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gaming Why All the Hate on Metroid Prime: Generation Force?

Photon Jet

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Hi everypony! This is Photon Jet and I've got something on my mind I'd like to share with you.


First of all, do you love Metroid? It's been a fantastic game series where Samus saves the galaxy multiple times from threats such as Ridley. Oh yeah.


However, when I found out that a different Metroid Prime game has been revealed, players are going berserk and even started petitions to cancel the game entirely! I'm not much of a Metroid follower myself but what's up with all the unnecessary hate?


I saw the trailer myself and it did look promising but then I noticed how many dislikes the video had. I mean, I know it's a lot different because there's no Samus or no Ridley and it's a bit like Halo but fans do need to lighten up and give it a chance.


I think it's because many people don't want change and want it to be as it is but I dunno. That's my theory.



Please let me know why so many players are hating on Metroid Prime: Federation Force before it's even released. Thanks. :)

Edited by Photon Jet
  • Brohoof 2

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Many people were expecting a full-fledged Metroid game rather than a handheld spin-off. Doesn't help that the last game was five years ago and was highly divisive(Other M). At that point, I can understand being disappointed...


That said, hating the game(before it's even out no less) to the point where people are openly attacking the devs and actively petitioning to cancel the game and demanding an apology from Nintendo? There's expressing disappointment, and there's acting like an entitled crybaby, and 90% of gamers are definitely acting like the latter

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Many people were expecting a full-fledged Metroid game rather than a handheld spin-off. Doesn't help that the last game was five years ago and was highly divisive(Other M). At that point, I can understand being disappointed...


That said, hating the game(before it's even out no less) to the point where people are openly attacking the devs and actively petitioning to cancel the game and demanding an apology from Nintendo? There's expressing disappointment, and there's acting like an entitled crybaby, and 90% of gamers are definitely acting like the latter

It's like those players have turned to 8 year old who like to cause tantrums. That's just silly. I would at least try it out before I can give my opinion on it because I remember the old saying: "Don't judge a book by it's cover".

  • Brohoof 4

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As Megas said, it's a combination of players disappointment the next Metroid Game isn't a full fledged Metroid game starring Samus, especially one to redeem the series after how divisive Other M was to the fanbase, their selfish entitlement, and fear of change to the Metroid franchise considering this will be the first Metroid Game where Samus won't be the main protagonist.


Personally, I think while they have a right to be disappointed the next Metroid game won't be the one they expected, but to go to the lengths they're going just because of how the next Metroid game is is rather silly and foolish.


Personally, I'm more upset that apparently the Metroid Prime Trilogy and this game are in their own separate universes away from the main Metroid games.

Edited by Nuke87654
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As Megas said, it's a combination of players disappointment the next Metroid Game isn't a full fledged Metroid game starring Samus, especially one to redeem the series after how divisive Other M was to the fanbase, their selfish entitlement, and fear of change to the Metroid franchise considering this will be the first Metroid Game where Samus won't be the main protagonist.


Personally, I think while they have a right to be disappointed the next Metroid game won't be the one they expected, but to go to the lengths they're going just because of how the next Metroid game is is rather silly and foolish.


Personally, I'm more upset that apparently the Metroid Prime Trilogy and this game are in their own separate universes away from the main Metroid games.

I see. So that's why there's a lot of chaos happening when it comes to Metroid.

  • Brohoof 2

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Why am I mad about generation force? Because it's not a metroid game. The only footage we've seen of it, the stuff from E3 Direct, shows that it's a multiplayer objective and score-based team shooter, not an exploration game like the previous Metroid games. Honestly, I wish that Metroid would get another Metroid game where you can go around and bravely kill new and interesting things in your path, and Nintendo partnered with Disney (which they have done before) in order to make another Republic Commando game, which would fit the narrative and style of the game far better than the Metroid universe does.


The biggest problem is, again, that it's the antithesis of what Metroid is about. In every previous Metroid game, a few elite bounty hunters (usually just one, unless we're talking about prime 3 which was fantastic) act as a tipping point between the two military red-shirt armies of the Space Marines and the Space Pirates. This is just turning that into another generic shooter, without any of the interesting wrinkles that make it Metroid.

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They aren't acting like babies, they are just angry that they aren't getting a real metroid game. Samus ain't even in it. Also the graphics are bollocks. I didn't like metroid prime that much, but then i never played it on gamecube, only the wii.

And that looks more like a shitty futuristic monster hunter XD

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Why am I mad about generation force? Because it's not a metroid game. The only footage we've seen of it, the stuff from E3 Direct, shows that it's a multiplayer objective and score-based team shooter, not an exploration game like the previous Metroid games. Honestly, I wish that Metroid would get another Metroid game where you can go around and bravely kill new and interesting things in your path, and Nintendo partnered with Disney (which they have done before) in order to make another Republic Commando game, which would fit the narrative and style of the game far better than the Metroid universe does.


