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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

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The Narwhal Muffin

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@@Drago Ryder,

"he really will lead me to my father that would be-" the Dryad cut him off "your not going anywhere alone" "I know...hey do you guys want to see Acerbus? He's really nice" the dog escapes his grasp when he got held back by the Dryad again making the undead dog run up to the cloaked figures wanting attention "dammit" she lets go of the kid and gets the dog "sorry, kids are the true thing I cant understand more about humans" she gives the dog back to the kid and they get distracted by it, having everyone but Tony petting Acerbus

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@@Acnologia,@@Drago Ryder,


"Well, this is certainly going better than I expected." I said to no one in particular as I began to make my way off the ship. "Here I though someone would be dead by now, glad I was wrong." As I stood on the dock I idly wondered if we were free to move about the town or if there would be some sort of border security we'd have to go through. Not that I'm in any hurry but I'd like to have my armor fixed sooner rather than later.



Midnight decided he'd once again go as long as possible without speaking, he didn't know how the locals would react to a talking horse and he didn't want to risk it being trial by fire.



Slend quickly realized that his king's armor was rather cramped with two inside. He hoped that Sir would procure something he could use to shield himself from the sun's harmful radiation.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Kyubi nodded slightly and decided to join the others on the ground. She honestly felt like she had a million eyes watching her from all directions. She then glanced at the two cloaked figures and studied them closely. "I can't see anything underneath, but they aren't dark elves." She thought to herself.


Heinrich nodded slightly and didn't know who to be more scared of, the dragon or Blitz. "Of course. No harm will come to her during your stay here. As for how your magic will benefit those living here, that is to be discussed in a more... private setting. I will send someone to get you tonight." He said. "For now, enjoy your stay in Tojo. Also, seeing as how I handle most of the day to day formalities, including controlling the flow of how many people enter the blood isles, you won't have to deal with any of the nonsense other countries have in terms immigration policies." With that, the dark elf and his associates left the group to their own devices.

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The second cloaked figure,Yang, nodded slightly. "There's no need to apologize." She said. "I have a big family, so dealing with children is nothing new to me. That and having to keep Yin out of trouble also helps."


@Child Of Darkness


Ratchel held an umbrella over her head as she went into the dock. "Lady Shanallot, your outfit is ready. I had to do a bit of guess work for the dimensions, but it should fit." She said, before glancing at Banner with a slight smile. "I also made one for you, if you decide you want one."

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@@Drago Ryder,


"I assume you are judged by your appearance judging by, well, your appearance," Agravain said. "I am afraid I need to be on my way, I have lingered for too long as it is."


@@Illiad Easle,


"It is my job to deal with people such as the one you have mentioned," Ser Allendune replied.


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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@Drago Ryder


Shana's almost literally lit up when Ratchel spoke. "You actually got it done? Wow. Thank you very much. It's okay if the size isn't perfect, small touch ups aren't difficult. I should most likely go shopping while I have some free time. Get some new clothing pieces and accessories to go with it. New boots. A hair pin sounds nice. Stocking. They're vital." Realising she had went off on a small fantasy shopping spree in her head, she cleared her throat and got back on topic. "How much do I owe you for the dress? I insist on paying for it, after all the work you did."

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Blitz sighed and popped a few stiff joints into place. "Anyway, I might as well go explore for a bit." He said, before heading into town. The neko was curious when it came to cultures he had yet to experience, among other things.


@Child Of Darkness


Rachel smiled slightly and nodded. "The most I could take would be seventy gold. I don't normally charge for overnight productions and the materials alone make up most of the cost." She said, doing the numbers in her head.


@Jellal Fernandes


Tobi gave small laugh and nodded. "Yes, among other things." He said, before turning and began to walk away. "Anyway, it seems I must go as well, but I predict we'l meet again in the future."

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Apollo came out of the water on the bank of a river and stretched. "At least that's over with." He muttered under his breath as he made his way through the forest.


@Illiad Easle


Kyubi felt a bit uneasy being back in her homeland for the first time in years, and glanced at the black knight. "The forge should be around the dock, if my memory is correct. We should probably go there first."

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"That sounds reasonable, I'll follow you since you know the way." I prepared to move as soon as Kyubi was ready.



Midnight did not want to be left alone at the ship, so he quickly got off to follow Sir through town. He did need to get more food after all.



Slend was just along for the ride at this point, he could see through his king's mask their surroundings and he found the town and its inhabitants to be quite interesting, in that they were fairly new to him. He hadn't interacted with Kyubi on the boat so this was really his first time seeing her.


@@Jellal Fernandes,  


"Again we thank you, If there is anything you may require of us, please let us know."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Drago Ryder


Shana went into her pockets and pulled out a pouch of gold, and handed 70 pieces to Ratchel. "Here you go. I can't wait to get changed into this dress."


