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The Narwhal Muffin

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Blitz remained silent as he walked onward. He had heard Chain, but he didn't care for what he had to say. His mind was already occupied with the thoughts that were rushing through his mind and the emotions he was feeling weren't helping. "Why did I ever think that would work. Of course it was a stupid thought and I was just assuming that everything would work out just fine." The neko then sighed as he continued moving. "Why am I even offended that he didn't even approve of the idea. It's not like I care what he thinks." A light ring resounded within Blitz's mind, drawing all of his attention. As time passed, the ringing became more shrill, like nails grating against a chalkboard. The neko then fell to the ground in evident pain and tried to cup his hands over his ears, but that only made the problem worse. Eventually, darkness enshrouded his vision and everything but his vital organs shut down. He couldn't hear or feel anything.

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Kyubi watched Blitz leave and was stunned for a second, not expecting him to come up with such a plan and then leave so abruptly. She had silently listened to what the others had to say and took out a arrow from the quiver on her back before speaking words in a lounge that only the elves knew. A light then surrounded the head and shaft of the projectile, illuminating the area despite the sunlight, and the dark elf threw it between the members of the group. "I can make about twenty of those with all of my magic. I can do it on larger object as well but it takes more mana depending on the size and it could easily drain everything I have if it's to large." She said, crossing her arms. Dark elfs were no strangers to magic, but something like this was rare among the species as a whole. It's not that they didn't have the capacity to cast light magic/ enchantments. They just normally don't at all and this made Kyubi a bit uncomfortable.

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@@Drago Ryder,

Something enters my slumber...

The presence of the dragoness disturbed the slumber of Sir, the tendrils went rigid, slowly seeking out the one that disturbed them. One poked the intruding figure while others circled around as if watching for a reaction.

Midnight was slightly frightened as the intruder had not responded to his call, plus, the tendrils' reaction was unexpected. He decided to take the safe route and back away, hide from the intruder as long as possible... so long as the intruder did nothing to injure Sir of course. 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Gale's eyes widened when the tendrils poked her, but she didn't really react. If anything, she was more interested in Midnight than he surrounding area. The dragoness then basically pounced on Midnight from her current position and gently licked/nuzzled him. "It's so good to see you again." She said. Gale then realized what she had done and blushed slightly.

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Chain: he was still looking around trying to see his way throw the forest. the more he hit trees and rock pissed him off more and more "damit answer me!" he shouted then started to walk faster, hitting things with more force "ah! F%ing answer me!" he yelled hitting one last rock that he swore it felt like his feet were being eaten by small creatures. "aaaaahhhhh!" he yelled going an involuntary ring of fire around him and saw Blitz's unconscious body slightly burnt from him "oh celestia I'm sorry!" he says thinking he caused all of this "I can heal burns, something you pick up when using fire all the time" he starts to cast a spell on blitz as the ring of fire slowly fades away and the fog covers Chain's eyes.

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Shana was worried about Master storming off like he did. And this fog that had just moved in did not feel natural at all. "I'll go and have a look for Master. Don't go too far ahead without us." She put of shield of wind around her which increased her vision in the fog and prevented contact with it. It felt too perfectly timed and too unnatural. She followed the direction master had taken in hopes to find him quickly. "Master!? Master!? Where did you go!?"

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Having fur didn't exactly minimize the damage to Blitz when Chain's fire hit, but he gave no outward reaction. His mind was flooded in white noise and Blitz himself was practically floating through his subconscious. "Who am I? What is my purpose." He thought as he made his way through his mind. That was the one question that he had been asking himself every day as he normally tried futily to regain whatever memories he once had.

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Chain: he was met with two options either he yells to try and get Shana's attention so she could heal Blitz and have him feel guilt for what he did from Shana or he hides and tries to heal him himself. he thought for a bit till he thought it would be better to come clean "Shana! I need some help!" he yelled trying to get her attention 

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Shana heard a voice calling out to her from within the fog. Her hearing had not been impaired by it, so she could trace the noise easily and ran over at fast as she could. Arriving on scene, her shield of wind blew the fog away from the local area around the three of them to give then room to breath. When she looked at Blitz, she could feel tears in her eyes. "Master!?" She rushed to his side, sat down next to him and held him in her arms. "Master!? What happened!? What's wrong!?" She immediately started to heal the burns that he had, before turning her attention to chain. "What happened here?"

