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The Narwhal Muffin

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Kyubi glanced at the new person on the roof and rolled her eyes. "Where do these people keep coming from." She thought to herself before turning towards Gale. Now that she thought abut it, she hadn't seen the two in a while. "Should we go look for them to make sure they don't get into to much trouble?"

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"No. We can share the bed. I don't mind. Really. I don't want you to be uncomfortable and forced to sleep on the floor." She got out of masters arms and made her way over to the bed. Sitting down on it, she took of her cloak, leaving her in a small shirt and her underwear. She lied down under the blanket and held her hand out to Blitz. "Come on. Don't be so nervous."

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After a few moments, Blitz took Shana's hand in his own and crawled into the bed with her. To be quite honest, his companion was right. He was nervous. "Ok, you win." He said, giving a slight smile. The neko didn't want to make this feel any more awkward than it already was for him and the last thing he wanted to do was to make Shana feel alone.

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Shana smiled as Blitz took her hand. She felt happy and safe when he is next to her. When he lied down, she cuddled up right next to him and wrapped one of her arms over him. "Good night Master. *mumbling* I love you. ~Purr." She fell fast asleep after finishing what she was saying.

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Blitz was stunned to say the least and gave a low purr. The neko then basically hugged Shana. He had no doubt in his mind about his feelings now and he made a silent promise that he wouldn't let anyone hurt her. Past and memories be damned "I love you too." He whispered as he closed his eyes and fell asleep.


Gale shook her head. "No. Let them have a bit of fun." She said.", giving a slight smirk. The dragoness then walked into the tower.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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Kyubi shrugged and put her bow on her back, before jumping into the trees and sitting on s branch. The dark elf then leaned against a tree and closed her eyes. The position gave her a vantage point in case anything decided to attack the group and she enjoyed sleeping above the ground anyway. She then smiled and closed her eyes.

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"Well, That went better than I expected."


Midnight heads back into the tower to repair his armor's cloth covering.

I begin to repeat the process of generating lightning javelins, summoning a bolt of lightning to restart the procedure.

I almost wish something would happen.

I pay no mind to the one that entered the tower top, as Gale considered him a friend he must be someone she is familiar with.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Gale glanced at Midnight and moved a bit closer to him. "Is there anything I can do to help?" She asked.


A figure looked at the inn that Blitz and Shana had walked into. "Looks like I found you after all this time." He thought as a fireball formed in each hand. "Vincit qui patitur, dear Blitz." The man then fired the projectile and while one blasted through the door, the other made it inside and hit one of the kegs of alcohol that hadn't been emptied.


Blitz was dreaming of sitting on Gale's back with Shana holding onto him as the dragoness flew through the air. That was swallowed up in smoke as the fire spread through the inn. The Neko then woke up. "Shana, we have to go." He said.

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@@Drago Ryder,

Midnight turns towards Gale, surprised as he hadn't noticed her when he entered.

"Hmm... that depends, do you know how to sew? He looks over at her scales, does being poked by a needle hurt you?"


@@Jellal Fernandes

I sigh, curiosity overwhelming. I turn to see the person, I can recognize him as Agravain, he is similar enough. Without his cloak I can see the demon's curse spreading across him. Not something I would want t experience again.

"So, Agravian, what do we do now?"


(OoC with things so slow it is hard to fill 200 characters.)

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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(As soon as Child of Darkness posts, that shouldn't be a problem.)


Gale sighed and shook her head. "Sorry. I can't really sew." She said, feeling a bit embarrassed. "I guess I could keep you company while you work." The dragoness then laid next to Midnight and smiled.

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"Well, I suggest that we get our gear together and start looking for the demon," Agravain said, walking into the tower. After entering the main room, he put on the rest of his armor, when something started to make him feel lightheaded. "Black Knight..." Agravain said, falling to the ground. "I'm putting you in charge..." He could tell something was wrong, and fell into some sort of magical coma.

Edited by Jellal Fernandes


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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Gale glanced at Midnight and moved a bit closer to him. "Is there anything I can do to help?" She asked.


