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private The Deminsional War

Scare Effect

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Seeing that his magic is not doing well enough to help stop the sickening pain of the green pony, Sinusoid is panicking to the point in which he begins to loose control of his muscles. He maximizes the amplitude of his sound, and all of the crystals shatter almost immediately, then creates a large sound wave that radiates from around Dax, launching all of the remaining granular pieces away from him. Many of the pieces hit Sinusoid like a sandblast, creating a kind of pain that he had not felt for years, since an incident with a belt sander. But suddenly, everything just stops, and he asks the two ponies before him, also nearly void of energy, "Is... is there something that I should help with?"

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"Wounds... bind... his... please..."


Dax moaned, then rolled his own eyes to his own satchel.


"I-in... there... aid... k-k-kit..."


He looked over the newcomer, focusing on him to keep from blacking out.


"M-my... m-m-my... name... Dax... Black... wa... ter..."


His gaze slid over to Rave, then back to Sinusoid.


"P-p-please... him... fuh-fuh-first..."

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Sinusoid refrains from introducing himself. Breathing heavily, he uses some of the last of his magical energy to telekinetically form a seal over both ponies' wounds and place pressure on them. He uses a spell that he had created very recently to help them regain a correct amount of oxygenation in their blood by accelerating the movement of air into their lungs. "I appologize if that feels weird," he says while reaching into the mentioned kit, pulling out the bandage and covering Rave's wounds, then Dax's.

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Dax whimpered when the magic sealed his wounds, but nodded as Sinusoid did his thing.  He watched while the spell worked its mojo, then felt woozy as his blood circulated quicker & his breathing became deeper - and then, just like that, he felt better.  Emotionally, physically and spiritually drained... but still better.


"Thank you; I wasn't sure who you were, but Rave seemed to react to your presence, so I assume you're also his... his friend?"


Dax started to stand up, shook his head, then s-l-o-w-l-y gained his hooves.


"I... we owe you for this.  You have my sincerest thank yous.  Uhm... wouldja help me get Rave on my back?  I'm not leaving him here, and you're pretty eager to help; just lift him on, and we can all take the damned elevator back down."


With Rave settled in place, Dax and Sinusoid headed for the door, then called for the lift.


"So, uhm... I'm Dax.  Hiya.  I didn't... catch your name?"  He gave a rueful chuckle.  "Of course, I don't think you threw it, didja?"

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Rave was still unconscious. He would not be getting up anytime soon. His features however, did not revert back. The baconlike color in his hair was now completely gone, replaced with black hair. His horn had gotten a bit deformed, forcing it to bend a bit and cracks were all over it, yet it still stood strong. His teeth were sharper than they had been previously.

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 Seriously what in the name of equestria is happening today? Sure murders are not as uncommon as most folk believe but they usually were kept in low key so nopony complained. I was doing my normal routine with my partner whom I've known for a couple of months at best. While investigating we meet some fellows who know her but not vice versa. It was strange enough but finding out that my partner had some connections to this murder made my head spin. A couple of alcoholic beverages here and a couple of hours of sleep there then the next thing I know a giant fucking...whatever it was shows up while I'm getting over a hangover!


  I grunted in annoyance as I sliced through a couple more of the reddish vaguely pony shaped monstrosities the local forces have been battling the whole day. Luckily my suit has been holding up, and my magic was strangely more acute despite me drinking a lot of drinks I shouldn't have been. I dissipated my magical blade and shield as I tried to catch my breath, using magic the entire day is particularly tiring for me. To make it worse I wore a helmet that covered my entire head, makes breathing and hearing a bit of a hassle. Worst of all I haven't even found my partner scare, truth be told I expected her to be fighting with the guards considering her attitude.


