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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

private The Deminsional War

Scare Effect

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Dax blinked and rubbed his sore head.  "That... hurt."  His eyes refocused and uncrossed as he got to his hooves.  He looked around at the others, then slowly walked over to Rave, looking worried.


"Rave, you... you look awful.  Please, let me help you?  I have a first-aid kit in my bag... but I don't want to go against your wishes on this.  I'm... I'm asking permission, here; PLEASE let me help you."  He reached into the satchel, putting the sword away & pulling out the medical kit.


"I'm not saying you aren't able to... well, to help yourself here - but you look pretty banged up.  And I don't think all this is from... well, I just... look, I'm concerned about you, Rave.  Really, I am.  We should talk later, if... that's okay?"


He looked over towards Chaotic, and gave a small, weary smile.  "Thanks, Chaotic - I appreciate it."  The look in his eye was quite pleasant, and she could tell he meant every word of it.


He gave Hits a cursory glance, nodded, then looked to Chaotic again.  "Might you see if she needs help, please?"  This said, he turned his focus back to Rave.


"Please let me help you, Rave - please?"

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Rave was still a bit dizzy after the teleport, but he soon got angry. "I HAD THAT LITTLE MONGREL. YOU LET THAT MONGREL LIVE. Well.... Chaotic did at least. Where is that sad excuse for a pony? She let that pony get away. I have had enough of ponies insulting me, pretending that other magic is better than dark magic. NO MAGIC is better than dark magic. None. At. All......... I would have ripped the throat of that little foal. I would have gorged upon the flesh. I---" Rave shook his head. His voice had changed slightly in the end, becoming deeper, but he seemed ok now. "I will destroy those pretending to be better than other ponies". Rave was bleeding, however, instead of the normal red of blood, black liquid seemed to be leaking. He was still heavily influenced and affected by dark magic. He looked forward, but he did not seem to be looking at anything in particular. It was as if he was blind, he looked like as if he could not see, or at least as if he was stuck in a dream. 

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"Rave?"  Dax waved a hoof in front of Rave's face, the worried look on his own muzzle growing more & more so with each moment.


He's going insane, and whatever it is inside him is starting to crack the seams, he thought to himself.  Dax didn't ask any further questions; he got the bandages & ointment from the kit & began to attempt to carefully put them on Rave's cuts.


"Rave?  It's me, Dax... if you remember me, that is.  You don't look so... so good.  I think you're... maybe you... *sigh* you look like you're falling apart.  Please, let me..."


Dax simply sighed and tried to treat and bandage Rave's wounds, wondering if Rave even knew where he was...

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Chain, Fracture, and Sinusoid were hiding in a near by building to the machine. Chain and Fracture were discussing plans about how they would destroy that machine while Sinusoid was tasked with getting supplies to help us...in what ever plan we could come up with "if banner is anywhere in side this city I can contact her, that's just what I'm going to do before we start accounting for other supplies we can get" Banner! if your there go to 351 Equine way, your friends are here he sent the massage hoping Banner would hear it.


"I agree with fear maybe with some rest she can-" she said before stopping to hear Chain's voice in her head "there is no time to explain but we need to get to 351 Equine way, are friends are there"

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Rave just stared forward at nothing. He then finally fell forward and onto the ground. He looked up. "I need my magic to recharge a bit". He hoofed out a black crystal from his saddlebag and started to draw magic from it. "I need more, I need more" he said to himself and then got up shaking. "I will take on everything they send against me". He coughed a bit violently and growled. 

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"Okay Banner lead the way i will carry Scare there." Fear said as she picked up Scare and began following Banner to the street she talked about once there the street had ten demon ponies on it. "well we have to get around them, trying to fight them now would be a bad idea because with scare weak like this."


(OOC: In the ooc i edited in the types of magic being used in the Rp and i suggest looking at it, because it points out strengths and flaws of each type. and also explains Scare's magic as well, I will edit it if need be.)


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Dax continued to try to bandage Rave's wounds, and he gave the black crystal a worried look as it was removed from the bag.


"Um, Rave?  I don't... uhm, I..."


How do I tell him that I think that stuff's killing him?  Is there even a way to make him see it?  I should say something, but what if he thinks I'm trying to pry it away from him, like he says all the others are doing?  I mean, I don't want him to hate me... but, still... still...


Dax finished up the bandaging as best as he could, then moved directly into Rave's line of sight.


"Hey, look - I'm really getting worried about you here.  You look a mess, and you're barely standing on four hooves... you're in bad shape, Rave.  I think-"


He breathed a long sigh, then (for once) got a firm look on his face as he looked Rave right in the eyes... those scary, scary eyes...


"Rave, you have GOT to slow down.  I'm serious.  I'm not telling you to stop - what you do is your business, I know - but for the sake of... of... dammit, for the sake of you being able to stay alive long enough to seek... I dunno, revenge?... on those who've done you wrong, you have GOT to rest.  If you... die... who's going to do what needs to be done for your, uhm, 'agenda'?  If you want to see any of your plans realized, you have got to find your center and think about what you're doing to yourself."


