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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

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The Narwhal Muffin

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"Maybe we could actually get some rest there, sure I'm a soldier but I need sleep" she said walking fast to the port "I must say I have seen many worlds but this one, its unique" 

The Dryad was lagging behind the others feeling faint "I can do it mother...yes I think of you like that" she kept going "maybe we can get some magic for me"

"maybe we can get someone to look after these kids" as soon as Chain said that on of the kids hugged his leg tight "your going to have to let go sometime" "no" the kid said in response

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Kyubi looked at the kids and sighed. She wasn't really good at dealing with kids, but at least she could try. "I'm sorry, but you can't come with us." She said in a gentle tone, before glancing at Apollo. "As for you, I already know his story." A light blush played on the dark elf's cheeks and she felt a bt nervous.


Apollo shrugged slightly. "I figured as much. "What was your old world like?"

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"but you guys saved us, I can help with is" the kid pulls out what seems to be a almost light sucking stone "it gathers energy from darkness, what I learned at home is that darkness can be used for good" "you still cant come with us, and you should keep that stone, it could help you in the future" "I would say that he is right, from the stuff that happened lately...yeah" the Dryad heard the thing about the stone "kid, I won't take it away from you but could you tell me how you got that?" "my dad" he uncovered his head that he had a hood on to reveal pointed ears "he sent it from his lab near the dark elf home, he sent money to us from there so we could survive...my mom probably is" he couldn't finish the last part as he put his face in Chains leg shortly after Chains pants feel wet

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Blitz sighed as he looked at the kids. "Believe me, kid... No one should have to go through that, especially at your age." He said. The Neko then looked at Shana and felt his gut clench. "I probably should've told you this earlier, but I think it's better that you find out now than on your own." Blitz paused for a moment before he continued. "When I saw myself in Uxion, I was a human."

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Kyubi was surprised to see an elf this far from the forests of their home, and she knew that this was a troubling time for the kids. She then began to gently rub the back of the child who was on Chain's leg in an attempt to comfort him. An idea popped into the dark elf's head as she began to sing a song her uncle would sing for her whenever she was sad.


Come, little children, I'll take thee away

Into a land of enchantment

Come, little children, the time's come to play

Here in my garden of shadows

Follow, sweet children, I'll show thee the way

Through all the pain and the sorrows

Weep not, poor children, for life is this way

Murdering beauty and passions

Hush now, dear children, it must be this way

Too weary of life and deceptions

Rest now, my children, for soon we'll away

Into the calm and the quiet

Come, little children, I'll take thee away

Into a land of enchantment

Come, little children, the time's come to play

Here in my garden of shadows

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Come, little children, I'll take thee away Into a land of enchantment Come, little children, the time's come to play Here in my garden of shadows Follow, sweet children, I'll show thee the way Through all the pain and the sorrows Weep not, poor children, for life is this way Murdering beauty and passions Hush now, dear children, it must be this way Too weary of life and deceptions Rest now, my children, for soon we'll away Into the calm and the quiet Come, little children, I'll take thee away Into a land of enchantment Come, little children, the time's come to play Here in my garden of shadows

(nice, I love that song)


"that's beautiful" the kid said to Kyubi "I feel better" he gets off of Chains legs "can we go to the dark elf home? I know its the way were going" "were actually going there now, it shouldn't be to long to get there, what about your other friends?" a girl in the group of kids speaks up "we don't have much of a home anymore so we will go when you guys want us to" as she says that a jingling sound is heard getting closer which gets the elf child's attention "tenebris? is that you?" a zombie dog comes charging at the kid and licks him. Banner starts walking more toward the town and so does the Dryad

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Kyubi smiled sweetly and giggled a bit. "Thanks. My uncle used to sing that to me." She said. The dark elf felt a bit self-conscious about that bit, but she didn't really mind that she had revealed the information.


Apollo glanced at Kyubi and gave a low growl. He began to find a bit of interest in the dark elf and looked into the sky. "Is this what she feels like with Blitz." He thought to himself.

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Blitz sighed as he looked at the kids. "Believe me, kid... No one should have to go through that, especially at your age." He said. The Neko then looked at Shana and felt his gut clench. "I probably should've told you this earlier, but I think it's better that you find out now than on your own." Blitz paused for a moment before he continued. "When I saw myself in Uxion, I was a human."

"Wait? You were human? That, logically seems impossible. Unless, yes. A possibility is a transformation spell, and a strong one to completely rework an entire species genetics into another. You must have made enemies with a powerful mage a long time ago. This is all a lot of cause for concern, the implications are not nice. But on the bright side, this may be a clue to who is after you. A Strong mage, or maybe a group."