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"I...I messed up I got to mad and the fire within me got out...on him" he looked down but still was healing his burns "I still think this fog came from someone, Its way to convenient like if someone wanted to attack him" he paused "that's the reason I kept following but I just made it a lot worst"

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Kyubi sighed at the fact that no one really seemed interested in talking to her about the arrows, so she decided it would be best to follow Shana and help look for Blitz. When she arrived at where the other three were, she was stunned. She immediately moved to Shana's side and looked over Blitz's body. "There doesn't seem to be any signs of a struggle. Either he just passed out or someone used magic to do this. If it's the former, why would that happen?" She said, before glancing at Chain. "As for you, it wasn't your fault. You didn't know how close he was so the best thing you can do is to try and be more careful."

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(No one is tagging people any more...)

Midnight was surprised to say the least, stunned that he had been discovered so quickly. I used to be the master of stealth, walking on shoes of glass and passing without notice through any location, and now I can't even seem to hide in the dark.

He has further stunned when he got licked. That is unlike any dragon mannerism that I have ever seen. All the dragons I have ever known have been cool and detached except to their loved ones, Gale may be different than the dragons back home or... Oh.

He hesitantly returns the nuzzle, realizing that a relationship has already begun to form between him and Gale, I am not sure if I am okay with this, though it has been so long since Luna and I were a pair... I guess I could just see how this goes.


As the intruder pounced through to Midnight the tendrils stiffened again, probing the air for answers to the strange behavior, conflicting emotions floated through the air as the tendrils formed a semi-rigid wall between the pair and the suit. The face of the Black knight slowly begins to glow, about half of the brightness that it was when he first arrived.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@ @Illiad Easle @Yoshikupo @Child Of Darkness


Gale was surprised when Midnight returned the nuzzle and slowly moved away. It wasn't that she didn't like it. She was just a bit nervous seeing as how she didn't really have any interest in romance before she met Midnight. "So, how is he?" She asked, trying to distract both of them from what felt like an awkward moment.


A voice permeated Blitz's mind and it echoed throughout the darkness. "You wish to know what you once were, yet you may not be ready for what is to come." It said. "Your past holds the key to unlocking the desires of those closest to you as well as those of your enemies. You will relive every moment of your life and experience what you had before she sealed it all away. Your friends cannot help you. Only you can go through this." A blinding light then surrounded the neko and transported him into the oldest and one of the darkest corners of his memories. It gave Blitz no choice on if he wanted to do this or not. He needed to see who he was. It had also detected three different beings extremely close to his host's body. In the real world, the same power that had surrounded Blitz before reappeared. It wouldn't do anything unless it felt threatened.


When the light subsided, Blitz found himself in a city under siege. Buildings burned as an invading army cut innocent men, women, and children. The body he was in wasn't the one he was familiar with. He was human in all sense of the word. If he had parents, he had no idea where they were or if they were even alive. Raw emotions coursed through his mind and when he looked into a nearby window, the reflection he saw scared him more than anything. He didn't look more than seven and he was in the middle of a war zone.

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Chain: "uh Shana, if he is in this passed out state is there anything we can do to help?" he asked her "or can all we do is wait for him to wake up while we heal him?"

Banner:  she was still a little bit pissed off when Shana left without answering her or the Dryads questions

Dryad: "Agravain since you also know about demons can you tell me if my powers will work?" she asked him

(if its more oh Chain or Banners adventures its gold color, green means its Dryad focused)

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Kyubi looked at the visible aura around Blitz and felt a bit fearful of it. "Umm guys, something isn't right about him." She said. Despite the situation, though, the dark elf made no move to grab for her weapons. "What do you think is happening to him. Obviously this has to do with why he's practically in a coma."

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"Demons are only weak to light and holy magic as far as I know. I doubt you'd be able to tie it down, the stories I heard suggested it's wings were so strong they could cut through mountains," he said in a monotone voice, sounding almost uncaring that Blitz was gone.


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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Dryad: "that may be true but what if I use mountains to hit it where it cant use its wings to cut it, like hit it in his stomach or something?" she asked Agravain "of course I cant make mountains on my own, I would need the other Dryad's power to do so but with that power it could brutally hurt him"

Banner: "I wonder what's taking so long?" she asked her self thinking about going in the forest after the other

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@@Drago Ryder,

That could have gone better...

Midnight sighs as Gale moves away, slightly disappointed that their interaction was so short.

"Sir is doing as best he can, though this world has much less residual magic as our last one, this tower is full of it, he should be ready to move again in just a few more hours."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Gale nodded slightly and felt a bit nervous. "I thought I felt something weird. Guess it was him." She said. The dragoness then decided to address the elephant into the room. "Sorry about earlier. I understand if you didn't like it. I'm normally not like this but it's different when you're around. I don't know how to describe it to be quite honest."


