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The Narwhal Muffin

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I turn back towards the growing discussion. If I could, I would adopt a skeptical expression.

"Alright, You may not want to know but I'll tell you anyway. However, I'll only tell you my way. Not everyone needs to know just yet."

I turn to look at chain,

"And by the way, Stone imprisonment is a state of suspended animation, you wouldn't die there, not physically."

I extend my hands, palms up, towards Chain and Slaith.

"If you really want to know about me, grab my hand, and don't panic."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Chain: "are you going to put your memories in to are minds, I can do the same thing and I can do that between two different people as well" he says to them "you said that they could not die physically, does that mean they can die mentally? oh I don't want to ever see that happen it sound horrible. but back to you" Chain grabs the black knights hand    

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I look over at Chain, I would smirk if I could.

"No memory transfer, more of an interface of minds, Likely not something you've experienced before as my kind are quite rare"

I look back to Slaith,

"And you? Do you want to know more?"

I hope so, if he is what I think he is, this trip could be a ton more interesting.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"They are close. I should be able to see them from up high. I shall get a closer look." Shanallot teleported into a tall tree which overlooked the party they had been following. And what a mismatch set of people it was. She pulled her hood up to hide her ears and put her tail under her cloak to try and camouflage as best as she could among the tree tops, Staff at the ready in case of a worst case scenario.

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Blitz noticed that Shana had disappeared and facepalmed. "Well, this could be better." He thought to himself as he watched the second group. There was something off about them, but he wasn't really one to judge. The neko then straightened out any irregularities in his armor, before walking into the field.


Gale noticed Blitz approaching the strange group and rolled her eyes, before following him.

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@@Drago Ryder@@Child Of Darkness


"I like your dragoness," Agravain said to the approaching party. "Oh, don't look so surprised I noticed you. I felt the aura of a white mage, and I know the dragoness has a master, and white mages don't tend to be great with the animals considered monsters by the commonfolk..."

"Our adventuring party is getting rather large I suggest we enter the tower before we draw attention from a certain demon..."
Edited by Jellal Fernandes


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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Blitz sighed and shook his head. "You're wrong in both regards, my friend. I am merely Gale's friend and I am not a white mage, granted I don't really remember anything that happened before about a month ago. Shana on the other hand, is a different story." The neko then glanced at his claws, seemingly studying them nonchalantly, and then glanced back at the group. "So, what demon are we talking about here. Is it one of those little tricksters or is it in the "end of the world" category?"


Gale rolled her eyes and moved towards the walls of the tower. She noticed a bit of text, and felt a bit uneasy.

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I turn to Slaith, "I guess we'll talk later."

I turn back to Chain, "Alright, Remember, Don't Panic."

The glow of my eyes goes out as I move some of me out of my hand, a black tendril wraps around Chains outstretched hand. Through his hand I tap into his magic, forming a communication bond of the strongest, most private, kind. I then speak directly to his mind at the speed of thought, allowing a whole conversation to pass in a single moment. When I speak, my voice is that of an English nobleman, much different from my usual metallic voice.

'I am a shadow scepter, an ageless being of darkness bound to this suit as retribution of the Great Enemy for daring to defy him.'

'Here we can speak without worry or falsehood, anything you ask, I will answer. I need someone in this group that I can trust to the fullest.'

'Can I trust You?'

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Drago Ryder@@Child Of Darkness,


"Oh, I know you aren't a white mage, I was talking about your friend in the tree. That is your friend, isn't it?" Agravain said in a tone that sounded like he had known Blitz all of his life. "We are dealing with a demon of the latter category, I am afraid. It's an archdemon, from what I've understood. One that takes the form of a massive dragon."


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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@@Drago Ryder, @@Child Of Darkness,


"Oh, I know you aren't a white mage, I was talking about your friend in the tree. That is your friend, isn't it?" Agravain said in a tone that sounded like he had known Blitz all of his life. "We are dealing with a demon of the latter category, I am afraid. It's an archdemon, from what I've understood. One that takes the form of a massive dragon."

