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The Narwhal Muffin

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@@Yoshikupo@@Drago Ryder, @@Illiad Easle,


While Agravain was unconscious, he saw what would happen if they failed. There were burned bodies littering the streets, charred corpses of mothers holding their children close to them, only smoldering remains of houses. The land was so utterly desolate. The beautiful royal gardens were so decimated that nothing could grow. There was no sign of life, not even crows circling overhead. The sky was orange and read from the blazes, and in place of clouds was smoke. He heard a shriek and saw a woman's baby being ripped from her arms and thrown into the fire, a bloodcurdling screech was heard, and then a sword seemingly made of smoke cleaved downwards, straight through her body. Then he saw what did it. Demons. That was all there was, with a large black figure standing behind them, whom he presumed to be the Dark Lord, who turned to him. Agravain looked deep into the void where the Dark Lord's eyes should have been, and he felt himself going insane. He was crying of fear. The Dark Lord pointed his sword at him, then he awoke with a scream, "GET AWAY!" he cried with tears streaming down his face, pulling his sword out in a sweeping arc, accidentally cutting Banner's face.


(OOC: The cut is not very deep, but it would definitely scar.)

Edited by Jellal Fernandes


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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Banner: "AH!" she screamed when she got hit with Agravain sword "what ever the heck is happening with you better be the only cause for this because I swear if I didn't know you, you would be dead" she said in a stern tone "Now I am going away to cool off and bandage myself up" she said walking away

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"You were going to knock us all out? You don't realize how many of us there are do you?"
I shake my head, clearing the train of thought.
"Regardless, it is obvious to me that you are not used to abducting people, but you are used to hunting people, a scout perhaps?."
"You've been a model communicant, so I might as well return the favor. Why don't you ask me a question?"


@@Jellal Fernandes,



The last thing Midnight expected was for Agravain to wake up violent.

"Whoa! hold up Agravain!"

He would have tackled him if he weren't already injured.

"What is going on with you!"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Blitz sighed as he entered the tower and looked at Agravian. "What the heck was a that about?" He asked. The Neko then decided to sit next to Shana and thought about the dark elf. As he thought, Blitz scratched Shana behind the ear, hoping to help her relax.

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Kyubi shook her head and smirked, laughing a bit. "Yeah, not exactly my best plan. I mean, you're basically a haunted set of armor, so I don't think that arrows would've worked." She said, before returning to his other question. "I was trained as an soldier for most of my life and specialized in archery and stealth. After I left my home, I basically became a assassin for hire, at least until I could find Blitz. Anyway, how exactly did someone like yourself end up possessing a suit of armor anyway? Most spirits move onto the next life, unless they have some unfinished business."

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@@Yoshikupo@@Drago Ryder, @@Illiad Easle,


Agravain kept on stuttering, trying to speak, tears still running down his face. He was shaking in fear from what he saw... "I... I... I saw fire... I saw death... I saw what would happen if we failed our mission... I saw the bringer of the apocalypse... I saw the Dark Lord... I... I looked into his eyes, and all I felt was pain and fear... I couldn't do anything but cry..." 

Edited by Jellal Fernandes


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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"Well, it wasn't the question I expected, but I guess I can answer it."

"First off, I am not a ghost. Long ago I angered some dark being and he turned me into a shadow scepter, bound to my armor until I fall in battle, so I stick around, helping where I can."

I stand up

"Well, I trust you. So we can move on now."

I walk over to the wall and pull the switch, for dramatic effect.


@@Jellal Fernandes,  



"Alright, You need some serious mental help. Luckily, I think Sir would be able to help you. So long as you aren't violent."

He lays down on the floor, "Shanallot? you think you could finish healing my side?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Kyubi opened her eyes and groaned as she stood. Apparently she had fallen over while transitioning back to her own body and glanced back at the dark knight. "Thanks, but I doubt the other will trust me as easily." She said, feeling a bit sick in her stomach. It was the closest thing she knew to feeling guilt.