A figure looked at the inn that Blitz and Shana had walked into. "Looks like I found you after all this time." He thought as a fireball formed in each hand. "Vincit qui patitur, dear Blitz." The man then fired the projectile and while one blasted through the door, the other made it inside and hit one of the kegs of alcohol that hadn't been emptied.


Blitz was dreaming of sitting on Gale's back with Shana holding onto him as the dragoness flew through the air. That was swallowed up in smoke as the fire spread through the inn. The Neko then woke up. "Shana, we have to go." He said.

Shana woke up quickly despite being tired and instinctively grabbed her Staff and bag. "Master? What happened? Never mind that let's go out of here. Out the windows, that's the safest option." Shana rushed over to Master and was clinging on to him. She was still in a slight state of shock and was afraid. Sooner they got out the better."


(Don't expect me to post for a few hours. Just finished a 4 and a half hour stream so I'm going to bed.)

Edited by Child Of Darkness

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(I understand)


Blitz nodded and noticed the smell of alcohol in the air. "Either a Mage got angry in the bar, or someone's trying to burn the place down." He thought to himself as he glanced at Shana. "Hold on and don't let go." Blitz then picked up Shana and noticed a window. The neko then ran forward, crashing through the glass in the process and onto the edge of the roof of a neighboring abandoned building. Blitz didn't account for slope, however, and pushed Shana further up on the roof as he fell into a fruit cart.


The figure that had started the fire smirked as he approached the scene, his hand glowing. Magical energy then surrounded Blitz's midsection and lifted him into the air. "This is truely priceless. Do you even have any idea of who you once were. Oh, but I'm monologging aren't i? You have no memory of who once were, but that only makes this so much easier." The figure then laughed as he revealed a staff with a pointed tip. "It's a shame really. You were something great, and now your only a mockery of a man who died months ago."

Edited by Drago Ryder
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Shana had gripped onto the slope to stop her from falling, but she flew into a rage when she heard what the figure was saying. She pulled out her staff and using magic, brought a heavy wind from the side of the figure, in an attempt to push him into the fire. Stands were being pushed over, and everything was shaking violently with the extreme winds. "No one tries to hurt Master! ~Hiss"

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The figure wasn't the expecting the neko to attack and almost fell. His staff, on the other hand, was blown out of his grip and landed somewhere behind him. As he regained his footing, he looked at Shana with a look of contempt from under his mask. "Well, that was quite the little windstorm you summoned, my dear, but I've been through worse." The figured then shot multiple fireballs at Shana. He would burn the whole town down if he needed to and his order would blame it all on Blitz, putting a bounty on his head and making his job so much easier.

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@ @Illiad Easle @Yoshikupo


Kyubi woke up in the middle of the night and noticed smoke blocking the full moon's glow. When she got higher in the tree, she noticed that a fire was starting to grow in a nearby town. "Guys, a town is burning nearby. We should probably look in to it.." She said/yelled back to the others. The dark elf then kept from branch to branch, making her way towards the town.

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The figure wasn't the expecting the neko to attack and almost fell. His staff, on the other hand, was blown out of his grip and landed somewhere behind him. As he regained his footing, he looked at Shana with a look of contempt from under his mask. "Well, that was quite the little windstorm you summoned, my dear, but I've been through worse." The figured then shot multiple fireballs at Shana. He would burn the whole town down if he needed to and his order would blame it all on Blitz, putting a bounty on his head and making his job so much easier.

A heavy gust of winds came from Shana's staff and the fireballs extinguished. Jumping down from the room and landing I'm the street, she focused on the cast of her next spell. "Fire is destroyed by a strong enough wind. And spells without a staff are weak." The strong winds causing the pyromage's staff to rise from where it landed and it was carried to Shana's hand. "A mage without his staff is like a warrior without his sword. Not very effective at their job. So make my day. Try some things stupid. I want another excuse to crush you."

