has already left, and the remaining scepters are leaving as well, drifting out of his control and returning to their natural state as they hide in the darkness of the destroyed town.

That coward.

I get up and begin to make my way back to the group, the scepter inside of me is quickly developing, learning and growing from the excess of experience and emotion inside of me. At this rate it could be a full individual in maybe a month.

I return to the group, taking notice of the new people. I don't say anything, there isn't anything that needs to be said.




Midnight quickly introduced himself to Apollo, despite having been there when he first appeared to the group.

He turns to Kyubi, "Speaking of Blitz's brother, where is he? I haven't seen him since the town got attacked. Also, I could carry Agravain or Shana so we don't have to wait to get going."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"I got Agravain if we do that, Shana can get...cranky" she said trying to not insult but still trying to say how she felt

"yeah and I know that these kids will need to go when we get to the next town" he looked at the kids and they were all sad "I bet if this was caused by anyone it was that Dragon"

the dryad was still exhausted and didn't show signs of recovering


(since I got multiple colors to work, I think this is better)

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Blitz looked at Banner and shrugged. "I'll carry Shana." He muttered, his voice holding little emotion. Even if she did wake up, he doubted that she would mind being carried by him. The neko then felt a slight pain in his arm, but ignored it, figuring that it was a result of punching a tree.


Gale was slightly relieved to see that Apollo and Mdinight seemed to get along, but she didn't really know how long that would last.

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