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The Narwhal Muffin

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Kyubi nodded slightly and headed into the boat. She was worried about Blitz, but she didn't really know any healing spells.


Surprisingly, the dark elf wasn't the only one concerned. Apollo cast a worried glance every so often to the Neko on Gale's back, before taking the woman who had attack them in his talons. "I might as well dispose of her." He thought. The dragon dropped her off in the grass outside the port city and sighed. "I suggest you tell whoever it is that sent you that Gale and I will be of no use to you." He growled, before flying back to the others. He landed on the deck of Clay's boat, before curling into a ball and falling into the bliss of sleep.

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I looked around, slightly exasperated that the fight was resolved so quickly.

I returned the bolt to its quiver and sighed. "Will I ever get to actually fight another being of flesh?"

I proceeded onto the boat, looking about to see what it had to offer in terms of quiet, enclosed spaces.




Midnight too was disappointed that he had put his armor on and there was no action, but he was also grateful that he hadn't been hurt. He too proceeded onto the deck, resigned to the fact that he would likely be sleeping on the deck and not in a cabin. I wonder if Clay realizes that I am not just an ordinary horse? It will at least be interesting to see when he catches on, I don't think he's seen me talk yet.




Slade was disappointed, the fight ended much too quickly and the only combat involved magic, or brute strength, neither of which he had in great supply. He would simply have to keep watching to see if there was a style he could learn.  

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Drago Ryder,


Agravain thought about what had just occurred, and realized he hadn't seen any other sort of spell that would allow a transformation of weaponry, and he hadn't seen a spell that would allow for transformation of armor. 'Maybe there are other artifacts similar to the Changeblade...' he thought. He then considered that the armor didn't transform, but rather the attacker had simply swapped armor within the blink of an eye through the help of some spell. He pushed back these thoughts and approached Blitz. "How's your neck? Was I too slow? Did she cut you at all?" he asked.

Edited by Jellal Fernandes


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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Gale glanced at Agravian and smiled. "He should be fine. It looks like one of those swords hit his side, but he used a lot of magic for that attack." She said. The dragoness also noted Apollo's concern for the Neko but decided not to talk to him yet. "He probably needs some rest and some time for the wound to heal."

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"ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, hurts to walk" "stop being a baby and get on the ship" "you have done nothing that warrants being able to say that, I took electricity in my body so Blitz would live!" Chain said going on the boat having his legs feel somehow numb and hurting at the same time "fine, this adventure needs to be underway, hope we have a smooth sail but likely not since everything has gone to shit so far" she walks on board "wait what about the kids?"


the kids were currently looking at the ship around a corner "how are we even going to get on without getting caught" "will you stop being to negative?" "I'm just worried, for are sake" "agreed, we should just go" "this is are one chance to learn dark magic without being called witches and you want to leave!?" she yelled then sighed "fine, just go, I'll do it my self" she gets up and walks toward the ship casting to be what she hoped was a cloaking spell

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Kyubi sighed as she entered one of the cabins on Clay's ship and laid on the provided bed. "It's been so long since I was home. I wonder if anything's changed." She thought as she stared at the ceiling.


Apollo's nose twitched as he smelled something familiar. "Looks like one of those kids from earlier is trying to sneak on." He thought to himself.

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the boy in red sighed "Toby, do the same, I'm going with her" all the others stood with him signifying they wanted to go too "fine...I'll go with you then, friends are friends" he casted the spell "just don't make noise and step lightly, lets hope that they don't have something to sense us" he walks toward the ship but you couldn't tell "I masked are aura by the way...lets hope Amy did the same" the ghost like group walk in the ship


"how was your home before?" Chain asked from a bed next to her "I'm still a little new to this world and want to know as much as I can...something tells me I will be here for a while" The Dryad was in a bed near them as well "uhhh" she moaned opening her eyes, I'm awake...wait, I'm awake! she thought trying to send a connection to nature

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Blitz groaned in his unconscious state. He wasn't a big fan of any mode of transportation and the only reason he rode on Gale was because he considered her to be a friend and not a mode of transportation.


Gale noticed Blitz's discomfort and set him down next to Apollo. The dragoness then curled around the neko, hoping to comfort him.


@@Illiad Easle

As the black knight explored the ship, a girl wearing a black, frilly, gothic Lolita styled gown and jacket curiously watched him from the shadows. "Normally I wouldn't show myself to mortals, but it appears that there are exceptions to everything." She said, revealing her position. "I have been watching your group for a long time, and I must say that I am somewhat impressed. A neko, two dragons, a dark wizard, a dark elf, you, your horse, two anthromorphic ponies,and Blitz all managed to form one group. It truly is interesting."