Edited by Child Of Darkness

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The figure grit his teeth in frustration. "You have no idea who you're messing with, girl." He said, before tightening his hand into a fist. The magic around Blitz grew tighter and bones could be heard as they broke. "Besides, wind can meet a few setbacks. I just happen to know one of them." The Mage then drew all of his magic into his chest and shot a lightning bolt at Shana. It wouldn't do much outside paralysis and a bit of a burn and it would also leave him drained for the next few hours unless he got a potion.

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Knowing that she was not fast enough to dodge this spell, she raised the figures staff into a defensive position and made it take the brunt of the impact. The Staff shattered and some of the lightning git through and burnt Shana's stomach. It was a nasty burn, but nothing she couldn't heal with magic. "*pant* My turn." A quick dash to her bag she had left nearby and she pulled out several vials containing a strange gas compound. Numbing mist. A gas mixture that can sever a mages connection to magic for an hour. She smashed one of the vials at a safe distance away from her, and sent the gas to the figure along the wind. Hoping to seal away his magic.

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"Wow, you just love to telegraph your attacks, don't you?" He asked. "Either way, I have what I came for." The man then sensed a anomaly and looked at Blitz. To his shock, he had regained conciousness. "No. You shoukdnt be able to do this. You have none of your memories."


The neko had watched the attack hit Shana and then at the figure who had attacked her with a look of pure hatred . What can only be described as an aura then surrounded him, breaking the magic around him and causing him to fall to the ground "I am going to make you regret doing that." He growled as he slowly stood and faced his would be killer. Blood trickled down his face from a few injuries and his eyes were bloodshot, but he didn't care. All rational thought was lost. Blitz then noticed the cloud of gas and moved out of its way. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case for the cloaked figure.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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"Master! You're free! What do we do with this mage? I say we teach him not to mess with those who can easily overpower him. Such an arrogant mage. I'm guessing he's human. And I hate humans! The gas should have sealed him by now. So he's ours to do what we wish to him." She started to gather a large amount of wind in an orb in the sky, making it compact enough to make it a near solid object. Once it was ready, she intended to crush the figure that tried to kill them. She also simultaneously had her light healing magic enveloping herself and Blitz. This use was draining her of mana quickly though.

Edited by Child Of Darkness

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Kyubi watched the scene from a distance and was stunned to say the least. "So, this is the power he spoke of." She thought to herself as she made sure her bow was still there. If Blitz proved that he couldn't control what he had, she would knock him out. For now, Shana was her best bet at keeping the neko in control.

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Blitz looked at the Mage, seemingly in thought. "We should probably end this before it gets out of hand." He said. "I'm getting tired of him."


The figure stood silent for a moment and simply began to laugh at what Shana said. "Oh, that is hilarious." He said, as he pulled out a dagger from under his cloak. "Despite how much it would please me to do so, I won't spoil the surprise. The target's been marked and there will be others like me, who either want him dead or to return him to what he once was. Despite his survival, this was a success. I guess you should see the face of the one who tried to kill you, though. It only seems fair. My name is Blaze." With that, the man removed his mask, revealing skin that had been burned, stitched, still healing,, and a face that seemed almost lifeless and flat. Bone could be seen and his eyes were blank. When his hood droped, he had silver hair that was cut short. "Just know that we are watching." Blaze then stabbed himself in the chest and silently laughed as blood pooled under him.


(We should probably wait for the others.)

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Chain: "what's this all about?" he asked the Dark elf how kept him up and already went away then he looked at all the chaos happening in the town "so that's where Blitz and Shana went? that's uh quite amazing power that they got there" that magic its powerful but almost like you cant contain it he thought then headed towards the town trying to get everyone else to follow him on the way

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Kyubi nodded slightly and nooked an arrow in her bow. She then spoke in her natural tongue, adding an enchantment that would stun anyone for a good bit of time, not taking his eyes off Blitz. "Yeah. It's both scary and amazing to think that that kind of power exists." She muttered under her breath. She didn't know what the two nekos were doing and she would rather not think about it.

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