Blitz walked through the city in a daze. He had no idea where he was going and his body seemed to have a mind of it's own. Forces on both sides took loses, but it was obvious who was going to win. Buildings of knowledge burned to the ground. Innocent people suffered all around him, being cut down as they fled their homes or when the enemy kicked their doors in and killed whoever was inside, and he could do nothing as far as he could tell as he watched from the shadows. The boy was brought out of his musings when a large man in grey plate armor rushed towards him, giving a war cry and drawing a sword, intending to kill the boy. Blitz was paralyzed for a moment before the glint of metal caught his eye and he saw a sword resting on the ground next to a dead body. As he grabbed the sword, the boy forgot to adjust for the additional weight and fell on his back as he lifted it. The charging man lunged forward, intending to drive the sword into the boy's chest. Blitz swung his body and knocked the sword away, making it hit the stone road next to him and the man fell onto him, the sword going through his chest. Blood flowed down the blade and both were stunned. The boy because he had just killed a man, even if it was in defence, and the man because one so young had taken his life. The utter shock on the man's face implanted itself within Blitz's mind as he was trapped under him, unable to find the energy to move. The explosion of cannonfire could be heard in the distance and Blitz could see distant walls crumble, allowing for more of the invaders to rush into the city.


(Think of this as the fall of Constantinople.)

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@@Drago Ryder,

At first Midnight was confused at what she meant, then he remembered that she had Licked him, which, though strange to equines, was not uncommon among reptilian species as a sign of affection, much like a kiss.

"It's okay, I didn't realize you had feelings for me. I never had the chance to study dragons in anything other than a platonic setting. So..." Midnight realizes that he is rambling, the last time he rambled like this was when he first met Luna in a non-combat setting.

He turns toward Gale, determined not to make the same mistakes as in his last relationship, even though Gale has a significantly lower chance of descending into a depressive spiral that ends with him in the castle dungeon.

"I can't exactly explain my feelings around you either. I feel like I can trust you with anything, even Sir's life, which is why I risked opening the door to see you."

He nuzzles Gale more affectionately than before.

"Though, I would appreciate it if you didn't lick me again, at least for now."




The tendrils have fully extended throughout the tower, now no thicker than spider webs, but capable of sensing the slightest change in the conditions within the tower.

The Black Knight's face now glows with the same intensity as it did when he first arrived in town.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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When the others didn't respond, Kyubi figured that she might as well see what was going on with the thing around Blitz. The dark elf then moved a hand closer to the aura around the neko. She didnt know what would happen, but it was worth a shot if it meant getting him out of whatever state he was in.

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Gale blushed slightly and smiled, before returning the nuzzle. "Thanks." She said, before lying on the ground next to Midnight. The dragoness felt comforted that they were both in a similar situation and she didn't really mind that Midnight wasn't a dragon. She felt more connected to him than anyone else she knew, except for maybe Blitz but it wasn't in the way most would think.

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Chain: "uh Shana, if he is in this passed out state is there anything we can do to help?" he asked her "or can all we do is wait for him to wake up while we heal him?"

Banner: she was still a little bit pissed off when Shana left without answering her or the Dryads questions

Dryad: "Agravain since you also know about demons can you tell me if my powers will work?" she asked him

(if its more oh Chain or Banners adventures its gold color, green means its Dryad focused)

"If my instinct are right. And they are. I think master is having either a psychological attack or something has happened within his own mind. If it's the prior, I can help him. If it's the latter and I try to help him, it could kill him. So all we can do is protect him. He has to deal within on his own." She held master and gently kissed his forehead to try and comfort him in some way. Even though he most likely could not feel it. The burns had healed, so they just had to wait for him to come around.

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(Alright, am tired of waiting, Black Knight is First person again.)

A stirring, I feel alive again. I retract my tendrils and reflect on what they have seen and felt as I slumbered.

So all but Gale and Midnight are in the forest? Might as well catch up with them.

The tendrils fully retract into the suit and the chestplate closes with a slight clang. a little bit of light enters the room from a preveously blocked window.

I notice Gale and Midnight's romantic interactions. As I begin unlocking and flexing my joints.

"You were always one for the dark and mysterious types weren't you."


Midnight jumps at the sudden sound from Sir, "OH!, Sir, you're awake already? I wasn't expecting you to wake up for another day at least."


"Well, neither did I, we best get a move on if we are going to catch up, speaking of which." I turn towards Gale, "Would you mind catching us up on what happened whilst I slumbered?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Gale glanced at the dark knight and nodded. "Nothing much really. The others just left and stopped when they found a destroyed section of land. They should still be discussing a way of trying to kill dragon. Also, a dryad has joined the group." She said.


As Shana kissed Blitz and Kyubi moved closer to the neko, the aura around him seemed to shudder and expand out and swirl around the three. It was curious as to why these beings were so close and yet not threatening to his host. "I wish they could see what he was going through, but the neko female is right. Blitz has to endure his past alone." The source of the voice from earlier thought.

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