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"Alright, You need some serious mental help. Luckily, I think Sir would be able to help you. So long as you aren't violent."

He lays down on the floor, "Shanallot? you think you could finish healing my side?"

"Alright. Stay still, this will only take about a minute more then your body will have to heal the rest of it. This wound will leave a small scar, so I hope you like the idea of having one. Because you've got one." She walked over to his side and started to cast her healing spell again. It's warm light enveloping the wound and starting to close and heal it.

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I rise, and start making my way back to the tower. "They won't, but if you get Blitz and Midnight to forgive you, then the others will forgive you too."


@@Child Of Darkness,  

"I don't care about scars, under my armor I have plenty already. Which reminds me, I'll have to get that part of the chain mail fixed soon."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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I rise, and start making my way back to the tower. "They won't, but if you get Blitz and Midnight to forgive you, then the others will forgive you too."


@@Child Of Darkness,

"I don't care about scars, under my armor I have plenty already. Which reminds me, I'll have to get that part of the chain mail fixed soon."

"Yeah you should do that. I won't waste mana on you if your injuries are because of your own incompetence and lack of something resembling half decent equipment. Mana such as mine to too precious to be wasted an such trivial wounds. This is only because you took the arrow in place of Master. And for that, I say thank you." The wound had mostly healed. His body would have to handle the rest of it. It would take about 6 more hours to fully heal to combat state. "Done. Don't go into combat for about 6 hours more or the wound will reopen. And I won't be helping you."

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Banner: she picked her self up after being healed "that's great so because of my 'friend' I have to stay out of combat and not be useful just wonderful" she said in a mad manner to everyone "I'm going back to Chain, its the only place I can think of doing anything" she said walking back to the tower   

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Kyubi nodded slightly and figured that that would be reasonable. "Thanks. Do... do you think we'll be able to go through my homeland? I may not know what Heinrich plans to do to Blitz, but it would most likely be for the benefit of my people." She said, as she followed the dark knight back to the tower. The dark elf then noticed a hole in the side of a tree and put her dagger inside, while resting her bow on the ground. Considering the past half hour, it would be best if she went to the rest of the group unarmed.

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Blitz's nose twitched as he caught the scent of the dark elf and was intrigued when he noticed that she was getting closer, along with the dark knight. "I wonder what those two were doing earlier." He thought to himself. The neko wasn't one to hold a grudge, and Kybui seemed to know a bit about him. "Maybe she could tell me about my past." The thought was soon pushed to the back of his mind as he glanced at Shana. He was happy for now and he wouldn't give it up.

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Banner: she picked her self up after being healed "that's great so because of my 'friend' I have to stay out of combat and not be useful just wonderful" she said in a mad manner to everyone "I'm going back to Chain, its the only place I can think of doing anything" she said walking back to the tower

Shana watched as the creature walled away from her. She was trying to contain her laughter as what was just said. But she could not stop a small giggle escape her mouth. "Wow. I don't know who that is, but that is one pathetic creature. She got a scratch in the face and says she has to stay out of combat? I could give her a worse cut with my own claws. Is this really what this world is coming to? I refuse to spend any mana on one such as her."


She got up from where she was sitting and walked back over to her Master's side. The scent of the Dark Elf also caught her nose. @@Drago Ryder "What do you want to do about her Master? I don't trust her, but I'll trust that you will make the right call."

Edited by Child Of Darkness

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Banner: she heard what Shana said as she walked away she was going to remember this. then she went inside the tower to where chain was and got a drink from her bag and drank it all "you know what I hate? those shoes they F$#%ing suck give me those" she tried to grab Chains shoes

Chain: "I hate it when you drunk, but you never remember anything when this happens so" he stomps on Banners hand then kicks it away

Edited by Yoshikupo
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Blitz thought for a moment before turning to Shana. "The black knight is with Kyubj, so I guess he managed to get some information out of her" He said, before rummaging in his bag for a mana potion. When he found the bottle, he handed it to Shana. "As long as she doesn't try anything else, we should at least hear her story."