The biggest problem is, again, that it's the antithesis of what Metroid is about. In every previous Metroid game, a few elite bounty hunters (usually just one, unless we're talking about prime 3 which was fantastic) act as a tipping point between the two military red-shirt armies of the Space Marines and the Space Pirates. This is just turning that into another generic shooter, without any of the interesting wrinkles that make it Metroid.

Ah, so Metroid players prefer to explore every part of landscapes than go from point A to point B, collecting power ups as they progress. I can see where you are going with this.

  • Brohoof 1

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(The picture of my OC in the profile icon was created by MrBrandonMac. OC description is in the Character Database.)

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Ah, so Metroid players prefer to explore every part of landscapes than go from point A to point B, collecting power ups as they progress. I can see where you are going with this.

That's definitely a core of the Metroid franchise. The whole point of Metroidvania games is not only can you do it the way the game wants you to, or you can bet creative and do things in a different order, you can explore for extra gear or just use what's given to you on a silver platter. There is an air of openness and invitation to discover things for yourself.


The other problem is that there are other games that do what Generation Force is trying to do, but better. SWAT 4 has better AI and more emphasis on cooperation, Borderlands has more endearing and engaging mechanics, Bulletstorm has a better scoring mechanic, even Destiny has its unique weapon dynamics to turn the co-operative shooter experience into something interesting. Generation Force doesn't, it's just another game in a niche that has plenty of good examples already, and worse the franchise that they're using is one that sorely needs a new game that either goes back to its roots or at least reflects on them.

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That's definitely a core of the Metroid franchise. The whole point of Metroidvania games is not only can you do it the way the game wants you to, or you can bet creative and do things in a different order, you can explore for extra gear or just use what's given to you on a silver platter. There is an air of openness and invitation to discover things for yourself.


The other problem is that there are other games that do what Generation Force is trying to do, but better. SWAT 4 has better AI and more emphasis on cooperation, Borderlands has more endearing and engaging mechanics, Bulletstorm has a better scoring mechanic, even Destiny has its unique weapon dynamics to turn the co-operative shooter experience into something interesting. Generation Force doesn't, it's just another game in a niche that has plenty of good examples already, and worse the franchise that they're using is one that sorely needs a new game that either goes back to its roots or at least reflects on them.

I see. So it seems Generation Force just doesn't have the requirements compared to the other games. That is a bit of a letdown now that I think about it. Ah well. At least they've tried. Still, some of us might take a shot at it and even like it when the game is released.

  • Brohoof 1

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(The picture of my OC in the profile icon was created by MrBrandonMac. OC description is in the Character Database.)

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I love Metroid so much, but when Federation Force was announced... it's been 5 years since the last Metroid game, so seeing something like that being what they want to slap the Metroid name on next is just a big disappointment. No Samus, weird art style, not in proper Metroid style... no one asked for it. :okiedokielokie:

  • Brohoof 1


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I love Metroid so much, but when Federation Force was announced... it's been 5 years since the last Metroid game, so seeing something like that being what they want to slap the Metroid name on next is just a big disappointment. No Samus, weird art style, not in proper Metroid style... no one asked for it. :okiedokielokie:

No wonder Generation Force is one of the most hated games of all time...

  • Brohoof 1

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(The picture of my OC in the profile icon was created by MrBrandonMac. OC description is in the Character Database.)

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People don't think it's a real Metroid game, especially since there's no Samus. I think people would've been more accepting about the game if it had a different name instead of "Metroid". It's been 5 years since we've gotten a Metroid game and now we get this.


It's disappointing, but I guess it looks like a decent game.



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Well, after the last game that came out 5 years ago, which left a very bad taste in my mouth, I was hoping for something new, finally, so this new one is a slap in the face. I'm a diehard Metroid fan. It's my favorite series from Nintendo. And to have some average-looking multiplayer game, instead of something awesome to get rid of the bad memories of Other M, I'm really disappointed. Maybe we'll see something later this year for Wii U, or at next E3. I guess we'll see. Also next year is Metroid's 30th anniversary, and after they skipped out on it's 25th, if they don't do something for the 30th, then I'll think that Nintendo have given up on Metroid, or don't know what to do with it.

Edited by Celli
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Honestly, I'll get it. But I don't like the fact that it's a Metroid game, let alone the fact that it's a Prime game. While finding out some story behind the Fed Troopers sounds mildly interesting, chibi troopers and mech soccer doesn't fit (doomed mission to Aether anybody?). And it's been mentioned earlier that without Samus and no story advancement for her, it's a giant slap in the face of the fans. It's like playing a Zelda game from the perspective of a guard, except there's no Link. Or Ganon, or Zelda. And there's no dungeons. Is it still a Legend of Zelda game at that point?

  • Brohoof 1

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Well, after the last game that came out 5 years ago, which left a very bad taste in my mouth, I was hoping for something new, finally, so this new one is a slap in the face. I'm a diehard Metroid fan. It's my favorite series from Nintendo. And to have some average-looking multiplayer game, instead of something awesome to get rid of the bad memories of Other M, I'm really disappointed. Maybe we'll see something later this year for Wii U, or at next E3. I guess we'll see. Also next year is Metroid's 30th anniversary, and after they skipped out on it's 25th, if they don't do something for the 30th, then I'll think that Nintendo have given up on Metroid, or don't know what to do with it.

