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The Narwhal Muffin

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@@Illiad Easle,

"I am determined and ready so I don't have to worry...this is probably the only training I will ever get in magic as this is the only kind I can manipulate" she sat in the chair "what do you want to talk about?"


"hm, well as long as your on the goo-" he was interrupted by the red shirt boy "you took part in killing my family and my friends family!?" he whispered yelled blinded by what the specters did to the town "calm down"


@@Drago Ryder,

"you would not believe some of the people I meet that think the exact opposite" Banner said walking over to her "now we said what were like but you have not done the same, would you be so kind and do so?" she said acting a bit nicer than normal. Oh Celestia, Chain thinks

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I smiled at the girl, "I am glad to see someone so eager to learn. We'll start with the simplest thing I can teach." I gestured to the room we were in. "This is a mental room, one is formed in every mental link I host. When you touched the ball of magic in my hand you connected yourself to the link I formed, and thus you were sent to this room. Dark magic is based on mental fortitude, I have built it to be very susceptible to change, as you train your mental fortitude I will strengthen the room, making it harder to impose your will on the room. Why don't you make some changes? Once you get the hang of it here we can move on."



@@Drago Ryder,

"I suppose Sir was like that to me, I know I had parents, but I wasn't truly sentient before I arrived in Equestria, which is why I refer to Equestria as my world. I remember bits and pieces of my old life, but I don't miss it. So, I've been with Sir for all my sentient life, how about you? When did Blitz come into your life?"




Slend drifted backwards a bit, still in the seated position, he wasn't afraid of the boy so much as sorrowful that these small humans were not so accepting as his King had remembered. "Like I said, I and my swarm were forced into it. Scepters aren't like you humans, free will is a privilege to us as we must always do as our king commands. A dark mage took control of the swarm and forced us to attack, I and the rest had no choice but to obey."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Agravain had made it to the port town and wandered through the city until he found the road they entered on and started heading back to the town the scepters had attacked.




@@Illiad Easle,

"Don't be shy, come on in," said the man to the scepters within the area.


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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Ratchel thought for a moment before finally answering Banner's question. "To be honest, there's nothing really special about me. I had a good family and all the normal stuff one goes through in their life." She said. "Of course, I did manage to entertain myself by watching different timelines of most of you, mainly Blitz, Gale, Shana, Apollo, and Kyubi. Each have their own past that intertwines with the others in some way, shape, or form, even if they aren't aware of it. When we have the time, I could probably take you to my home."


@@Illiad Easle

Gale's body stiffened as she remembered how she and Blitz started their journey together. "He saved me from a group of adventures who thought I was a stereotypical dragon: evil, destructive, and wanted to kidnap some bloody princess." She muttered, her claws digging into the wooden deck.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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@@Illiad Easle,

Amy tried her best and made the knights chair disappear and reappear under her as the chair she sat in was gone, she snicked as she saw the knight fall on his bum "sorry it's the first thing that came to mind, now her comes the kitten" she focuses and makes a kitten that does not move in her lap "yeah that's what I though would happen"


"exactly why you don't need to be punching him" Tony agreed while holding him back "uh, sorry I guess" he was still pissed but wouldn't try to punch the specter anymore 


@@Drago Ryder,

"yeah, you know what I'm going to ask, how do you watch them?" "it's some sort of magic right? All I know is that we kind of weren't here so you couldn't see are past...nothing special at all, I doubt that you saying the whole truth"

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While relaxing with Blitz, Shana was keeping her ears up high. With her ability she was able to listen in on most conversations taking place aboard the ship. And the one between Ratchel, Banner and Chain caught her attention. Moving on all four, she moved silently through the lower level of the ship until she was closer to the trio, but still to far way for then to hear her and out of their line of sight. Anything mentioning high level magic or theoretically impossible claims is always something to take notes on and this had both.


"Come on. Say something interesting already. If she's hiding something I want to know now."

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I was surprised at how quickly she had come to impose her will on the world. Then again, it was to be expected with a student so young. I got up off the ground and came over to inspect the cat she had created. "You did very well for your first time, and already you have encountered one of the limitations. You can't create a living thing, just inanimate objects like this cat you've made. Though it has the ability to move it lacks a consciousness to motivate it to do so. That is why you can affect the world, it doesn't have a consciousness to resist your changes, if you tried to change something about me, your will for me to change would have to overcome my will to remain unchanged. Similarly to change things with dark magic in the real world you would have to beat the will of nature itself, or that of whomever you wish to manipulate." I formed a new chair beneath me, a bit more formal than comfortable this time. "I have added a will for the room to not change, you may notice that you don't currently have to exert any will to keep that chair there but now with the room wanting to keep things the way they are, if you want to change something you'll have to convince the room it wants to change. This is similar to a person, they will resist changes they don't like, which takes more will power, but they will be more receptive to changes they want, the more they want the change the less power it takes to enact the change."


