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private The Deminsional War

Scare Effect

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"Oh that sounds interesting. What do you mean by...." *thud* a large sound came from behind Hits. It was Tackle. "I think i got the drinks mixed up again." said Tackle as she laughed uncontrollably.  "What do you mean by that?" asked Hits, concerned for her friend. "I put ruffies in your drink, but then i drank it and now you have  rainbow mane." Tackle tried reaching for Hits mane, but her hoof was smacked away by Hits'. "Again, really?!" She then turned to the two stallions. "I'm sorry about her, but i better get her home. this has been....aquard. I'll see you around." With that, hits picked up the hallucinating mare and carried her home.


After dropping off Tackle at the apartment she shared with her older sister that was situated only 5 minuets from the club, Hits realised it was 2 in the morning, and her house is on the other side of town. Oh Celestia, if i go home at this time and wake my parents up whilst in this sate i'm dead hits thought to herself. What to do, what to do? I got it, i'll just go to lavenders and Cleans, they've let me do this before, they even gave me a key.  She pulled out a set of keys that were in her bow. Ok then, i guess i'll go there.


Hits reached the apartment and unlocked the door. She slipped in quietly and locked it behind her. It was now quarter past two in the morning and Hits could bearably stand. She started to walk to the room she usually slept in when she came here after a night out, the room that was meant for Buzz when he came home. I wonder how Buzz is doing in Applewood? *opens the door* I wonder if he's planning on coming back any time soon? *approaches bed* I wonder if...., what is that noise? Hits then looked at the bed to see Buzz asleep, looking towards the celling, snoring. What! He's back, and he didn't tell me! Why didn't he tell me. Is this real or am i just that drunk. WHAT IS GOING ON! Before she could answer any of her own questions, Hits found she was standing on the bed over Buzz, her face mear cementers away. Even though he was asleep, Buzz noticed there was something standing above him. "Kick?" Buzz said half as he opened his eyes, thinking it was his brother as this seemed like the thing he use to do as a foal. When Buzz opened his eyes fully he saw a familiar face, but an even more familiar set of eyes. S*** Buzz thought to himself. "What are you doing here." Hits said, anger in her voice. "Well, this is my parents house." "I mean why aren't you in Applewood." "Because i'm not" "And why didn't you tell me you were coming back?" "Is that alcohol i smell? Have you been drinking?" With that, Hits collapsed on top of Buzz. "I'm too tired to argue right now." Hits said as she rolled over so she was next to Buzz instead of on top of him. "At least one benefit comes from you being here." "Oh yea, and what's that?" Hits then put her head on Buzz's chest and dug herself in. "Your chest is comfier than any pillow." Buzz grinned at this statement as his cheeks blushed at Hits proximity to him. "We're still going to talk about this in the morning." "That is if you remember any of this tomorrow." Hits couldn't help but grin at the joke as she fell asleep to the beat of Buzz's heart.


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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The two stallions simply watch as Tackle begins to act strangely, and before Hits leaves, Fracture says to her, "It's fine; this wasn't very awkward."

When she exits, Sinusoid says to Fracture, "It's clear what she was trying to do, so I'm quite glad that you didn't make it awkward by telling them--"

Fracture interrupts, "I don't do that as often as you think."

Sinusoid sighs; "Well, the mentioned roofies are another reason that I don't drink, although I would like to experience it once to see what it's like."

"That makes sense... Well, we should leave." Fracture says, goes back to the investigators, and asks, "Will we be leaving soon?"

I wrote this thing.

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"uh I thing we should go home" a little baby vomit came to Chain's mouth "I think we should go home now" he says starting to walk out "yeah it is late, good thing the first meeting you have is at 3:00 pm tommor-" she looked at her watch "I mean today" the two walk out the bar and back to there hotel room and sleep.

Edited by Yoshikupo
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As Yennefer was making her way up the street to the hotel she was staying at during her time in Manehattan, She notices a shadowy figure silently sweeping by the roof tops. She didn't think much of it, Probably just some pagasus.


When she reached the hotel the two guard stallions where waiting for her at the entrence, They opened the door for her and then fallowed her into the building.

Edited by Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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"Alright Fracture and Sinusoid, come with me and detective Scrambled Eggs to our Office for questioning."Scare said as she began to leave but stopped and paid the Bartender. then turned around and walked out of the bar.


Chaotic was flying around manehatten and spotted a pony that looked like Rave on one of the many roof tops, smiling she descended silently until she was right  behind Rave. "Hello Rave fancy meeting you here?" Chaotic said with a smile on her face.



All star Hoof ball Player Swift Hooves was walking home from a party he had at a fellow team mates house. when suddenly she heard creepy laughter coming from behind her looking back she saw pink pegasus with straight hair. seeing this she ran only to bump into a large orange earth pony. Swift screamed but it was short live as the pink Pegasus appeared beside her and with a swift movement decapitated Swift while Appearing not to move at all.