Heading below deck, she locked herself into one of the cabins and changed out of her old clothes into her new dress. It was mostly a great fit in the measurements, but it was a tight in the chest. "Good fit, mostly. That just emphasises my best features. Very light and nice to move around in. Need to make a hole for my tail at some point. I love it." Putting her regular clothes back on and storing the dress in her bag, she left the ship and headed off into the town to do a bit of shopping. "Need supplies, emergency potions, a staff upgrade, a map would help and some things for me. Hopefully this won't take too long."

Edited by Child Of Darkness

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Apollo hadn't traveled far when he had discovered a flock of deer and the growling in his stomach grew. Needless to say, lightning minimizes the mess of killing an animal.


@Illiad Easle


Kyubi nodded slightly and managed to maneuver through the streets until she came across a stone building that was a basic forge. "We're here. I don't know if you need the smith for your armor, but you should probably ask to use the forge if he's there." She said. "I'll just wait out here."


(You can control the smith if you want)

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@Illiad Easle


Gale decided to follow Midnight into town. She didn't really know what else to do, so she figured that she might as well help in whatever way she could.


@Child Of Darkness


Rachel smiled slightly and pocketed the coins. "I wonder if they would let me join their little group." She thought, before glancing at the two cloaked figures. "Yin and Yang. Spirits of balance if I'm not mistaken." She thought.


(Might as well use this as a referance for Shana's dress.)


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"I'll be back out as soon as I can."

I entered the smith's establishment ducking under the doorframe. It was noticeably dark inside with the glow of the forge's fire being the only source of light. The smith was a well muscled dark elf, despite this he looked cheery enough to have a customer.

"Ah, welcome to my humble shop. Let me guess, you need your armor repaired?"

"Indeed, I hope you're up to the task, this metal is particularly hard."

A brief flash of surprise crossed the elf's face as he realized that the minor visible damage was caused by something much stronger than he had initially expected. "I'm sure I can handle pounding those plates back into shape, there aren't any breaks so no pieces will have to be reforged... This shouldn't take long at all and it wont end up costing you too much either, lets say... 75 gold and I'll have it done in an hour at most."

"That seems fair," I placed 125 gold on his table, he looked up with a questioning glance, "For your secrecy," I phased out of the armor with the exception of the helmet, which was undamaged anyway. "I don't need anyone knowing about my curse." Similar to slend I formed myself into a body reminiscent of my old one, "I was human once, but cursed by a great evil to be this now and forever bound to my armor."

The elf quickly got over his shock and began to take the armor apart for repair, "Oh no trouble, your secret is safe with me. It was unexpected seeing a shadow scepter so refined as you."


@@Drago Ryder,  


Midnight noticed that he was being followed by Gale but said nothing. He waited outside the shop with Kyubi for Sir to emerge.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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A couple of minutes worth of looking around and Shana had amassed quite the collection of junk alongside the supplies the had set out to get and still managed to fit everything into her bag. Impressive even by her standards. She had also get a few new accessories to go with her dress; a head piece, thigh high stockings and heavy black boots. She changed into this outfit in a restroom and started to make her way back to the ship. It gained her some odd looks from some locals, but it didn't bother her much.


@Drago Ryder


Arriving back at the ship, Shana noticed that Ratchel wasn't doing much, and she didn't want her to feel like she wasn't welcome in the group. "Hey hey, Ratchel? If you're not doing anything right now, how about we go out somewhere together? I don't know about you, but I could really do with a drink."

Edited by Child Of Darkness

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@@Child Of Darkness, @@Drago Ryder,

The Dryad and children went along with Yin and Yang to see the elf kids father "thank you for this" she said feeling a little at ease from her new self assigned babysitter job "so how long until we get there?" "It shouldn't be that long right?" "wait where is Tony and Sara?"


Chain was out getting items for him and others, not knowing Shana had done the same thing he literally just did and returned to the ship seeing Shana and Ratchel. The bag Shana had got his attention "don't tell me you got emergency potions, a map, a staff" he says face palming "I'll be preparing for the next trip by learning more magic that can effect that monster dragon"


Banner how was bored and just waiting on the ship heard drink and popped up out of her chair. She waited for Chain to leave then walked to Ratchel and Shana "you know I could go for a drink as well...I still have a bunch of money the princess gave us before we left"

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"Well making sure we're all supplied and well is my job. Like I've always said, I specialise in utilising the support role of the group. Having double the supplies doesn't hurt us in any way, it's just bad allocation of funds in my opinion. And yes I did go out an buy myself a new staff." With a small cast of a spell, Shana materialised her new staff in small flash of green light. "It's such an improvement over my last one. This one amplifies both my healing and my offensive wind magic by double their original strength, but it also amplifies some more undesirable forms of magic I hold. But listen Chain, if you want to use magic against this dragon, you better make sure that every spell you cast hurts it, every single one. Otherwise you're just making yourself weak and dragging all of us down. Remember that."