Shanallot jumped down from the tree and joined back up with Blitz, investigating the Human who had just approached them. She did not trust humans fully, and this one was no exception to the rule. "So you're a Demon hunter? I guess that is good enough to be Believed. And what connecting does this tower have to slaying or learning about said Demon Dragon? Is this his old home? Or just some tower that happens to have some weird text on it? And how did one such as yourself manage to find such a mismatched group of misfits and convince them to come along with you for the ride? Who exactly are you anyway?" Shanallot decided to open with a barrage of questions. If the human wasn't lying about his profession, he should at least be able to answer them.

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@@Child Of Darkness@@Drago Ryder,


"Well, to start off, my name is Agravain, ma'am. Often known by the names The Wandering Wizard, The Rogue Mage, and the Black Sorcerer. Don't worry, most of the stories are untrue. This tower was made by wizards during the First Age, and rumor has it that a metal with magical properties that would be most useful for slaying a demon was subject to many experiments by the wizards who used said tower," he said to the inquisitive Neko.


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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She continued to stare at the human For a few seconds after he finished talking, before she simply dropped the inquisitive act. "Okay then. As you were." She put down her backpack and pulled back her hood. Letting her ears out and then let her tail out too. She sat down and started to eat from a pouch attached to her waist again. Not paying anymore attention to her surroundings.

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Blitz smiled slightly. "Well, now that that's out of the way, I think it's time I introduce myself." He said. "My name is is Blitz. Who, if I may ask, are all of you?" The neko them motioned towards the rest of the group, who seemed to not notice the new arrivals.


Gale felt a twinge of fear run through her body as she overheard what Agravian said. "Shouldn't someone have killed that thing by now." She said to herself.

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Gale felt a twinge of fear run through her body as she overheard what Agravian said. "Shouldn't someone have killed that thing by now." She said to herself.

"If the Demon is as powerful as these people say it is, it makes sense that no one would want to try and kill it because they know it will he futile. Much like how animals don't fight if they know they cannot win the fight. It will only hurt them and have no benefits in the long run to attempt it. So basically, the races would much rather cower in fear and hope they never see such a monster rather than needlessly throw away lives that could serve a better purpose. It makes sense when you think about it, sent the undesirables on the impossible missions with the promise of being accepted into society or death. Either way, it's a win-win situation for the large population. It survival at its finest."


Shanallot saw a bird fly into a tree and her eyes locked onto it and would not let go. She started crawling on all four, coming to a stop at the base of the tree. Staring intently at the bird. "Staaaaaaaare. Staaaaaaaare."

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Chain had never felt this before then again he had mostly done fire magic Chain also had a different voice in the magic communication it sounded softer "I trust you" Chain said in as firm of a voice he could do "so is that why they call you the black knight because you are a demon? so are band of misfits is even weirder"

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Now that trust is established the mental connection solidifies. A small white room forms containing Chain and I, though neither of us look like we do outside. I appear as a Human English nobleman from the fifteenth century, complete with poof joints.

"As you can see, I am not what I seem to be. And just to be clear, not all Scepters are demons, just most of them."

"I am called the black knight simply because my armor is black, I was once Prince Edward the third, trained as a knight in my father's army."

"I eventually fell in battle against the Great Enemy, which now that I think of it, seems quite similar to the great dragon we are questing against."

"After I died, I was transformed into a shadow scepter, bound to my armor and forced to live until I fall again in combat."

"At first I was angry, but I then turned my new-found immortality towards improving the world I found myself in."

"Only now, it seems the Great Enemy has returned to finish me off for good."

I turn to look at Chain, "And what about you? What is your interest in this quest?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Gale nodded slightly as she continued to read the text on the wall. Gears were turning in her head, seeing as how it had been some time since she had the chance to read dragaonian letters.


Blitz sighed as he leaned against a tree. He knew he was stalling when it came to telling Shana and the others about his memories, but he didn't really think that they should know. "As long as I don't fall behind, I should be fine." He thought to himself.