"Silent do you really have take all the fun out of hunting these ponies." the orange pony said to her pegasus partner.

"aw come on Quake you know if you killed her you wouldn't have left evidence and that would anger Spinner." Silent said to Quake the orange pegasus. "now lets get out of here before the cops arrive." with that they left.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Fracture and Sinusoid walk out of the club without another word. Sinusoid follows behind the others outside, looking around like he usually does, when he hears talking from above him, amplified to audibility with his sound magic. He sees two suspicious-looking ponies standing on a balcony, and looks closer to notice one pony's eyes, ones that he had not seen since he was in high school. He suddenly realises who the pony is, and says, "Rave?"

I wrote this thing.

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The events that happened in front of me were ridiculously bizzare and illegal. Who attempts to drug some pony, mess up, then admit you were going to drug them. I was without words and to be perfectly honest trying my best not to laugh. Last time that happened I nearly suffocated in my mask. Finally Scare decided to take our guest in for questioning. The two followed my partner as I did with them. The Manehatten nightly breeze struck me for in me to hold on to my hat. Luckily heavy trench coats can keep one rather warm. Before long I noticed Sinusoid looking intently at the rooftops above us. "Hey whats gotten into you, is something there?" Might as well be careful, I thought to myself as I prepared to summon my magical sword.

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Rave slowly turned around and looked at Chaotic. "Chaotic. What brings you here?" Rave looked at her questioningly. "Something going on again?". "What do you want from me?" he thought to himself. He was not paying attention to the ponies below him anymore. He knew they were in Manehattan now and he would not let an opportunity like that slip away. 

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"why I'm here to check up on an old friend, and possibly stop some other old friends from warping reality other than that, I might need your help with taking the thing their gonna power it up with." Chaotic said with a smile, then looked down,"good to see Scare again i mean your revenge would seem kinda pointless if she died in that explosion right?"


"Who is this Rave? is he somepony i should Know? Because for some odd reason hearing that name makes me feel kinda angry. Any way we have to get moving so we can get to the Office as soon as possible." Scare said then continued to walk towards the office.


Raindrop watched the group from the rooftops completely hidden in the shadows,so that grey pony must be this Scare Effect she doesn't look so tough, but orders are orders, She thought before flying off to tell Spinner here to find Scare.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Rave turned away from Chaotic and looked down again, not ending their conversation though. He saw one of the ponies was looking up, up at him. He gave a smile, revealing his sharp teeth. "I think you are right Chaotic. But how will we get Scare? The cheater seems to posses some kind of undeserved powers. I expect that you have a plan and need me to help you with it?" he said to her. 

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"did you ever think how she could have gotten them in the first place, i mean earth ponies are not capable of surviving a blast of that magnitude. Also how do you know they are undeserved?"Chaotic asks in a curious tone as she too looks down at the ponies as they started to walk away.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"I am not interested in where she got them, since she comes from another world. The matters of another world is not in my interest". He did not turn back when answering her. "Judging by your name, I would have expected you to be more.... chaotical, yet you try to find logic in what I said? She doesn't deserve them since she is not using them to their full potential. This power of her's, it is not a toy. It is undeserved because she doesn't make any effort. She doesn't have to, with those powers, she can ignore any damage, do anything she wants and bully everypony else. Power such as this should not go to a random bully...... a freak..... a hypocrite". "AN EARTH PONY" his mind screamed. He was watching the ponies below him, with a grim expression. 

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"okay so you think because my name is Chaotic i am suppose to be chaotic by nature, now the reason i am trying to find logic in your words is because I have known her since she was little and your reasoning comes off as if you are jealous of her more than anything also take into account i don't want to make you angry because it will only end with more hatred for you to deal with." Chaotic said." Here is something to think about what makes you better than her?"


(OOC Sorry this is becoming a bit too serious For Chaotic's character)


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Rave only shook his head. "If I was jealous of her, I would be hating myself for not being as good. You. Know. Nothing. Nothing. You don't know hatred. I am not jealous of her, I hate her. She has bullied, humiliated and attacked me with little fair justifications behind it. If anything, such power should not exist, it should be destroyed" he stomped his hooves. "I don't care if you know her, I am going to kill her, if that is the last thing I will do. I don't think that I am better than anypony, however, I know when to put others down who are pretending to be bigger than anypony else". He then turned to Chaotic and approached her. "So, if you have any wits, I advice you to drop this before you trigger something unsettling". 