@@Drago Ryder,


Midnight moved back just a bit as Gale clawed the boards, "Easy now, no need to damage the ship. I just don't see where they would get that. So you two were separate back then, what caused you two to split up?"




Wait, he wanted to punch me? Slend actually laughed, it was a new sensation for him, to find something humorous. "You were going to punch me? No magic or anything, just plain physical violence?" He drifted closer to the group. "Between you and me, punching wont do much good against things like me. Even un-enchanted swords are mostly useless, you need magic if you want to hurt a scepter."


@@Jellal Fernandes,


A few of the scepters floated closer to the intruder, they looked a bit like commas with a large round mass and a sort of tail hanging down. A dozen or so entered the house to watch the stranger, one with two tails came the closest, floating about three feet away from the intruder. 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle

Gale nodded slightly and sighed. "I guess bias, among other things." She said. "As for Apollo and myself, we got into a bit of a fight and went our separate ways."

@@Yoshikupo @@Child Of Darkness

Ratchel nodded slightly. "You could say that. The magic I use is one that had been lost for a long time, time magic." She said. "Of course, clairvoyance comes with said magic, but I can also affect objects with it. Take a ball, for instance. Now, imagine it ricocheting through the air as it's own time speeds up and reverses. The only thing I cannot use the magic on is a living person. It is strong magic, but it does have its price. Accelerated aging, immense strain on the body, and sometimes being stuck in time, immortal in a way, are a few of them."

(For a reference, I will be using Ultear from Fairy Tail.)

Blitz sighed as he watched Shana leave. He was honestly enjoying the moment they had, but figured that it was probably best that they not spend to much time with each other, lest their other relationships suffer. "I guess I have been spending a lot of time with her." He thought to himself. The neko then began to remove his leather chestpiece and was happy that the extra weight was off of him. Of course, he had a undershirt on, which did reveal the bandages on his left arm.

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To be quite honest, Apollo was angry at himself. If it hadn't been for his own stupidity, then he probably would've been able to save his sister. He was just happy that Blitz saved her. Now that he thought about it, he did find it strange that he would do such a thing. "Maybe not all humans hate dragons." He thought.


Kyubi heard her stomach growl and sighed, before exiting her cabin and heading to the eating area. She didn't expect to see Blitz without his armor, but didn't let her mind wander to far. "Hey. I didn't know you were here." She said.

Edited by Dire Miralis
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@@Illiad Easle,

"hm, that seems reasonable, do you think I can make a flower bed then? It would make the room feel nicer with its smell and colors" she tries to convince the room to ad a flower bed with multiple different colored flowers in it


"you can understand he's in rage, he did not care if it would not affect you, he would have done it anyway" Tony said as the red shirt boy joined the others in the group which were two girls and the elf with his dog that he was still trying to keep from doing anything


@@Drago Ryder,

"then why does it look like it has barely affected you?" "I was about to say the same"

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I shake my head, "The room prefers simplicity, that's why the walls are smooth and white, you don't cast a shadow, and it isn't cluttered. The simpler the change you make the easier it is, it would be easier to change the color of the room to say black, than it would to add polka dots to it. The key to mental manipulation is to think simplicity, or to have a large amount of will power, so if you really try then the bed will appear as this room's will is weak. You could also try making small changes, and building on them. First you would make the bed, a simple bed, appear. Then make subtle changes to the bed until it is what you want. Again, small changes are easier to make, especially in a living person. With enough small changes you can turn them against their very nature and they won't even notice."



@@Drago Ryder,

"That's unfortunate, I won't pry as to what the disagreement was, it must have been sensitive to drive the two of you apart. I'm just glad you were saved from the bias of others, I can't tell you how many times I've seen the dark side of pony bias hurt those that only wanted their friendship. It's the reason most Equestrians don't even know that the other nations of the world are doing just fine, some of them are even better off, they just can't fathom other species being superior to them, especially those unicorns."




"I can understand that, you humans are much more emotional than scepters. While we do have feelings, they are mostly separate and much less intense than yours. It is likely due to us not having chemical reinforcement of emotional reactions." He could tell that at least some of those words would go over their heads. "For example, I don't have a heart to beat faster when I'm scared or excited like you do." He stood up, standing about as tall as the average height of the group. "So, what are you guys going to do now?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"I guess that's why it didn't work...I think I would like a nice purple better in here" she tries to make the floor purple.