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@@Drago Ryder@@Illiad Easle@@Yoshikupo@@Child Of Darkness@@clockwork24@,



"Just because you found the door doesn't mean we can walk right i-" Agravain stopped talking as everyone seemed to disappear, and the landscape changed as well. The runes weren't on the cliff face, and there was no forest. In front of him was a completely visible tower, and a large door. He realized he was having some sort of vision. The man he was started speaking in a language he had never heard, but somehow he understood, and the door opened, then the vision ended. Agravain looked around and everything was back to normal, except he could read the runes on the wall. Speaking in a language that seemed extremely old, he read the runes  "Naryu espa luren to nani kamo lenpa sorya," he said, unsure how he could understand it, stumbling backwards a bit and putting his hands on his head to soothe the extreme pain he was in all of a sudden. After he read the runes, the door flew open and the tower became visible. 'What just happened...' he thought.

Edited by Jellal Fernandes


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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@@Jellal Fernandes


Shanallot lost interest in the bird and turned her attention back to the Human. She could not quite place her finger on it, but something felt very off about him. But she could tell he was in a bit of pain. Walking next to him, but after he said the runes and the tower and door appeared, she froze for a moment in shock. She regained her composure and placed her staff on the Humans head, and cast a large heal spell in him. "This should ease the pain. At least most of it. It seems you tipped some sort of magical spell and this happened. Stupid ancient wizards and their strange magic habits. So annoying. Are you feeling okay? Human?"

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@@Child Of Darkness,


"I... I have no idea what I just did... I had some sort of vision... All of you were gone, there was no forest and there were no runes on the cliff face, and the tower was completely visible. The person I was was speaking in some ancient language, the one I just spoke in, and I came back, and I could read the runes... I have no idea how I did it though. I understand what they mean, but I can't figure out how to translate it," Agravain said to Shana with a look of worry and concern for the wellbeing of his party and himself. "Thank you, Shana."


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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"well I was sent here with banner from our dimension to get a relic from that dragon, recently we have lost a great power and we want to get another to protect equestrian and they sent us as scouts in fact there are many scouts in my different dimensions to find something that could help, I passed the test so they gave me the job and while I'm being honest don't tell the others but I kind of did a lot of this to get the reward they said they would give me" he said feeling a bit ashamed then looked at himself to see he was a pony "this is what I look like in the dimension I come from, but I think we should get back now" he added

Edited by Yoshikupo
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@@Child Of Darkness,


"I... I have no idea what I just did... I had some sort of vision... All of you were gone, there was no forest and there were no runes on the cliff face, and the tower was completely visible. The person I was was speaking in some ancient language, the one I just spoke in, and I came back, and I could read the runes... I have no idea how I did it though. I understand what they mean, but I can't figure out how to translate it," Agravain said to Shana with a look of worry and concern for the wellbeing of his party and himself. "Thank you, Shana."

"Out of all the human Wizards I've met, you have to be the strangest one out of them all. And I've met a lot of Wizards. If you take that as a compliment or an insult is up to you." She stopped her spell, but because she had been thanked, she wanted to be praised in another way she enjoys by being petted. Her eyes fixed on his hand. "Staaaaaaaaare. Staaaaaaaaare."

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I suddenly take notice of Chain's form. I come closer to look him in the eyes.

"Did your Equestria have Nightmare Moon? or did it have Solaris?"

He could be from the same Equestria I was in just last week, before I fell into this dimension.

The surprise breaks my concentration, the room dissolves as the connection breaks. My eyes begin glowing again as I stand upright again.


@@Child Of Darkness@@Jellal Fernandes@@@Drago Ryder@@@clockwork24

Looking around I see quite a few more people.

"Wow, this group grew quickly. "

So, two armored, a human and two neko mages, two trans-equestrians, a dragon, a human noble, and another.

"Oh good, you got the door open, shall we all go inside?"

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"I'm also a swordsman." Blitz muttered as he glanced at Shana. He noticed that she seemed to fixated on Agravian's hand and a few thoughts came to mind. The neko then shook his head and walked up behind his traveling companion, before scratching her behind the ear.


Gale rolled her eyes and looked at the tower, giving a low growl. She didn't like it and the dragoness wasn't going in there

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Banner: "your telling me." she said to the black knight "well I guess we shou-" she paused when she heard him so two trans-equestrians "wait how did you know that? Chain explain"

Chain: "its not like its the end of the world if he knows" Chain answered "lets just go and get this over with"

Banner: "fine" she said as she walked past the neko's secretly thinking the girl was cute but kept her cool

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