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"Okay fine i will let it drop any way Scare has nothing to do with why i am here." Chaotic sighed, suddenly her hair changes color and she gets a big smile across her face, "so no more boring talking lets meet up tomorrow to talk about the mission so bye Rave." She Called as she spread her wings and flew off.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Sinusoid had listened to Rave and Chaotic's entire conversation, somehow without being thought of as a threat, and memorizes as much as he can. He walks away casually, remembering how, in high school, Rave thought that the world was against him only because of his family. Sinusoid had always thought that it was actually because of his terrible personality and constant hostility, but he is honestly surprised that Rave had still not thought about it logically; If he were not like this, Sinusoid would have nothing against him. He thinks, "I can see why Fracture had hated him so much; what a moron." He gallops to the rest of the group to catch up, about to say something, but deciding not to. "I'm making an assumption;" he thinks, "he's just angry. If I were to tell anyone, and be wrong, I would be hated; I will just try to find him tomorrow, and see if I can talk to him."

Edited by Sinusoid
  • Brohoof 1

I wrote this thing.

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Scare walks up to an office building and unlocked it, and walks up to an office that had her name on it and opened it and waved Fracture and Sinusoid into her office, sitting behind her desk she looks at the ponies in front of her. "Okay Fracture recount what you witness on the night of the murder." Scare asked as she pulled out a pen and note pad preparing to take notes.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Sinusoid pulls a notepad from his vest and stares at it intently as Fracture begins to explain what he had seen on that night; "I was walking to a general store along Seventh Street when I saw the victim encounter a purple unicorn around a corner. At this point, he appeared to have sensed danger, and was about to run when he was approached by another pony that wore a black robe and had a strangely glowing mouth, who stabbed him through the jaw into his brain, killing him." Sinusoid interjects, not looking up from the paper, "The pony must have been quite strong to have stabbed through the victim's cranium, especially from that comparatively weak angle." Fracture finishes, "I ran home after that."

I wrote this thing.

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"Hm interesting so we're dealing with two ponies one purple unicorn and a Black robbed pony possibly an earth pony, only an eart..." Scare was cut off by a telegram coming through, getting up and grabbing the paper. beginning to read it she got a look of surprise then with urgency "Scrambled there has been another murder we have to go check it out. you two go home to rest and we will talk some more tomorrow." Scare said as she grabbed a pair of goggles from her desk and put them on, then she showed them out and nearly dragged Scrambled out the door.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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The testimony given by Fracture didn't seem to have any flaws. I was going to have to re investigate the seem to make sure. My partners eyes widened before she hurriedly took off dragging me with her by the collar. I regained my balance as I followed the mare. Seriously another murder? Two of them in quick succession is practically unheard of in equestria. "Where did this one take place? Do you think we have a serial killer on our hooves?"

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"it took place in upper manehatten, and this victim was a major hoof ball star, and i highly doubt it is the same killer this time the victim was decapitated." Scare said walking in the direction of the crime scene. why is there two murders on quick succession of one another?  Scare thought.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"The last pony murdered was the chief of justice. It seems the fellows that were murdered recently had titles of value. Whoever is doing the killing might be doing so to get a reaction out of the public or some pony. However at this point anything is possible." I said as I followed my partner to the crime scene.

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Banner was walking with her secret hunting gear like she always did before dawn, using the shadows as cover as well as wearing a cloak. however is responsible for these murders I will find them she thought I don't care if there all one pony or multiple. she stopped as she heard the sounds of police around the corner. there close enough to hear she thought lucky break

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Scare nodded her head to her partner's insight. when duo reached the crime it had several cops and guards keeping ponies away, they approached on of the guards and showed them their badges the guard let them in. "Okay Scrambled you go talk to the witnesses, while i look for some clues." Scare said to her partner as she walked toward the middle of the scene. Looking closely at the scene she took in the damage done and what appears to be four hoof prints indented in dirt. getting up she walked to the edge of the crime scene and found a bright pink feather. then she looked down a dark alley that she couldn't see down so she reached up to the goggles on her head and put them on the goggles made the dark alley as bright as day, she saw what appears to be letter taped at the end of a power box ot the end of the building so she walked over and grabbed it. "hm why would this letter be here if it was not meant to be found,: Scare said out loud then opened it,


Dear Scare,

                                               my, my you are a good detective Scare you managed to find my letter, any way this is a warning old friend you are in grave danger the six corrupted ones are after you and you cannot stop them alone you need help. also good luck.


                                                                                                                                                  Your Old Friend,


Who is this F and who are the corrupted ones? Scare thought as she rounded the corner, running into somepony who was hiding there.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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The stallions stand to leave, Sinusoid saying, "Okay, I guess that we'll leave then. And, with this coincidence, it's likely enough that there might be a third murder."

They walk out of the building with Sinusoid still looking at his notepad. "This is stupidly difficult."

Fracture replies, "Sinu, you've been working on that for months, and I'm beginning to think that it's a waste of time."

"You may be right, but it's more productive than games."

"True... Let's sleep when we get home; we have severely compromized schedules."

"Yes." Sinusoid is no longer listening, busy thinking about what Rave could be planning to do.

I wrote this thing.

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