"yes that would make us have more erratic emotions but you know, are parents are dead, all of them, getting sad and angry just saying that...anyway, I have no idea what we will do, emotions brought us here with little other reason" "sorry I wanted to be will my friend" he crossed his arms "would you be so kind and at least try and point us to her so we can make a plan together?"

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Ratchel smirked slyly and nodded. "That only depends on which spell you use and how much magic you put into said spell." She said. "Making a ball's time flow differently doesn't take that much magic. Now, if I wanted to reverse the flow of time entirely for even a fraction of a second, then it could very well kill me."


@@Illiad Easle


To be quite honest, Gale didn't think she could stand to be in a world like that. "Yeah, I can see how that could be a bit off putting." She said. "I can only imagine what they think of dragons."




Blitz glanced at Kyubi and smiled slightly. "It's ok. I don't mind." He said. "I actually wanted to talk to you." The neko moved so that the dark elf couldn't see the bandages. He didn't really know what they were hiding, but he didn't want to worry the dark elf.

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Slowly, the room began to turn purple, shade by shade until it was a light pinkish purple. I was impressed at her control, "Well done, by small and simple changes are great things wrought. Now, influencing the minds of others will be much harder to do, first as it would be unethical to have you train on someone unwilling, and near impossible against someone who knows what you're trying to do. It is even harder to practice this magic outside of the mind as nature has a very strong will, only minuscule changes last. However, why don't we try this." I summon one of the spare scepter drones I had gathered from the attack on the town. "This is a scepter drone, it has no sentience and only a basic consciousness when disconnected from the swarm. Right now all it wants to do is follow you and wrap around your arm like an arm band. Don't worry, it won't hurt you. What I wan't you to do is make it do something else, it can be anything else that you want it to do. Unlike the room, if you try to push this drone too far, make a change too great, it will revert all the way back to they way it started, much like a real person only without the soul searching wonder of 'How did my life go so wrong?'"



@@Drago Ryder,

"Well, most ponies fear and despise dragons, but that is because the vast majority of dragons back home are brutish, like Apollo but much less intelligent. There are a few noble dragons in the world that I had the chance to study from once, they are arrogant but on good terms with the princesses and they choose to stay far away from equine civilization. What is really agravating about ponies is how they treat the ones that are quite similar to them, like zebras. When Sir and I first arrived the ponies used the zebras as slaves, we began our quest to set them free and succeeded, the zebras were considered unlucky since slave owners would suddenly vanish one night. And thus the fear of zebras was instilled in the older families of Equestria, and the zebras returned to their homeland where they started the tradition of remembering what Sir and I did for them. A few decades before we had to leave our world the first steps were being made towards peaceful coexistence between the zebras and the other ponies."




"Well, I do know where she is, and that would be with the Black Knight in the cabins. However, the way down there is blocked by Rachel, Chain, and Banner. She was able to sneak past them alone, but I don't know if you all could pass them without being spotted. Too bad you can't just sink through the floors like me."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"well...uh, ok" she was disturbed by the last comment he said then focused on the specter that went around her arm "well then...I'll have it, go on your head" she tried to make it go on The Black Nights head.


"well now we are thinking strait, I can make a better cloak as that's like the only spell we learned, me and Amy" he clarified as he cloaked the group again after a little time. this time making it slightly smell and sound proof, like having fluff all over them and a body spray that smells like water "so were just going to go out there?" the red wearing kid said with a muffled voice "yes" he walked to the door.


@@Drago Ryder,

"well that makes scene"  "I would be worried if you were about to die from oldness when you go on this quest"

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@@Illiad Easle


Gale stared at Midnight for a second, before laughing slightly. "Believe me, Apollo may act tough, but he's a big ole softy on the inside." She said, giving a slight smile. She wasn't surprised that ponies would treat those who looked similar to them in such a way, though. Humans did something similar here, though it was made illegal a long time ago.





Rachel nodded and smiled. "Thank you for your concern." She said. The woman didn't notice the light blush spreading on her face, though 

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The Scepter shakes a bit, then continues on its course towards the girl. "Remember, change little things about what it wants, if you think or speak the changes you want to make you may find it easier to enact them. Also, there are three different things you can change about a person's mind. You can change what they see, which is often easiest. You can change what they want, which is a bit harder. Or you can change their sense of self or who they think they are, which is often the hardest. Changing their perception is often the least noticeable and can achieve your objectives."



@@Drago Ryder,@

Midnight turned towards Apollo, a slightly smug expression on his face. "Is that true? Are you really just a big spiky marshmallow?"