Edited by Drago Ryder
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@@Drago Ryder, @,

the kids all backed away from the girl not wanting to make a fuss and on to the ship quickly where they were now near to the steering wheel


Banner saw the woman "so? you joining, killing, going to give us something important that we will use later, or just dropping by? I would like any option other than 2 right now, Celestia knows we don't need that right now" she said just wanting the truth. The Dryad got up from her bed as she saw Chain leave to see how Banner was talking to "what happened? I need to know now and not later" she said to Kyubi

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The woman looked at Banner and tilted her head, as if she was thinking of an answer. "I guess I could give you a bit of information." She said. "There are a great deal of things you don't know about the lightning dragon's past. I suggest that you don't turn him away when you truly meet him." The woman held a serious look as she spoke, her hair casting a shadow over her eyes. "I would also like to join your group. My name is Rachel Alcurd."

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Kyubi glanced at the dryad and smiled. "Glad to see your ok." She said. "Aside from us being attacked by some random person, nothing much. We also met Clay for the first time, but you'll probably meet him later." To be honest, the dark elf didn't exactly know what Rachel was talking about and she felt weird around her. "I'm sorry, but do you mean Apollo?"


Said dragon noticed the kids and silently snuck up behind them. "I hope you know what you're doing. The others may not have realized this, but dragons have enhanced senses. Long story short, I smelled you before you even got on." He said, not really amused.

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"what are you talking about were not here" a smack is heard "really Nick? you had to just say that, why are you guys my friends?" "I thought you said you were the 'strait man' in the group" "just be quiet, dragon, we came on because Amy did as well, can you smell her too? if you can we could get off this ship before it sails" they say not knowing that Amy is literally across the ship from them


"well the parties growing even more, just more people to hopefully kill that dragon demon before it destroys tons of dimensions" she said "I think it should be demon dragon not the other way around" Chain injects. "well that's fine, as long as no one died" she says as Nature answers her call "whats happening over there? portals are closing? Mother please stop using to much energy on me, I'm nothing compared to the world...don't, don't start...fine mother, I hope you know what your doing" she falls back on the bed

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Rachel watched the group and gave a slight smile. "It looks like I wasn't wrong about this group. They certainly have big ambitions." She thought to herself. The woman knew she wouldn't be able to help them fight the dragon, but at least she could try to be of some assistance in other areas."

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@@Drago Ryder,

(Again, the RP moves quickly when I cannot post.)

I felt her presence only a few moments before she appeared near me, as she had been following us she clearly had powerful stealth abilities.

"You have quite the gift of stealth, even I had not noticed you before this moment."

She does however assume that I am mortal. Perhaps even to the point where she thinks I am human.

"I must ask, how long have you been following us?"




Midnight wandered onto the deck with no specific direction in mind, If I act like a normal horse maybe they'll continue to think me a normal horse.

Midnight did however notice Apollo's odd movements around the steering wheel, he activated his helmet's magic and was surprised to see the kids from before in a basic cloak spell, one that only blocked visual, not smell or sound, and was easily detectable by proper magical scans. He deactivated the armor magic as it took a while to recharge that ability.

He considered going over to Gale, but decided he would give her time with her charge, he understood what it was like when sir was injured in a fight.




Slade was excited to see this new person, how she had suddenly appeared, any with a lesser constitution that his king would likely be shocked or scared to see one appear like that. He wanted to learn that, the art of stealth. His king did not have much knowledge on stealth as much of his experience was in intimidation. But apparently his second, Midnight, was a master of stealth. He would have to meet this Midnight, and possibly this humanoid, to learn the art of stealth. 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Rachel glanced at the black knight and thought for a moment. "Thank you for the compliment. I tend to not show myself unless it is need or I want to. As for how long I've been following you, that depends on each specific member of your group, but I guess I've been following Blitz the longest. He has had quite an interesting life." The woman wasn't going to reveal anymore information at the time. She would leave that to the Neko.


The ship listed foward as the sails dropped and caught a strong wind current. "Time to get out of here." Clay thought as he took the helm. He noticed Apollo, but figured he wouldn't try anything to damage the ship.


(I'm just going to assume that Child of Darkness is already on the boat.)

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Apollo rolled his eyes and motioned to the other side of the ship. Of course, he wasn't expectong the ship to move so suddenly. If you still want to get off, I could always throw you off." He muttered, as he went back to sleeping on the deck and just so happened to be a few inches from Gale.


Kyubi watched Rachel and shrugged. "I guess I can accept her if the others do as well." She thought, before she felt the boat move. To be honest, she was nervous about going home after so long.

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Shana eyed the new member of their mismatched team. She didn't see anything wrong with her on the surface level, but the part about her following them bugged her a little. @@Drago Ryder "Hey. Miss Rachel. I'd like to say hi and welcome to our group. My name is Shanalot Windbreaker. Our groups resident support class mage of our group. I handle healing, item transportation and mid-range proximity magic scanning. Nice to meet you." She held out her hand to the new women on the team. "Can I just say that your outfit is really cute. I want one like that now. Where can I get one?"