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(Sorry it took so long, I'll catch up.)

@@Drago Ryder,

Midnight turned to Gale, "What? Oh, it's nothing." *sigh* "It's just, Apollo goes from wanting nothing to do with us to saving us in a matter of hours, and now is following us on our quest. I'm just afraid that he has ulterior motives for joining us, And when those motives are revealed it will be too late to do anything about it."


I turn more towards Apollo, "My world? Well, before the great war started... It was much like this one. There were great cities where all the races worked together towards an even better future. My father was the king of the largest and most prosperous nation in the world." As I walk my gate changes to a more sad, subdued walk. "After the war started, it was all over. The races couldn't stand each other, infighting led to weakened defenses and ultimately the end of our great civilization. I was a knight in my father's army, for I would not sit idly by like the rest of the nobles when it came to defending my people." *sigh* "I'm rambling aren't I?"


I decided to stay away from the children, best to not let them discover that I too am a shadow scepter, and that I am carrying one of the ones that attacked their town. That couldn't end well, especially with that sort of power gem. He need only touch my with that gem to do serious damage. I could die from that.


Midnight and I both turn towards Kyubi, stunned.

"That song..." we both mutter at the same time. We turn to each other, "That was Luna's song right? The one she sang when she formed the children of the moon?" "It was, the very same song. The order used it to help stabilize the dimensional gate when we fled before Discord's offensive." "How could she have known that song?" "Possibly the song bled through the multiverse when it was used to stabilize the portal, or a member of the order also arrived here around the same time we did. The only way to know for certain would be to talk with Kyubi's uncle, find out where the song came from."

I move over to Kyubi, careful to stay out of the children's lunging distance, can't be too careful. "Kyubi, is your uncle still alive perchance?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Kyubi looked at Apollo and Midnight, before sighing. "No. That's the reason I was forced to leave my home, actually. He was killed in the middle of the night and I was accused of murdering him." She said. looking at the ground. The dark elf was both sad that she had to bring up her uncle and angry at herself for not at least trying to be there to protect him. "I loved him and I could never do such a thing, though."

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"I still think I was right for calling this group a band of good misfits, all with a past, all with a hopeful future, and all with a similar goal in mind to make a truly epic adventure" "he stole most of that from a poet we met" Banner blurted out blankly staring at him. the kids were distracted with the dog to really care what was going on at the moment, some of them were trying to forget.


(PS. the dogs name is dark in Latin)

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To be quite honest, Gale was a bit suspicious. She did see a bit of reason behind what Mdnight said, but that wouldn't be something that someone would normally be sad about. The dragoness then gently nuzzled him and smiled. "It's ok. If he does try anything, I'm sure we can handle it." Gale then walked forward a bit, before looking back at Midnight. "Also, I won't leave you for him. It's just been a while since I saw another dragon."


Blitz thought for a moment and nodded slightly. "That does make sense." He said. The neko was relieved that Shana didn't hate him for being a human in the past. "I guess we'll just have to wait and see."

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"lets go already" "why do you want to go so bad?" "I'm hungry ok? we haven't had a meal in like a day and the Dryad is not fit to make more food like she did" The Dryad got a little angry at what she said but knew that she was right "yeah, mother cant fully support me" a big headache rushed to her once she finished the sentence "ah!" she yelled in pain "that dogs not helping this" she said as tenebris barked more

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Unfortunate, However, maybe not useless.

"That's right, I do believe you mentioned that earlier, I was hoping it wasn't the same uncle. Was he always singing this song to you? As early as you can remember? Or did he suddenly start singing this song to you?"

If I can establish a start date, I may be able to determine the origin of the song.

@@Drago Ryder,




Midnight was flustered by Gale's sudden affection, in addition to her seeing through his reasoning. Though, he did have some good points as to the trustworthiness of Apollo, perhaps it was time for him to practice combat again.

"I do so hope so."

Midnight looks forward to the town.

"I have a feeling that our journey may be over soon."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Kyubi sighed as she tried to remember the days before she was banished. "I suppose it would be around when I was seven. I probably had a nightmare or something and he sang that song to help take the fear away. I didn't really think it was strange at the time and I still don't." She said, before looking at the town. Hopefully they could get to her homeland by tomorrow, and then her journey would be over.


Apollo sighed, seeing as how he wasn't really in anyone else's conversation. His eyes then trailed towards Blitz. "They may not trust me, but it may be for the best." He thought to himself, before glancing at the dryad and growling at the dog. "If it'll help, then I can carry her on my back." His tone was uncaring, but there was an underlying hint of concern for the dryad's wellbeing.