Before this moment Slend hadn't noticed the slight difference in this smell of fresh vs salt water, but it was unlikely that anyone else on the ship would think to much about it, the ship was bound to have some fresh water stored on it somewhere. "I'll meat you guys down there to lead you to the correct room, don't get yourselves caught." With that he sunk into the floorboards, coming across the tail end of what must have been an interesting conversation to promote the blush on Rachel's face. Drat, it got interesting right as I left.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Apollo growled slightly and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, whatever." He muttered. To be quite honest, he wished Gale hadn't brought that bit, but he figured it probably would've shown eventually. "Anyway, have fun you two love birds." With that, the dragon moved to a different part of the ship that was noticeably farther away, leaving his sister and Midnight alone.


Kyubi was slightly surprised and nodded. "Ok, what do you want to talk about?" She asked.

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@@Drago Ryder, @@Illiad Easle,

"oh, ok then have this, I'll make it think my arm is my leg, can't be to hard to change that vision right?" she tries her best again feeling just a bit exhausted from trying to do all these things


the kids left being very careful not to make any noise as they walked by Chain, Banner, and Rachel. Tony was also thinking how they were going to find the room, he thought it would be some magic or something.


"I think I go know her sexuality for sure" "I think your reading to much unto it" they said as Chain observed the blush on Rachel "I bet she just likes that we care" she kind of hoped it was more

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Agravain strolled calmly down the road, contemplating the recent events that had brought him to where he was now.




@@Illiad Easle,

The man stood up from his chair and approached a set of cabinets. He opened them and withdrew a jade tea set and tea pot. He took them over to a stove and lit it. He then opened another cabinet situated nearby and withdrew a box of tea. Calmly, he said "Tell me, what kind of tea do you prefer? I enjoy a relaxing chamomile..."


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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@@Illiad Easle


Gale blushed at Apollo's words and knew the perfect way to get back at him. "You didn't say no." She said, laughing a bit. The dragoness then glanced at Midnight and sighed.




Blitz knew that this may bring up bad memories, but he needed to confirm his theory. "It's about your family. I've been thinking about it and the one thing I can't figure out is why someone would do it. What would they have to gain. Feel free to stop me if I'm wrong on anything. You said your uncle was in the military, specifically a high ranking official, so that's a good indicator that you weren't a poor family. Now, whoever did the crime would be able to get a good bit of money from what they did, but then why would they leave you? My thoughts turned to Heinrich, the dark elf who sent you after me. What was his position again, governor of something like that?"

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To be honest, Kyubi felt like she was going to puke when Blitz mentioned her family, but she tried to suppress that urge as he began to ask about Heinrich. "Yes. He was a governor and advisor to the king when I left. What does all of this mean?" She asked, hoping that it wasn't what she thought. She had a few secrets to hide, and this was one she didn't want to expose just yet.

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Blitz nodded slightly and thought for a moment before continuing. "I thought so." He said, before moving close enough to whisper into her ear. He didn't want anyone else to hear this. "Are you aware that, should every member of the royal family die, then the courts will vote to decide who should rule. Of course, the people vote in hopes of influencing them, but nine times out of ten it ends up being whoever the ruler's advisor was. That is not only a dark elf law, but also a law for most other empires with a monarchy."

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Kyubi's eyes widened in abject horror. "Are you saying that Heinrich may be plotting to kill the king, and was the one who killed my family?" She whispered. The pieces began to add up in her head, but she didn't quite see the full picture.


As soon as Apollo was as far as possible from his sister and Midnight, he heard his stomach growl and sighed. The dragon then flew off the boat and dove into the water. "There has to be some fish out here." He thought.

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Blitz nodded solemnly. "For the most part, that is a strong possibility. He probably wants more power and he killed your family because he wanted to send someone out to get me, at the very least. Why he would to that, I don't know. For now, we should just play along with whatever he has planned." He whispered. "I'll tell the others about this later and see what they think." The Neko knew it was a lie, but he needed to find a way to comfort Kyubi. He then smiled gently as he sat down. "Listen, if there's anyone you need to talk to, I'm sure someone here will listen. Now that I'm starting to regain my memories, I know what it feels like to lose everything, among other things. It's not something you want to keep bottled up."




Ratchel nodded nervously and smiled. She felt a bit weird, but she tried to ignore that feeling. "I guess you could say that." She said.


Clayton glanced at the dryad and shrugged. "There's nothing really that special to it." He said. "If anything, sometimes I wonder what it's like to be a different species."

Edited by Drago Ryder
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