   But sadly no luck to my hopeless endeavor, I guess I'll just have to kill strange foreign monsters that showed up out of no where to ruin my day. Too be perfectly honest this isn't as unusual as some would except out of a peaceful kingdom like equestria. Strange and deadly creatures pop up all the time around here. Yet strangely we've been able to ignore that presence and keep on going with our lovely little lives. "Seriously...I need a drink," I stated before bringing up my shield and blade again.

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"I'm not really Rave's... friend... but I did know him years ago, and we had no problem with eachother; I'm quite surprised at what he has become... You shouldn't owe me for this, because I'm just happy to feel useful..." As Dax begins to pick up Rave, Sinusoid stops him and puts Rave onto his own back. "You're hardly strong enough to walk, so you shouldn't carry another pony." Waiting for the lift, he answers the request; "My name is... uh... Sinusoid Mixolydian..." He hesatates to say this, as most ponies are confused by his name consisting of obscure and uncommon words. "They're scientific and musical terms, respectively."

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Dax seems hesitant, but ends up helping Sinusoid move Rave onto his back... after all, he was right - Dax felt like he'd been twenty rounds with 'Iron Hoof' Tyson, and as much as he was concerned for Rave, he wasn't exactly in the best shape. 


"Thank you, Sinusoid.  It's good to meet you..."  Dax gave a slight bow.  "And lemme tell you, your timing is excellent!  I don't think we'd have had enough energy between us to do anything but bleed up there."   


"You've got a heckuva unique name; I'll bet you never get mistaken for anyone else, do ya?"  He trotted along calmly, his eyes continuously switching back to look at Rave.


He looks bad... real bad.  But he's alive; that's the important part.  We oughtta get him to someplace he can be healed up properly... 


He said nothing for a moment, then he slowly looked at Sinusoid.  "Did... did I tell you my full name back there?  I think I might have... look, please don't tell anyone else; my family doesn't exactly have the best reputation.  I'd like to keep it quiet, if possible.  Please?"


He offered Sinusoid a crisp green apple from his pack, and poured small splashes of water onto Rave's mouth, trying to get him to drink some.


"Scientific and musical terms... you must be pretty smart, I take it?  Good - I gotta feeling that level heads are hard to find in Manehattan."

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"You did tell me your last name up there, and I honestly think that you should change it; I can immediately tell that you are quite different from the rest of your family, and I also find it rather unusual that families with bad reputations all share a last name, like yours and Rave's." Sinusoid stops as Dax continues to talk, then says, "I'm... not actually very smart; I just do many things that others perceive as intelligent, like... I like to read a lot, nonfiction only; I'm currently building an informationaly dense constructed language; and I do much inventing with Fracture, my... Nevermind that last word." He silently shakes his head, not wanting an apple as offered.

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Dax nodded, and began to crunch on the apple himself.  He regarded Sinusoid, becoming more and more comfortable with the idea of conversing with him... heck, with anypony, to be honest.


"Yeah... it kinda does seem like family can make your life miserable, no matter who you are or where you come from.  I don't hate my family, mind you - but I sure don't approve of their practices.  One of those things, I guess."


He began to wonder if here was the potential for another friend - and was surprised to find himself hopeful.  Actually hopeful.


"I can only think of one place where I'm sure Rave'd get the help he needs, but... well, it's... tricky..." he muttered, wondering how crazy it would be to take him to that base he frequented.  Dax mentally shrugged, yet continued to consider such.


"I've kinda been... following Rave for about a year now.  He was involved in some kinda... well, I still don't know what it was, but there was talk of some kinda 'doomsday device'... someone named Fear... and this weird flying machine I saw.  I dunno, I just... when I met him, Rave seemed more alone than even I was - and I'm kinda pathetic in that regard.  So, I chose to follow him & see if I could work out a way to... well, to be his friend."  He chuckled.  "I think I may have gone a few steps towards proving that, back there."


He gave a small smile, which was becoming easier for him to do.  


"Seriously, though... thank you for all your help.  I guess... you could consider me... well, you know... yeah."  He smiled awkwardly.