Edited by Dire Miralis
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Gale smiled slightly and nodded. "At least a part of it. We still have to get to Kyubi's home and take care of that dragon." She said.


Blitz glanced at Gale and Apollo and thought for a moment. "If you two want, you can come into the city with us, but please be careful. Some people aren't exactly the most accepting of dragons."

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"yes lets go and get some magic or something, if you haven't realized I need some soon or else..." she couldn't bare to say what Nature and Earths deal was and just walked hoping for the others to forget what she said "yes lets stop talking of going and go, we got worlds to save, children to find a home for and hunger that I would even eat horse meat for" "not literally right?" "no but I the other stuff was true" they all start walking

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Kyubi nodded slightly and followed Chain and Banner. "Yeah, we probably should be going." She said. The dark elf felt slightly uncomfortable when it came to her uncle, but she didn't want to seem rude.


Apollo rolled his eyes at the group and glanced at Blitz. "Sure, I might as well go with you." He said.

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Gale nodded slightly at what Blitz had said and smiled. "Yeah. I guess we could give it a try." She thought to herself.


Blitz walked forward in silence. His thoughts were already focusing on his memories and from he could tell, his life didn't seem that great. He was possibly the sole survivor of a lost civilization that was attacked when he was younger and was adopted by a loving family. Everything else was a blur. He then glanced at Gale and the others before turning his attention to his two dual swords. "I need to be careful. If I'm not, I could possibly lose everything." He thought.


"Well it's about time you lot got here. I was starting to think you got killed or something." Lance said, as he noticed the group approaching the city walls. The man was standing at the front gate with a slight smirk on his lips. He was honestly surprised to see Gale and Apollo, but that didn't seem to dampen his mood.That happened when he noticed the kids and the state of the group as a whole. "What happened?"

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"the Dryad needs some magic because nature cant do it all, the kids are orphans now and we need to find them a home, some normal relationship stuff that is getting in the way a little, and the fact that we get attacked every five seconds, any other questions?" Banner said bluntly then her stomach grumbled "also I'm hungry as a horse" "she gets cranky when she's hungry, tired, thirsty, pretty much when she has not fulfilled a basic need" "no one asked you!" the Dryad's vision started to fad when another call came from nature "shut up! I'm trying to do this myself" she screamed

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@@Drago Ryder,


(Hopefully I can post a bit more often now that the story has a direction it's moving in.)


I felt tired. Not like I did earlier in the tower, more like 'I'm getting too old for this carpé'

"The kids are orphaned because some dark mage took down a scepter lord and used the swarm to attack their village, it is a literal shadow town now."

"Agravain passed out, so I've been carrying him. He's heavy and should probably get some medical attention if he doesn't get off me soon."

Midnight turned towards Banner, a skeptical look on his face. "And as the resident horse in this group, I doubt you are actually as hungry as I am."


Both were startled by the Dryad's sudden outburst, but neither really knew what to do about it.

Dryads... Must we bring her along?

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Lance sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Well, this is just great." He muttered to himself. The man then shook his head and glanced back at the town. "Come on. I just need to take care of a few things with my friend, and I think you should probably see who you'll be living with for the next few days anyway." The man then turned his full attention to Gale and Apollo. "Also, it's good to see you two again. Thanks for keeping an eye on Blitz."


The neko raised an eyebrow. "So, apparently those three know each other. There's something going on here." He thought as he followed his brother


Gale smiled awkwardly and nodded. "No problem, Lance." She said.

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Apollo rolled his eyes and followed Lance. "Let's just hope the others didn't notice that or things could get a lot more complicated than what they already are." He thought to himself.


Kyubi narrowed her eyes as she thought of the way Lance acted. Most people would be intimidated by dragons, but he seemed to recognize Gale and Apollo. Something didn't quite add up and she couldn't tell what.

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the Dryad follow Lance, Dryad still thinking about what nature said, why do I have to be so precious to her...shes willing to almost endanger the world, worlds, just for me I know that means she cares but...the Dryad relaxed and closed her eyes. Chain and Banner, how was still a little made at midnight for his literal interpretation of hungry as a horse, followed Lance to soon see the Dryad fall down on her face "oh great, shes down"

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"I'm not carrying her, just saying, I have enough people on my back."


Midnight and I also follow Lance into the city.

I can understand Lance knowing Gale, as Gale has been with Blitz forever.

But how could Lance know Apollo? We only just met him.

I decide not to say anything just yet, But I keep my focus on Lance, Something is off about him.

"We do need to get Agravain some medical attention, oh and the dryad too I suppose."

"You sure your friend will be able to accommodate all of us?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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