I see. So it looks like Metroid had gone into some sort of Crash Bandicoot phase. The series was fantastic at the start but now it is one big flop. Shame...


Who knows? Maybe we'll get to see a Metroid remake in it's 30th year anniversary or something. Metroid 2: Return of Samus was remade by fans so why not?

  • Brohoof 2

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3DS Friend Code: 4167-4477-3810


(The picture of my OC in the profile icon was created by MrBrandonMac. OC description is in the Character Database.)

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I see. So it looks like Metroid had gone into some sort of Crash Bandicoot phase. The series was fantastic at the start but now it is one big flop. Shame...


Who knows? Maybe we'll get to see a Metroid remake in it's 30th year anniversary or something. Metroid 2: Return of Samus was remade by fans so why not?

It was great until the last game came out. I think Nintendo made a mistake working with Team Ninja. I hope that the next one is made by Retro Studios. 

Also, I would love a Metroid 2 remake. 

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It was great until the last game came out. I think Nintendo made a mistake working with Team Ninja. I hope that the next one is made by Retro Studios. 

Also, I would love a Metroid 2 remake. 

Oh, the Metroid 2 Remake is available now if you want to play it. I think you and any other Metroid fan are gonna love it to bits. I might try it out as well.


Here's the trailer in case you are curious.


Edited by Photon Jet
  • Brohoof 1

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(The picture of my OC in the profile icon was created by MrBrandonMac. OC description is in the Character Database.)

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Oh, the Metroid 2 Remake is available now if you want to play it. I think you and any other Metroid fan are gonna love it to bits. I might try it out as well.


Here's the trailer in case you are curious.


Yeah, I know about the remake. I've played it and it's great. But I was talking about one from Nintendo, seeing as they already remade the first game, and it wouldn't make sense to remake Super Metroid because that was on the Snes and it's one of my favorite video games ever made.

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Yeah, I know about the remake. I've played it and it's great. But I was talking about one from Nintendo, seeing as they already remade the first game, and it wouldn't make sense to remake Super Metroid because that was on the Snes and it's one of my favorite video games ever made.

A Super Metroid remake would be amazing. That's something we must put on our wishlist.

  • Brohoof 2

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3DS Friend Code: 4167-4477-3810


(The picture of my OC in the profile icon was created by MrBrandonMac. OC description is in the Character Database.)

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A Super Metroid remake would be amazing. That's something we must put on our wishlist.

I think the game is too good for that. I'd probably buy it, but I don't feel it's necessary.

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I think the game is too good for that. I'd probably buy it, but I don't feel it's necessary.

Hmm...yeah. Point taken. We can't beat the original Super Metroid.

Edited by Photon Jet
  • Brohoof 2

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3DS Friend Code: 4167-4477-3810


(The picture of my OC in the profile icon was created by MrBrandonMac. OC description is in the Character Database.)

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Hmm...yeah. Point taken. We can't beat the original Super Metroid.

Plus remakes are best for games that were classics when they came out, but when you go back to them now, they don't hold up due to hardware limitations or the like. A la, the original Metoid for the NES. That game is confusing and it's easy to lose your bearings. A remake was a must. Super Metroid, on the other hand, was on the SNES, which blew the NES away in terms of hardware.

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Plus remakes are best for games that were classics when they came out, but when you go back to them now, they don't hold up due to hardware limitations or the like. A la, the original Metoid for the NES. That game is confusing and it's easy to lose your bearings. A remake was a must. Super Metroid, on the other hand, was on the SNES, which blew the NES away in terms of hardware.

And that what's make Super Metroid one of the best SNES games out there. Why didn't I get a chance to play it? :(


Good thing I can download it on the Virtual Console if it's around.

  • Brohoof 2

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3DS Friend Code: 4167-4477-3810


(The picture of my OC in the profile icon was created by MrBrandonMac. OC description is in the Character Database.)

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Why am I mad about generation force? Because it's not a metroid game. The only footage we've seen of it, the stuff from E3 Direct, shows that it's a multiplayer objective and score-based team shooter, not an exploration game like the previous Metroid games. Honestly, I wish that Metroid would get another Metroid game where you can go around and bravely kill new and interesting things in your path, and Nintendo partnered with Disney (which they have done before) in order to make another Republic Commando game, which would fit the narrative and style of the game far better than the Metroid universe does.


The biggest problem is, again, that it's the antithesis of what Metroid is about. In every previous Metroid game, a few elite bounty hunters (usually just one, unless we're talking about prime 3 which was fantastic) act as a tipping point between the two military red-shirt armies of the Space Marines and the Space Pirates. This is just turning that into another generic shooter, without any of the interesting wrinkles that make it Metroid.


Interesting to hear this perspective. Your other post on the matter further sheds on this topic to where I now understand better on the anger the Metroid fanbase has for this game. I will apologize to calling the Metroid fanbase selfish for their anger, even if I do think it got excessive still, but now I can see the justification for the fandom's negative reaction to this game.

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