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How The World Treats Bronies(Being Serious)


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one 16 year old was brutally injured and very badly hurt emotianally. he was beaten up by 2 gang members for walking down the street while singing the my little pony theme and listening to it on his phone.


Gangs kind of make their perimeters clear. To be blatantly singing something like the "My Little Pony" theme song is kind of goading a response from these people, especially if it's where they can see you. While I'm fine with being proud of your bronyhood, you have to consider that there's a time and place for everything.


Your brother was a victim of circumstance, so to speak. Couldn't have been helped, you have my sympathy... but yeah, the singing wasn't too sharp a choice on his part.

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Isn't that counterproductive though? If bronies run for the closets because of this then essentially nothing comes out of this except fear. I think the opposite should happen, a show of strength by making a bold move and coming out.

Well, if you still want to go outside and prancing around with your pony accessories in such dangerous neighbourhood, fine by me

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  • Brohoof 1
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Gangs kind of make their perimeters clear. To be blatantly singing something like the "My Little Pony" theme song is kind of goading a response from these people, especially if it's where they can see you. While I'm fine with being proud of your bronyhood, you have to consider that there's a time and place for everything.


Your brother was a victim of circumstance, so to speak. Couldn't have been helped, you have my sympathy... but yeah, the singing wasn't too sharp a choice on his part.


i agree completely but they should have at least held the urge back he was an inoccent bystander doing nothing but singing. what respect will you gain for beating up a bisexual guy who likes to sing. that you like to pick on the weak?
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i agree completely but they should have at least held the urge back he was an inoccent bystander doing nothing but singing. what respect will you gain for beating up a bisexual guy who likes to sing. that you like to pick on the weak?


It's the way gangs work and, well, given that none of us are apt to take on an entire gang by ourselves, it's prudent to adjust to one's surroundings appropriately. I'm not suggesting that your brother not be who he is and suppress his personality. I am suggesting, however, that he save his self expression for when it's appropriate and for when he's unlikely to draw negative attention to himself.

Edited by Veecèiri
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It's the way gangs work and, well, given that none of us are apt to take on an entire gang by ourselves, it's prudent to adjust to one's surroundings appropriately. I'm not suggesting that your brother not be who he is and suppress his personality. I am suggesting, however, that he save his self expression for when it's appropriate and for when he's unlikely to draw negative attention to himself.


once again, i completely agree, but i just cant beleive out of the chances of 100 to 1 he was that odd number out of the bunch. it just hurts me.
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once again, i completely agree, but i just cant beleive out of the chances of 100 to 1 he was that odd number out of the bunch. it just hurts me.


I wouldn't take it to heart too much. Gang violence is prominent all over and they're pretty indiscriminate with who they mess with. You should see what happens here to guys who make the decision to go out wearing yellow, black and white. Horrid stuff really.

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I wouldn't take it to heart too much. Gang violence is prominent all over and they're pretty indiscriminate with who they mess with. You should see what happens here to guys who make the decision to go out wearing yellow, black and white. Horrid stuff really.


lemme guess gang colors?
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You know, I did this once. Someone went up to me and said that I was gay for me to watch My Little Pony. I asked him why, and he said it was because it is a girls show. I asked him why girls get to watch boy's shows why boy's only can watch boy's shows. He stumbled a bit, and then just said I was gay.


Only the ignorant are this way. ;)


But I hope your friend makes a good recovery. :(


And also, I blame the government for not allowing people to have guns. That would definitely make gang members think twice about beating someone up. ;)(or at least some form of a weapon that could over power those bad people)

Edited by BronyPony
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It is quite horrible that this happened to him and I wish him all of my best and a swift recovery.



However, what would be completely awesome is if he just carried on loving the show just as much as he does now, regardless of what has happened to him. That would set a strong example for himself and the rest of this community by telling the haters that we're not going to stop just because you can't accept us for liking what we like.


Love and peace as always. <3333

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I agree that the victim was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, and that he would have still been attacked if he did not happen to be singing the MLP: FiM theme song.


It is unfortunate that our society is so rife with violence, but now everypony knows why I conceal and carry a loaded GLOCK 19 pistol just about everywhere I go (I have a permit for this, so it is perfectly legal up here in Minnesota).


..And THAT is why I always travel in pairs (woo buddy system) AND carry a knife on me. They can come at me all they want.


I agree. I never leave my house without some kind of weapon hidden on me. Legal or not, safety comes first.


Also I have some experience encountering gangs as well. But luckily for me I know several people in this city's gang including the more messed up one. I consider myself being in a pretty safe position since my older sister literally can pick a target and have them beaten up or just have their life ruined as long as they're either in the city or acting like a complete douchebag or so.


Another thing to mention is that my half sister in the capital here (Oslo) has contacts in what's called "B Gjengen" or in english "The B Gang" who pretty much is a large criminal group that raids, beats up, kills and etc. Even if we do have contacts within their group, we avoid using them considering they would want a reward.


Thanks to my older sister and half sister I now have what I like to call "Safety contacts" who I call if I get threatened or so by individuals either in a larger group or that is stronger/older then me. If someone is around my level or slightly higher, I deal with it myself.


I might stand in an incredibly safe position. But I am still prepared for situations like these.

Edited by TheBrokenToast
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I don't see much violence here...

If I was over there though, I'd have helped him in a heartbeat. Safety takes second place to assisting comrades.

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I learned of a very depressing event that happend a few days ago. one 16 year old was brutally injured and very badly hurt emotianally. he was beaten up by 2 gang members for walking down the street while singing the my little pony theme and listening to it on his phone. i hope that in the future you can not be criticized by what you watch but by your charecter and your self esteem.(and no it was not me but my older brother). the kid got 2 fractured ribs and a broken arm. hopefully he will be relived of his physical and emotional scars in the future.


This just like if we were gay (which I know some of us actually are). They treat us differently because we're different. All they know is the status quo, and anyone who try to be different from that are losers and wierdos, according to them. It makes my a little angry that people just can't value other people's opinions and interests.


But hey, what can we do?

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Something I have noticed about most people is they are afraid of change. Anyone who seems different, and follows separate ideals can be viewed as a threat by most. Despite the things most people think about bronies though, it should still never be made public and insulting, and especially never made violent or threatening.

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well all those people who hate are just haters and they will never have the gift /curse


I learned of a very depressing event that happend a few days ago. one 16 year old was brutally injured and very badly hurt emotianally. he was beaten up by 2 gang members for walking down the street while singing the my little pony theme and listening to it on his phone. i hope that in the future you can not be criticized by what you watch but by your charecter and your self esteem.(and no it was not me but my older brother). the kid got 2 fractured ribs and a broken arm. hopefully he will be relived of his physical and emotional scars in the future.


tell your brother i fell really sorry for him i know how it fells and to just push through it in the end will will win this segrigation war
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well all those people who hate are just haters and they will never have the gift /curse


tell your brother i fell really sorry for him i know how it fells and to just push through it in the end will will win this segrigation war


ill make sure to tell him a freind of mine said it.
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