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"If you know of a place where Rave can recieve the proper medical attention, it would be the best idea to take him there... I've actially been meaning to follow him since I saw him a few days ago, for the first time in years." In response to Dax's last statement, Sinusoid says, "Actually, I don't know; what can you consider me to be? Speaking of that, what did you mean earlier by 'throwing my name'?"

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Dax chuckled.  "Well, I said I didn't CATCH your name, then implied you didn't THROW it... it was a joke.  Apparently a lame one, at that."


He blushed a bit, embarrassed by how much talking he was doing - this was more conversation than he'd had with anyone in... well, in a very long time.  He felt like he was a bit rusty, but it seemed like Sinusoid didn't mind so much.  A relief, that.


"Well, I don't have many friends... and I was kind of hoping... well, I mean... you could be a friend, too... I mean, if you wanted to, of course. No pressure." 


Dax looked back at Rave and sighed.  "I hope he'll be okay... I mean, he looks rough, but he'll still be Rave... I hope..."  


He kept trotting, munching the green apple and trying not to stumble; he was exhausted, but he wanted to be certain that everything was fine with his friends before he slept.  He'd worked far too hard to make them; he'd be damned if he lost them, even if he never slept again.

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Rave was still unconscious. He was having a dream. 


"You could have been something! You could have been the key to reviving Sombra. You could have brought the Darkmanes back to full power again. Most importantly, you could have revived me again. But you had to care for others. This is what love and friendship does to you. Makes you weak. Do you really expect them to like you? They will never do so. Like I have told you, like you have experienced and know, they will all hate you because of who and what you are. You are a monster and will always be. Friendship and love is nothing but a. Great. Big. Lie. Another form of imprisonment, meant to keep you in check. You disappoint me dearly Rave". 


".... I may disappoint you, but from now on, I do things for myself. Not for you anymore. No longer your way. I make the decisions now and you best keep away from them. I am willing to give things another try. We will see how it turns out". 

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Sinusoid's eyes widen, his only common emotional expression, understanding Dax's joke. "That... that is ingenious; it must become a common phrase."

"Of course I can be your friend... I have few myself."

"I think that Rave will be fine, and it appears that we have surpressed that spirit... or... something... that has clearly been inside of him for a while."

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chaotic looks at the others, "well i guess i should get started." Chaotic said her necklace lighting up. "there all civilians have been removed from manehatten, Scare now has enough energy to walk with out wearing herself out, and i gave you all a special something as an apology for my awful joke. anyway bye." Chaotic then vanished, again.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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As Chaotic vanished, Hits walked out of the guard post. She was wearing a full guards armour, minus the helmet, and had a sword on the back of her chestplate. She walked over to the others, keeping her head down so she didnt see the body, and stood next to them.


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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Chain walked in the guard post looking all around for anything he could use, he even went to the cells but saw a pony in it "why are you in here?" he asked. "well that's good" Banner said as Chaotic vanished then walked next to Scare "I'm still staying by your and Chain still, if that means protecting anypony around you two I will" she took a deep breath "even if you all die..." she said under her breath still thinking there was little hope   

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Scare looked at Banner and smiled,"don't worry nopony else will die, as long as we work together alright," Scare reassured as she hugged Banner.

"so i guess your getting some memories back." Fear said while looking at Scare and Banner.

"just some of them i still don't remember what happened last year,"


Spinner looked at Raindrop, then looked at another Raindrop."I knew these androids were defective, but they preformed exceptionally well in combat. Hm i must commend Raindrop for her androids." Spinner said to herself smiling."time to start phase three."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Another friend.  I made another friend.  Knowing my luck, I'll probably die today - but I can enjoy this for as long as I'm able.  And I plan to.


"Well... I only have three friends - and the majority of 'em are right here."  The smile that rolled across Dax's face started as a sheepish grin, but broadened into a lovely beaming smile.