Dax stood there, the stern look on his face at odds with the concern in his eyes & words.

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Rave stood there, looking at Dax surprised, then a grim expression returned on his face. He walked past him. "Why do you even care? I don't know you, I have not interacted a lot with you, we barely know each other. You got nothing to worry about but yourself. That is what all ponies do". He looked around, trying to just find something to do, hoping to run into the pony he had just fought. He gritted his teeth as his body was still full of pain. 

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Banner thought a bit if we go on the roof we can be seen easily, if we try to sneak throw the center no doubt we would get caught. banner sighed "I don't know how to get throw, if we had a distraction then that would be great"


Chain saw all the demons outside and hoped that Banner had a plan where ever she was 

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Dax bristled, and stepped in front of Rave again.


"You wanna know why?  I'll tell you why - because we aren't that far apart, you and I.  Our families both have bad things associated with them, and we're both considered outcasts because of it!  Granted, you may indeed have it worse than I do, yeah... but there but for the grace of oats go I, y'know?  I may not know exactly what's it's like for you, but chances are I have a better chance than most of having even the smallest inkling of how you feel, Rave.  The scorn.  The loneliness.  The ache in your heart when you see anypony who has friends to count on - to DEPEND on.  I've been struggling all my life to outpace that feeling, and I - to this day - have only made a single, solitary friend in this whole world... but I don't want to take that out on the world."


"You do... and I understand enough that I won't... heck, I can't stop you.  So, if you think I have some 'hidden agenda' in all this, you can stuff that right up your feedsack - I see so much of what I could have been in you, and I... I want to help you.  I want to be there for you like nopony was there for me.  I want to back you up, even if you're doing things others don't like or approve of, because I know what it's like to be alone in this world..."


Dax let the tears flow down his muzzle.


"... because I want to be... your... friend."


He waited to see what would happen now... shaking in his horseshoes, expecting the worst, hoping for the best.

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Rave looked away. "I am sorry that you have had such a hard time. However, I have tried friendship before... and it hasn't. worked. out. I know what friendship really is. It is fake, betraying, hurtful" he was approaching Dax, face to face with him, the faces only centimeters (or inches) away from each other. "Friendship is nothing but imprisonment. In the end... no one really cares. You are forgotten or you are used and then turned against. So I advice you to drop this. I know you don't really want to be my friend. If you do, it is only because you are desperate for a friend and don't care who they are. You don't know me, you don't know what I am like. I am the monster everypony wants me to be. If I wanted a friend, I would want him to want to be my friend for who I really am. That is it". With that, he turned away and walked. 

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Fear put Scare on Banner's back."I will be the distraction, you need to get Scare inside." Fear said as she slowly walked forward then she ran down the street yelling at the demons as she ran the demon began chasing her. out of sight Fear turned and prepared to fight.


Chaotic looked at Hits, "hey miss are you Okay do you need medical attention?" Chaotic asked the frightened mare."if not can you please tell me your name so i don't have to call you miss. also there is no need to be scared the evil pony is gone."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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As Rave walked away, Dax fought against the sobs that were choking his throat.  He shut his eyes, took a deep breath and said the only thing he could think of to say to Rave's retreating backside:


"... so it justifies you treating me the way you say others treat you, is that it?"

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Rave turned his head. "If I am treating you like those "others" you mention, I am not noticing it. Have I really been targeting you? Calling you out for your flaws? Trying my darn best to run you down for picking on me or others? No, I haven't. I am trying to end this discussion once and for all. If you are talking about the friendship part, I won't really be replying to that. You have heard my opinion, it won't be changing. Besides, if you really feel like I am treating you in some kind of way.... don't talk with me. Sooner or later, everypony who does gets hurt. So LEAVE ME ALONE". With that, he shadowmorphed and dove into the ground, becoming like a shade and went along the streets until he came to a building, racing up the walls and then coming on top of the roof, where he morphed back to normal. He felt a lot of pain, getting away from there had cost him a lot of energy. He lied down to rest. 

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Dax hung his head.


"... but I DO want to like you for who you are... if you'll just let me..." he said to the ground at his feet.


He sat down, frustrated, angry, miserable... 


... but not beaten.  Not yet.


Dax let the tears flow, but didn't make a sound.  He thought about things as they were, as he wished they would be... and tried to think of a way to make it so.


What do I have to do, Rave?  I mean, I've been following you for a whole year now; how do I get you to see that I hate the pain, too?  How do I get you to see that I have to fight the hate every single day?  How can I help you to understand that I DO know what you're saying... and that's why I want to be the kind of friend who doesn't do those awful things?


He hoped that wherever Rave was, he was resting.  And he hoped his fat mouth hadn't just lost him the friend he wanted in Rave.


Mostly, he hoped he still had a chance.  