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Rachel noticed Shanalot and nodded. "It is a pleasure to meet you." She said, noting the compliment. "I don't think you would be able to buy this anywhere. I made it myself. I would be more than happy to make you a similar outfit, but it would take some time to get the material needed. Either way, I'm sure Blitz would like it." The woman then put a finger to her chin, trying to remember how much material she used.

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Agravain never was one for social situations, so he slipped away and headed below deck. To most people it would be impossible to see without prior adjustment to the darkness, but it was nothing to Agravain. He hadn't even realized it was dark. He made his way through the area, stepping over ropes, tarps, and other miscellaneous things before sitting up against a large pile of cloth. It was then that he withdrew some books he grabbed from the tower from his bag of holding and started to read.


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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Blitz groaned as he woke up and looked around. It didn't take long for him to notice that he was on a ship and proceeded to hurl over the side of the boat. "Well, this is going to be a long trip." He muttered to himself. The Neko then felt a light pain his side and used his magic to cauterize the wound. Strangely enough, he only felt pain from burning the wound. "Hey Gale, you want to go for a quick flight?"


The dragoness perked up and flew over the side of the ship, grabbing Blitz on the way, before flying as high as possible into the air.


Clay and Lance both watched Blitz and smiled. "You know you won't be able to help him for long. He will get his memories back." Clay said.


Lance nodded slightly and sighed. "I know. At least then he'll be able to protect himself. That is my mission after all." He said.

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Her answer didn't make me any less worried, a bit surprised that she was so forthcoming with her answers, but still worrisome that she had been following us.

"How long have you been following me? I find it troubling that you have been following us without our knowledge or detection."




Midnight quickly grew bored of standing about the deck, so he shrugged off his bags near the dragons, confident that no one on the ship would risk stealing from him or Sir. He didn't remove his armor as he still was a bit high strung from the recent attack. He trotted up to the wheel and stood beside Clay, simply staring out towards the ocean in the direction they were heading.

Acknowledge me please, I sort of want to give up this charade of being normal.




Slade grew bored of the idle conversation around the group, so he decided he would explore the darkened areas of the ship. He couldn't go above deck as the direct sunlight would greatly injure him. He requested permission to leave and found it surprisingly open to him. when he exited the room that he had come to know as the swarm hub he found himself within the armor that protected his king from the sun. Slade seeped out of the armor's shoes, being a bit more fluid and thus more vulnerable than his king, he was nevertheless swifter and could move through smaller openings than his king. He had noticed the human called Agravain moving below deck and he decided to follow him. Slade saw him reading and decided he would simply observe for now, suspended above Agravain in the shadows of the ceiling. 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"I don't mean to bring down the mood but...we will only have half the Dryads or less that, she spent a burst on me that, without casting spells, would last ten days" she says walking up to the rest "unless some worlds Nature or Earth was so powerful it could give ares power then we would also have less powerful Dryads, as they hopefully, can all travel fast or teleport" she held her head down "its all my fault, mother wants me to stay alive in this world but without both parts getting along, it makes it hard" "on that bombshell, do we even know what that relic even gives the dragon? I know it can go throw dimensions but what else can it do?" "whatever it does, we need to be prepared with whatever it does...also I like that dress too" she said the last part in a flirty tone

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Rachel noticed Shanalot and nodded. "It is a pleasure to meet you." She said, noting the compliment. "I don't think you would be able to buy this anywhere. I made it myself. I would be more than happy to make you a similar outfit, but it would take some time to get the material needed. Either way, I'm sure Blitz would like it." The woman then put a finger to her chin, trying to remember how much material she used.

"If you would make me one. I would be very grateful for your kindness. I'd make sure that I would pay you a respectful amount for the effort." Shana smiled, but then made her face serious and the tone of her voice followed quickly. "I don't want to come off as rude, but please listen. Blitz means a lot to me. You possibly know this if you've been following us so I won't give the story. Just don't do anything that is directly intended to hurt him. And it seems that you may know something about him, if you know something about Blitz from over a month ago. Tell him. It would be a great service. Okay?"

Edited by Child Of Darkness

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@@Illiad Easle,


Agravain was very invested in his book. It was different for him to be able to read so easily. He'd never even seen this script before the tower, but it came naturally to him. He continued his reading before saying "I know you're there. You don't have to hide."


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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Rachel nodded and understood what Shanalot was talking about."I will tell him what I can, but some things are better of he finds out himself." She then glanced at the black knight. "I can't really say. I guess for the past few months, or whenever you were at the tower." The woman then blushed as Banner spoke and didn't really know how to feel. "Thanks. I could make you one as well."

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