"If you wanna come with me to get a drink Banner, you're welcome to with me. Just us girls going out for a drink without a care in the world."

Edited by Child Of Darkness

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@Child Of Darkness


Rachel glanced at Shana and smiled slightly. "That sounds delightful." She said, before looking over Shana to see how the outfit looked on her. "I also think Blitz won't mind the outfit change." She then noticed Banner and her mood seemed to brighten even more, but she didn't really say anything else.




Yang glanced at Yin. "Make sure they get where they're going." She said, before turning towards the child and dryad. "I'll go find them. Shouldn't take to long. You wouldn't happen to have something each of them own, would you?"

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@@Drago Ryder,

"Well I have this dog whistle I got from him...it was when I first got Armeth" the elf produced the whistle out of a little bag he had. It also looked like it had a bit of gold and the stone from before "come back soon"


Chain got to work on some books that the store owner promised would be great to combat demons of any shape or size


"yeah, how cares if we look drastically different from each other as I am in full armor and you are in...I have never seen a dress like that throw all the dimensions I have been in" Banner says scanning the look of Shana "meh, I don't really care as long as I get to do something in between journeys" of course the fact that Rachel was going got her attention to

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@Drago Ryder


"I do think he will like it. And if he doesn't I think I can make him like it. ~Nyu" Shana place her bag on the ship and spoke to no one in particular. "Anyone goes through my bag and I'll make you beg for forgiveness. Okay? Okay."




"Jeez, no need to he such a downer about it. It would be nice if you showed at least a little enthusiasm. Come on now, we're going to go and have some fun. Would it kill you just to smile a little bit?" She spoke with a mix of sarcasm and cheer. She didn't won't to come across as mean, she was just teasing Banner.

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@@Child Of Darkness,

"Smile? What is this word you say? It sounds like some sort of weird product from a creature" Banner said with lots of sarcasm "plus if you want me to show enthusiasm then I need to have a few of those drinks" Banner said holding back a smile but could only make it a grin "do you want me to go wild already? Cause I can with my little friend here" she hints at her bag with whiskey inside

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@Yoshikupo @Drago Ryder


"I know their is a fun side behind all the armour. And I'm gonna find it before tomorrow. No need to go wild already, we have some time. Well come on you two. I scouted out a nice looking place while I was getting some supplies, just a little past the market, just off the main road. It's not far. Let's go." Shana started to make her way into the town but kept a slow pace for the others to catch up with her.

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Yang nodded slightly. "Everything'll be fine." She said, smiling lightly. The cloaked figure then sniffed the whistle and nodded. "I have one of their scents. Hopefully they decided to stick together." With that, Yang moved into the town, looking for the two children.


"We should probably get you two to where you're going." She said, before heading in a different direction.


{member=Child Of Darkness]


Rachel grabbed Banner's hand and smiled. "Come on. I think we all need to relax and enjoy ourselves." She said, before following Shanallot.

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@@Drago Ryder, @@Child Of Darkness, @@Illiad Easle,

The other two kids were watching The black knight throw a fly. Tony was still thinking this was kind of a waste of time from how they would never see him again and surly would be found by something but Amy kept going.


Banner didn't know what to feel as Rachel grabbed her hand but overall it made her happy, she almost forgot that she needed to walk.

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@Drago Ryder, @Yoshikupo


"Aww, you two look like such a cute couple. Holding hands all lovey dovey like that. You're almost making me feel jealous. ~Nya." It was not a long walk from the docks, so it only took a minute of walking before they arrived. From the outside, the place looked like your standard tavern, and the area didn't give the impression that it was anything special. "I don't know if you two can smell that, but the smell coming from here tells me that this place has been here a while, so their must be something good about it. You can even smell the drinks from here, and it's strong. I'll see you inside."


Shana was inside the tavern in a flash. The inside was also rather standard looking, but it was almost full to capacity with elves and the atmosphere felt relaxing. Shana was feeling right at home in this place.

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Blitz sighed as he strolled through the market. Everyone seemed to be doing their own thing and he was more or less left out. "Those two cloaked figures seem familiar, but I'm not entirely sure." He thought. "I might as well see what I can dig up on Heinrich."


@Yoshikupo @Child Of Darkness


Rachel blushed slightly and didn't really know how to react to what Shanallot had said. "Sorry about that. I didn't mean to pull you like that." She said, looking at Banner.


It didn't take long for Yin to lead the dryad and the one child with them to where they were headed. "This is where he lives. I don't know if he's home, though." She said.

@Illiad Easle


Gale glanced at Midnight, before a question popped into her mind. "Do you think, if you and the black knight do have a chance to go back to Equestria, that it would be a good idea for me to go with you?"

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