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Blitz thought for a moment before turning to Shana. "The black knight is with Kyubj, so I guess he managed to get some information out of her" He said, before rummaging in his bag for a mana potion. When he found the bottle, he handed it to Shana. "As long as she doesn't try anything else, we should at least hear her story."

Shana took the bottle of Mana potion and looked at it for a while with visible anxiety drawn across her face. "I hate potions." She said under her breath before opening the bottle and downing the entire contents in one gulp. It was disgusting. For her, potions always tasted so bitter and horrible, and she couldn't add any flavourings to them or it would ruin the delicate formula and turn the Mana regeneration potion into a Mana sapping poison. Not a nice experience. He face showed that she hated the taste, she was visibly cringing after drinking it, but was doing her best to hide it. "Okay then Master. *cough*. I will trust what ever decision you decide to make. Unless it's a stupid one. Then I'll have to hit you over the head." She said this last part with a mischievous smile across her face as she looked up at Blitz.

Edited by Child Of Darkness

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Blitz gave a light laugh and petted Shana on the head. "Well, somebody has to and I trust you enough to make that call." He said. The neko also noticed that his companion didn't like the potion and mentally slapped himself. He would make sure not to make that mistake in the future, though.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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@@Child Of Darkness,@@Drago Ryder, @@Yoshikupo, @,

I approach the group "Alright evyerone, this Dark Elf is Kyubi, she's been banished from her homeland until she can return with Blitz over there. She was simply delusional as to how she would do it."

I turn to her, "Your turn."

I proceed into the tower, seeing Midnight laying against the dragoness. I move to inspect his injury. "How are you doing?"

"Much better since Shanallot healed me. My armor needs some repairs though."

"I'll get on it once you can stand."

I look over at the dragon he's lying on.

"Who's this?""Gale, she helped me inside.""Really? You have my sincerest gratitude."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Kyubi wasn't expecting Edward to introduce her in such a way, but figured that she should've expected something like that. To be honest, she was a bit nervous as to what she would do next. "I might as well start with Blitz and Midnight." She thought to herself as she walked towards said neko and Shana. When she arrived, she showed that she had no weapons and no tricks up her sleeve. "I'm sorry about what happened earlier. I guess I wasn't thinking."

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Blitz glanced at Kyubi and nodded. "So, why exactly do you need to return to your homeland with me specifically and are there others coming after me?" The Neko figured that he at least deserved to know that if he was to trust the dark elf.


Gale smiled slughtly. "It's the least I could do for him after keeping me company outside the tower." She said.

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"I really don't think Sorry is good enough of an apology from shooting someone and then trying to kidnap another member of the party. And my Master of all people. ~Nyan. So you better answer Masters questions and hope you have a very good excuse for your actions. Otherwise we may have a problem. That is unless master tells me otherwise." She had her eyes squinted and focused heavily on the Dark elf, tracing her every motion and keeping her ears open for the sound of anything. Just to be safe.

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Kyubi glanced at Shana and sighed. "I know, and I admit that I may have been a bit wreck less." She said, looking at the ground. After a few moments, she returned her gaze to the two. "But that doesn't mean I can't at least try to make up for it." The dark elf then turned her attention to Blitz. "I'll also try to answer your questions as best as I can. As far as I know, I'm the only dark elf that was sent after you, but the other races may have done the same. As for why I was sent after you, the advisor to the king of my homeland said that you possessed some strange and powerful magic and that I would be allowed back in if I brought you to them?"

Edited by Dire Miralis
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Blitz was honestly surprised by this. "What magic could I possibly have." He thought, glancing at the palm of his hand. The Neko then turned his attention back to Kyubi. "As far as I know, I'm not special when it comes to magic. I don't even rely on magic that often, seeing as how I use dual swords to fight." Blitz then realized something and looked at the dark elf. "Wait, you said that you would be let in if you brought me to your king's advisor, which means you were kicked out. Why?

Edited by Drago Ryder
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