He knows you're a Blackwater... and he doesn't care.  He really doesn't care - he even said you should change your name.  I don't know about that, but it's nice to know he cares enough to say so.  Heck, I may get the hang of this friend thing sooner than I thought.


Dax's smile sat there for a moment, then his features began to take a more thoughtful look, as if he was working out a problem.


"I think... well, Rave's been going to this... place... lately.  Quite a lot, actually.  I'm thinking we might be able to get him some help there?  If he doesn't wake up soon, it's the only thing I can think of; I don't think he's gonna be happy about being taken to a regular hospital.  I mean, I don't know if he'd mind it... but he does tend to be kinda private, y'know?"


Looking back at Rave, his thoughtful face took on a worried tint.


"Maybe we should stop a moment... I wanna get a better look at him.  He doesn't look well... I mean, d'you see his mane?  It's all... blackened..."  He motioned to a bench on the nearby sidewalk.  "Here - let's look him over; make sure he'll be okay.  I'm not saying you didn't bind him properly... and that magic you used, THAT was incredible... but I'm... well, I'm worried for my friend."  He gave a tiny grin, knowing he looked silly - but not caring.


After all, he was amongst friends.

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Sinusoid is happy, but does not smile. "I'm glad to have met you, then."

He mostly listens to Dax, not being one to talk much unless he is explaining something that he knows much about, for which he would be difficult to stop.

"I understand what you mean by Rave wanting privacy, and we should probably take him to this place, but what is it?"

Hearing the request, he carefully sets Rave down and examines him.

"He appears to be burnt, although I know that this did not happen... My magic isn't very amazing; it's actually just a lot of creative ways to use telekinesis."

Edited by Sinusoid

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Fear turned to the others."lets go with Banner's museum idea there should be enough time to get there before the demons come back."Fear suggested to the group.

"right we must move because they will be back and in greater force and i do not wish for anypony else to get hurt." Scare said in agreement.

  • Brohoof 1


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Banner nodded "I know the shortest way there, we should head there now" she starts walking to the museum by going throw a few alleys. Chain sat there waiting for a response from the person in the jail cell "I have places to be" Chain hands the guy a key ring "don't make me regret this" he says then runs out joining the others  

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"Regret?  Now why would I ever wish that on you?"


The key turned, the cell opened, and the stallion made his way outside.  Breathing in deeply, he laughed at the guard post as he left it behind him.


"So long, turnkeys!  I hope you all get demoted!" 


Trotting after the one who freed him, he put on his most victorious smile.


"You, my friend, have excellent taste in choosing allies!  I thank you for your help!  Not that I couldn't have gotten out on my own... but I just wasn't feeling like it.  Until you came, of course.  Still, many thanks friend!"


He followed along, looking about at the destruction surrounding him.


"Well... looks like a pair of dragons had a scuffle here - and neither won.  Perhaps you plan to tell me what's going on?"

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"how's this guy?" Banner asked "a pony I got out of the guard post, I don't know why he's following me" "well I guess that just adds to are party oh and by the way that building that had that what looked like a giant ball of darkness is on the way to the museum, I don't know if you guys want to avoid that or not" she said to the others. Chain turned his attention to the pony that was now following them "its a long story I can tell on the way" he says the starts to explain everything that happened


(I don't want to make this long with a bunch of , so he just explains the stuff he knows)

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"Well... that's quite a tale."  He listens to the entire story, never speaking a word until the end.  "Of course, any story worth its apples is a good one.  It seems as if you're in a bit of a pickle, here - good thing you brought me along.  I'll be more than happy to lend a hoof - especially if we're headed to the museum.  I was... on my way there myself, you know."


He strode confidently forward, his slick black suit seeming to absorb any light that touched it... not in a magical way; more as if it had been made to be stealthy.


"Since we're all buddy-buddy here, my name is Harcourt... Harcourt Blackwater, at your humble service."  He gave a polite bow.


"Now, what exactly is the plan here... if indeed there is one?"

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