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"I guess she thought this would fix her mistakes by doing this, we don't have time to dwell on it lets go" she said running inside the building. Chain saw it all "Banner I don't know a lot of what's going on but I'm glad that your here, is that that pony you were talking with at the club?" Chain asked "also how was that pony how ran down the street yelling?" "I can explain but first we need to get this pony to a bed" she said walking to what she thought was a bedroom

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Fear stared down the demons"you are not gonna keep me from helping Scare. Now bring it on" Fear said as she crouched into a defensive position. the first demon flew at her full speed, Fear dodged and brought her hoof down slamming the demon three feet into the concrete, "whose next!?" Fear growled readying for another attack. this time three demons charged at her more cautiously than the first one but still fast, Fear jumped out of the way of one while knocking another in to a wagon, Fear got ready again but the remaining six demons joined the other two and began whirling around Fear creating a vortex that was trying to pick her up, the demons began to attack her from all side, stabbing at her, cutting into her flesh. then she was knock down by a demon getting back up her eyes glowed red. "I HAD ENOUGH OF THIS!!!" Fear cried as she teleported. then suddenly a demon was decapitated, another with a hole in his chest, the other demons saw this and began to flee, but they didn't get too far before they dropped dead one by one each suffering a brutal death. then Fear reappeared covered in blood."I need to get back to the others." Fear then ran back to the building still covered in demon blood.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Buzz had stayed back, covering the groups back as they got Scare to safety.He stayed back long enough to see Fear brutily kill each of the deamon ponies in the street. "I guess old habits die hard" Buzz told himself as he troted towards the others, making note to keep sn eye on Fear.




"Im Classic Hits" said Hits, stuttering from the shock of what had just happened. "I think im ok, but i feel a bit sick. Is that normal? It's just i've never done, that before." Hits then looked past the pegasus towards Rave and the pony that had tried to help her. "What are tgey arguing about?" Hits asked as she got up on all fours.


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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Sinusoid had stopped listening to Fracture and Chain's conversation a while ago, had walked outside, and had been watching the building that Spinner was in, giving himself a full range of vision by bending the light coming through the broken window to his eyes, using refraction via changing the density of air with his sound magic. He had watched Rave in awe for the whole time, surprised at how powerful he had become with dark magic, and thinking that he somehow must befriend him.

Sinusoid presently telekinetically pulls the residual pieces of broken glass from the window frame while climbing up and through, into the building. Fracture just now realizes that Sinusoid had left, as he was too engrossed in his technical explanations in his conversation with Chain. He stands and says, "I'm sorry to end this discussion, but he left." Fracture follows Sinusoid into the building with the machine through the window, and as he drops in, he finds Sinusoid heavily examining the machine.

"I'm glad that you finally realized that I went here; you should have known that I wouldn't let myself break that window in vain. Also, I need a mid-sized phillips screwdriver."

I wrote this thing.

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"you know it isn't very smart to come in here." Said a voice behind sinusoid and fracture. it was spectrum."Please leave or i will have no choice but to hurt you." Spectrum said with a sad look on her face.

"She's giving you a choice boys leave and live or stay and die." a purple alicorn said from on top of some boxes.


"They are just arguing." Chaotic said with a laugh,"anyway my name is Chaotic Flier, nice to meet ya."Chaotic said while helping Hits to her hooves.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"Anythiing in particular?" asked Hits, knowing the question was personal but was trying to make conversation so she didnt freak out largly like she does at the fact that she was now on a rooftop, after teleporting, with 3 strange ponies whilst dragons and daemons destroyed her home city. "Because it seems treaty intense, and emotional." She pointed to the black and green earth pony who was crying. She wanted to go over to him and see if he was ok, but didn't want to get involved in the argument. "Ill just wait till they're finished." Hits thought.


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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Rave woke up a few moments later, a pool of black liquid had formed around him. He had been bleeding the whole time. He felt really weak. He performed a spell that closed most of the wounds, but he had lost a lot of blood. "I will get my revenge. I will show them, I am not a weakling, I will show them all. I will get my revenge. No one gets off the hook". 

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Hits rushed over to Rave, standing in front of him as he lay on the floor, in a pool of his own blood. "Rave, are you ok?" asked Hits waving her hoof in front of his face. "Do you need any help? Has anypony got some water they can give him?" Hits then tried to help Rave get back on his hooves and moving again. 


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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"Hits? How in Equestria did you get all the way up here? I remembered that I flew away from you guys to escape all of this drama and pointless accusations. I---" he got dizzy again and became pale and started to stumble a bit. "Ughhh... I don't feel so good" he said with a rather raspy voice. "Perhaps I should have learned Blood magic from my brother, it would have been good for a situation like this". 

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Chain was a bit pissed because Fracture left to go to the warehouse without a plan and without the rest of us "they need know that he should not do this crap alone...well without all of us" "yeah we know Chain he was reckless, lets just hope he's alive" "I'm not going to rush out of here to chase him, its his fault" Chain said "I never thought I would hear you say that" Banner said putting Scare on a bed

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